Marshall Greenblatt dd81904a2f Add initial support for API versioning (see #3836)
- Generated files are now created when running cef_create_projects or
  the new version_manager.py tool. These files are still created in the
  cef/ source tree (same location as before) but Git ignores them due to
  the generated .gitignore file.
- API hashes are committed to Git as a new cef_api_versions.json file.
  This file is used for both code generation and CEF version calculation
  (replacing the previous usage of cef_api_hash.h for this purpose).
  It will be updated by the CEF admin before merging breaking API
  changes upstream.
- As an added benefit to the above, contributor PRs will no longer
  contain generated code that is susceptible to frequent merge conflicts.
- From a code generation perspective, the main difference is that we now
  use versioned structs (e.g. cef_browser_0_t instead of cef_browser_t)
  on the libcef (dll/framework) side. Most of the make_*.py tool changes
  are related to supporting this.
- From the client perspective, you can now define CEF_API_VERSION in the
  project configuration (or get CEF_EXPERIMENTAL by default). This
  define will change the API exposed in CEF’s include/ and include/capi
  header files. All client-side targets including libcef_dll_wrapper
  will need be recompiled when changing this define.
- Examples of the new API-related define usage are provided in
  cef_api_version_test.h, api_version_test_impl.cc and

To test:
- Run `ceftests --gtest_filter=ApiVersionTest.*`
- Add `cef_api_version=13300` to GN_DEFINES. Re-run configure, build and
  ceftests steps.
- Repeat with 13301, 13302, 13303 (all supported test versions).
2025-01-08 17:19:43 -05:00

152 lines
5.9 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors.
# Portions copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from file_util import make_dir, write_file_if_changed
from gclient_util import *
from gn_args import GetAllPlatformConfigs, GetConfigFileContents
import issue_1999
import os
import sys
# The CEF directory is the parent directory of _this_ script.
cef_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir))
# The src directory is the parent directory of the CEF directory.
src_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cef_dir, os.pardir))
# Determine the platform.
if sys.platform == 'win32':
platform = 'windows'
elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
platform = 'mac'
elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
platform = 'linux'
print('Unknown operating system platform')
print("\nGenerating CEF translated files...")
cmd = [sys.executable, 'tools/version_manager.py', '-u', '--fast-check']
RunAction(cef_dir, cmd)
print("\nPatching build configuration and source files for CEF...")
cmd = [sys.executable, 'tools/patcher.py']
RunAction(cef_dir, cmd)
if platform == 'linux' and 'CEF_INSTALL_SYSROOT' in os.environ:
for arch in os.environ['CEF_INSTALL_SYSROOT'].split(','):
if len(arch) == 0:
print("\nInstalling %s sysroot environment..." % arch)
cmd = [
sys.executable, 'build/linux/sysroot_scripts/install-sysroot.py',
'--arch', arch
RunAction(src_dir, cmd)
print("\nGenerating CEF project files...")
gn_args = {}
if platform == 'windows':
# Force use of the locally installed version of Visual Studio.
if not 'DEPOT_TOOLS_WIN_TOOLCHAIN' in os.environ:
os.environ['DEPOT_TOOLS_WIN_TOOLCHAIN'] = '0'
# By default GN+Ninja on Windows expects Visual Studio and Windows SDK to be
# installed on the local machine. To build when Visual Studio and/or SDK is
# extracted to a directory but not installed (e.g. via a custom toolchain) set
# the following environment variables:
# o Enable use of a custom toolchain on Windows.
# o Used by tools/msvs_env.bat to configure the MSVS tools environment.
# Should be set to "none" because VC variables for CEF will be set via
# set CEF_VCVARS=none
# o Used by the following scripts:
# (a) build/vs_toolchain.py SetEnvironmentAndGetRuntimeDllDirs when
# determining whether to copy VS runtime binaries to the output directory.
# If GYP_MSVS_OVERRIDE_PATH exists then binaries will not be copied and
# should instead be discoverable via the PATH env variable.
# (b) build/toolchain/win/setup_toolchain.py _LoadToolchainEnv when
# writing environment.* files that specify INCLUDE/LIB/PATH values. If
# vcvarsall.bat [1] exists then environment variables will be derived from
# there and the specified INCLUDE/LIB values will be ignored by Chromium
# (PATH is retained because it might contain required VS runtime libraries).
# If this file does not exist then the INCLUDE/LIB/PATH values are also
# required by Chromium.
# TODO(cef): Rename to VS_ROOT and VS_VERSION after Chromium cleans up GYP
# dependencies.
# set GYP_MSVS_OVERRIDE_PATH=<VS root directory>
# set GYP_MSVS_VERSION=<VS version>
# o Used to configure GN arguments in this script.
# set VS_CRT_ROOT=<VS CRT root directory>
# set SDK_ROOT=<Platform SDK root directory>
# set SDK_VERSION=<Platform SDK version>
# o Used by various scripts as described above. These values are optional when
# vcvarsall.bat [1] exists.
# set INCLUDE=<VS include paths>
# set LIB=<VS library paths>
# set PATH=<VS executable paths>
# See tools/depot_tools/win_toolchain/package_from_installed.py for an example
# packaging script along with required directory contents and INCLUDE/LIB/PATH
# values.
# [1] The vcvarsall.bat script must exist in "%GYP_MSVS_OVERRIDE_PATH%\VC\" or
# "%GYP_MSVS_OVERRIDE_PATH%\VC\Auxiliary\Build\". If the Windows SDK is not
# installed (e.g. not discoverable via the Windows registry) then
# "%GYP_MSVS_OVERRIDE_PATH%\Common7\Tools\vsdevcmd\core\winsdk.bat" must be
# patched to support discovery via SDK_ROOT as described in
# https://github.com/chromiumembedded/cef/issues/2773#issuecomment-1465019898.
if bool(int(os.environ.get('WIN_CUSTOM_TOOLCHAIN', '0'))):
required_vars = [
for var in required_vars:
if not var in os.environ.keys():
raise Exception('%s environment variable must be set' % var)
# Windows custom toolchain requirements. See comments in gn_args.py.
gn_args['visual_studio_path'] = os.environ['GYP_MSVS_OVERRIDE_PATH']
gn_args['visual_studio_version'] = os.environ['GYP_MSVS_VERSION']
gn_args['visual_studio_runtime_dirs'] = os.environ['VS_CRT_ROOT']
gn_args['windows_sdk_path'] = os.environ['SDK_ROOT']
gn_args['windows_sdk_version'] = os.environ['SDK_VERSION']
configs = GetAllPlatformConfigs(gn_args)
for dir, config in configs.items():
# Create out directories and write the args.gn file.
out_path = os.path.join(src_dir, 'out', dir)
make_dir(out_path, False)
args_gn_path = os.path.join(out_path, 'args.gn')
args_gn_contents = GetConfigFileContents(config)
write_file_if_changed(args_gn_path, args_gn_contents)
# Generate the Ninja config.
cmd = ['gn', 'gen', os.path.join('out', dir)]
if 'GN_ARGUMENTS' in os.environ.keys():
cmd.extend(os.environ['GN_ARGUMENTS'].split(' '))
RunAction(src_dir, cmd)
if platform == 'windows':