
273 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "include/cef_request_context_handler.h"
#include "libcef/browser/iothread_state.h"
#include "libcef/browser/request_context_handler_map.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "chrome/common/plugin.mojom.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/network_context.mojom.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
// Classes used in request processing (network, storage, service, etc.):
// WC = WebContents
// Content API representation of a browser. Created by BHI or the system (for
// popups) and owned by BHI. Keeps a pointer to the content::BrowserContext.
// BHI = AlloyBrowserHostImpl
// Implements the CefBrowser and CefBrowserHost interfaces which are exposed
// to clients. References an RCI instance. Owns a WC. Lifespan is controlled
// by client references and CefBrowserInfoManager (until the browser has
// closed).
// RCI = CefRequestContextImpl
// Implements the CefRequestContext interface which is exposed to clients.
// Creates or references a BC. Lifespan is controlled by client references and
// BrowserMainParts (for the global RCI).
// BC = CefBrowserContext
// Is/owns the content::BrowserContext which is the entry point from WC.
// Owns the IOTS and creates the SPI indirectly. Potentially shared by
// multiple RCI. Deletes itself when no longer needed by RCI.
// SPI = content::StoragePartitionImpl
// Owns storage-related objects like Quota, IndexedDB, Cache, etc. Created by
// StoragePartitionImplMap::Get(). Life span is controlled indirectly by BC.
// IOTS = CefIOThreadState
// Stores state for access on the IO thread. Life span is controlled by BC.
// Relationship diagram:
// ref = reference (CefRefPtr/scoped_refptr)
// own = ownership (std::unique_ptr)
// ptr = raw pointer
// BHI -ref-> RCI -ptr-> BC -own-> SPI, IOTS
// ^
// BHI -own-> WC -ptr--/
// How shutdown works:
// 1. AlloyBrowserHostImpl::DestroyBrowser is called on the UI thread after the
// browser is closed and deletes the WebContents.
// 1. AlloyBrowserHostImpl is destroyed on any thread when the last reference
// is released.
// 2. CefRequestContextImpl is destroyed (possibly asynchronously) on the UI
// thread when the last reference is released.
// 3. CefBrowserContext is destroyed on the UI thread when no longer needed
// by any CefRequestContextImpl (via RemoveCefRequestContext).
// 4. CefIOThreadState is destroyed asynchronously on the IO thread after
// the owning CefBrowserContext is destroyed.
namespace content {
class BrowserContext;
class CefMediaRouterManager;
class CefRequestContextImpl;
class Profile;
// Main entry point for configuring behavior on a per-RequestContext basis. The
// content::BrowserContext represented by this class is passed to
// WebContents::Create in AlloyBrowserHostImpl::CreateInternal. Only accessed on
// the UI thread unless otherwise indicated.
class CefBrowserContext {
// Returns the existing instance, if any, associated with the specified
// |cache_path|.
static CefBrowserContext* FromCachePath(const base::FilePath& cache_path);
// Returns the existing instance, if any, associated with the specified IDs.
// See comments on IsAssociatedContext() for usage.
static CefBrowserContext* FromIDs(int render_process_id,
int render_frame_id,
int frame_tree_node_id,
bool require_frame_match);
// Returns the underlying CefBrowserContext if any.
static CefBrowserContext* FromBrowserContext(
const content::BrowserContext* context);
static CefBrowserContext* FromProfile(const Profile* profile);
// Returns all existing CefBrowserContext.
static std::vector<CefBrowserContext*> GetAll();
// Returns the content and chrome layer representations of the context.
virtual content::BrowserContext* AsBrowserContext() = 0;
virtual Profile* AsProfile() = 0;
// Called from CefRequestContextImpl to track associated objects. This
// object will delete itself when the count reaches zero.
void AddCefRequestContext(CefRequestContextImpl* context);
virtual void RemoveCefRequestContext(CefRequestContextImpl* context);
// Called from CefRequestContextImpl::OnRenderFrameCreated.
void OnRenderFrameCreated(CefRequestContextImpl* request_context,
int render_process_id,
int render_frame_id,
int frame_tree_node_id,
bool is_main_frame,
bool is_guest_view);
// Called from CefRequestContextImpl::OnRenderFrameDeleted.
void OnRenderFrameDeleted(CefRequestContextImpl* request_context,
int render_process_id,
int render_frame_id,
int frame_tree_node_id,
bool is_main_frame,
bool is_guest_view);
// Returns the handler that matches the specified IDs. Pass -1 for unknown
// values. If |require_frame_match| is true only exact matches will be
// returned. If |require_frame_match| is false, and there is not an exact
// match, then the first handler for the same |render_process_id| will be
// returned.
