Marshall Greenblatt dd81904a2f Add initial support for API versioning (see #3836)
- Generated files are now created when running cef_create_projects or
  the new version_manager.py tool. These files are still created in the
  cef/ source tree (same location as before) but Git ignores them due to
  the generated .gitignore file.
- API hashes are committed to Git as a new cef_api_versions.json file.
  This file is used for both code generation and CEF version calculation
  (replacing the previous usage of cef_api_hash.h for this purpose).
  It will be updated by the CEF admin before merging breaking API
  changes upstream.
- As an added benefit to the above, contributor PRs will no longer
  contain generated code that is susceptible to frequent merge conflicts.
- From a code generation perspective, the main difference is that we now
  use versioned structs (e.g. cef_browser_0_t instead of cef_browser_t)
  on the libcef (dll/framework) side. Most of the make_*.py tool changes
  are related to supporting this.
- From the client perspective, you can now define CEF_API_VERSION in the
  project configuration (or get CEF_EXPERIMENTAL by default). This
  define will change the API exposed in CEF’s include/ and include/capi
  header files. All client-side targets including libcef_dll_wrapper
  will need be recompiled when changing this define.
- Examples of the new API-related define usage are provided in
  cef_api_version_test.h, api_version_test_impl.cc and

To test:
- Run `ceftests --gtest_filter=ApiVersionTest.*`
- Add `cef_api_version=13300` to GN_DEFINES. Re-run configure, build and
  ceftests steps.
- Repeat with 13301, 13302, 13303 (all supported test versions).
2025-01-08 17:19:43 -05:00

190 lines
5.8 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2024 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights
# reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that
# can be found in the LICENSE file.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from cef_parser import *
import functools
def _version_finder(header, name):
cls = header.get_capi_class(name)
if not cls is None:
return cls.get_capi_name(first_version=True)
return name
def make_capi_global_funcs(version, version_finder, funcs, defined_names):
result = ''
for func in funcs:
result += 'CEF_EXPORT ' + func.get_capi_proto(
defined_names, version=version, version_finder=version_finder) + ';\n'
return result
def make_capi_member_funcs(version, version_finder, funcs, defined_names,
translate_map, indent):
result = ''
for func in funcs:
parts = func.get_capi_parts(version=version, version_finder=version_finder)
if func.removed_at_version(version):
result += indent + 'uintptr_t ' + parts['name'] + '_removed;\n'
result += indent + parts['retval'] + ' (CEF_CALLBACK *' + parts['name'] + \
')(' + ', '.join(parts['args']) + ');\n'
return result
def make_capi_versions_header(header, filename):
# structure names that have already been defined
defined_names = header.get_defined_structs()
# map of strings that will be changed in C++ comments
translate_map = header.get_capi_translations()
# header string
result = get_copyright(full=True, translator=False) + \
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This file was generated by the CEF translator tool and should not edited
// by hand. See the translator.README.txt file in the tools directory for
// more information.
// $hash=$$HASH$$$
#ifndef $GUARD$
#define $GUARD$
#pragma once
#error This file can be included DLL-side only
classes = header.get_classes(filename)
# identify all includes and forward declarations
translated_includes = set()
internal_includes = set()
all_declares = set()
for cls in classes:
includes = cls.get_includes()
for include in includes:
if include.startswith('base/'):
# base/ headers are C++. They should not be included by
# translated CEF API headers.
raise Exception('Disallowed include of %s.h from %s' % (include,
elif include.startswith('internal/') or include == 'cef_api_hash':
# internal/ headers may be C or C++. Include them as-is.
declares = cls.get_forward_declares()
for declare in declares:
declare_cls = header.get_class(declare)
if declare_cls is None:
raise Exception('Unknown class: %s' % declare)
for version in declare_cls.get_all_versions():
# output translated includes
if len(translated_includes) > 0:
sorted_includes = sorted(translated_includes)
for include in sorted_includes:
suffix = '_versions' if not include in ('cef_base',) else ''
result += '#include "include/capi/' + include + '_capi' + suffix + '.h"\n'
result += '#include "include/capi/cef_base_capi.h"\n'
# output internal includes
if len(internal_includes) > 0:
sorted_includes = sorted(internal_includes)
for include in sorted_includes:
result += '#include "include/' + include + '.h"\n'
result += \
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
# output forward declarations
if bool(all_declares):
for declare in sorted(all_declares):
result += 'struct _' + declare + ';\n'
result += '\n'
version_finder = functools.partial(_version_finder, header)
# output classes
for cls in classes:
for version in cls.get_all_versions():
# virtual functions are inside the structure
classname = cls.get_capi_name(version=version)
result += 'typedef struct _'+classname+' {\n'+\
' '+cls.get_parent_capi_name(version=version)+' base;\n'
funcs = cls.get_virtual_funcs(version_order=True, version=version)
result += make_capi_member_funcs(version, version_finder, funcs,
defined_names, translate_map, ' ')
result += '} ' + classname + ';\n\n'
# static functions become global
funcs = cls.get_static_funcs()
if len(funcs) > 0:
result += make_capi_global_funcs(version, version_finder, funcs,
defined_names) + '\n'
# output global functions
funcs = header.get_funcs(filename)
if len(funcs) > 0:
result += make_capi_global_funcs(None, version_finder, funcs,
defined_names) + '\n'
# footer string
result += \
"""#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // $GUARD$
# add the guard string
guard = 'CEF_INCLUDE_CAPI_' + \
filename.replace('/', '_').replace('.', '_capi_versions_').upper() + '_'
result = result.replace('$GUARD$', guard)
return result
def write_capi_versions_header(header, header_dir, filename):
file = get_capi_file_name(os.path.join(header_dir, filename), versions=True)
newcontents = make_capi_versions_header(header, filename)
return (file, newcontents)
# test the module
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
# verify that the correct number of command-line arguments are provided
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
sys.stderr.write('Usage: ' + sys.argv[0] + ' <infile>\n')
# create the header object
header = obj_header()
# dump the result to stdout
filename = os.path.split(sys.argv[1])[1]
sys.stdout.write(make_capi_versions_header(header, filename))