// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights // reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that // can be found in the LICENSE file. #include "cefclient/client_handler.h" #include #include #include #include "include/cef_browser.h" #include "include/cef_command_line.h" #include "include/cef_frame.h" #include "cefclient/binding_test.h" #include "cefclient/cefclient.h" #include "cefclient/cefclient_switches.h" #include "cefclient/download_handler.h" #include "cefclient/performance_test.h" #include "cefclient/string_util.h" ClientHandler::ClientHandler() : m_MainHwnd(NULL), m_BrowserHwnd(NULL), m_EditHwnd(NULL), m_BackHwnd(NULL), m_ForwardHwnd(NULL), m_StopHwnd(NULL), m_ReloadHwnd(NULL), m_bFormElementHasFocus(false) { CefRefPtr commandLine = AppGetCommandLine(); if (commandLine.get()) { if (commandLine->HasSwitch(cefclient::kUrl)) m_StartupURL = commandLine->GetSwitchValue(cefclient::kUrl); else m_StartupURL = "http://www.google.com/"; } } ClientHandler::~ClientHandler() { } void ClientHandler::OnAfterCreated(CefRefPtr browser) { REQUIRE_UI_THREAD(); AutoLock lock_scope(this); if (!m_Browser.get()) { // We need to keep the main child window, but not popup windows m_Browser = browser; m_BrowserHwnd = browser->GetWindowHandle(); } } bool ClientHandler::DoClose(CefRefPtr browser) { REQUIRE_UI_THREAD(); if (m_BrowserHwnd == browser->GetWindowHandle()) { // Since the main window contains the browser window, we need to close // the parent window instead of the browser window. CloseMainWindow(); // Return true here so that we can skip closing the browser window // in this pass. (It will be destroyed due to the call to close // the parent above.) return true; } // A popup browser window is not contained in another window, so we can let // these windows close by themselves. return false; } void ClientHandler::OnBeforeClose(CefRefPtr browser) { REQUIRE_UI_THREAD(); if (m_BrowserHwnd == browser->GetWindowHandle()) { // Free the browser pointer so that the browser can be destroyed m_Browser = NULL; } } void ClientHandler::OnLoadStart(CefRefPtr browser, CefRefPtr frame) { REQUIRE_UI_THREAD(); if (m_BrowserHwnd == browser->GetWindowHandle() && frame->IsMain()) { // We've just started loading a page SetLoading(true); } } void ClientHandler::OnLoadEnd(CefRefPtr browser, CefRefPtr frame, int httpStatusCode) { REQUIRE_UI_THREAD(); if (m_BrowserHwnd == browser->GetWindowHandle() && frame->IsMain()) { // We've just finished loading a page SetLoading(false); CefRefPtr visitor = GetDOMVisitor(frame->GetURL()); if (visitor.get()) frame->VisitDOM(visitor); } } bool ClientHandler::OnLoadError(CefRefPtr browser, CefRefPtr frame, ErrorCode errorCode, const CefString& failedUrl, CefString& errorText) { REQUIRE_UI_THREAD(); if (errorCode == ERR_CACHE_MISS) { // Usually caused by navigating to a page with POST data via back or // forward buttons. errorText = "Expired Form Data" "

Expired Form Data

" "

Your form request has expired. " "Click reload to re-submit the form data.

" ""; } else { // All other messages. std::stringstream ss; ss << "Load Failed" "

Load Failed

" "

Load of URL " << std::string(failedUrl) << " failed with error code " << static_cast(errorCode) << ".

