
206 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights
// reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that
// can be found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include "include/cef_request_context_handler.h"
#include "libcef/browser/chrome_profile_stub.h"
#include "libcef/browser/net/url_request_context_getter_impl.h"
#include "libcef/browser/resource_context.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_context.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
#include "content/public/browser/content_browser_client.h"
// Classes used in request processing (network, storage, service, etc.):
// WC = WebContents
// Content API representation of a browser. Created by BHI or the system (for
// popups) and owned by BHI. Keeps a pointer to BCI/BCP.
// BHI = CefBrowserHostImpl
// Implements the CefBrowser and CefBrowserHost interfaces which are exposed
// to clients. References an RCI instance. Owns a WC. Life span is controlled
// by client references and CefContentBrowserClient.
// RCI = CefRequestContextImpl
// Implements the CefRequestContext interface which is exposed to clients.
// References the isolated BCI or creates a new BCP.
// BCI = CefBrowserContextImpl
// Entry point from WC when using an isolated RCI. Owns the RC and creates the
// SPI indirectly. Owned by CefBrowserMainParts for the global context or RCI
// for non-global contexts.
// BCP = CefBrowserContextProxy
// Entry point from WC when using a custom RCI. Owns the RC and creates the
// URCGP and SPP. Owned by RCI.
// SPI = content::StoragePartitionImpl
// Owns storage-related objects like Quota, IndexedDB, Cache, etc. Created by
// StoragePartitionImplMap::Get(). Provides access to the URCGI. Life span is
// controlled indirectly by BCI.
// SPP = CefStoragePartitionProxy
// Forwards requests for storage-related objects to SPI. Created by
// GetStoragePartitionFromConfig() calling BCI::GetStoragePartitionProxy().
// Provides access to the URCGP. Life span is controlled by BCP.
// RC = CefResourceContext
// Acts as a bridge for resource loading. URLRequest life span is tied to this
// object. Must be destroyed before the associated URCGI/URCGP. Life span is
// controlled by BCI/BCP.
// URCGI = CefURLRequestContextGetterImpl
// Creates and owns the URCI. Created by StoragePartitionImplMap::Get()
// calling BCI::CreateRequestContext(). Life span is controlled by RC and (for
// the global context) CefBrowserMainParts, and SPI.
// URCGP = CefURLRequestContextGetterProxy
// Creates and owns the URCP. Created by GetStoragePartitionFromConfig()
// calling BCI::GetStoragePartitionProxy(). Life span is controlled by RC and
// SPP.
// URCI = CefURLRequestContextImpl
// Owns various network-related objects including the isolated cookie manager.
// Owns URLRequest objects which must be destroyed first. Life span is
// controlled by URCGI.
// URCP = CefURLRequestContextProxy
// Creates the CSP and forwards requests to the objects owned by URCI. Owns
// URLRequest objects which must be destroyed first. Life span is controlled
// by URCGP.
// CSP = CefCookieStoreProxy
// Gives the CefCookieManager instance retrieved via CefRequestContextHandler
// an opportunity to handle cookie requests. Otherwise forwards requests via
// URCI to the isolated cookie manager. Life span is controlled by URCP.
// Relationship diagram:
// ref = reference (CefRefPtr/scoped_refptr)
// own = ownership (std::unique_ptr)
// ptr = raw pointer
// CefBrowserMainParts----\ isolated cookie manager, etc.
// | \ ^
// own ref ref/own
// v v |
// /---> BCI -own-> SPI -ref-> URCGI --own-> URCI <-ptr-- CSP
// / ^ ^ ^ ^
// ptr ptr ptr ref /
// / | | | /
// BHI -own-> WC -ptr-> BCP -own-> SPP -ref-> URCGP -own-> URCP --ref-/
// BHI -ref-> RCI -own-> BCI/BCP -own-> RC -ref-> URCGI/URCGP
// How shutdown works:
// 1. CefBrowserHostImpl is destroyed on any thread due to browser close,
// ref release, etc.
// 2. CefRequestContextImpl is destroyed (possibly asynchronously) on the UI
// thread due to CefBrowserHostImpl destruction, ref release, etc.
// 3. CefBrowserContext* is destroyed on the UI thread due to
// CefRequestContextImpl destruction (*Impl, *Proxy) or deletion in
// CefBrowserMainParts::PostMainMessageLoopRun() (*Impl).
// 4. CefResourceContext is destroyed asynchronously on the IO thread due to
// CefBrowserContext* destruction. This cancels/destroys any pending
// URLRequests.
// 5. CefURLRequestContextGetter* is destroyed asynchronously on the IO thread
// due to CefResourceContext destruction (*Impl, *Proxy) or ref release in
// CefBrowserMainParts::PostMainMessageLoopRun() (*Impl). This may be delayed
// if other network-related objects still have a reference to it.
// 6. CefURLRequestContext* is destroyed on the IO thread due to
// CefURLRequestContextGetter* destruction.
class HostContentSettingsMap;
class PrefService;
namespace extensions {
class CefExtensionSystem;
// Main entry point for configuring behavior on a per-browser basis. An instance
// of this class is passed to WebContents::Create in CefBrowserHostImpl::
// CreateInternal. Only accessed on the UI thread unless otherwise indicated.
class CefBrowserContext : public ChromeProfileStub {
explicit CefBrowserContext(bool is_proxy);
// Must be called immediately after this object is created.
virtual void Initialize();
// BrowserContext methods.
content::ResourceContext* GetResourceContext() override;
net::URLRequestContextGetter* GetRequestContext() override;
net::URLRequestContextGetter* CreateMediaRequestContext() override;
net::URLRequestContextGetter* CreateMediaRequestContextForStoragePartition(
const base::FilePath& partition_path,
bool in_memory) override;
// Profile methods.
ChromeZoomLevelPrefs* GetZoomLevelPrefs() override;
// Returns the settings associated with this object. Safe to call from any
// thread.
virtual const CefRequestContextSettings& GetSettings() const = 0;
// Returns the handler associated with this object. Safe to call from any
// thread.
virtual CefRefPtr<CefRequestContextHandler> GetHandler() const = 0;
// Settings for plugins and extensions.
virtual HostContentSettingsMap* GetHostContentSettingsMap() = 0;
// Called from CefBrowserHostImpl::DidNavigateAnyFrame to update the table of
// visited links.
virtual void AddVisitedURLs(const std::vector<GURL>& urls) = 0;
// Called from CefBrowserHostImpl::RenderFrameDeleted or
// CefMimeHandlerViewGuestDelegate::OnGuestDetached when a render frame is
// deleted.
void OnRenderFrameDeleted(int render_process_id,
int render_frame_id,
bool is_main_frame,
bool is_guest_view);
// Called from CefRequestContextImpl::PurgePluginListCacheInternal when the
// plugin list cache should be purged.
void OnPurgePluginListCache();
CefResourceContext* resource_context() const {
return resource_context_.get();
extensions::CefExtensionSystem* extension_system() const {
return extension_system_;
bool is_proxy() const {
return is_proxy_;
~CefBrowserContext() override;
// Must be called before the child object destructor has completed.
void Shutdown();
// True if this CefBrowserContext is a CefBrowserContextProxy.
const bool is_proxy_;
std::unique_ptr<CefResourceContext> resource_context_;
// Owned by the KeyedService system.
extensions::CefExtensionSystem* extension_system_;