Marshall Greenblatt 35e21da884 Add DLL build support and wrapper that allows clients to transparently switch between static and dynamic CEF builds.
- The libcef project now builds libcef_static.lib instead of libcef.lib.
- The libcef_dll project builds libcef.lib and libcef.dll.  This DLL exports the new CEF C API defined in cef_capi.h, cef_nplugin_capi.h, cef_string.h and cef_string_map.h.
- The libcef_dll_wrapper project builds libcef_dll_wrapper.lib.  This static library wraps the new C API calls with an implementation of the CEF C++ interface as defined in cef.h and cef_nplugin.h.
- The cefclient project now uses the DLL instead of the static library.
- Type definitions have been moved from cef.h to cef_types.h so that they can be shared by both cef.h and cef_capi.h.  This change required some enumeration member name modifications throughout the code base.
- Fixed variable naming inconsistencies.
- Added CefVariant::GetArraySize() method and _NPN_ArrayObjectGetVectorSize() function.
- Remove the ProjectSection(WebsiteProperties) sections from cef.sln to improve VS2005 performance.

git-svn-id: https://chromiumembedded.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@16 5089003a-bbd8-11dd-ad1f-f1f9622dbc98
2009-03-05 01:10:06 +00:00

74 lines
1.5 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights
// reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that
// can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "../precompiled_libcef.h"
#include "ctocpp/stream_ctocpp.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
size_t CefStreamReaderCToCpp::Read(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t n)
if(CEF_MEMBER_MISSING(struct_, read))
return 0;
return struct_->read(struct_, ptr, size, n);
int CefStreamReaderCToCpp::Seek(long offset, int whence)
if(CEF_MEMBER_MISSING(struct_, seek))
return 0;
return struct_->seek(struct_, offset, whence);
long CefStreamReaderCToCpp::Tell()
if(CEF_MEMBER_MISSING(struct_, tell))
return 0;
return struct_->tell(struct_);
int CefStreamReaderCToCpp::Eof()
if(CEF_MEMBER_MISSING(struct_, eof))
return 0;
return struct_->eof(struct_);
size_t CefStreamWriterCToCpp::Write(const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t n)
if(CEF_MEMBER_MISSING(struct_, write))
return 0;
return struct_->write(struct_, ptr, size, n);
int CefStreamWriterCToCpp::Seek(long offset, int whence)
if(CEF_MEMBER_MISSING(struct_, seek))
return 0;
return struct_->seek(struct_, offset, whence);
long CefStreamWriterCToCpp::Tell()
if(CEF_MEMBER_MISSING(struct_, tell))
return 0;
return struct_->tell(struct_);
int CefStreamWriterCToCpp::Flush()
if(CEF_MEMBER_MISSING(struct_, flush))
return 0;
return struct_->flush(struct_);