
186 lines
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// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "cef/libcef/browser/browser_host_base.h"
#include "cef/libcef/browser/chrome/browser_delegate.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser.h"
class ChromeBrowserDelegate;
class ChromeBrowserView;
// CefBrowser implementation for the chrome runtime. Method calls are delegated
// to the chrome Browser object or the WebContents as appropriate. See the
// ChromeBrowserDelegate documentation for additional details. All methods are
// thread-safe unless otherwise indicated.
class ChromeBrowserHostImpl : public CefBrowserHostBase {
// CEF-specific parameters passed via Browser::CreateParams::cef_params and
// possibly shared by multiple Browser instances.
class DelegateCreateParams : public cef::BrowserDelegate::CreateParams {
explicit DelegateCreateParams(const CefBrowserCreateParams& create_params)
: create_params_(create_params) {}
CefBrowserCreateParams create_params_;
// Create a new Browser with a single tab (WebContents) and associated
// ChromeBrowserHostImpl instance.
static CefRefPtr<ChromeBrowserHostImpl> Create(
const CefBrowserCreateParams& params);
// Safe (checked) conversion from CefBrowserHostBase to ChromeBrowserHostImpl.
// Use this method instead of static_cast.
static CefRefPtr<ChromeBrowserHostImpl> FromBaseChecked(
CefRefPtr<CefBrowserHostBase> host_base);
// Returns the browser associated with the specified RenderViewHost.
static CefRefPtr<ChromeBrowserHostImpl> GetBrowserForHost(
const content::RenderViewHost* host);
// Returns the browser associated with the specified RenderFrameHost.
static CefRefPtr<ChromeBrowserHostImpl> GetBrowserForHost(
const content::RenderFrameHost* host);
// Returns the browser associated with the specified WebContents.
static CefRefPtr<ChromeBrowserHostImpl> GetBrowserForContents(
const content::WebContents* contents);
// Returns the browser associated with the specified global ID.
static CefRefPtr<ChromeBrowserHostImpl> GetBrowserForGlobalId(
const content::GlobalRenderFrameHostId& global_id);
// Returns the browser associated with the specified Browser.
static CefRefPtr<ChromeBrowserHostImpl> GetBrowserForBrowser(
const Browser* browser);
~ChromeBrowserHostImpl() override;
// CefBrowserContentsDelegate::Observer methods:
void OnWebContentsDestroyed(content::WebContents* web_contents) override;
// CefBrowserHostBase methods called from CefFrameHostImpl:
void OnSetFocus(cef_focus_source_t source) override;
// CefBrowserHostBase methods:
bool IsWindowless() const override { return false; }
bool IsAlloyStyle() const override { return false; }
// CefBrowserHost methods:
void CloseBrowser(bool force_close) override;
bool TryCloseBrowser() override;
CefWindowHandle GetWindowHandle() override;
CefWindowHandle GetOpenerWindowHandle() override;
void Find(const CefString& searchText,
bool forward,
bool matchCase,
bool findNext) override;
void StopFinding(bool clearSelection) override;
bool IsWindowRenderingDisabled() override { return false; }
void WasResized() override;
void WasHidden(bool hidden) override;
void NotifyScreenInfoChanged() override;
void Invalidate(PaintElementType type) override;
void SendExternalBeginFrame() override;
void SendTouchEvent(const CefTouchEvent& event) override;
void SendCaptureLostEvent() override;
int GetWindowlessFrameRate() override;
void SetWindowlessFrameRate(int frame_rate) override;
void ImeSetComposition(const CefString& text,
const std::vector<CefCompositionUnderline>& underlines,
const CefRange& replacement_range,
const CefRange& selection_range) override;
void ImeCommitText(const CefString& text,
const CefRange& replacement_range,
int relative_cursor_pos) override;
void ImeFinishComposingText(bool keep_selection) override;
void ImeCancelComposition() override;
void DragTargetDragEnter(CefRefPtr<CefDragData> drag_data,
const CefMouseEvent& event,
DragOperationsMask allowed_ops) override;
void DragTargetDragOver(const CefMouseEvent& event,
DragOperationsMask allowed_ops) override;
void DragTargetDragLeave() override;
void DragTargetDrop(const CefMouseEvent& event) override;
void DragSourceSystemDragEnded() override;
void DragSourceEndedAt(int x, int y, DragOperationsMask op) override;
void SetAudioMuted(bool mute) override;
bool IsAudioMuted() override;
void SetAutoResizeEnabled(bool enabled,
const CefSize& min_size,
const CefSize& max_size) override;
bool CanExecuteChromeCommand(int command_id) override;
void ExecuteChromeCommand(int command_id,
cef_window_open_disposition_t disposition) override;
Browser* browser() const { return browser_; }
// Return the CEF specialization of BrowserView.
ChromeBrowserView* chrome_browser_view() const;
base::WeakPtr<ChromeBrowserHostImpl> GetWeakPtr() {
return weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr();
bool Navigate(const content::OpenURLParams& params) override;
friend class ChromeBrowserDelegate;
const CefBrowserSettings& settings,
CefRefPtr<CefClient> client,
std::unique_ptr<CefBrowserPlatformDelegate> platform_delegate,
scoped_refptr<CefBrowserInfo> browser_info,
CefRefPtr<CefRequestContextImpl> request_context);
// Create a new Browser without initializing the WebContents.
// |browser_create_params| may be empty for default Browser creation behavior.
static Browser* CreateBrowser(
const CefBrowserCreateParams& params,
std::optional<Browser::CreateParams> browser_create_params);
// Called from ChromeBrowserDelegate::CreateBrowser when this object is first
// created. Must be called on the UI thread.
void Attach(content::WebContents* web_contents,
bool is_devtools_popup,
CefRefPtr<CefBrowserHostBase> opener);
// Called from ChromeBrowserDelegate::AddNewContents to take ownership of a
// popup WebContents. |browser_create_params| may be empty for default Browser
// creation behavior.
void AddNewContents(
std::unique_ptr<content::WebContents> contents,
std::optional<Browser::CreateParams> browser_create_params);
// Called when this object changes Browser ownership (e.g. initially created,
// dragging between windows, etc). The old Browser, if any, will be cleared
// before the new Browser is added. Must be called on the UI thread.
void SetBrowser(Browser* browser);
// CefBrowserHostBase methods:
void WindowDestroyed() override;
bool WillBeDestroyed() const override;
void DestroyBrowser() override;
void DoCloseBrowser(bool force_close);
// Returns the current tab index for the associated WebContents, or
// TabStripModel::kNoTab if not found.
int GetCurrentTabIndex() const;
raw_ptr<Browser> browser_ = nullptr;
CefWindowHandle host_window_handle_ = kNullWindowHandle;
bool is_destroying_browser_ = false;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ChromeBrowserHostImpl> weak_ptr_factory_{this};