# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights # reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that # can be found in the LICENSE file. from date_util import * from file_util import * import os import re import shutil import string import sys import textwrap import time def notify(msg): """ Display a message. """ sys.stdout.write(' NOTE: '+msg+'\n') def wrap_text(text, indent = '', maxchars = 80): """ Wrap the text to the specified number of characters. If necessary a line will be broken and wrapped after a word. """ result = '' lines = textwrap.wrap(text, maxchars - len(indent)) for line in lines: result += indent+line+'\n' return result def wrap_code(code, indent = ' ', maxchars = 80, splitchars = '(=,'): """ Wrap the code lines to the specified number of characters. If necessary a line will be broken and wrapped after one of the split characters. """ output = '' # normalize line endings code = code.replace("\r\n", "\n") # break the code chunk into lines lines = string.split(code, '\n') for line in lines: if len(line) <= maxchars: # line is short enough that it doesn't need to be wrapped output += line + '\n' continue # retrieve the whitespace at the beginning of the line for later use # as padding ws = '' for char in line: if char.isspace(): ws += char else: break # iterate over all characters in the string keeping track of where the # last valid break character was found and wrapping the line # accordingly lastsplit = 0 nextsplit = -1 splitct = 0 pos = 0 for char in line: if splitchars.find(char) >= 0: # a new split position has been found nextsplit = pos size = pos - lastsplit + 1 if splitct > 0: size += len(ws) + len(indent) if size >= maxchars: # the line is too long section = line[lastsplit:nextsplit+1] if len(section) > 0: # output the line portion between the last split and the # next split if splitct > 0: # start a new line and trim the line section output += '\n'+ws+indent section = string.strip(section) output += section lastsplit = nextsplit + 1 splitct += 1 pos += 1 if len(line) - lastsplit > 0: # output the remainder of the line section = line[lastsplit:] if splitct > 0: # start a new line and trim the line section output += '\n'+ws+indent section = string.strip(section) output += section output += '\n' return output def get_capi_file_name(cppname): """ Convert a C++ header file name to a C API header file name. """ return cppname[:-2]+'_capi.h' def get_capi_name(cppname, isclassname, prefix = None): """ Convert a C++ CamelCaps name to a C API underscore name. """ result = '' lastchr = '' for chr in cppname: # add an underscore if the current character is an upper case letter # and the last character was a lower case letter if len(result) > 0 and not chr.isdigit() \ and string.upper(chr) == chr \ and not string.upper(lastchr) == lastchr: result += '_' result += string.lower(chr) lastchr = chr if isclassname: result += '_t' if not prefix is None: if prefix[0:3] == 'cef': # if the prefix name is duplicated in the function name # remove that portion of the function name subprefix = prefix[3:] pos = result.find(subprefix) if pos >= 0: result = result[0:pos]+ result[pos+len(subprefix):] result = prefix+'_'+result return result def get_prev_line(body, pos): """ Retrieve the start and end positions and value for the line immediately before the line containing the specified position. """ end = string.rfind(body, '\n', 0, pos) start = body.rfind('\n', 0, end)+1 line = body[start:end] return { 'start' : start, 'end' : end, 'line' : line } def get_comment(body, name): """ Retrieve the comment for a class or function. """ result = [] pos = body.find(name) while pos > 0: data = get_prev_line(body, pos) line = string.strip(data['line']) pos = data['start'] if len(line) == 0: # check if the next previous line is a comment prevdata = get_prev_line(body, pos) if string.strip(prevdata['line'])[0:2] == '//': result.append(None) else: break elif line[0:2] == '/*' or line[-2:] == '*/': continue elif line[0:2] == '//': # keep the comment line including any leading spaces result.append(line[2:]) else: break result.reverse() return result def format_comment(comment, indent, translate_map = None, maxchars = 80): """ Return the comments array as a formatted string. """ result = '' wrapme = '' hasemptyline = False for line in comment: # if the line starts with a leading space, remove that space if not line is None and len(line) > 0 and line[0:1] == ' ': line = line[1:] didremovespace = True else: didremovespace = False if line is None or len(line) == 0 or line[0:1] == ' ' \ or line[0:1] == '/': # the previous paragraph, if any, has ended if len(wrapme) > 0: if not translate_map is None: # apply the translation for key in translate_map.keys(): wrapme = wrapme.replace(key, translate_map[key]) # output the previous paragraph result += wrap_text(wrapme, indent+'// ', maxchars) wrapme = '' if not line is None: if len(line) == 0 or line[0:1] == ' ' or line[0:1] == '/': # blank lines or anything that's further indented should be # output as-is result += indent+'//' if len(line) > 0: if