mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 12:37:36 +01:00
The cef_api_hash.h file was previously only updated when the translator tool was run manually. Forgetting to run the translator tool after changing include/internal/cef_types*.h files would result in cef_parser.py incorrectly computing the CEF minor version number for future builds. By updating this file automatically at build time the number of errors should be reduced.
1268 lines
47 KiB
1268 lines
47 KiB
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights
# reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that
# can be found in the LICENSE file.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from cef_version import VersionFormatter
from date_util import *
from exec_util import exec_cmd
from file_util import *
import git_util as git
from io import open
from make_cmake import process_cmake_template
from optparse import OptionParser
import os
import re
import shlex
import subprocess
import sys
import tarfile
import zipfile
def create_zip_archive(input_dir):
""" Creates a zip archive of the specified input directory. """
zip_file = input_dir + '.zip'
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, True)
def addDir(dir):
for f in os.listdir(dir):
full_path = os.path.join(dir, f)
if os.path.isdir(full_path):
zf.write(full_path, os.path.relpath(full_path, \
os.path.join(input_dir, os.pardir)))
def create_tar_archive(input_dir, format):
""" Creates a tar archive of the specified input directory. """
# Supported formats include "gz" and "bz2".
tar_file = input_dir + '.tar.' + format
tf = tarfile.open(tar_file, "w:" + format)
# The default tar format changed from GNU_FORMAT to PAX_FORMAT in Python 3.8.
# However, PAX_FORMAT generates additional @PaxHeader entries and truncates file
# names on Windows, so we'll stick with the previous default.
tf.format = tarfile.GNU_FORMAT
tf.add(input_dir, arcname=os.path.basename(input_dir))
def create_7z_archive(input_dir, format):
""" Creates a 7z archive of the specified input directory. """
# CEF_COMMAND_7ZIP might be "c:\Program Files (x86)\7Zip\7z.exe" or /usr/bin/7za
# or simply 7z if the user knows that it's in the PATH var. Supported formats
# depend on the 7za version -- check the 7-zip documentation for details.
command = os.environ['CEF_COMMAND_7ZIP']
working_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(input_dir, os.pardir))
tar_file = None
if format in ('xz', 'gzip', 'bzip2'):
# These formats only support one file per archive. Create a tar file first.
tar_file = input_dir + '.tar'
run('"%s" a -ttar -y %s %s' % (command, tar_file, input_dir), working_dir)
zip_file = tar_file + '.' + format
zip_input = tar_file
zip_file = input_dir + '.' + format
zip_input = input_dir
# Create the compressed archive.
run('"%s" a -t%s -y %s %s' % (command, format, zip_file, zip_input),
if not tar_file is None:
def create_output_dir(name, parent_dir):
""" Creates an output directory and adds the path to the archive list. """
output_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(parent_dir, name))
remove_dir(output_dir, options.quiet)
make_dir(output_dir, options.quiet)
return output_dir
def get_readme_component(name):
""" Loads a README file component. """
paths = []
# platform directory
if platform == 'windows':
platform_cmp = 'win'
elif platform == 'macosx':
platform_cmp = 'mac'
elif platform == 'linux':
platform_cmp = 'linux'
paths.append(os.path.join(script_dir, 'distrib', platform_cmp))
# shared directory
paths.append(os.path.join(script_dir, 'distrib'))
# load the file if it exists
for path in paths:
file = os.path.join(path, 'README.' + name + '.txt')
if path_exists(file):
return read_file(file)
raise Exception('Readme component not found: ' + name)
def create_readme():
""" Creates the README.TXT file. """
# gather the components
header_data = get_readme_component('header')
mode_data = get_readme_component(mode)
redistrib_data = get_readme_component('redistrib')
footer_data = get_readme_component('footer')
# format the file
data = header_data + '\n\n' + mode_data
if mode != 'sandbox':
data += '\n\n' + redistrib_data
data += '\n\n' + footer_data
data = data.replace('$CEF_URL$', cef_url)
data = data.replace('$CEF_REV$', cef_rev)
data = data.replace('$CEF_VER$', cef_ver)
data = data.replace('$CHROMIUM_URL$', chromium_url)
data = data.replace('$CHROMIUM_REV$', chromium_rev)
data = data.replace('$CHROMIUM_VER$', chromium_ver)
data = data.replace('$DATE$', date)
if platform == 'windows':
platform_str = 'Windows'
elif platform == 'macosx':
platform_str = 'Mac OS-X'
elif platform == 'linux':
platform_str = 'Linux'
data = data.replace('$PLATFORM$', platform_str)
if mode == 'standard':
distrib_type = 'Standard'
distrib_desc = 'This distribution contains all components necessary to build and distribute an\n' \
'application using CEF on the ' + platform_str + ' platform. Please see the LICENSING\n' \
'section of this document for licensing terms and conditions.'
elif mode == 'minimal':
distrib_type = 'Minimal'
distrib_desc = 'This distribution contains the minimial components necessary to build and\n' \
'distribute an application using CEF on the ' + platform_str + ' platform. Please see\n' \
'the LICENSING section of this document for licensing terms and conditions.'
