Marshall Greenblatt a76670a3ed Add unittests target to the binary distribution (issue #1632)
- Move all tests from the top-level directory to tests/.
- Move files shared by cefclient and unittests to tests/shared/.
- Add a fused (single header/source file) version of gtest in
  tests/gtest/ with associated CMake configuration.
- Test-only headers are now exposed in include/test/. Unit test
  targets must define UNIT_TEST in order to access them.
- Replace usage of USING_CEF_SHARED with WRAPPING_CEF_SHARED for
  clarity (only the libcef_dll_wrapper target should define it).
- Remove the RENAME_DIRECTORY CMake macro which is no longer used.
- Remove C++11 usage from unittests sources for compatibility with
  the binary distribution configuration.
- Windows: Fix build errors due to chrome_elf.dll and imm32.lib
  missing from the CMake configuration.
2016-11-18 13:46:40 -05:00

157 lines
4.7 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights
# reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that
# can be found in the LICENSE file.
from cef_parser import *
def make_function_body_block(cls):
impl = ' // '+cls.get_name()+' methods.\n';
funcs = cls.get_virtual_funcs()
for func in funcs:
impl += ' '+func.get_cpp_proto()
if cls.is_client_side():
impl += ' override;\n'
impl += ' OVERRIDE;\n'
return impl
def make_function_body(header, cls):
impl = make_function_body_block(cls)
cur_cls = cls
while True:
parent_name = cur_cls.get_parent_name()
if parent_name == 'CefBase':
parent_cls = header.get_class(parent_name)
if parent_cls is None:
raise Exception('Class does not exist: '+parent_name)
if len(impl) > 0:
impl += '\n'
impl += make_function_body_block(parent_cls)
cur_cls = header.get_class(parent_name)
return impl
def make_ctocpp_header(header, clsname):
cls = header.get_class(clsname)
if cls is None:
raise Exception('Class does not exist: '+clsname)
clientside = cls.is_client_side()
directory = cls.get_file_directory()
defname = ''
if not directory is None:
defname += directory + '_'
defname += get_capi_name(clsname[3:], False)
defname = defname.upper()
capiname = cls.get_capi_name()
result = get_copyright()
result += '#ifndef CEF_LIBCEF_DLL_CTOCPP_'+defname+'_CTOCPP_H_\n'+ \
'#define CEF_LIBCEF_DLL_CTOCPP_'+defname+'_CTOCPP_H_\n' + \
'#pragma once\n'
if clientside:
result += """
#error This file can be included DLL-side only
result += """
#error This file can be included wrapper-side only
# build the function body
func_body = make_function_body(header, cls)
# include standard headers
if func_body.find('std::map') > 0 or func_body.find('std::multimap') > 0:
result += '\n#include <map>'
if func_body.find('std::vector') > 0:
result += '\n#include <vector>'
# include the headers for this class
result += '\n#include "include/'+cls.get_file_name()+'"'+ \
'\n#include "include/capi/'+cls.get_capi_file_name()+'"\n'
# include headers for any forward declared classes that are not in the same file
declares = cls.get_forward_declares()
for declare in declares:
dcls = header.get_class(declare)
if dcls.get_file_name() != cls.get_file_name():
result += '#include "include/'+dcls.get_file_name()+'"\n' \
'#include "include/capi/'+dcls.get_capi_file_name()+'"\n'
result += """#include "libcef_dll/ctocpp/ctocpp.h"
// Wrap a C structure with a C++ class.
if clientside:
result += '// This class may be instantiated and accessed DLL-side only.\n'
result += '// This class may be instantiated and accessed wrapper-side only.\n'
result += 'class '+clsname+'CToCpp\n'+ \
' : public CefCToCpp<'+clsname+'CToCpp, '+clsname+', '+capiname+'> {\n'+ \
' public:\n'+ \
' '+clsname+'CToCpp();\n\n'
result += func_body
result += '};\n\n'
result += '#endif // CEF_LIBCEF_DLL_CTOCPP_'+defname+'_CTOCPP_H_'
return wrap_code(result)
def write_ctocpp_header(header, clsname, dir, backup):
# give the output file the same directory offset as the input file
cls = header.get_class(clsname)
dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(dir, cls.get_file_name()))
file = os.path.join(dir, get_capi_name(clsname[3:], False)+'_ctocpp.h')
if path_exists(file):
oldcontents = read_file(file)
oldcontents = ''
newcontents = make_ctocpp_header(header, clsname)
if newcontents != oldcontents:
if backup and oldcontents != '':
file_dir = os.path.split(file)[0]
if not os.path.isdir(file_dir):
write_file(file, newcontents)
return True
return False
# test the module
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
# verify that the correct number of command-line arguments are provided
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
sys.stderr.write('Usage: '+sys.argv[0]+' <infile> <classname>')
# create the header object
header = obj_header()
# dump the result to stdout
sys.stdout.write(make_ctocpp_header(header, sys.argv[2]))