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synced 2025-03-02 19:07:41 +01:00
Some downloaded file types [1] default to opening in a Browser. Open requests for these file types originating from the Download bubble UI should route to the source Browser (call OnOpenURLFromTab). If OnOpenURLFromTab is unhandled proceed with the default Chrome behavior of opening the URL in a new default Browser. [1] PDF, html, etc. For the complete list of file types see ChromeDownloadManagerDelegate::IsOpenInBrowserPreferredForFile.
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// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/page_action/page_action_icon_type.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_delegate.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/page/draggable_region.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkRegion.h"
#include "ui/base/window_open_disposition.h"
class Browser;
class Profile;
namespace content {
class NavigationHandle;
namespace cef {
// Delegate for the chrome Browser object. Lifespan is controlled by the Browser
// object. See the ChromeBrowserDelegate documentation for additional details.
// Only accessed on the UI thread.
class BrowserDelegate : public content::WebContentsDelegate {
// Opaque ref-counted base class for CEF-specific parameters passed via
// Browser::CreateParams::cef_params and possibly shared by multiple Browser
// instances.
class CreateParams : public base::RefCounted<CreateParams> {
virtual ~CreateParams() = default;
// Called from the Browser constructor to create a new delegate.
static std::unique_ptr<BrowserDelegate> Create(
Browser* browser,
scoped_refptr<CreateParams> cef_params,
const Browser* opener);
// Optionally override Browser creation in
// DevToolsWindow::CreateDevToolsBrowser. The returned Browser, if any, will
// take ownership of |devtools_contents|.
static Browser* CreateDevToolsBrowser(
Profile* profile,
Browser* opener,
content::WebContents* inspected_web_contents,
std::unique_ptr<content::WebContents>& devtools_contents);
~BrowserDelegate() override = default;
// Optionally override chrome::AddWebContents behavior. This is most often
// called via Browser::AddNewContents for new popup browsers and provides an
// opportunity for CEF to create a new Browser instead of proceeding with
// default Browser or tab creation.
virtual std::unique_ptr<content::WebContents> AddWebContents(
std::unique_ptr<content::WebContents> new_contents) = 0;
// Called immediately after |new_contents| is created via chrome::Navigate.
// This is most often called for navigations targeting a new tab without a
// pre-existing WebContents.
virtual void OnWebContentsCreated(content::WebContents* new_contents) = 0;
// Add or remove ownership of the WebContents.
virtual void SetAsDelegate(content::WebContents* web_contents,
bool set_delegate) = 0;
// Return true to show the status bubble. This should consistently return the
// same value for the lifespan of a Browser.
virtual bool ShowStatusBubble(bool show_by_default) {
return show_by_default;
// Return true to handle (or disable) a command. ID values come from
// chrome/app/chrome_command_ids.h.
virtual bool HandleCommand(int command_id,
WindowOpenDisposition disposition) {
return false;
// Return true if the app menu item should be visible. ID values come from
// chrome/app/chrome_command_ids.h.
virtual bool IsAppMenuItemVisible(int command_id) { return true; }
// Return true if the app menu item should be enabled. ID values come from
// chrome/app/chrome_command_ids.h.
virtual bool IsAppMenuItemEnabled(int command_id) { return true; }
// Return true if the page action icon should be visible.
virtual bool IsPageActionIconVisible(PageActionIconType icon_type) {
return true;
enum class ToolbarButtonType {
kCast = 0,
kMaxValue = kSidePanel,
// Return true if the toolbar button should be visible.
virtual bool IsToolbarButtonVisible(ToolbarButtonType button_type) {
return true;
// Optionally modify the bounding box for the Find bar.
virtual void UpdateFindBarBoundingBox(gfx::Rect* bounds) {}
// Optionally modify the top inset for dialogs.
virtual void UpdateDialogTopInset(int* dialog_top_y) {}
// Same as RequestMediaAccessPermission but returning |callback| if the
// request is unhandled.
[[nodiscard]] virtual content::MediaResponseCallback
RequestMediaAccessPermissionEx(content::WebContents* web_contents,
const content::MediaStreamRequest& request,
content::MediaResponseCallback callback) {
return callback;
// Same as RendererUnresponsive but returning false if unhandled.
virtual bool RendererUnresponsiveEx(
content::WebContents* source,
content::RenderWidgetHost* render_widget_host,
base::RepeatingClosure hang_monitor_restarter) {
return false;
// Same as RendererResponsive but returning false if unhandled.
virtual bool RendererResponsiveEx(
content::WebContents* source,
content::RenderWidgetHost* render_widget_host) {
return false;
// Optionally override support for the specified window feature of type
// Browser::WindowFeature.
virtual std::optional<bool> SupportsWindowFeature(int feature) const {
return std::nullopt;
// Returns true if draggable regions are supported.
virtual bool SupportsDraggableRegion() const { return false; }
// Returns the draggable region, if any, relative to the web contents.
// Called from PictureInPictureBrowserFrameView::NonClientHitTest and
// BrowserView::ShouldDescendIntoChildForEventHandling.
virtual const std::optional<SkRegion> GetDraggableRegion() const {
return std::nullopt;
// Called at the end of a fullscreen transition.
virtual void WindowFullscreenStateChanged() {}
// Returns true if this browser has a Views-hosted opener. Only
// applicable for Browsers of type picture_in_picture and devtools.
virtual bool HasViewsHostedOpener() const { return false; }
// Same as OpenURLFromTab but only taking |navigation_handle_callback|
// if the return value is false. Return false to cancel the navigation
// or true to proceed with default chrome handling.
virtual bool OpenURLFromTabEx(
content::WebContents* source,
const content::OpenURLParams& params,
navigation_handle_callback) {
return true;
} // namespace cef