elif mode == 'client':
distrib_type = 'Client'
if platform == 'linux':
client_app = 'cefsimple'
client_app = 'cefclient'
distrib_desc = 'This distribution contains a release build of the ' + client_app + ' sample application\n' \
'for the ' + platform_str + ' platform. Please see the LICENSING section of this document for\n' \
'licensing terms and conditions.'
elif mode == 'sandbox':
distrib_type = 'Sandbox'
distrib_desc = 'This distribution contains only the cef_sandbox static library. Please see\n' \
'the LICENSING section of this document for licensing terms and conditions.'
data = data.replace('$DISTRIB_TYPE$', distrib_type)
data = data.replace('$DISTRIB_DESC$', distrib_desc)
write_file(os.path.join(output_dir, 'README.txt'), data)
if not options.quiet:
sys.stdout.write('Creating README.TXT file.\n')
def create_fuzed_gtest(tests_dir):
""" Generate a fuzed version of gtest and build the expected directory structure. """
src_gtest_dir = os.path.join(src_dir, 'third_party', 'googletest', 'src',
run('%s fuse_gtest_files.py \"%s\"' % (sys.executable, tests_dir),
os.path.join(src_gtest_dir, 'scripts'))
if not options.quiet:
sys.stdout.write('Building gtest directory structure.\n')
target_gtest_dir = os.path.join(tests_dir, 'gtest')
gtest_header = os.path.join(target_gtest_dir, 'gtest.h')
gtest_cpp = os.path.join(target_gtest_dir, 'gtest-all.cc')
if not os.path.exists(gtest_header):
raise Exception('Generated file not found: %s' % gtest_header)
if not os.path.exists(gtest_cpp):
raise Exception('Generated file not found: %s' % gtest_cpp)
# gtest header file at tests/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h
target_gtest_header_dir = os.path.join(target_gtest_dir, 'include', 'gtest')
make_dir(target_gtest_header_dir, options.quiet)
move_file(gtest_header, target_gtest_header_dir, options.quiet)
# gtest source file at tests/gtest/src/gtest-all.cc
target_gtest_cpp_dir = os.path.join(target_gtest_dir, 'src')
make_dir(target_gtest_cpp_dir, options.quiet)
move_file(gtest_cpp, target_gtest_cpp_dir, options.quiet)
# gtest LICENSE file at tests/gtest/LICENSE
os.path.join(src_gtest_dir, 'LICENSE'), target_gtest_dir, options.quiet)
# CEF README file at tests/gtest/README.cef
os.path.join(cef_dir, 'tests', 'gtest', 'README.cef.in'),
os.path.join(target_gtest_dir, 'README.cef'), options.quiet)
def transfer_gypi_files(src_dir, gypi_paths, gypi_path_prefix, dst_dir, quiet):
""" Transfer files from one location to another. """
for path in gypi_paths:
src = os.path.join(src_dir, path)
dst = os.path.join(dst_dir, path.replace(gypi_path_prefix, ''))
dst_path = os.path.dirname(dst)
make_dir(dst_path, quiet)
copy_file(src, dst, quiet)
def normalize_headers(file, new_path=''):
""" Normalize headers post-processing. Remove the path component from any
project include directives. """
data = read_file(file)
data = re.sub(r'''#include \"(?!include\/)[a-zA-Z0-9_\/]+\/+([a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+)\"''', \
"// Include path modified for CEF Binary Distribution.\n#include \""+new_path+"\\1\"", data)
write_file(file, data)
def eval_transfer_file(cef_dir, script_dir, transfer_cfg, output_dir, quiet):
""" Transfer files based on the specified configuration. """
if not path_exists(transfer_cfg):
configs = eval_file(transfer_cfg)
for cfg in configs:
dst = os.path.join(output_dir, cfg['target'])
# perform a copy if source is specified
if not cfg['source'] is None:
src = os.path.join(cef_dir, cfg['source'])
dst_path = os.path.dirname(dst)
make_dir(dst_path, quiet)
copy_file(src, dst, quiet)
# place a readme file in the destination directory
readme = os.path.join(dst_path, 'README-TRANSFER.txt')
if not path_exists(readme):
os.path.join(script_dir, 'distrib/README-TRANSFER.txt'), readme)
str = cfg['source'] + "\n"
with open(readme, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
if sys.version_info.major == 2:
# perform any required post-processing
if 'post-process' in cfg:
post = cfg['post-process']
if post == 'normalize_headers':
new_path = ''
if 'new_header_path' in cfg:
new_path = cfg['new_header_path']
normalize_headers(dst, new_path)
def transfer_files(cef_dir, script_dir, transfer_cfg_dir, mode, output_dir,
# Non-mode-specific transfers.
transfer_cfg = os.path.join(transfer_cfg_dir, 'transfer.cfg')
eval_transfer_file(cef_dir, script_dir, transfer_cfg, output_dir, quiet)
# Mode-specific transfers.
transfer_cfg = os.path.join(transfer_cfg_dir, 'transfer_%s.cfg' % mode)
eval_transfer_file(cef_dir, script_dir, transfer_cfg, output_dir, quiet)