CefRefPtr<CefRequestContextHandler> GetHandler(
int render_process_id,
int render_frame_id,
int frame_tree_node_id,
bool require_frame_match) const;
// Returns true if this context is associated with the specified IDs. Pass -1
// for unknown values. If |require_frame_match| is true only exact matches
// will qualify. If |require_frame_match| is false, and there is not an exact
// match, then any match for |render_process_id| will qualify.
bool IsAssociatedContext(int render_process_id,
int render_frame_id,
int frame_tree_node_id,
bool require_frame_match) const;
// Remember the plugin load decision for plugin status requests that arrive
// via CefPluginServiceFilter::IsPluginAvailable.
void AddPluginLoadDecision(int render_process_id,
const base::FilePath& plugin_path,
bool is_main_frame,
const url::Origin& main_frame_origin,
chrome::mojom::PluginStatus status);
bool HasPluginLoadDecision(int render_process_id,
const base::FilePath& plugin_path,
bool is_main_frame,
const url::Origin& main_frame_origin,
chrome::mojom::PluginStatus* status) const;
// Clear the plugin load decisions associated with |render_process_id|, or all
// plugin load decisions if |render_process_id| is -1.
void ClearPluginLoadDecision(int render_process_id);
// Called from CefRequestContextImpl methods of the same name.
void RegisterSchemeHandlerFactory(const CefString& scheme_name,
const CefString& domain_name,
CefRefPtr<CefSchemeHandlerFactory> factory);
void ClearSchemeHandlerFactories();
// TODO(chrome-runtime): Make these extension methods pure virtual.
virtual void LoadExtension(const CefString& root_directory,
CefRefPtr<CefDictionaryValue> manifest,
CefRefPtr<CefExtensionHandler> handler,
CefRefPtr<CefRequestContext> loader_context);
virtual bool GetExtensions(std::vector<CefString>& extension_ids);
virtual CefRefPtr<CefExtension> GetExtension(const CefString& extension_id);
// Called from CefExtensionImpl::Unload().
virtual bool UnloadExtension(const CefString& extension_id);
// Returns true if this context supports print preview.
virtual bool IsPrintPreviewSupported() const;
network::mojom::NetworkContext* GetNetworkContext();
CefMediaRouterManager* GetMediaRouterManager();
using CookieableSchemes = base::Optional<std::vector<std::string>>;
// Returns the schemes associated with this context specifically, or the
// global configuration if unset.
CookieableSchemes GetCookieableSchemes() const;
static CookieableSchemes GetGlobalCookieableSchemes();
// These accessors are safe to call from any thread because the values don't
// change during this object's lifespan.
const CefRequestContextSettings& settings() const { return settings_; }
base::FilePath cache_path() const { return cache_path_; }
scoped_refptr<CefIOThreadState> iothread_state() const {
return iothread_state_;
// Used to hold a WeakPtr reference to this this object. The Getter returns
// nullptr if this object has already been destroyed.
using Getter = base::RepeatingCallback<CefBrowserContext*()>;
Getter getter() const { return getter_; }
explicit CefBrowserContext(const CefRequestContextSettings& settings);
virtual ~CefBrowserContext();
// Will be called immediately after this object is created.
virtual void Initialize();
// Will be called immediately before this object is deleted.
virtual void Shutdown();
// Members initialized during construction or Initialize() are safe to access
// from any thread.
const CefRequestContextSettings settings_;
base::FilePath cache_path_;
scoped_refptr<CefIOThreadState> iothread_state_;
CookieableSchemes cookieable_schemes_;
std::unique_ptr<CefMediaRouterManager> media_router_manager_;
// CefRequestContextImpl objects referencing this object.
std::set<CefRequestContextImpl*> request_context_set_;
// Map IDs to CefRequestContextHandler objects.
CefRequestContextHandlerMap handler_map_;
// Map (render_process_id, plugin_path, is_main_frame, main_frame_origin) to
// plugin load decision.
typedef std::map<
std::pair<std::pair<int, base::FilePath>, std::pair<bool, url::Origin>>,
PluginLoadDecisionMap plugin_load_decision_map_;
// Set of (render_process_id, render_frame_id) associated with this context.
typedef std::set<std::pair<int, int>> RenderIdSet;
RenderIdSet render_id_set_;
// Set of frame_tree_node_id associated with this context. Keeping this list
// is necessary because, when navigating the main frame, a new (pre-commit)
// network request will be created before the RenderFrameHost. Consequently we
// can't rely on valid render IDs. See https://crbug.com/776884 for
// background.
typedef std::set<int> NodeIdSet;
NodeIdSet node_id_set_;
bool is_shutdown_ = false;
Getter getter_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<CefBrowserContext> weak_ptr_factory_;