didremovespace: result += ' '+line else: result += line result += '\n' else: # add to the current paragraph wrapme += line+' ' else: # output an empty line hasemptyline = True result += '\n' if len(wrapme) > 0: if not translate_map is None: # apply the translation for key in translate_map.keys(): wrapme = wrapme.replace(key, translate_map[key]) # output the previous paragraph result += wrap_text(wrapme, indent+'// ', maxchars) if hasemptyline: # an empty line means a break between comments, so the comment is # probably a section heading and should have an extra line before it result = '\n' + result return result def format_translation_changes(old, new): """ Return a comment stating what is different between the old and new function prototype parts. """ changed = False result = '' # normalize C API attributes oldargs = [x.replace('struct _', '') for x in old['args']] oldretval = old['retval'].replace('struct _', '') newargs = [x.replace('struct _', '') for x in new['args']] newretval = new['retval'].replace('struct _', '') # check if the prototype has changed oldset = set(oldargs) newset = set(newargs) if len(oldset.symmetric_difference(newset)) > 0: changed = True result += '\n // WARNING - CHANGED ATTRIBUTES' # in the implementation set only oldonly = oldset.difference(newset) for arg in oldonly: result += '\n // REMOVED: '+arg # in the current set only newonly = newset.difference(oldset) for arg in newonly: result += '\n // ADDED: '+arg # check if the return value has changed if oldretval != newretval: changed = True result += '\n // WARNING - CHANGED RETURN VALUE'+ \ '\n // WAS: '+old['retval']+ \ '\n // NOW: '+new['retval'] if changed: result += '\n #pragma message("Warning: "__FILE__": '+new['name']+ \ ' prototype has changed")\n' return result def format_translation_includes(body): """ Return the necessary list of includes based on the contents of the body. """ result = '' # required for VS2013. if body.find('std::min') > 0 or body.find('std::max') > 0: result += '#include \n' if body.find('cef_api_hash(') > 0: result += '#include "include/cef_version.h"\n' # identify what CppToC classes are being used p = re.compile('([A-Za-z0-9_]{1,})CppToC') list = sorted(set(p.findall(body))) for item in list: result += '#include "libcef_dll/cpptoc/'+ \ get_capi_name(item[3:], False)+'_cpptoc.h"\n' # identify what CToCpp classes are being used p = re.compile('([A-Za-z0-9_]{1,})CToCpp') list = sorted(set(p.findall(body))) for item in list: result += '#include "libcef_dll/ctocpp/'+ \ get_capi_name(item[3:], False)+'_ctocpp.h"\n' if body.find('transfer_') > 0: result += '#include "libcef_dll/transfer_util.h"\n' return result def str_to_dict(str): """ Convert a string to a dictionary. If the same key has multiple values the values will be stored in a list. """ dict = {} parts = string.split(str, ',') for part in parts: part = string.strip(part) if len(part) == 0: continue sparts = string.split(part, '=') if len(sparts) > 2: raise Exception('Invalid dictionary pair format: '+part) name = string.strip(sparts[0]) if len(sparts) == 2: val = string.strip(sparts[1]) else: val = True if name in dict: # a value with this name already exists curval = dict[name] if not isinstance(curval, list): # convert the string value to a list dict[name] = [curval] dict[name].append(val) else: dict[name] = val return dict def dict_to_str(dict): """ Convert a dictionary to a string. """ str = [] for name in dict.keys(): if not isinstance(dict[name], list): if dict[name] is True: # currently a bool value str.append(name) else: # currently a string value str.append(name+'='+dict[name]) else: # currently a list value for val in dict[name]: str.append(name+'='+val) return string.join(str, ',') # regex for matching comment-formatted attributes _cre_attrib = '/\*--cef\(([A-Za-z0-9_ ,=:\n]{0,})\)--\*/' # regex for matching class and function names _cre_cfname = '([A-Za-z0-9_]{1,})' # regex for matching function return values _cre_retval = '([A-Za-z0-9_<>:,\*\&]{1,})' # regex for matching typedef value and name combination _cre_typedef = '([A-Za-z0-9_<>:,\*\& ]{1,})' # regex for matching function return value and name combination _cre_func = '([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_<>:,\*\& ]{1,})' # regex for matching virtual function modifiers _cre_vfmod = '([A-Za-z0-9_]{0,})' # regex for matching arbitrary whitespace _cre_space = '[\s]{1,}' # Simple translation types. Format is: # 'cpp_type' : ['capi_type', 'capi_default_value'] _simpletypes = { 'void' : ['void', ''], 'void*' : ['void*', 'NULL'], 'int' : ['int', '0'], 'int32' : ['int32', '0'], 'uint32' : ['uint32', '0'], 'int64' : ['int64', '0'], 'uint64' : ['uint64', '0'], 'double' : ['double', '0'], 'float' : ['float', '0'], 'long' : ['long', '0'], 'unsigned long' : ['unsigned long', '0'], 'long long' : ['long long', '0'], 'size_t' : ['size_t', '0'], 'time_t' : ['time_t', '0'], 'bool' : ['int', '0'], 'char': ['char', '0'], 'char* const': ['char* const', 'NULL'], 'CefCursorHandle' : ['cef_cursor_handle_t', 'kNullCursorHandle'], 'CefEventHandle' : ['cef_event_handle_t', 'kNullEventHandle'], 'CefWindowHandle' : ['cef_window_handle_t', 'kNullWindowHandle'], 'CefTextInputContext' : ['cef_text_input_context_t' ,'NULL'], 'CefPoint' : ['cef_point_t', 'CefPoint()'], 'CefRect' : ['cef_rect_t', 'CefRect()'], 'CefSize' : ['cef_size_t', 'CefSize()'], 'CefPageRange' : ['cef_page_range_t', 'CefPageRange()'], 'CefThreadId' : ['cef_thread_id_t', 'TID_UI'], 'CefTime' : ['cef_time_t', 'CefTime()'], } def get_function_impls(content, ident): """ Retrieve the function parts from the specified contents as a set of return value, name, arguments and body. Ident must occur somewhere in the value. """ # extract the functions p = re.compile('\n'+_cre_func+'\((.