# |paths| is a list of dictionary values with the following keys:
# path [required] Input file or directory path relative to |build_dir|.
# By default this will also be the output path relative
# to |dst_dir|.
# out_path [optional] Override the output path relative to |dst_dir|.
# conditional [optional] Set to True if the path is conditional on build
# settings. Missing conditional paths will not be
# treated as an error.
# delete [optional] Glob pattern of files to delete after the copy.
def copy_files_list(build_dir, dst_dir, paths):
''' Copy the files listed in |paths| from |build_dir| to |dst_dir|. '''
for entry in paths:
source_path = os.path.join(build_dir, entry['path'])
if os.path.exists(source_path):
target_path = os.path.join(dst_dir, entry['out_path']
if 'out_path' in entry else entry['path'])
make_dir(os.path.dirname(target_path), options.quiet)
if os.path.isdir(source_path):
copy_dir(source_path, target_path, options.quiet)
if 'delete' in entry:
for delete_path in get_files(
os.path.join(target_path, entry['delete'])):
if not os.path.isdir(delete_path):
remove_file(delete_path, options.quiet)
raise Exception('Refusing to delete directory: %s' % delete_path)
copy_file(source_path, target_path, options.quiet)
if 'conditional' in entry and entry['conditional']:
sys.stdout.write('Missing conditional path: %s.\n' % source_path)
raise Exception('Missing required path: %s' % source_path)
def get_exported_symbols(file):
""" Returns the global symbols exported by |file|. """
symbols = []
# Each symbol line has a value like:
# 0000000000000000 T _cef_sandbox_initialize
cmdline = 'nm -g -U %s' % file
result = exec_cmd(cmdline, os.path.join(cef_dir, 'tools'))
if len(result['err']) > 0:
raise Exception('ERROR: nm failed: %s' % result['err'])
for line in result['out'].split('\n'):
if line.find(' T ') < 0:
symbol = line[line.rfind(' ') + 1:]
return symbols
def get_undefined_symbols(file):
""" Returns the undefined symbols imported by |file|. """
symbols = []
# Each symbol line has a value like:
# cef_sandbox.a:cef_sandbox.o: _memcpy
cmdline = 'nm -u -A %s' % file
result = exec_cmd(cmdline, os.path.join(cef_dir, 'tools'))
if len(result['err']) > 0:
raise Exception('ERROR: nm failed: %s' % result['err'])
for line in result['out'].split('\n'):
if line.find(': ') < 0:
symbol = line[line.rfind(': ') + 2:]
return symbols
def combine_libs(platform, build_dir, libs, dest_lib):
""" Combine multiple static libraries into a single static library. """
intermediate_obj = None
if platform == 'windows':
cmdline = 'msvs_env.bat win%s "%s" combine_libs.py -o "%s"' % (
platform_arch, sys.executable, dest_lib)
elif platform == 'macosx':
# Find CEF_EXPORT symbols from libcef_sandbox.a (include/cef_sandbox_mac.h)
# Export only symbols that include these strings.
symbol_match = [
'_cef_', # C symbols
'Cef', # C++ symbols
print('Finding exported symbols...')
assert 'libcef_sandbox.a' in libs[0], libs[0]
symbols = []
for symbol in get_exported_symbols(os.path.join(build_dir, libs[0])):
for match in symbol_match:
if symbol.find(match) >= 0:
assert len(symbols) > 0
# Create an intermediate object file that combines all other object files.
# Symbols not identified above will be made private (local).
intermediate_obj = os.path.splitext(dest_lib)[0] + '.o'
cmdline = 'ld -arch x86_64 -r -o "%s"' % intermediate_obj
for symbol in symbols:
cmdline += ' -exported_symbol %s' % symbol
for lib in libs:
lib_path = os.path.join(build_dir, lib)
for path in get_files(lib_path): # Expand wildcards in |lib_path|.
if not path_exists(path):
raise Exception('File not found: ' + path)
cmdline += ' "%s"' % path
run(cmdline, os.path.join(cef_dir, 'tools'))
if not intermediate_obj is None:
# Create an archive file containing the new object file.
cmdline = 'libtool -static -o "%s" "%s"' % (dest_lib, intermediate_obj)
run(cmdline, os.path.join(cef_dir, 'tools'))
# Verify that only the expected symbols are exported from the archive file.
print('Verifying exported symbols...')
result_symbols = get_exported_symbols(dest_lib)
if set(symbols) != set(result_symbols):
print('Expected', symbols)
print('Got', result_symbols)
raise Exception('Failure verifying exported symbols')
# Verify that no C++ symbols are imported by the archive file. If the
# archive imports C++ symbols and the client app links an incompatible C++
# library, the result will be undefined behavior.
print('Verifying imported (undefined) symbols...')
undefined_symbols = get_undefined_symbols(dest_lib)
cpp_symbols = list(
filter(lambda symbol: symbol.startswith('__Z'), undefined_symbols))
if cpp_symbols:
print('Found C++ symbols:', cpp_symbols)
raise Exception('Failure verifying imported (undefined) symbols')
def run(command_line, working_dir):
""" Run a command. """
sys.stdout.write('-------- Running "'+command_line+'" in "'+\
args = shlex.split(command_line.replace('\\', '\\\\'))
return subprocess.check_call(
args, cwd=working_dir, env=os.environ, shell=(sys.platform == 'win32'))
def print_error(msg):
print('Error: %s\nSee --help for usage.' % msg)
# cannot be loaded as a module
if __name__ != "__main__":
sys.stderr.write('This file cannot be loaded as a module!')
