
134 lines
4.6 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "content/public/browser/content_browser_client.h"
#include "net/url_request/url_request_context_getter.h"
#include "net/url_request/url_request_job_factory.h"
namespace base {
class MessageLoop;
namespace net {
class FtpTransactionFactory;
class HostResolver;
class ProxyConfigService;
class URLRequestContextStorage;
class URLRequestJobFactory;
class URLRequestJobFactoryImpl;
class URLSecurityManager;
class CefRequestInterceptor;
class CefURLRequestContextProxy;
// Classes used in network request processing:
// RC = net::URLRequestContext
// Owns various network-related objects including the global cookie manager.
// RCP = CefURLRequestContextProxy
// Creates the CSP and forwards requests to the objects owned by RC.
// CSP = CefCookieStoreProxy
// Gives the CefCookieManager associated with CefBrowserHostImpl an
// opportunity to handle cookie requests. Otherwise forwards requests via RC
// to the global cookie manager.
// RCG = CefURLRequestContextGetter
// Creates the RC and manages RCP lifespan.
// RCGP = CefURLRequestContextGetterProxy
// Causes the RCG to create and destroy browser-specific RCPs.
// Relationship diagram:
// ref = reference (scoped_refptr)
// own = ownership (scoped_ptr)
// ptr = raw pointer
// global cookie manager, etc...
// ^
// |
// /-own-> RC <-ptr-\
// / \
// / /<-ptr-\ \
// / / \ \
// CefBrowserContext -ref-> RCG --own-> RCP --ref-> CSP
// ^ ^ /
// ref ptr /
// | / /
// CefBrowserHostImpl -ref-> RCGP----/ /
// ^ /
// \-ref--------------------------/
class CefURLRequestContextGetter : public net::URLRequestContextGetter {
base::MessageLoop* io_loop,
base::MessageLoop* file_loop,
content::ProtocolHandlerMap* protocol_handlers,
content::ProtocolHandlerScopedVector protocol_interceptors);
virtual ~CefURLRequestContextGetter();
// net::URLRequestContextGetter implementation.
virtual net::URLRequestContext* GetURLRequestContext() OVERRIDE;
virtual scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner>
GetNetworkTaskRunner() const OVERRIDE;
net::HostResolver* host_resolver();
net::URLRequestJobFactoryImpl* job_factory_impl() const {
return job_factory_impl_;
void SetCookieStoragePath(const base::FilePath& path,
bool persist_session_cookies);
void SetCookieSupportedSchemes(const std::vector<std::string>& schemes);
// Manage URLRequestContext proxy objects. It's important that proxy objects
// not be destroyed while any in-flight URLRequests exist. These methods
// manage that requirement.
CefURLRequestContextProxy* CreateURLRequestContextProxy();
void ReleaseURLRequestContextProxy(CefURLRequestContextProxy* proxy);
void CreateProxyConfigService();
base::MessageLoop* io_loop_;
base::MessageLoop* file_loop_;
scoped_ptr<net::ProxyConfigService> proxy_config_service_;
scoped_ptr<CefRequestInterceptor> request_interceptor_;
scoped_ptr<net::URLRequestContextStorage> storage_;
scoped_ptr<net::URLRequestContext> url_request_context_;
scoped_ptr<net::URLSecurityManager> url_security_manager_;
scoped_ptr<net::FtpTransactionFactory> ftp_transaction_factory_;
content::ProtocolHandlerMap protocol_handlers_;
content::ProtocolHandlerScopedVector protocol_interceptors_;
net::URLRequestJobFactoryImpl* job_factory_impl_;
typedef std::set<CefURLRequestContextProxy*> RequestContextProxySet;
RequestContextProxySet url_request_context_proxies_;
base::FilePath cookie_store_path_;
std::vector<std::string> cookie_supported_schemes_;