*?)\)([A-Za-z0-9_\s]{0,})'+ '\{(.*?)\n\}', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) list = p.findall(content) # build the function map with the function name as the key result = [] for retval, argval, vfmod, body in list: if retval.find(ident) < 0: # the identifier was not found continue # remove the identifier retval = string.replace(retval, ident, '') retval = string.strip(retval) # retrieve the function name parts = string.split(retval, ' ') name = parts[-1] del parts[-1] retval = string.join(parts, ' ') # parse the arguments args = [] for v in string.split(argval, ','): v = string.strip(v) if len(v) > 0: args.append(v) result.append({ 'retval' : string.strip(retval), 'name' : name, 'args' : args, 'vfmod' : string.strip(vfmod), 'body' : body }) return result def get_next_function_impl(existing, name): result = None for item in existing: if item['name'] == name: result = item existing.remove(item) break return result def get_copyright(): result = \ """// Copyright (c) $YEAR$ The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights // reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that // can be found in the LICENSE file. // // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This file was generated by the CEF translator tool. If making changes by // hand only do so within the body of existing method and function // implementations. See the translator.README.txt file in the tools directory // for more information. // """ # add the copyright year return result.replace('$YEAR$', get_year()) class obj_header: """ Class representing a C++ header file. """ def __init__(self): self.filenames = [] self.typedefs = [] self.funcs = [] self.classes = [] def add_directory(self, directory, excluded_files = []): """ Add all header files from the specified directory. """ files = get_files(os.path.join(directory, '*.h')) for file in files: if len(excluded_files) == 0 or \ not os.path.split(file)[1] in excluded_files: self.add_file(file) def add_file(self, filepath): """ Add a header file. """ filename = os.path.split(filepath)[1] added = False # read the input file into memory data = read_file(filepath) # remove space from between template definition end brackets data = data.replace("> >", ">>") # extract global typedefs p = re.compile('\ntypedef'+_cre_space+_cre_typedef+';', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) list = p.findall(data) if len(list) > 0: # build the global typedef objects for value in list: pos = value.rfind(' ') if pos < 0: raise Exception('Invalid typedef: '+value) alias = value[pos+1:] value = value[:pos] self.typedefs.append(obj_typedef(self, filename, value, alias)) # extract global functions p = re.compile('\n'+_cre_attrib+'\n'+_cre_func+'\((.*?)\)', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) list = p.findall(data) if len(list) > 0: added = True # build the global function objects for attrib, retval, argval in list: comment = get_comment(data, retval+'('+argval+');') self.funcs.append(obj_function(self, filename, attrib, retval, argval, comment)) # extract includes p = re.compile('\n#include \"include/'+_cre_cfname+'.h') includes = p.findall(data) # extract forward declarations p = re.compile('\nclass'+_cre_space+_cre_cfname+';') forward_declares = p.findall(data) # extract classes p = re.compile('\n'+_cre_attrib+ '\nclass'+_cre_space+_cre_cfname+_cre_space+ ':'+_cre_space+'public'+_cre_space+'virtual'+ _cre_space+'CefBase'+_cre_space+ '{(.*?)};', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) list = p.findall(data) if len(list) > 0: added = True # build the class objects for attrib, name, body in list: comment = get_comment(data, name+' : public virtual CefBase') self.classes.append( obj_class(self, filename, attrib, name, body, comment, includes, forward_declares)) if added: # a global function or class was read from the header file self.filenames.append(filename) def __repr__(self): result = '' if len(self.typedefs) > 0: strlist = [] for cls in self.typedefs: strlist.append(str(cls)) result += string.join(strlist, "\n") + "\n\n" if len(self.funcs) > 0: strlist = [] for cls in self.funcs: strlist.append(str(cls)) result += string.join(strlist, "\n") + "\n\n" if len(self.classes) > 0: strlist = [] for cls in self.classes: strlist.append(str(cls)) result += string.join(strlist, "\n") return result def get_file_names(self): """ Return the array of header