# parse command-line options
disc = """
This utility builds the CEF Binary Distribution.
parser = OptionParser(description=disc)
help='output directory [required]')
help='name of the subdirectory for the distribution',
help='allow creation of partial distributions')
help='don\'t create symbol files')
help='don\'t create documentation')
help='don\'t create archives for output directories')
help='build was created using ninja')
help='create a 64-bit binary distribution')
help='create an ARM binary distribution (Linux only)')
help='create an ARM64 binary distribution (Linux only)')
help='include only release build binary files')
help='include only the sample application')
help='include only the cef_sandbox static library (macOS and Windows only)')
help='include ozone build related files (Linux only)')
help='do not output detailed status information')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
# Test the operating system.
platform = ''
if sys.platform == 'win32':
platform = 'windows'
elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
platform = 'macosx'
elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
platform = 'linux'
# the outputdir option is required
if options.outputdir is None:
print_error('--output-dir is required.')
if options.minimal and options.client:
print_error('Cannot specify both --minimal and --client.')
if options.x64build + options.armbuild + options.arm64build > 1:
print_error('Invalid combination of build options.')
if options.armbuild and platform != 'linux':
print_error('--arm-build is only supported on Linux.')
if options.arm64build and not platform in ('linux', 'windows'):
print_error('--arm64-build is only supported on Linux and Windows.')
if options.sandbox and not platform in ('macosx', 'windows'):
print_error('--sandbox is only supported on macOS and Windows.')
if not options.ninjabuild:
print_error('--ninja-build is required.')
if options.ozone and platform != 'linux':
print_error('--ozone is only supported on Linux.')
# script directory
script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
# CEF root directory
cef_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(script_dir, os.pardir))
# src directory
src_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cef_dir, os.pardir))
if not git.is_checkout(cef_dir):
raise Exception('Not a valid checkout: %s' % (cef_dir))
# retrieve information for CEF
cef_url = git.get_url(cef_dir)
cef_rev = git.get_hash(cef_dir)
cef_commit_number = git.get_commit_number(cef_dir)
if not git.is_checkout(src_dir):
raise Exception('Not a valid checkout: %s' % (src_dir))
# retrieve information for Chromium
chromium_url = git.get_url(src_dir)
chromium_rev = git.get_hash(src_dir)
date = get_date()
# format version strings
formatter = VersionFormatter()
cef_ver = formatter.get_version_string()
chromium_ver = formatter.get_chromium_version_string()
# list of output directories to be archived
archive_dirs = []
if options.x64build:
platform_arch = '64'
binary_arch = 'x64'
elif options.armbuild:
platform_arch = 'arm'
binary_arch = 'arm'
elif options.arm64build:
platform_arch = 'arm64'
binary_arch = 'arm64'
platform_arch = '32'
binary_arch = 'x86'
# output directory
output_dir_base = 'cef_binary_' + cef_ver
if options.distribsubdir == '':
output_dir_name = output_dir_base + '_' + platform + platform_arch
output_dir_name = options.distribsubdir
if options.minimal:
mode = 'minimal'
output_dir_name = output_dir_name + '_minimal'
elif options.client:
mode = 'client'
output_dir_name = output_dir_name + '_client'
elif options.sandbox:
mode = 'sandbox'
output_dir_name = output_dir_name + '_sandbox'
mode = 'standard'
if options.ozone:
output_dir_name = output_dir_name + '_ozone'
output_dir = create_output_dir(output_dir_name, options.outputdir)
# create the README.TXT file
# transfer the LICENSE.txt file
copy_file(os.path.join(cef_dir, 'LICENSE.txt'), output_dir, options.quiet)
# read the variables list from the autogenerated cef_paths.gypi file
cef_paths = eval_file(os.path.join(cef_dir, 'cef_paths.gypi'))
cef_paths = cef_paths['variables']
# read the variables list from the manually edited cef_paths2.gypi file
cef_paths2 = eval_file(os.path.join(cef_dir, 'cef_paths2.gypi'))
cef_paths2 = cef_paths2['variables']
# Determine the build directory suffix. CEF uses a consistent directory naming
# scheme for GN via GetAllPlatformConfigs in gn_args.py.
if options.x64build:
build_dir_suffix = '_GN_x64'
elif options.armbuild:
build_dir_suffix = '_GN_arm'
elif options.arm64build:
build_dir_suffix = '_GN_arm64'
build_dir_suffix = '_GN_x86'
# Determine the build directory paths.
out_dir = os.path.join(src_dir, 'out')
build_dir_debug = os.path.join(out_dir, 'Debug' + build_dir_suffix)
build_dir_release = os.path.join(out_dir, 'Release' + build_dir_suffix)
if mode == 'standard' or mode == 'minimal':
# create the include directory
include_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'include')
make_dir(include_dir, options.quiet)
# create the cmake directory
cmake_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'cmake')
make_dir(cmake_dir, options.quiet)
# create the libcef_dll_wrapper directory
libcef_dll_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'libcef_dll')
make_dir(libcef_dll_dir, options.quiet)
# transfer common include files
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['includes_common'], \
'include/', include_dir, options.quiet)
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['includes_common_capi'], \
'include/', include_dir, options.quiet)
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['includes_capi'], \
'include/', include_dir, options.quiet)
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['includes_wrapper'], \
'include/', include_dir, options.quiet)
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths['autogen_cpp_includes'], \
'include/', include_dir, options.quiet)
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths['autogen_capi_includes'], \
'include/', include_dir, options.quiet)
