Marshall Greenblatt 0fb8a5f1ea Add support for direct DevTools protocol messaging (fixes issue #2961).
This change allows the client to directly send and receive DevTools
protocol messages (send method calls, and receive method results and
events) without requiring a DevTools front-end or remote-debugging

This change includes additional supporting changes:
- Add a new CefRequestHandler::OnDocumentAvailableInMainFrame
  callback (see issue #1454).
- Add a CefParseJSON variant that accepts a UTF8-encoded buffer.
- Add a `--devtools-protocol-log-file=<path>` command-line flag for
  logging protocol messages sent to/from the DevTools front-end
  while it is displayed. This is useful for understanding existing
  DevTools protocol usage.
- Add a new "libcef_static_unittests" executable target to support
  light-weight unit tests of libcef_static internals (e.g. without
  requiring exposure via the CEF API). Files to be unittested are
  placed in the new "libcef_static_unittested" source_set which is
  then included by both the existing libcef_static library and the
  new unittests executable target.
- Linux: Remove use_bundled_fontconfig=false, which is no longer
  required and causes unittest build errors (see issue #2424).

This change also adds a cefclient demo for configuring offline mode
using the DevTools protocol (fixes issue #245). This is controlled
by the "Offline mode" context menu option and the `--offline`
command-line switch which will launch cefclient in offline mode. When
cefclient is offline all network requests will fail with
ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED and navigator.onLine will return false when
called from JavaScript in any frame. This mode is per-browser so
newly created browser windows will have the default mode. Note that
configuring offline mode in this way will not update the Network tab
UI ("Throtting" option) in a displayed DevTools front-end instance.
2020-06-19 22:17:11 -04:00

66 lines
2.3 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights
// reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can
// be found in the LICENSE file.
// Defines all the "cef" command-line switches.
#pragma once
#include "build/build_config.h"
namespace switches {
extern const char kLogSeverity[];
extern const char kLogSeverity_Verbose[];
extern const char kLogSeverity_Info[];
extern const char kLogSeverity_Warning[];
extern const char kLogSeverity_Error[];
extern const char kLogSeverity_Fatal[];
extern const char kLogSeverity_Disable[];
extern const char kResourcesDirPath[];
extern const char kLocalesDirPath[];
extern const char kDisablePackLoading[];
extern const char kUncaughtExceptionStackSize[];
extern const char kDefaultEncoding[];
extern const char kDisableJavascript[];
extern const char kDisableJavascriptCloseWindows[];
extern const char kDisableJavascriptAccessClipboard[];
extern const char kDisableJavascriptDomPaste[];
extern const char kAllowUniversalAccessFromFileUrls[];
extern const char kDisableImageLoading[];
extern const char kImageShrinkStandaloneToFit[];
extern const char kDisableTextAreaResize[];
extern const char kDisableTabToLinks[];
extern const char kDisablePlugins[];
extern const char kPersistSessionCookies[];
extern const char kPersistUserPreferences[];
extern const char kEnableMediaStream[];
extern const char kEnableSpeechInput[];
extern const char kEnableProfanityFilter[];
extern const char kDisableSpellChecking[];
extern const char kEnableSpellingService[];
extern const char kOverrideSpellCheckLang[];
extern const char kEnableSystemFlash[];
extern const char kDisableScrollBounce[];
extern const char kDisablePdfExtension[];
extern const char kWidevineCdmPath[];
extern const char kPluginPolicy[];
extern const char kPluginPolicy_Allow[];
extern const char kPluginPolicy_Detect[];
extern const char kPluginPolicy_Block[];
extern const char kEnablePreferenceTesting[];
extern const char kEnablePrintPreview[];
extern const char kDisableNewBrowserInfoTimeout[];
extern const char kDevToolsProtocolLogFile[];
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
extern const char kFrameworkDirPath[];
extern const char kMainBundlePath[];
} // namespace switches