file names. """ return self.filenames def get_typedefs(self): """ Return the array of typedef objects. """ return self.typedefs def get_funcs(self, filename = None): """ Return the array of function objects. """ if filename is None: return self.funcs else: # only return the functions in the specified file res = [] for func in self.funcs: if func.get_file_name() == filename: res.append(func) return res def get_classes(self, filename = None): """ Return the array of class objects. """ if filename is None: return self.classes else: # only return the classes in the specified file res = [] for cls in self.classes: if cls.get_file_name() == filename: res.append(cls) return res def get_class(self, classname, defined_structs = None): """ Return the specified class or None if not found. """ for cls in self.classes: if cls.get_name() == classname: return cls elif not defined_structs is None: defined_structs.append(cls.get_capi_name()) return None def get_class_names(self): """ Returns the names of all classes in this object. """ result = [] for cls in self.classes: result.append(cls.get_name()) return result def get_types(self, list): """ Return a dictionary mapping data types to analyzed values. """ for cls in self.typedefs: cls.get_types(list) for cls in self.classes: cls.get_types(list) def get_alias_translation(self, alias): """ Return a translation of alias to value based on typedef statements. """ for cls in self.typedefs: if cls.alias == alias: return cls.value return None def get_analysis(self, value, named = True): """ Return an analysis of the value based the header file context. """ return obj_analysis([self], value, named) def get_defined_structs(self): """ Return a list of names already defined structure names. """ return ['cef_print_info_t', 'cef_window_info_t', 'cef_base_t'] def get_capi_translations(self): """ Return a dictionary that maps C++ terminology to C API terminology. """ # strings that will be changed in C++ comments map = { 'class' : 'structure', 'Class' : 'Structure', 'interface' : 'structure', 'Interface' : 'Structure', 'true' : 'true (1)', 'false' : 'false (0)', 'empty' : 'NULL', 'method' : 'function' } # add mappings for all classes and functions funcs = self.get_funcs() for func in funcs: map[func.get_name()+'()'] = func.get_capi_name()+'()' classes = self.get_classes() for cls in classes: map[cls.get_name()] = cls.get_capi_name() funcs = cls.get_virtual_funcs() for func in funcs: map[func.get_name()+'()'] = func.get_capi_name()+'()' funcs = cls.get_static_funcs() for func in funcs: map[func.get_name()+'()'] = func.get_capi_name()+'()' return map class obj_class: """ Class representing a C++ class. """ def __init__(self, parent, filename, attrib, name, body, comment, includes, forward_declares): if not isinstance(parent, obj_header): raise Exception('Invalid parent object type') self.parent = parent self.filename = filename self.attribs = str_to_dict(attrib) self.name = name self.comment = comment self.includes = includes self.forward_declares = forward_declares # extract typedefs p = re.compile('\n'+_cre_space+'typedef'+_cre_space+_cre_typedef+';', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) list = p.findall(body) # build the typedef objects self.typedefs = [] for value in list: pos = value.rfind(' ') if pos < 0: raise Exception('Invalid typedef: '+value) alias = value[pos+1:] value = value[:pos] self.typedefs.append(obj_typedef(self, filename, value, alias)) # extract static functions p = re.compile('\n'+_cre_space+_cre_attrib+'\n'+_cre_space+'static'+ _cre_space+_cre_func+'\((.*?)\)', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) list = p.findall(body) # build the static function objects self.staticfuncs = [] for attrib, retval, argval in list: comment = get_comment(body, retval+'('+argval+')') self.staticfuncs.append( obj_function_static(self, attrib, retval, argval, comment)) # extract virtual functions p = re.compile('\n'+_cre_space+_cre_attrib+'\n'+_cre_space+'virtual'+ _cre_space+_cre_func+'\((.*?)\)'+_cre_space+_cre_vfmod, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) list = p.findall(body) # build the virtual function objects self.virtualfuncs = [] for attrib, retval, argval, vfmod in list: comment = get_comment(body, retval+'('+argval+')') self.virtualfuncs.append( obj_function_virtual(self, attrib, retval, argval, comment, vfmod)) def __repr__(self): result = '/* '+dict_to_str(self.attribs)+' */ class '+self.name+"\n{" if len(self.typedefs) > 0: result += "\n\t" strlist = [] for cls in self.typedefs: strlist.append(str(cls)) result += string.join(strlist, "\n\t") if len(self.staticfuncs) > 0: result += "\n\t" strlist = [] for cls in self.staticfuncs: strlist.append(str(cls)) result += string.join(strlist, "\n\t") if len(self.virtualfuncs) > 0: result += "\n\t" strlist = [] for cls in self.virtualfuncs: strlist.append(str(cls)) result += string.join(strlist, "\n\t") result += "\n};\n" return result def get_file_name(self): """ Return the C++ header file name. """ return self.filename def get_capi_file_name(self): """ Return the