# Transfer generated include files.
generated_includes = [
for include in generated_includes:
# Debug and Release build should be the same so grab whichever exists.
src_path = os.path.join(build_dir_release, 'includes', 'include', include)
if not os.path.exists(src_path):
src_path = os.path.join(build_dir_debug, 'includes', 'include', include)
if not os.path.exists(src_path):
raise Exception('Missing generated header file: %s' % include)
copy_file(src_path, os.path.join(include_dir, include), options.quiet)
# transfer common libcef_dll_wrapper files
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['libcef_dll_wrapper_sources_base'], \
'libcef_dll/', libcef_dll_dir, options.quiet)
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['libcef_dll_wrapper_sources_common'], \
'libcef_dll/', libcef_dll_dir, options.quiet)
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths['autogen_client_side'], \
'libcef_dll/', libcef_dll_dir, options.quiet)
if mode == 'standard' or mode == 'minimal':
# transfer additional files
transfer_files(cef_dir, script_dir, os.path.join(script_dir, 'distrib'), \
mode, output_dir, options.quiet)
# process cmake templates
variables = cef_paths.copy()
process_cmake_template(os.path.join(cef_dir, 'CMakeLists.txt.in'), \
os.path.join(output_dir, 'CMakeLists.txt'), \
variables, options.quiet)
process_cmake_template(os.path.join(cef_dir, 'cmake', 'cef_macros.cmake.in'), \
os.path.join(cmake_dir, 'cef_macros.cmake'), \
variables, options.quiet)
process_cmake_template(os.path.join(cef_dir, 'cmake', 'cef_variables.cmake.in'), \
os.path.join(cmake_dir, 'cef_variables.cmake'), \
variables, options.quiet)
process_cmake_template(os.path.join(cef_dir, 'cmake', 'FindCEF.cmake.in'), \
os.path.join(cmake_dir, 'FindCEF.cmake'), \
variables, options.quiet)
process_cmake_template(os.path.join(cef_dir, 'libcef_dll', 'CMakeLists.txt.in'), \
os.path.join(libcef_dll_dir, 'CMakeLists.txt'), \
variables, options.quiet)
if mode == 'standard':
# create the tests directory
tests_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'tests')
make_dir(tests_dir, options.quiet)
# create the tests/shared directory
shared_dir = os.path.join(tests_dir, 'shared')
make_dir(shared_dir, options.quiet)
if not options.ozone:
# create the tests/cefclient directory
cefclient_dir = os.path.join(tests_dir, 'cefclient')
make_dir(cefclient_dir, options.quiet)
# create the tests/cefsimple directory
cefsimple_dir = os.path.join(tests_dir, 'cefsimple')
make_dir(cefsimple_dir, options.quiet)
# create the tests/ceftests directory
ceftests_dir = os.path.join(tests_dir, 'ceftests')
make_dir(ceftests_dir, options.quiet)
# transfer common shared files
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['shared_sources_browser'], \
'tests/shared/', shared_dir, options.quiet)
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['shared_sources_common'], \
'tests/shared/', shared_dir, options.quiet)
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['shared_sources_renderer'], \
'tests/shared/', shared_dir, options.quiet)
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['shared_sources_resources'], \
'tests/shared/', shared_dir, options.quiet)
if not options.ozone:
# transfer common cefclient files
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['cefclient_sources_browser'], \
'tests/cefclient/', cefclient_dir, options.quiet)
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['cefclient_sources_common'], \
'tests/cefclient/', cefclient_dir, options.quiet)
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['cefclient_sources_renderer'], \
'tests/cefclient/', cefclient_dir, options.quiet)
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['cefclient_sources_resources'], \
'tests/cefclient/', cefclient_dir, options.quiet)
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['cefclient_sources_resources_extensions_set_page_color'], \
'tests/cefclient/', cefclient_dir, options.quiet)
# transfer common cefsimple files
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['cefsimple_sources_common'], \
'tests/cefsimple/', cefsimple_dir, options.quiet)
# transfer common ceftests files
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['ceftests_sources_common'], \
'tests/ceftests/', ceftests_dir, options.quiet)
# create the fuzed gtest version
# process cmake templates
if not options.ozone:
process_cmake_template(os.path.join(cef_dir, 'tests', 'cefclient', 'CMakeLists.txt.in'), \
os.path.join(cefclient_dir, 'CMakeLists.txt'), \
variables, options.quiet)
process_cmake_template(os.path.join(cef_dir, 'tests', 'cefsimple', 'CMakeLists.txt.in'), \
os.path.join(cefsimple_dir, 'CMakeLists.txt'), \
variables, options.quiet)
process_cmake_template(os.path.join(cef_dir, 'tests', 'gtest', 'CMakeLists.txt.in'), \
os.path.join(tests_dir, 'gtest', 'CMakeLists.txt'), \
variables, options.quiet)
process_cmake_template(os.path.join(cef_dir, 'tests', 'ceftests', 'CMakeLists.txt.in'), \
os.path.join(ceftests_dir, 'CMakeLists.txt'), \
variables, options.quiet)
# transfer gypi files
copy_file(os.path.join(cef_dir, 'cef_paths.gypi'), \
os.path.join(output_dir, 'cef_paths.gypi'), options.quiet)
copy_file(os.path.join(cef_dir, 'cef_paths2.gypi'), \
os.path.join(output_dir, 'cef_paths2.gypi'), options.quiet)
if platform == 'windows':
