// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights // reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that // can be found in the LICENSE file. #include "tests/cefclient/browser/main_context_impl.h" #include <algorithm> #include <memory> #include "include/cef_parser.h" #include "tests/cefclient/browser/test_runner.h" #include "tests/shared/browser/client_app_browser.h" #include "tests/shared/common/client_switches.h" #include "tests/shared/common/string_util.h" namespace client { namespace { // The default URL to load in a browser window. const char kDefaultUrl[] = "https://www.google.com"; // Returns the ARGB value for |color|. cef_color_t ParseColor(const std::string& color) { const std::string& colorToLower = AsciiStrToLower(color); if (colorToLower == "black") { return CefColorSetARGB(255, 0, 0, 0); } else if (colorToLower == "blue") { return CefColorSetARGB(255, 0, 0, 255); } else if (colorToLower == "green") { return CefColorSetARGB(255, 0, 255, 0); } else if (colorToLower == "red") { return CefColorSetARGB(255, 255, 0, 0); } else if (colorToLower == "white") { return CefColorSetARGB(255, 255, 255, 255); } // Use the default color. return 0; } } // namespace MainContextImpl::MainContextImpl(CefRefPtr<CefCommandLine> command_line, bool terminate_when_all_windows_closed) : command_line_(command_line), terminate_when_all_windows_closed_(terminate_when_all_windows_closed) { DCHECK(command_line_.get()); // Whether windowless (off-screen) rendering will be used. use_windowless_rendering_ = command_line_->HasSwitch(switches::kOffScreenRenderingEnabled); if (use_windowless_rendering_ && command_line_->HasSwitch(switches::kOffScreenFrameRate)) { windowless_frame_rate_ = atoi(command_line_->GetSwitchValue(switches::kOffScreenFrameRate) .ToString() .c_str()); } // Whether transparent painting is used with windowless rendering. const bool use_transparent_painting = use_windowless_rendering_ && command_line_->HasSwitch(switches::kTransparentPaintingEnabled); shared_texture_enabled_ = use_windowless_rendering_ && command_line_->HasSwitch(switches::kSharedTextureEnabled); external_begin_frame_enabled_ = use_windowless_rendering_ && command_line_->HasSwitch(switches::kExternalBeginFrameEnabled); if (windowless_frame_rate_ <= 0) { windowless_frame_rate_ = shared_texture_enabled_ ? 60 : 30; } // Enable Chrome runtime bootstrap. See issue #2969 for details. use_chrome_bootstrap_ = command_line_->HasSwitch(switches::kEnableChromeRuntime); // Whether the Views framework will be used. use_views_ = command_line_->HasSwitch(switches::kUseViews); if (use_windowless_rendering_ && use_views_) { LOG(ERROR) << "Windowless rendering is not supported by the Views framework."; use_views_ = false; } // Whether Alloy style will be used. use_alloy_style_ = !use_chrome_bootstrap_ || command_line_->HasSwitch(switches::kUseAlloyStyle); if (use_windowless_rendering_ && !use_alloy_style_) { LOG(WARNING) << "Windowless rendering requires Alloy style."; use_alloy_style_ = true; } // Whether to use a native parent window with Chrome runtime. const bool use_chrome_native_parent = use_chrome_bootstrap_ && command_line->HasSwitch(switches::kUseNative); #if defined(OS_MAC) if (use_chrome_native_parent && !use_alloy_style_) { // MacOS does not support Chrome style with native parent. See issue #3294. LOG(WARNING) << "Native parent on MacOS requires Alloy style"; use_alloy_style_ = true; } #endif if (use_chrome_bootstrap_ && !use_views_ && !use_chrome_native_parent && !use_windowless_rendering_) { LOG(WARNING) << "Chrome runtime defaults to the Views framework."; use_views_ = true; } if (command_line_->HasSwitch(switches::kBackgroundColor)) { // Parse the background color value. background_color_ = ParseColor(command_line_->GetSwitchValue(switches::kBackgroundColor)); } if (background_color_ == 0 && !use_views_) { // Set an explicit background color. background_color_ = CefColorSetARGB(255, 255, 255, 255); } // |browser_background_color_| should remain 0 to enable transparent painting. if (!use_transparent_painting) { browser_background_color_ = background_color_; } // Log the current configuration. LOG(WARNING) << "Using " << (use_chrome_bootstrap_ ? "Chrome" : "Alloy") << " bootstrap; " << (use_alloy_style_ ? "Alloy" : "Chrome") << " style; " << (use_views_ ? "Views" : "Native") << "-hosted window; " << (use_windowless_rendering_ ? "Windowless" : "Windowed") << " rendering (not a warning)"; } MainContextImpl::~MainContextImpl() { // The context must either not have been initialized, or it must have also // been shut down. DCHECK(!initialized_ || shutdown_); } CefRefPtr<CefCommandLine> MainContextImpl::GetCommandLine() { return command_line_; } std::string MainContextImpl::GetConsoleLogPath() { return GetAppWorkingDirectory() + "console.log"; } std::string MainContextImpl::GetMainURL( CefRefPtr<CefCommandLine> command_line) { if (!command_line) { command_line = command_line_; } std::string main_url = kDefaultUrl; if (command_line->HasSwitch(switches::kUrl)) { main_url = command_line->GetSwitchValue(switches::kUrl); } else if (use_views_ && command_line->HasSwitch(switches::kHideFrame)) { // Use the draggable regions test as the default URL for frameless windows. main_url = test_runner::GetTestURL("draggable"); } return main_url; } cef_color_t MainContextImpl::GetBackgroundColor() { return background_color_; } bool MainContextImpl::UseChromeBootstrap() { return use_chrome_bootstrap_; } bool MainContextImpl::UseViewsGlobal() { return use_views_; } bool MainContextImpl::UseAlloyStyleGlobal() { return use_alloy_style_; } bool MainContextImpl::TouchEventsEnabled() { return command_line_->GetSwitchValue("touch-events") == "enabled"; } bool MainContextImpl::UseDefaultPopup() { return !use_windowless_rendering_ && command_line_->HasSwitch(switches::kUseDefaultPopup); } void MainContextImpl::PopulateSettings(CefSettings* settings) { client::ClientAppBrowser::PopulateSettings(command_line_, *settings); if (use_chrome_bootstrap_) { settings->chrome_runtime = true; } CefString(&settings->cache_path) = command_line_->GetSwitchValue(switches::kCachePath); if (use_windowless_rendering_) { settings->windowless_rendering_enabled = true; } if (browser_background_color_ != 0) { settings->background_color = browser_background_color_; } if (command_line_->HasSwitch("lang")) { // Use the same locale for the Accept-Language HTTP request header. CefString(&settings->accept_language_list) = command_line_->GetSwitchValue("lang"); } if (command_line_->HasSwitch("enable-chrome-policy")) { // Enable Chrome policy management via Platform and OS-user policies. // Use the same configuration ID as Google Chrome for testing purposes. // If Google Chrome is managed on this machine we'll show the same // configured policies in chrome://policy/. CefString(&settings->chrome_policy_id) = #if defined(OS_WIN) "SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Google\\Chrome"; #elif defined(OS_MAC) "com.google.Chrome"; #elif defined(OS_LINUX) "/etc/opt/chrome/policies"; #else ""; #endif } } void MainContextImpl::PopulateBrowserSettings(CefBrowserSettings* settings) { settings->windowless_frame_rate = windowless_frame_rate_; if (browser_background_color_ != 0) { settings->background_color = browser_background_color_; } if (use_chrome_bootstrap_ && command_line_->HasSwitch(switches::kHideChromeBubbles)) { settings->chrome_status_bubble = STATE_DISABLED; settings->chrome_zoom_bubble = STATE_DISABLED; } } void MainContextImpl::PopulateOsrSettings(OsrRendererSettings* settings) { settings->show_update_rect = command_line_->HasSwitch(switches::kShowUpdateRect); settings->shared_texture_enabled = shared_texture_enabled_; settings->external_begin_frame_enabled = external_begin_frame_enabled_; settings->begin_frame_rate = windowless_frame_rate_; if (browser_background_color_ != 0) { settings->background_color = browser_background_color_; } } RootWindowManager* MainContextImpl::GetRootWindowManager() { DCHECK(InValidState()); return root_window_manager_.get(); } bool MainContextImpl::Initialize(const CefMainArgs& args, const CefSettings& settings, CefRefPtr<CefApp> application, void* windows_sandbox_info) { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); DCHECK(!initialized_); DCHECK(!shutdown_); if (!CefInitialize(args, settings, application, windows_sandbox_info)) { return false; } // Need to create the RootWindowManager after calling CefInitialize because // TempWindowX11 uses cef_get_xdisplay(). root_window_manager_ = std::make_unique<RootWindowManager>(terminate_when_all_windows_closed_); initialized_ = true; return true; } void MainContextImpl::Shutdown() { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); DCHECK(initialized_); DCHECK(!shutdown_); root_window_manager_.reset(); CefShutdown(); shutdown_ = true; } } // namespace client