CAPI header file name. """ return get_capi_file_name(self.filename) def get_name(self): """ Return the class name. """ return self.name def get_capi_name(self): """ Return the CAPI structure name for this class. """ return get_capi_name(self.name, True) def get_comment(self): """ Return the class comment as an array of lines. """ return self.comment def get_includes(self): """ Return the list of classes that are included from this class' header file. """ return self.includes def get_forward_declares(self): """ Return the list of classes that are forward declared for this class. """ return self.forward_declares def get_attribs(self): """ Return all attributes as a dictionary. """ return self.attribs def has_attrib(self, name): """ Return true if the specified attribute exists. """ return name in self.attribs def get_attrib(self, name): """ Return the first or only value for specified attribute. """ if name in self.attribs: if isinstance(self.attribs[name], list): # the value is a list return self.attribs[name][0] else: # the value is a string return self.attribs[name] return None def get_attrib_list(self, name): """ Return all values for specified attribute as a list. """ if name in self.attribs: if isinstance(self.attribs[name], list): # the value is already a list return self.attribs[name] else: # convert the value to a list return [self.attribs[name]] return None def get_typedefs(self): """ Return the array of typedef objects. """ return self.typedefs def has_typedef_alias(self, alias): """ Returns true if the specified typedef alias is defined in the scope of this class declaration. """ for typedef in self.typedefs: if typedef.get_alias() == alias: return True return False def get_static_funcs(self): """ Return the array of static function objects. """ return self.staticfuncs def get_virtual_funcs(self): """ Return the array of virtual function objects. """ return self.virtualfuncs def get_types(self, list): """ Return a dictionary mapping data types to analyzed values. """ for cls in self.typedefs: cls.get_types(list) for cls in self.staticfuncs: cls.get_types(list) for cls in self.virtualfuncs: cls.get_types(list) def get_alias_translation(self, alias): for cls in self.typedefs: if cls.alias == alias: return cls.value return None def get_analysis(self, value, named = True): """ Return an analysis of the value based on the class definition context. """ return obj_analysis([self, self.parent], value, named) def is_library_side(self): """ Returns true if the class is implemented by the library. """ return self.attribs['source'] == 'library' def is_client_side(self): """ Returns true if the class is implemented by the client. """ return self.attribs['source'] == 'client' class obj_typedef: """ Class representing a typedef statement. """ def __init__(self, parent, filename, value, alias): if not isinstance(parent, obj_header) \ and not isinstance(parent, obj_class): raise Exception('Invalid parent object type') self.parent = parent self.filename = filename self.alias = alias self.value = self.parent.get_analysis(value, False) def __repr__(self): return 'typedef '+self.value.get_type()+' '+self.alias+';' def get_file_name(self): """ Return the C++ header file name. """ return self.filename def get_capi_file_name(self): """ Return the CAPI header file name. """ return get_capi_file_name(self.filename) def get_alias(self): """ Return the alias. """ return self.alias def get_value(self): """ Return an analysis of the value based on the class or header file definition context. """ return self.value def get_types(self, list): """ Return a dictionary mapping data types to analyzed values. """ name = self.value.get_type() if not name in list: list[name] = self.value class obj_function: """ Class representing a function. """ def __init__(self, parent, filename, attrib, retval, argval, comment): self.parent = parent self.filename = filename self.attribs = str_to_dict(attrib) self.retval = obj_argument(self, retval) self.name = self.retval.remove_name() self.comment = comment # build the argument objects self.arguments = [] arglist = string.split(argval, ',') for arg in arglist: arg = string.strip(arg) if len(arg) > 0: argument = obj_argument(self, arg) if argument.needs_attrib_count_func() and \ argument.get_attrib_count_func() is None: raise Exception("A 'count_func' attribute is required "+ \ "for the '"+argument.get_name()+ \ "' parameter to "+self.get_qualified_name()) self.arguments.append(argument) if self.retval.needs_attrib_default_retval() and \ self.retval.get_attrib_default_retval() is None: raise Exception("A 'default_retval' attribute is required for "+ \ self.get_qualified_name()) def __repr__(self): return '/* '+dict_to_str(self.attribs)+' */ '+self.get_cpp_proto() def get_file_name(self): """ Return the C++ header file name. """ return self.filename def get_capi_file_name(self): """ Return the CAPI header file name. """ return get_capi_file_name(self.filename) def get_name(self): """ Return the function name. """ return self.name def get_qualified_name(self): """ Return the fully qualified