mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 19:37:47 +01:00
This splits out the API hashes from the cef_version.h file which is generated at build time. Changes to the cef_api_hash.h file are committed to the repo and represent potentially breaking API changes. This commit history will be used to calculate the version number.
249 lines
7.9 KiB
249 lines
7.9 KiB
# Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights
# reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that
# can be found in the LICENSE file.
import sys
from cef_parser import *
from clang_util import clang_format
from file_util import *
import hashlib
from make_api_hash_header import *
from make_capi_header import *
from make_cpptoc_header import *
from make_cpptoc_impl import *
from make_ctocpp_header import *
from make_ctocpp_impl import *
from make_gypi_file import *
from make_libcef_dll_dylib_impl import *
from make_views_stub_impl import *
from make_wrapper_types_header import *
from optparse import OptionParser
# cannot be loaded as a module
if __name__ != "__main__":
sys.stderr.write('This file cannot be loaded as a module!')
# parse command-line options
disc = """
This utility generates files for the CEF C++ to C API translation layer.
parser = OptionParser(description=disc)
help='CEF root directory [required]')
help='create a backup of modified files')
help='force rewrite of the file')
help='only translate the specified classes')
help='do not output detailed status information')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
# the rootdir option is required
if options.rootdir is None:
# determine the paths
root_dir = os.path.abspath(options.rootdir)
cpp_header_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'include')
cpp_header_test_dir = os.path.join(cpp_header_dir, 'test')
cpp_header_views_dir = os.path.join(cpp_header_dir, 'views')
capi_header_dir = os.path.join(cpp_header_dir, 'capi')
api_hash_header = os.path.join(cpp_header_dir, 'cef_api_hash.h')
libcef_dll_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'libcef_dll')
cpptoc_global_impl = os.path.join(libcef_dll_dir, 'libcef_dll.cc')
ctocpp_global_impl = os.path.join(libcef_dll_dir, 'wrapper',
wrapper_types_header = os.path.join(libcef_dll_dir, 'wrapper_types.h')
cpptoc_dir = os.path.join(libcef_dll_dir, 'cpptoc')
ctocpp_dir = os.path.join(libcef_dll_dir, 'ctocpp')
gypi_file = os.path.join(root_dir, 'cef_paths.gypi')
views_stub_impl = os.path.join(libcef_dll_dir, 'views_stub.cc')
libcef_dll_dylib_impl = os.path.join(libcef_dll_dir, 'wrapper',
# make sure the header directory exists
if not path_exists(cpp_header_dir):
sys.stderr.write('Directory ' + cpp_header_dir + ' does not exist.')
# create the header object
if not options.quiet:
sys.stdout.write('Parsing C++ headers from ' + cpp_header_dir + '...\n')
header = obj_header()
# add include files to be processed
excluded_files = ['cef_api_hash.h', 'cef_application_mac.h', 'cef_version.h']
header.add_directory(cpp_header_dir, excluded_files)
# Track the number of files that were written.
writect = 0
def update_file(file, newcontents):
""" Replaces the contents of |file| with |newcontents| if necessary. """
oldcontents = ''
oldhash = ''
if newcontents[-1:] != "\n":
# Add newline at end of file.
newcontents += "\n"
# clang-format is slow so we don't want to apply it if the pre-formatted
# content hasn't changed. To check for changes we embed a hash of the pre-
# formatted content in the resulting file.
hash_start = "$hash="
hash_end = "$"
hash_token = "$$HASH$$"
if not options.force and path_exists(file):
oldcontents = read_file(file)
# Extract the existing hash.
start = oldcontents.find(hash_start)
if start > 0:
end = oldcontents.find(hash_end, start + len(hash_start))
if end > 0:
oldhash = oldcontents[start + len(hash_start):end]
# Compute the new hash.
rev = hashlib.sha1(newcontents).digest()
newhash = ''.join(format(ord(i), '0>2x') for i in rev)
if oldhash == newhash:
# Pre-formatted contents have not changed.
newcontents = newcontents.replace(hash_token, newhash, 1)
# Apply clang-format for C/C++ files.
if os.path.splitext(file)[1][1:] in ('c', 'cc', 'cpp', 'h'):
result = clang_format(file, newcontents)
if result != None:
newcontents = result
raise Exception("Call to clang-format failed")
if options.backup and oldcontents != '':
filedir = os.path.split(file)[0]
if not os.path.isdir(filedir):
write_file(file, newcontents)
global writect
writect += 1
# output the C API header
if not options.quiet:
sys.stdout.write('In C API header directory ' + capi_header_dir + '...\n')
filenames = sorted(header.get_file_names())
for filename in filenames:
if not options.quiet:
sys.stdout.write('Generating ' + filename + ' C API header...\n')
update_file(*write_capi_header(header, capi_header_dir, filename))
# output the wrapper types header
if not options.quiet:
sys.stdout.write('Generating wrapper types header...\n')
update_file(*write_wrapper_types_header(header, wrapper_types_header))
# build the list of classes to parse
allclasses = header.get_class_names()
if not options.classes is None:
for cls in options.classes:
if not cls in allclasses:
sys.stderr.write('ERROR: Unknown class: ' + cls)
classes = options.classes
classes = allclasses
classes = sorted(classes)
# output CppToC global file
if not options.quiet:
sys.stdout.write('Generating CppToC global implementation...\n')
update_file(*write_cpptoc_impl(header, None, cpptoc_global_impl))
# output CToCpp global file
if not options.quiet:
sys.stdout.write('Generating CToCpp global implementation...\n')
update_file(*write_ctocpp_impl(header, None, ctocpp_global_impl))
# output CppToC class files
if not options.quiet:
sys.stdout.write('In CppToC directory ' + cpptoc_dir + '...\n')
for cls in classes:
if not options.quiet:
sys.stdout.write('Generating ' + cls + 'CppToC class header...\n')
update_file(*write_cpptoc_header(header, cls, cpptoc_dir))
if not options.quiet:
sys.stdout.write('Generating ' + cls + 'CppToC class implementation...\n')
update_file(*write_cpptoc_impl(header, cls, cpptoc_dir))
# output CppToC class files
if not options.quiet:
sys.stdout.write('In CToCpp directory ' + ctocpp_dir + '...\n')
for cls in classes:
if not options.quiet:
sys.stdout.write('Generating ' + cls + 'CToCpp class header...\n')
update_file(*write_ctocpp_header(header, cls, ctocpp_dir))
if not options.quiet:
sys.stdout.write('Generating ' + cls + 'CToCpp class implementation...\n')
update_file(*write_ctocpp_impl(header, cls, ctocpp_dir))
# output the gypi file
if not options.quiet:
sys.stdout.write('Generating ' + gypi_file + ' file...\n')
update_file(*write_gypi_file(header, gypi_file))
# output the views stub file
if not options.quiet:
sys.stdout.write('Generating ' + views_stub_impl + ' file...\n')
update_file(*write_views_stub_impl(header, views_stub_impl))
# output the libcef dll dylib file
if not options.quiet:
sys.stdout.write('Generating ' + libcef_dll_dylib_impl + ' file...\n')
update_file(*write_libcef_dll_dylib_impl(header, libcef_dll_dylib_impl))
# Output the API hash header file. This must be done last because it reads files
# that were potentially written by proceeding operations.
if not options.quiet:
sys.stdout.write('Generating API hash header...\n')
update_file(*write_api_hash_header(api_hash_header, cpp_header_dir))
if not options.quiet:
sys.stdout.write('Done - Wrote ' + str(writect) + ' files.\n')