Marshall Greenblatt 77aa0be191 Add spell checking support (issue #137).
This includes:
- Red underline of misspelled words in html text areas.
- Right-click context menu options to correct the misspelled word.
- New CefBrowser::ReplaceMisspelling method for accepting a word replacement.
- Methods added to CefContextMenuParams for retrieving spelling-related information.
- Uses the unified text checker when auto-correct is not enabled to match Google Chrome behavior.
- On Windows and Linux a hunspell dictionary file will be downloaded to the "<cache_path>/Dictionaries" directory as needed, or used from the <cache_path> directory if the file already exists there. The dictionary file will be downloaded from<LANG>-3-0.bdic where <LANG> is the language abbreviation.
- On OS X the spell checking implementation will use the system NSSpellChecker implementation.

The following command-line flags have been added:
--disable-spell-checking => Disable spell-checking support (no red underline, no dictionary file download, etc).
--enable-spelling-auto-correct => Automatically correct common misspellings while typing (like 'omre' to 'more' on Windows/Linux or 'ehlo' to 'helo' on OS X).
--enable-spelling-service => Enable use of the remote Google spelling service (this requires Google API keys).
--override-spell-check-lang=<LANG> => Use the specified dictionary language <LANG> instead of the language specified in the locales.pak file. To see the default/supported dictionary languages:

git-svn-id: 5089003a-bbd8-11dd-ad1f-f1f9622dbc98
2014-10-07 20:44:33 +00:00

There may be instances where CEF requires changes to the Chromium/WebKit code
base that are not desired by the Chromium/WebKit projects as a whole. To address
this situation the CEF project adds a patch capability as part of the CEF GYP
project generation step. The patch capability works as follows:

1. The CEF developer creates one or more patch files containing all required
   changes to the Chromium/WebKit code base and places those patch files in the
   "patches" subdirectory.
2. The CEF developer adds an entry for each patch file in the "patch.cfg" file.
3. CEF applies the patches to the Chromium/WebKit source tree using the tool in the tools directory.  If necessary the tool
   also rewrites the "patch_state.h" file which defines the CEF_PATCHES_APPLIED
   preprocessor value.

To disable automatic application of patches to the Chromium/WebKit code base
create an empty "NOPATCH" file in the "patch" directory. Sections of the CEF
code base that otherwise require patches will be disabled using the
CEF_PATCHES_APPLIED preprocessor value defined in the "patch_state.h" file. Be
warned that not applying all required patches may break important CEF