function name. """ if isinstance(self.parent, obj_header): # global function return self.name else: # member function return self.parent.get_name()+'::'+self.name def get_capi_name(self, prefix = None): """ Return the CAPI function name. """ if 'capi_name' in self.attribs: return self.attribs['capi_name'] return get_capi_name(self.name, False, prefix) def get_comment(self): """ Return the function comment as an array of lines. """ return self.comment def get_attribs(self): """ Return all attributes as a dictionary. """ return self.attribs def has_attrib(self, name): """ Return true if the specified attribute exists. """ return name in self.attribs def get_attrib(self, name): """ Return the first or only value for specified attribute. """ if name in self.attribs: if isinstance(self.attribs[name], list): # the value is a list return self.attribs[name][0] else: # the value is a string return self.attribs[name] return None def get_attrib_list(self, name): """ Return all values for specified attribute as a list. """ if name in self.attribs: if isinstance(self.attribs[name], list): # the value is already a list return self.attribs[name] else: # convert the value to a list return [self.attribs[name]] return None def get_retval(self): """ Return the return value object. """ return self.retval def get_arguments(self): """ Return the argument array. """ return self.arguments def get_types(self, list): """ Return a dictionary mapping data types to analyzed values. """ for cls in self.arguments: cls.get_types(list) def get_capi_parts(self, defined_structs = [], prefix = None): """ Return the parts of the C API function definition. """ retval = '' dict = self.retval.get_type().get_capi(defined_structs) if dict['format'] == 'single': retval = dict['value'] name = self.get_capi_name(prefix) args = [] if isinstance(self, obj_function_virtual): # virtual functions get themselves as the first argument str = 'struct _'+self.parent.get_capi_name()+'* self' if isinstance(self, obj_function_virtual) and self.is_const(): # const virtual functions get const self pointers str = 'const '+str args.append(str) if len(self.arguments) > 0: for cls in self.arguments: type = cls.get_type() dict = type.get_capi(defined_structs) if dict['format'] == 'single': args.append(dict['value']) elif dict['format'] == 'multi-arg': # add an additional argument for the size of the array type_name = type.get_name() if type.is_const(): # for const arrays pass the size argument by value args.append('size_t '+type_name+'Count') else: # for non-const arrays pass the size argument by address args.append('size_t* '+type_name+'Count') args.append(dict['value']) return { 'retval' : retval, 'name' : name, 'args' : args } def get_capi_proto(self, defined_structs = [], prefix = None): """ Return the prototype of the C API function. """ parts = self.get_capi_parts(defined_structs, prefix) result = parts['retval']+' '+parts['name']+ \ '('+string.join(parts['args'], ', ')+')' return result def get_cpp_parts(self, isimpl = False): """ Return the parts of the C++ function definition. """ retval = str(self.retval) name = self.name args = [] if len(self.arguments) > 0: for cls in self.arguments: args.append(str(cls)) if isimpl and isinstance(self, obj_function_virtual): # enumeration return values must be qualified with the class name # if the type is defined in the class declaration scope. type = self.get_retval().get_type() if type.is_result_struct() and type.is_result_struct_enum() and \ self.parent.has_typedef_alias(retval): retval = self.parent.get_name()+'::'+retval return { 'retval' : retval, 'name' : name, 'args' : args } def get_cpp_proto(self, classname = None): """ Return the prototype of the C++ function. """ parts = self.get_cpp_parts() result = parts['retval']+' ' if not classname is None: result += classname+'::' result += parts['name']+'('+string.join(parts['args'], ', ')+')' if isinstance(self, obj_function_virtual) and self.is_const(): result += ' const' return result def is_same_side(self, other_class_name): """ Returns true if this function is on the same side (library or client) and the specified class. """ if isinstance(self.parent, obj_class): # this function is part of a class this_is_library_side = self.parent.is_library_side() header = self.parent.parent else: # this function is global this_is_library_side = True header = self.parent if other_class_name == 'CefBase': other_is_library_side = False else: other_class = header.get_class(other_class_name) if other_class is None: raise Exception('Unknown class: '+other_class_name) other_is_library_side = other_class.is_library_side() return other_is_library_side == this_is_library_side class obj_function_static(obj_function): """ Class representing a static function. """ def __init__(self, parent, attrib, retval, argval, comment): if not isinstance(parent, obj_class): raise Exception('Invalid parent object type') obj_function.__init__(self, parent, parent.filename, attrib, retval, argval, comment) def __repr__(self): return 'static '+obj_function.