libcef_dll = 'libcef.dll'
libcef_dll_lib = '%s.lib' % libcef_dll
libcef_dll_pdb = '%s.pdb' % libcef_dll
# yapf: disable
binaries = [
{'path': 'chrome_elf.dll'},
{'path': libcef_dll},
{'path': 'libEGL.dll'},
{'path': 'libGLESv2.dll'},
{'path': 'snapshot_blob.bin', 'conditional': True},
{'path': 'v8_context_snapshot.bin', 'conditional': True},
{'path': 'swiftshader\\libEGL.dll'},
{'path': 'swiftshader\\libGLESv2.dll'},
# yapf: enable
if mode == 'client':
binaries.append({'path': 'cefclient.exe'})
binaries.append({'path': libcef_dll_lib, 'out_path': 'libcef.lib'})
# yapf: disable
resources = [
{'path': 'cef.pak'},
{'path': 'cef_100_percent.pak'},
{'path': 'cef_200_percent.pak'},
{'path': 'cef_extensions.pak'},
{'path': 'devtools_resources.pak'},
{'path': 'icudtl.dat'},
{'path': 'locales', 'delete': '*.info'},
# yapf: enable
cef_sandbox_lib = 'obj\\cef\\cef_sandbox.lib'
sandbox_libs = [
# Generate the cef_sandbox.lib merged library. A separate *_sandbox build
# should exist when GN is_official_build=true.
if mode in ('standard', 'minimal', 'sandbox'):
dirs = {
'Debug': (build_dir_debug + '_sandbox', build_dir_debug),
'Release': (build_dir_release + '_sandbox', build_dir_release)
for dir_name in dirs.keys():
for src_dir in dirs[dir_name]:
if path_exists(os.path.join(src_dir, cef_sandbox_lib)):
dst_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, dir_name)
make_dir(dst_dir, options.quiet)
combine_libs(platform, src_dir, sandbox_libs,
os.path.join(dst_dir, 'cef_sandbox.lib'))
valid_build_dir = None
if mode == 'standard':
# transfer Debug files
build_dir = build_dir_debug
if not options.allowpartial or path_exists(
os.path.join(build_dir, libcef_dll)):
valid_build_dir = build_dir
dst_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'Debug')
copy_files_list(build_dir, dst_dir, binaries)
os.path.join(script_dir, 'distrib/win/%s/*.dll' % binary_arch),
dst_dir, options.quiet)
if not options.nosymbols:
# create the symbol output directory
symbol_output_dir = create_output_dir(
output_dir_name + '_debug_symbols', options.outputdir)
# transfer contents
os.path.join(build_dir, libcef_dll_pdb), symbol_output_dir,
sys.stdout.write("No Debug build files.\n")
if mode != 'sandbox':
# transfer Release files
build_dir = build_dir_release
if not options.allowpartial or path_exists(
os.path.join(build_dir, libcef_dll)):
valid_build_dir = build_dir
dst_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'Release')
copy_files_list(build_dir, dst_dir, binaries)
os.path.join(script_dir, 'distrib/win/%s/*.dll' % binary_arch),
dst_dir, options.quiet)
if not options.nosymbols:
# create the symbol output directory
symbol_output_dir = create_output_dir(
output_dir_name + '_release_symbols', options.outputdir)
# transfer contents
os.path.join(build_dir, libcef_dll_pdb), symbol_output_dir,
sys.stdout.write("No Release build files.\n")
if not valid_build_dir is None:
# transfer resource files
build_dir = valid_build_dir
if mode == 'client':
dst_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'Release')
dst_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'Resources')
copy_files_list(build_dir, dst_dir, resources)
if mode == 'standard' or mode == 'minimal':
# transfer include files
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['includes_win'], \
'include/', include_dir, options.quiet)
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['includes_win_capi'], \
'include/', include_dir, options.quiet)
# transfer additional files, if any
transfer_files(cef_dir, script_dir, os.path.join(script_dir, 'distrib', 'win'), \
mode, output_dir, options.quiet)
if mode == 'standard':
# transfer shared files
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['shared_sources_win'], \
'tests/shared/', shared_dir, options.quiet)
# transfer cefclient files
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['cefclient_sources_win'], \
'tests/cefclient/', cefclient_dir, options.quiet)
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['cefclient_sources_resources_win'], \
'tests/cefclient/', cefclient_dir, options.quiet)
# transfer cefsimple files
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['cefsimple_sources_win'], \
'tests/cefsimple/', cefsimple_dir, options.quiet)
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['cefsimple_sources_resources_win'], \
'tests/cefsimple/', cefsimple_dir, options.quiet)
# transfer ceftests files
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['ceftests_sources_win'], \
'tests/ceftests/', ceftests_dir, options.quiet)
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['ceftests_sources_resources_win'], \
'tests/ceftests/', ceftests_dir, options.quiet)
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['ceftests_sources_views'], \
'tests/ceftests/', ceftests_dir, options.quiet)
if not options.nodocs:
# generate doc files
os.popen('make_cppdocs.bat ' + cef_rev)
src_dir = os.path.join(cef_dir, 'docs')
if path_exists(src_dir):
# create the docs output directory
docs_output_dir = create_output_dir(output_dir_base + '_docs',
# transfer contents
copy_dir(src_dir, docs_output_dir, options.quiet)
elif platform == 'macosx':
framework_name = 'Chromium Embedded Framework'
framework_dsym = '%s.dSYM' % framework_name
cefclient_app = 'cefclient.app'
cef_sandbox_lib = 'obj/cef/libcef_sandbox.a'
