// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. // Portions copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "libcef/web_drop_target_gtk.h" #include #include #include "libcef/browser_impl.h" #include "libcef/cef_context.h" #include "libcef/drag_data_impl.h" #include "libcef/web_drag_utils_gtk.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" #include "net/base/net_util.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/platform/WebDragData.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/platform/WebPoint.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebView.h" #include "ui/base/clipboard/custom_data_helper.h" #include "ui/base/dragdrop/os_exchange_data.h" #include "ui/base/dragdrop/os_exchange_data_provider_gtk.h" #include "ui/base/dragdrop/gtk_dnd_util.h" #include "ui/base/gtk/gtk_screen_util.h" #include "webkit/glue/webdropdata.h" #include "webkit/glue/window_open_disposition.h" using WebKit::WebDragOperation; using WebKit::WebDragOperationNone; using WebKit::WebDragOperationCopy; using WebKit::WebDragOperationLink; using WebKit::WebDragOperationMove; using WebKit::WebDragOperationGeneric; using WebKit::WebDragOperationsMask; using WebKit::WebPoint; using WebKit::WebView; namespace { int GetModifierFlags(GtkWidget* widget) { int modifier_state = 0; GdkModifierType state; gdk_window_get_pointer(gtk_widget_get_window(widget), NULL, NULL, &state); if (state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK) modifier_state |= WebKit::WebInputEvent::ShiftKey; if (state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) modifier_state |= WebKit::WebInputEvent::ControlKey; if (state & GDK_MOD1_MASK) modifier_state |= WebKit::WebInputEvent::AltKey; if (state & GDK_META_MASK) modifier_state |= WebKit::WebInputEvent::MetaKey; return modifier_state; } WebDragOperationsMask GetOperationsMask(GdkDragContext* context) { return web_drag_utils_gtk::GdkDragActionToWebDragOp(context->actions); } } // namespace WebDropTarget::WebDropTarget(CefBrowserImpl* browser) : browser_(browser), context_(NULL), data_requests_(0), is_drop_target_(false), sent_drag_enter_(false), method_factory_(this) { widget_ = browser->UIT_GetWebViewHost()->view_handle(); gtk_drag_dest_set(widget_, static_cast(0), NULL, 0, static_cast(GDK_ACTION_COPY | GDK_ACTION_LINK | GDK_ACTION_MOVE)); g_signal_connect(widget_, "drag-motion", G_CALLBACK(OnDragMotionThunk), this); g_signal_connect(widget_, "drag-leave", G_CALLBACK(OnDragLeaveThunk), this); g_signal_connect(widget_, "drag-drop", G_CALLBACK(OnDragDropThunk), this); g_signal_connect(widget_, "drag-data-received", G_CALLBACK(OnDragDataReceivedThunk), this); // TODO(tony): Need a drag-data-delete handler for moving content out of // the WebContents. http://crbug.com/38989 destroy_handler_ = g_signal_connect( widget_, "destroy", G_CALLBACK(gtk_widget_destroyed), &widget_); } WebDropTarget::~WebDropTarget() { if (widget_) { gtk_drag_dest_unset(widget_); g_signal_handler_disconnect(widget_, destroy_handler_); } } void WebDropTarget::DragLeave() { getView()->dragTargetDragLeave(); drop_data_.reset(); } WebKit::WebView* WebDropTarget::getView() { return browser_->UIT_GetWebView(); } void WebDropTarget::UpdateDragStatus(WebDragOperation operation, gint time) { if (context_) { is_drop_target_ = operation != WebDragOperationNone; GdkDragAction action = web_drag_utils_gtk::WebDragOpToGdkDragAction(operation); gdk_drag_status(context_, action, time); } } gboolean WebDropTarget::OnDragMotion(GtkWidget* sender, GdkDragContext* context, gint x, gint y, guint time) { if (context_ != context) { context_ = context; drop_data_.reset(new WebDropData); is_drop_target_ = false; // text/plain must come before text/uri-list. This is a hack that works in // conjunction with OnDragDataReceived. Since some file managers populate // text/plain with file URLs when dragging files, we want to handle // text/uri-list after text/plain so that the plain text can be cleared if // it's a file drag. static int supported_targets[] = { ui::TEXT_PLAIN, ui::TEXT_URI_LIST, ui::TEXT_HTML, ui::NETSCAPE_URL, ui::CHROME_NAMED_URL, // TODO(estade): support image drags? ui::CUSTOM_DATA, }; data_requests_ = arraysize(supported_targets); for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(supported_targets); ++i) { gtk_drag_get_data(widget_, context, ui::GetAtomForTarget(supported_targets[i]), time); } } else if (data_requests_ == 0) { WebDragOperation operation = getView()->dragTargetDragOver( ui::ClientPoint(widget_), ui::ScreenPoint(widget_), GetOperationsMask(context), GetModifierFlags(widget_)); UpdateDragStatus(operation, time); } return TRUE; } void WebDropTarget::OnDragDataReceived( GtkWidget* sender, GdkDragContext* context, gint x, gint y, GtkSelectionData* data, guint info, guint time) { // We might get the data from an old get_data() request that we no longer // care about. if (context != context_) return; data_requests_--; // Decode the data. gint data_length = gtk_selection_data_get_length(data); const guchar* raw_data = gtk_selection_data_get_data(data); GdkAtom target = gtk_selection_data_get_target(data); if (raw_data && data_length > 0) { // If the source can't provide us with valid data for a requested target, // raw_data will be NULL. if (target == ui::GetAtomForTarget(ui::TEXT_PLAIN)) { guchar* text = gtk_selection_data_get_text(data); if (text) { drop_data_->text = NullableString16( UTF8ToUTF16(std::string(reinterpret_cast(text))), false); g_free(text); } } else if (target == ui::GetAtomForTarget(ui::TEXT_URI_LIST)) { gchar** uris = gtk_selection_data_get_uris(data); if (uris) { drop_data_->url = GURL(); for (gchar** uri_iter = uris; *uri_iter; uri_iter++) { // Most file managers populate text/uri-list with file URLs when // dragging files. To avoid exposing file system paths to web content, // file URLs are never set as the URL content for the drop. // TODO(estade): Can the filenames have a non-UTF8 encoding? GURL url(*uri_iter); FilePath file_path; if (url.SchemeIs("file") && net::FileURLToFilePath(url, &file_path)) { drop_data_->filenames.push_back( WebDropData::FileInfo(UTF8ToUTF16(file_path.value()), string16())); // This is a hack. Some file managers also populate text/plain with // a file URL when dragging files, so we clear it to avoid exposing // it to the web content. drop_data_->text = NullableString16(true); } else if (!drop_data_->url.is_valid()) { // Also set the first non-file URL as the URL content for the drop. drop_data_->url = url; } } g_strfreev(uris); } } else if (target == ui::GetAtomForTarget(ui::TEXT_HTML)) { // TODO(estade): Can the html have a non-UTF8 encoding? drop_data_->html = NullableString16( UTF8ToUTF16(std::string(reinterpret_cast(raw_data), data_length)), false); // We leave the base URL empty. } else if (target == ui::GetAtomForTarget(ui::NETSCAPE_URL)) { std::string netscape_url(reinterpret_cast(raw_data), data_length); size_t split = netscape_url.find_first_of('\n'); if (split != std::string::npos) { drop_data_->url = GURL(netscape_url.substr(0, split)); if (split < netscape_url.size() - 1) drop_data_->url_title = UTF8ToUTF16(netscape_url.substr(split + 1)); } } else if (target == ui::GetAtomForTarget(ui::CHROME_NAMED_URL)) { ui::ExtractNamedURL(data, &drop_data_->url, &drop_data_->url_title); } else if (target == ui::GetAtomForTarget(ui::CUSTOM_DATA)) { ui::ReadCustomDataIntoMap( raw_data, data_length, &drop_data_->custom_data); } } if (data_requests_ == 0) { WebDragOperation operation = WebDragOperationNone; bool handled = false; CefRefPtr client = browser_->GetClient(); if (client.get()) { CefRefPtr handler = client->GetDragHandler(); if (handler.get()) { CefRefPtr data(new CefDragDataImpl(*drop_data_.get())); handled = handler->OnDragEnter( browser_, data, static_cast( GetOperationsMask(context))); } } sent_drag_enter_ = !handled; if (!handled) { // Tell the renderer about the drag. // |x| and |y| are seemingly arbitrary at this point. operation = getView()->dragTargetDragEnter( drop_data_->ToDragData(), ui::ClientPoint(widget_), ui::ScreenPoint(widget_), GetOperationsMask(context), GetModifierFlags(widget_)); } UpdateDragStatus(operation, time); } } // The drag has left our widget; forward this information to the renderer. void WebDropTarget::OnDragLeave(GtkWidget* sender, GdkDragContext* context, guint time) { // Set |context_| to NULL to make sure we will recognize the next DragMotion // as an enter. context_ = NULL; // Don't send the drag leave event if we didn't send a drag enter event. if (!sent_drag_enter_) return; // Sometimes we get a drag-leave event before getting a drag-data-received // event. In that case, we don't want to bother the renderer with a // DragLeave event. if (data_requests_ != 0) return; // When GTK sends us a drag-drop signal, it is shortly (and synchronously) // preceded by a drag-leave. The renderer doesn't like getting the signals // in this order so delay telling it about the drag-leave till we are sure // we are not getting a drop as well. MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&WebDropTarget::DragLeave, method_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); } // Called by GTK when the user releases the mouse, executing a drop. gboolean WebDropTarget::OnDragDrop(GtkWidget* sender, GdkDragContext* context, gint x, gint y, guint time) { // Cancel that drag leave! method_factory_.InvalidateWeakPtrs(); browser_->set_is_dropping(true); if (getView()) { getView()->dragTargetDrop(ui::ClientPoint(widget_), ui::ScreenPoint(widget_), GetModifierFlags(widget_)); } browser_->set_is_dropping(false); // The second parameter is just an educated guess as to whether or not the // drag succeeded, but at least we will get the drag-end animation right // sometimes. gtk_drag_finish(context, is_drop_target_, FALSE, time); return TRUE; }