__repr__(self)+';' def get_capi_name(self, prefix = None): """ Return the CAPI function name. """ if prefix is None: # by default static functions are prefixed with the class name prefix = get_capi_name(self.parent.get_name(), False) return obj_function.get_capi_name(self, prefix) class obj_function_virtual(obj_function): """ Class representing a virtual function. """ def __init__(self, parent, attrib, retval, argval, comment, vfmod): if not isinstance(parent, obj_class): raise Exception('Invalid parent object type') obj_function.__init__(self, parent, parent.filename, attrib, retval, argval, comment) if vfmod == 'const': self.isconst = True else: self.isconst = False def __repr__(self): return 'virtual '+obj_function.__repr__(self)+';' def is_const(self): """ Returns true if the method declaration is const. """ return self.isconst class obj_argument: """ Class representing a function argument. """ def __init__(self, parent, argval): if not isinstance(parent, obj_function): raise Exception('Invalid parent object type') self.parent = parent self.type = self.parent.parent.get_analysis(argval) def __repr__(self): result = '' if self.type.is_const(): result += 'const ' result += self.type.get_type() if self.type.is_byref(): result += '&' elif self.type.is_byaddr(): result += '*' if self.type.has_name(): result += ' '+self.type.get_name() return result def get_name(self): """ Return the name for this argument. """ return self.type.get_name() def remove_name(self): """ Remove and return the name value. """ name = self.type.get_name() self.type.name = None return name def get_type(self): """ Return an analysis of the argument type based on the class definition context. """ return self.type def get_types(self, list): """ Return a dictionary mapping data types to analyzed values. """ name = self.type.get_type() if not name in list: list[name] = self.type def needs_attrib_count_func(self): """ Returns true if this argument requires a 'count_func' attribute. """ # A 'count_func' attribute is required for non-const non-string vector # attribute types return self.type.has_name() and \ self.type.is_result_vector() and \ not self.type.is_result_vector_string() and \ not self.type.is_const() def get_attrib_count_func(self): """ Returns the count function for this argument. """ # The 'count_func' attribute value format is name:function if not self.parent.has_attrib('count_func'): return None name = self.type.get_name() vals = self.parent.get_attrib_list('count_func') for val in vals: parts = string.split(val, ':') if len(parts) != 2: raise Exception("Invalid 'count_func' attribute value for "+ \ self.parent.get_qualified_name()+': '+val) if string.strip(parts[0]) == name: return string.strip(parts[1]) return None def needs_attrib_default_retval(self): """ Returns true if this argument requires a 'default_retval' attribute. """ # A 'default_retval' attribute is required for enumeration return value # types. return not self.type.has_name() and \ self.type.is_result_struct() and \ self.type.is_result_struct_enum() def get_attrib_default_retval(self): """ Returns the defualt return value for this argument. """ return self.parent.get_attrib('default_retval') def get_arg_type(self): """ Returns the argument type as defined in translator.README.txt. """ if not self.type.has_name(): raise Exception('Cannot be called for retval types') # simple or enumeration type if (self.type.is_result_simple() and \ self.type.get_type() != 'bool') or \ (self.type.is_result_struct() and \ self.type.is_result_struct_enum()): if self.type.is_byref(): if self.type.is_const(): return 'simple_byref_const' return 'simple_byref' elif self.type.is_byaddr(): return 'simple_byaddr' return 'simple_byval' # boolean type if self.type.get_type() == 'bool': if self.type.is_byref(): return 'bool_byref' elif self.type.is_byaddr(): return 'bool_byaddr' return 'bool_byval' # structure type if self.type.is_result_struct() and self.type.is_byref(): if self.type.is_const(): return 'struct_byref_const' return 'struct_byref' # string type if self.type.is_result_string() and self.type.is_byref(): if self.type.is_const(): return 'string_byref_const' return 'string_byref' # refptr type if self.type.is_result_refptr(): same_side = self.parent.is_same_side(self.type.get_refptr_type()) if self.type.is_byref(): if same_side: return 'refptr_same_byref' return 'refptr_diff_byref' if same_side: return 'refptr_same' return 'refptr_diff' if self.type.is_result_vector(): # all vector types must be passed by reference if not self.type.is_byref(): return 'invalid' if self.type.is_result_vector_string(): # string vector type if self.type.is_const(): return 'string_vec_byref_const' return 'string_vec_byref' if self.type.is_result_vector_simple(): if self.type.get_vector_type() != 'bool': # simple/enumeration vector types if self.type.is_const(): return 'simple_vec_byref_const' return 'simple_vec_byref' # boolean vector types if self.type.is_const(): return 'bool_vec_byref_const' return 'bool_vec_byref' if self.type.is_result_vector_refptr(): # refptr vector types same_side = self.parent.is_same_side(self.type.get_refptr_type()) if