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synced 2025-03-23 23:40:12 +01:00
This change adds support for: - Protocol and request handling. - Loading and navigation events. - Display and focus events. - Mouse/keyboard events. - Popup browsers. - Callbacks in the renderer process. - Misc. functionality required for ceftests. This change also adds a new CefBrowserProcessHandler::GetCookieableSchemes callback for configuring global state that will be applied to all CefCookieManagers by default. This global callback is currently required by the chrome runtime because the primary ProfileImpl is created via ChromeBrowserMainParts::PreMainMessageLoopRun (CreatePrimaryProfile) before OnContextCreated can be called. ProfileImpl will use the "C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Local\CEF\User Data\Default" directory by default (on Windows). Cookies may persist in this directory when running ceftests and may need to be manually deleted if those tests fail. Remaining work includes: - Support for client-created request contexts. - Embedding the browser in a Views hierarchy (cefclient support). - TryCloseBrowser and DoClose support. - Most of the CefSettings configuration. - DevTools protocol and window control (ShowDevTools, ExecuteDevToolsMethod). - CEF-specific WebUI pages (about, license, webui-hosts). - Context menu customization (CefContextMenuHandler). - Auto resize (SetAutoResizeEnabled). - Zoom settings (SetZoomLevel). - File dialog runner (RunFileDialog). - File and JS dialog handlers (CefDialogHandler, CefJSDialogHandler). - Extension loading (LoadExtension, etc). - Plugin loading (OnBeforePluginLoad). - Widevine loading (CefRegisterWidevineCdm). - PDF and print preview does not display. - Crash reporting is untested. - Mac: Web content loads but does not display. The following ceftests are now passing when run with the "--enable-chrome-runtime" command-line flag: CorsTest.* DisplayTest.*:-DisplayTest.AutoResize DOMTest.* DraggableRegionsTest.* ImageTest.* MessageRouterTest.* NavigationTest.* ParserTest.* RequestContextTest.*Global* RequestTest.* ResourceManagerTest.* ResourceRequestHandlerTest.* ResponseTest.* SchemeHandlerTest.* ServerTest.* StreamResourceHandlerTest.* StreamTest.* StringTest.* TaskTest.* TestServerTest.* ThreadTest.* URLRequestTest.*Global* V8Test.*:-V8Test.OnUncaughtExceptionDevTools ValuesTest.* WaitableEventTest.* XmlReaderTest.* ZipReaderTest.*
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// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights
// reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can
// be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "libcef/common/cef_switches.h"
namespace switches {
// Severity of messages to log.
const char kLogSeverity[] = "log-severity";
const char kLogSeverity_Verbose[] = "verbose";
const char kLogSeverity_Info[] = "info";
const char kLogSeverity_Warning[] = "warning";
const char kLogSeverity_Error[] = "error";
const char kLogSeverity_Fatal[] = "fatal";
const char kLogSeverity_Disable[] = "disable";
// Path to resources directory.
const char kResourcesDirPath[] = "resources-dir-path";
// Path to locales directory.
const char kLocalesDirPath[] = "locales-dir-path";
// Path to locales directory.
const char kDisablePackLoading[] = "disable-pack-loading";
// Stack size for uncaught exceptions.
const char kUncaughtExceptionStackSize[] = "uncaught-exception-stack-size";
// Default encoding.
const char kDefaultEncoding[] = "default-encoding";
// Disable JavaScript.
const char kDisableJavascript[] = "disable-javascript";
// Disable closing of windows via JavaScript.
const char kDisableJavascriptCloseWindows[] =
// Disable clipboard access via JavaScript.
const char kDisableJavascriptAccessClipboard[] =
// Disable DOM paste via JavaScript execCommand("paste").
const char kDisableJavascriptDomPaste[] = "disable-javascript-dom-paste";
// Allow universal access from file URLs.
const char kAllowUniversalAccessFromFileUrls[] =
// Disable loading of images from the network. A cached image will still be
// rendered if requested.
const char kDisableImageLoading[] = "disable-image-loading";
// Shrink stand-alone images to fit.
const char kImageShrinkStandaloneToFit[] = "image-shrink-standalone-to-fit";
// Disable resizing of text areas.
const char kDisableTextAreaResize[] = "disable-text-area-resize";
// Disable using the tab key to advance focus to links.
const char kDisableTabToLinks[] = "disable-tab-to-links";
// Disable plugins.
const char kDisablePlugins[] = "disable-plugins";
// Persist session cookies.
const char kPersistSessionCookies[] = "persist-session-cookies";
// Persist user preferences.
const char kPersistUserPreferences[] = "persist-user-preferences";
// Enable media (WebRTC audio/video) streaming.
const char kEnableMediaStream[] = "enable-media-stream";
// Enable speech input (x-webkit-speech).
const char kEnableSpeechInput[] = "enable-speech-input";
// Enable the speech input profanity filter.
const char kEnableProfanityFilter[] = "enable-profanity-filter";
// Disable spell checking.
const char kDisableSpellChecking[] = "disable-spell-checking";
// Enable the remote spelling service.
const char kEnableSpellingService[] = "enable-spelling-service";
// Override the default spellchecking language which comes from locales.pak.
const char kOverrideSpellCheckLang[] = "override-spell-check-lang";
// Enable detection and use of a system-wide Pepper Flash install.
const char kEnableSystemFlash[] = "enable-system-flash";
// Disable scroll bounce (rubber-banding) on OS X Lion and newer.
const char kDisableScrollBounce[] = "disable-scroll-bounce";
// Disable the PDF extension.
const char kDisablePdfExtension[] = "disable-pdf-extension";
// Path to Widevine CDM binaries.
const char kWidevineCdmPath[] = "widevine-cdm-path";
// Default plugin policy action.
const char kPluginPolicy[] = "plugin-policy";
// Allow the content. This is the default value.
const char kPluginPolicy_Allow[] = "allow";
// Allow important content and block unimportant content based on heuristics.
// The user can manually load blocked content.
const char kPluginPolicy_Detect[] = "detect";
// Block the content. The user can manually load blocked content.
const char kPluginPolicy_Block[] = "block";
// Expose preferences used only by unit tests.
const char kEnablePreferenceTesting[] = "enable-preference-testing";
// Enable print preview.
const char kEnablePrintPreview[] = "enable-print-preview";
// Disable the timeout for delivering new browser info to the renderer process.
const char kDisableNewBrowserInfoTimeout[] = "disable-new-browser-info-timeout";
// File used for logging DevTools protocol messages.
const char kDevToolsProtocolLogFile[] = "devtools-protocol-log-file";
// Enable use of the Chrome runtime in CEF. See issue #2969 for details.
const char kEnableChromeRuntime[] = "enable-chrome-runtime";
// Delegate all login requests to the client GetAuthCredentials callback when
// using the Chrome runtime.
const char kDisableChromeLoginPrompt[] = "disable-chrome-login-prompt";
#if defined(OS_MAC)
// Path to the framework directory.
const char kFrameworkDirPath[] = "framework-dir-path";
const char kMainBundlePath[] = "main-bundle-path";
} // namespace switches