// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "libcef/browser/native/browser_platform_delegate_native.h"

#if defined(USE_X11)
class CefWindowX11;

// Windowed browser implementation for Linux.
class CefBrowserPlatformDelegateNativeLinux
    : public CefBrowserPlatformDelegateNative {
  CefBrowserPlatformDelegateNativeLinux(const CefWindowInfo& window_info,
                                        SkColor background_color,
                                        bool use_external_begin_frame);

  // CefBrowserPlatformDelegate methods:
  void BrowserDestroyed(CefBrowserHostImpl* browser) override;
  bool CreateHostWindow() override;
  void CloseHostWindow() override;
  CefWindowHandle GetHostWindowHandle() const override;
  views::Widget* GetWindowWidget() const override;
  void SendFocusEvent(bool setFocus) override;
  void NotifyMoveOrResizeStarted() override;
  void SizeTo(int width, int height) override;
  gfx::Point GetScreenPoint(const gfx::Point& view) const override;
  void ViewText(const std::string& text) override;
  bool HandleKeyboardEvent(
      const content::NativeWebKeyboardEvent& event) override;
  void TranslateKeyEvent(content::NativeWebKeyboardEvent& result,
                         const CefKeyEvent& key_event) const override;
  void TranslateClickEvent(blink::WebMouseEvent& result,
                           const CefMouseEvent& mouse_event,
                           CefBrowserHost::MouseButtonType type,
                           bool mouseUp,
                           int clickCount) const override;
  void TranslateMoveEvent(blink::WebMouseEvent& result,
                          const CefMouseEvent& mouse_event,
                          bool mouseLeave) const override;
  void TranslateWheelEvent(blink::WebMouseWheelEvent& result,
                           const CefMouseEvent& mouse_event,
                           int deltaX,
                           int deltaY) const override;
  CefEventHandle GetEventHandle(
      const content::NativeWebKeyboardEvent& event) const override;
  std::unique_ptr<CefMenuRunner> CreateMenuRunner() override;
  gfx::Point GetDialogPosition(const gfx::Size& size) override;
  gfx::Size GetMaximumDialogSize() override;

  void TranslateMouseEvent(blink::WebMouseEvent& result,
                           const CefMouseEvent& mouse_event) const;

  // True if the host window has been created.
  bool host_window_created_;

  // Widget hosting the web contents. It will be deleted automatically when the
  // associated root window is destroyed.
  views::Widget* window_widget_;

#if defined(USE_X11)
  CefWindowX11* window_x11_ = nullptr;