sandbox_libs = [
# Generate the cef_sandbox.a merged library. A separate *_sandbox build
# should exist when GN is_official_build=true.
if mode in ('standard', 'minimal', 'sandbox'):
dirs = {
'Debug': (build_dir_debug + '_sandbox', build_dir_debug),
'Release': (build_dir_release + '_sandbox', build_dir_release)
for dir_name in dirs.keys():
for src_dir in dirs[dir_name]:
if path_exists(os.path.join(src_dir, cef_sandbox_lib)):
dst_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, dir_name)
make_dir(dst_dir, options.quiet)
combine_libs(platform, src_dir, sandbox_libs,
os.path.join(dst_dir, 'cef_sandbox.a'))
valid_build_dir = None
if mode == 'standard':
# transfer Debug files
build_dir = build_dir_debug
if not options.allowpartial or path_exists(
os.path.join(build_dir, cefclient_app)):
valid_build_dir = build_dir
dst_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'Debug')
make_dir(dst_dir, options.quiet)
framework_src_dir = os.path.join(
build_dir, '%s/Contents/Frameworks/%s.framework/Versions/A' %
(cefclient_app, framework_name))
framework_dst_dir = os.path.join(dst_dir, '%s.framework' % framework_name)
copy_dir(framework_src_dir, framework_dst_dir, options.quiet)
if not options.nosymbols:
# create the symbol output directory
symbol_output_dir = create_output_dir(
output_dir_name + '_debug_symbols', options.outputdir)
# The real dSYM already exists, just copy it to the output directory.
# dSYMs are only generated when is_official_build=true or enable_dsyms=true.
# See //build/config/mac/symbols.gni.
os.path.join(build_dir, framework_dsym),
os.path.join(symbol_output_dir, framework_dsym), options.quiet)
sys.stdout.write("No Debug build files.\n")
if mode != 'sandbox':
# transfer Release files
build_dir = build_dir_release
if not options.allowpartial or path_exists(
os.path.join(build_dir, cefclient_app)):
valid_build_dir = build_dir
dst_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'Release')
make_dir(dst_dir, options.quiet)
framework_src_dir = os.path.join(
build_dir, '%s/Contents/Frameworks/%s.framework/Versions/A' %
(cefclient_app, framework_name))
if mode != 'client':
framework_dst_dir = os.path.join(dst_dir,
'%s.framework' % framework_name)
os.path.join(build_dir, cefclient_app),
os.path.join(dst_dir, cefclient_app), options.quiet)
# Replace the versioned framework with an unversioned framework in the sample app.
framework_dst_dir = os.path.join(
dst_dir, '%s/Contents/Frameworks/%s.framework' % (cefclient_app,
remove_dir(framework_dst_dir, options.quiet)
copy_dir(framework_src_dir, framework_dst_dir, options.quiet)
if not options.nosymbols:
# create the symbol output directory
symbol_output_dir = create_output_dir(
output_dir_name + '_release_symbols', options.outputdir)