" ""; errorText = ss.str(); } return false; } bool ClientHandler::GetDownloadHandler(CefRefPtr browser, const CefString& mimeType, const CefString& fileName, int64 contentLength, CefRefPtr& handler) { REQUIRE_UI_THREAD(); // Create the handler for the file download. handler = CreateDownloadHandler(this, fileName); // Close the browser window if it is a popup with no other document contents. if (browser->IsPopup() && !browser->HasDocument()) browser->CloseBrowser(); return true; } void ClientHandler::OnNavStateChange(CefRefPtr browser, bool canGoBack, bool canGoForward) { REQUIRE_UI_THREAD(); SetNavState(canGoBack, canGoForward); } bool ClientHandler::OnConsoleMessage(CefRefPtr browser, const CefString& message, const CefString& source, int line) { REQUIRE_UI_THREAD(); bool first_message; std::string logFile; { AutoLock lock_scope(this); first_message = m_LogFile.empty(); if (first_message) { std::stringstream ss; ss << AppGetWorkingDirectory(); #if defined(OS_WIN) ss << "\\"; #else ss << "/"; #endif ss << "console.log"; m_LogFile = ss.str(); } logFile = m_LogFile; } FILE* file = fopen(logFile.c_str(), "a"); if (file) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Message: " << std::string(message) << "\r\nSource: " << std::string(source) << "\r\nLine: " << line << "\r\n-----------------------\r\n"; fputs(ss.str().c_str(), file); fclose(file); if (first_message) SendNotification(NOTIFY_CONSOLE_MESSAGE); } return false; } void ClientHandler::OnFocusedNodeChanged(CefRefPtr browser, CefRefPtr frame, CefRefPtr node) { REQUIRE_UI_THREAD(); // Set to true if a form element has focus. m_bFormElementHasFocus = (node.get() && node->IsFormControlElement()); } bool ClientHandler::OnKeyEvent(CefRefPtr browser, KeyEventType type, int code, int modifiers, bool isSystemKey, bool isAfterJavaScript) { REQUIRE_UI_THREAD(); if (isAfterJavaScript && !m_bFormElementHasFocus && code == 0x20) { // Special handling for the space character if a form element does not have // focus. if (type == KEYEVENT_RAWKEYDOWN) { browser->GetMainFrame()->ExecuteJavaScript( "alert('You pressed the space bar!');", "", 0); } return true; } return false; } bool ClientHandler::GetPrintHeaderFooter(CefRefPtr browser, CefRefPtr frame, const CefPrintInfo& printInfo, const CefString& url, const CefString& title, int currentPage, int maxPages, CefString& topLeft, CefString& topCenter, CefString& topRight, CefString& bottomLeft, CefString& bottomCenter, CefString& bottomRight) { REQUIRE_UI_THREAD(); // Place the page title at top left topLeft = title; // Place the page URL at top right topRight = url; // Place "Page X of Y" at bottom center std::stringstream strstream; strstream << "Page " << currentPage << " of " << maxPages; bottomCenter = strstream.str(); return false; } void ClientHandler::OnContextCreated(CefRefPtr browser, CefRefPtr frame, CefRefPtr context) { REQUIRE_UI_THREAD(); CefRefPtr object = context->GetGlobal(); // Add the V8 bindings. InitBindingTest(browser, frame, object); std::string url = frame->GetURL(); if (url == performance_test::kTestUrl) performance_test::InitTest(browser, frame, object); } bool ClientHandler::OnDragStart(CefRefPtr browser, CefRefPtr dragData, DragOperationsMask mask) { REQUIRE_UI_THREAD(); // Forbid dragging of image files. if (dragData->IsFile()) { std::string fileName = dragData->GetFileName(); if (fileName.find(".png") != std::string::npos || fileName.find(".jpg") != std::string::npos || fileName.find(".gif") != std::string::npos) return true; } return false; } bool ClientHandler::OnDragEnter(CefRefPtr browser, CefRefPtr dragData, DragOperationsMask mask) { REQUIRE_UI_THREAD(); // Forbid dragging of link URLs. if (dragData->IsLink()) return true; return false; } bool ClientHandler::OnBeforeScriptExtensionLoad( CefRefPtr browser, CefRefPtr frame, const CefString& extensionName) { return false; } void ClientHandler::OnRequestGeolocationPermission( CefRefPtr browser, const CefString& requesting_url, int request_id, CefRefPtr callback) { // Allow geolocation access from all websites. callback->Continue(true); } void ClientHandler::NotifyDownloadComplete(const CefString& fileName) { SetLastDownloadFile(fileName); SendNotification(NOTIFY_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE); } void ClientHandler::NotifyDownloadError(const CefString& fileName) { SetLastDownloadFile(fileName); SendNotification(NOTIFY_DOWNLOAD_ERROR); } void ClientHandler::SetMainHwnd(CefWindowHandle hwnd) { AutoLock lock_scope(this); m_MainHwnd = hwnd; } void ClientHandler::SetEditHwnd(CefWindowHandle hwnd) { AutoLock lock_scope(this); m_EditHwnd = hwnd; } void ClientHandler::SetButtonHwnds(CefWindowHandle backHwnd, CefWindowHandle forwardHwnd, CefWindowHandle reloadHwnd, CefWindowHandle stopHwnd) { AutoLock lock_scope(this); m_BackHwnd = backHwnd; m_ForwardHwnd = forwardHwnd; m_ReloadHwnd = reloadHwnd; m_StopHwnd = stopHwnd; } std::string ClientHandler::GetLogFile() { AutoLock lock_scope(this); return m_LogFile; } void ClientHandler::SetLastDownloadFile(const std::string& fileName) { AutoLock lock_scope(this); m_LastDownloadFile = fileName; } std::string ClientHandler::GetLastDownloadFile() { AutoLock lock_scope(this); return m_LastDownloadFile; } void ClientHandler::AddDOMVisitor(const std::string& path, CefRefPtr visitor) { AutoLock lock_scope(this); DOMVisitorMap::iterator it = m_DOMVisitors.find(path); if (it == m_DOMVisitors.end()) m_DOMVisitors.insert(std::make_pair(path, visitor)); else it->second = visitor; } CefRefPtr ClientHandler::GetDOMVisitor(const std::string& path) { AutoLock lock_scope(this); DOMVisitorMap::iterator it = m_DOMVisitors.find(path); if (it != m_DOMVisitors.end()) return it->second; return NULL; }