# The real dSYM already exists, just copy it to the output directory.
# dSYMs are only generated when is_official_build=true or enable_dsyms=true.
# See //build/config/mac/symbols.gni.
os.path.join(build_dir, framework_dsym),
os.path.join(symbol_output_dir, framework_dsym), options.quiet)
sys.stdout.write("No Release build files.\n")
if mode == 'standard' or mode == 'minimal':
# transfer include files
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['includes_mac'], \
'include/', include_dir, options.quiet)
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['includes_mac_capi'], \
'include/', include_dir, options.quiet)
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['includes_wrapper_mac'], \
'include/', include_dir, options.quiet)
# transfer libcef_dll_wrapper files
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['libcef_dll_wrapper_sources_mac'], \
'libcef_dll/', libcef_dll_dir, options.quiet)
# transfer additional files, if any
transfer_files(cef_dir, script_dir, os.path.join(script_dir, 'distrib', 'mac'), \
mode, output_dir, options.quiet)
if mode == 'standard':
# transfer shared files
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['shared_sources_mac'], \
'tests/shared/', shared_dir, options.quiet)
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['shared_sources_mac_helper'], \
'tests/shared/', shared_dir, options.quiet)
# transfer cefclient files
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['cefclient_sources_mac'], \
'tests/cefclient/', cefclient_dir, options.quiet)
# transfer cefclient/resources/mac files
copy_dir(os.path.join(cef_dir, 'tests/cefclient/resources/mac'), \
os.path.join(cefclient_dir, 'resources/mac'), \
# transfer cefsimple files
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['cefsimple_sources_mac'], \
'tests/cefsimple/', cefsimple_dir, options.quiet)
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['cefsimple_sources_mac_helper'], \
'tests/cefsimple/', cefsimple_dir, options.quiet)
# transfer cefsimple/mac files
copy_dir(os.path.join(cef_dir, 'tests/cefsimple/mac'), \
os.path.join(cefsimple_dir, 'mac'), \
# transfer ceftests files
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['ceftests_sources_mac'], \
'tests/ceftests/', ceftests_dir, options.quiet)
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['ceftests_sources_mac_helper'], \
'tests/ceftests/', ceftests_dir, options.quiet)
# transfer ceftests/resources/mac files
copy_dir(os.path.join(cef_dir, 'tests/ceftests/resources/mac'), \
os.path.join(ceftests_dir, 'resources/mac'), \
elif platform == 'linux':
libcef_so = 'libcef.so'
# yapf: disable
binaries = [
{'path': 'chrome_sandbox', 'out_path': 'chrome-sandbox'},
{'path': libcef_so},
{'path': 'libEGL.so'},
{'path': 'libGLESv2.so'},
{'path': 'snapshot_blob.bin', 'conditional': True},
{'path': 'v8_context_snapshot.bin', 'conditional': True},
{'path': 'swiftshader/libEGL.so'},
{'path': 'swiftshader/libGLESv2.so'},
# yapf: enable
if options.ozone:
binaries.append({'path': 'libminigbm.so', 'conditional': True})
if mode == 'client':
binaries.append({'path': 'cefsimple'})
# yapf: disable
resources = [
{'path': 'cef.pak'},
{'path': 'cef_100_percent.pak'},
{'path': 'cef_200_percent.pak'},
{'path': 'cef_extensions.pak'},
{'path': 'devtools_resources.pak'},
{'path': 'icudtl.dat'},
{'path': 'locales', 'delete': '*.info'},
# yapf: enable
valid_build_dir = None
if mode == 'standard':
# transfer Debug files
build_dir = build_dir_debug
libcef_path = os.path.join(build_dir, libcef_so)
if not options.allowpartial or path_exists(libcef_path):
valid_build_dir = build_dir
dst_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'Debug')
copy_files_list(build_dir, dst_dir, binaries)
sys.stdout.write("No Debug build files.\n")
# transfer Release files
build_dir = build_dir_release
libcef_path = os.path.join(build_dir, libcef_so)
if not options.allowpartial or path_exists(libcef_path):
valid_build_dir = build_dir
dst_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'Release')
copy_files_list(build_dir, dst_dir, binaries)
sys.stdout.write("No Release build files.\n")
if not valid_build_dir is None:
# transfer resource files
build_dir = valid_build_dir
if mode == 'client':
dst_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'Release')
dst_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'Resources')
copy_files_list(build_dir, dst_dir, resources)
if mode == 'standard' or mode == 'minimal':
# transfer include files
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['includes_linux'], \
'include/', include_dir, options.quiet)
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['includes_linux_capi'], \
'include/', include_dir, options.quiet)
# transfer additional files, if any
transfer_files(cef_dir, script_dir, os.path.join(script_dir, 'distrib', 'linux'), \
mode, output_dir, options.quiet)
if mode == 'standard':
# transfer shared files
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['shared_sources_linux'], \
'tests/shared/', shared_dir, options.quiet)
if not options.ozone:
# transfer cefclient files
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['cefclient_sources_linux'], \
'tests/cefclient/', cefclient_dir, options.quiet)
# transfer cefsimple files
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['cefsimple_sources_linux'], \
'tests/cefsimple/', cefsimple_dir, options.quiet)
# transfer ceftests files
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['ceftests_sources_linux'], \
'tests/ceftests/', ceftests_dir, options.quiet)
transfer_gypi_files(cef_dir, cef_paths2['ceftests_sources_views'], \
'tests/ceftests/', ceftests_dir, options.quiet)
if not options.noarchive:
# create an archive for each output directory
archive_format = os.getenv('CEF_ARCHIVE_FORMAT', 'zip')
if archive_format not in ('zip', 'tar.gz', 'tar.bz2'):
raise Exception('Unsupported archive format: %s' % archive_format)
if os.getenv('CEF_COMMAND_7ZIP', '') != '':
archive_format = os.getenv('CEF_COMMAND_7ZIP_FORMAT', '7z')
for dir in archive_dirs:
if not options.quiet:
sys.stdout.write("Creating %s archive for %s...\n" %
(archive_format, os.path.basename(dir)))
if archive_format == 'zip':
elif archive_format == 'tar.gz':
create_tar_archive(dir, 'gz')
elif archive_format == 'tar.bz2':
create_tar_archive(dir, 'bz2')
create_7z_archive(dir, archive_format)