self.type.is_const(): if same_side: return 'refptr_vec_same_byref_const' return 'refptr_vec_diff_byref_const' if same_side: return 'refptr_vec_same_byref' return 'refptr_vec_diff_byref' # string single map type if self.type.is_result_map_single(): if not self.type.is_byref(): return 'invalid' if self.type.is_const(): return 'string_map_single_byref_const' return 'string_map_single_byref' # string multi map type if self.type.is_result_map_multi(): if not self.type.is_byref(): return 'invalid' if self.type.is_const(): return 'string_map_multi_byref_const' return 'string_map_multi_byref' return 'invalid' def get_retval_type(self): """ Returns the retval type as defined in translator.README.txt. """ if self.type.has_name(): raise Exception('Cannot be called for argument types') # unsupported modifiers if self.type.is_const() or self.type.is_byref() or \ self.type.is_byaddr(): return 'invalid' # void types don't have a return value if self.type.get_type() == 'void': return 'none' if (self.type.is_result_simple() and \ self.type.get_type() != 'bool') or \ (self.type.is_result_struct() and self.type.is_result_struct_enum()): return 'simple' if self.type.get_type() == 'bool': return 'bool' if self.type.is_result_string(): return 'string' if self.type.is_result_refptr(): if self.parent.is_same_side(self.type.get_refptr_type()): return 'refptr_same' else: return 'refptr_diff' return 'invalid' def get_retval_default(self, for_capi): """ Returns the default return value based on the retval type. """ # start with the default retval attribute, if any. retval = self.get_attrib_default_retval() if not retval is None: if for_capi: # apply any appropriate C API translations. if retval == 'true': return '1' if retval == 'false': return '0' return retval # next look at the retval type value. type = self.get_retval_type() if type == 'simple': return self.get_type().get_result_simple_default() elif type == 'bool': if for_capi: return '0' return 'false' elif type == 'string': if for_capi: return 'NULL' return 'CefString()' elif type == 'refptr_same' or type == 'refptr_diff': return 'NULL' return '' class obj_analysis: """ Class representing an analysis of a data type value. """ def __init__(self, scopelist, value, named): self.value = value self.result_type = 'unknown' self.result_value = None self.result_default = None self.refptr_type = None # parse the argument string partlist = string.split(string.strip(value)) if named == True: # extract the name value self.name = partlist[-1] del partlist[-1] else: self.name = None if len(partlist) == 0: raise Exception('Invalid argument value: '+value) # check const status if partlist[0] == 'const': self.isconst = True del partlist[0] else: self.isconst = False # combine the data type self.type = string.join(partlist, ' ') # extract the last character of the data type endchar = self.type[-1] # check if the value is passed by reference if endchar == '&': self.isbyref = True self.type = self.type[:-1] else: self.isbyref = False # check if the value is passed by address if endchar == '*': self.isbyaddr = True self.type = self.type[:-1] else: self.isbyaddr = False # see if the value is directly identifiable if self._check_advanced(self.type) == True: return # not identifiable, so look it up translation = None for scope in scopelist: if not isinstance(scope, obj_header) \ and not isinstance(scope, obj_class): raise Exception('Invalid scope object type') translation = scope.get_alias_translation(self.type) if not translation is None: break if translation is None: raise Exception('Failed to translate type: '+self.type) # the translation succeeded so keep the result self.result_type = translation.result_type self.result_value = translation.result_value def _check_advanced(self, value): # check for vectors if value.find('std::vector') == 0: self.result_type = 'vector' val = string.strip(value[12:-1]) self.result_value = [ self._get_basic(val) ] self.result_value[0]['vector_type'] = val return True # check for maps if value.find('std::map') == 0: self.result_type = 'map' vals = string.split(value[9:-1], ',') if len(vals) == 2: self.result_value = [ self._get_basic(string.strip(vals[0])), self._get_basic(string.strip(vals[1])) ] return True # check for multimaps if value.find('std::multimap') == 0: self.result_type = 'multimap' vals = string.split(value[14:-1], ',') if len(vals) == 2: self.result_value = [ self._get_basic(string.strip(vals[0])), self._get_basic(string.strip(vals[1])) ] return True # check for basic types basic = self._get_basic(value) if not basic is None: self.result_type = basic['result_type'] self.result_value = basic['result_value'] if 'refptr_type' in basic: self.refptr_type = basic['refptr_type'] if 'result_default' in basic: self.result_default = basic['result_default'] return True return False def _get_basic(self, value): # check for string values if value == "CefString": return { 'result_type' : 'string', 'result_value' : None } # check for simple direct translations if value in _simpletypes.keys(): return { 'result_type' : 'simple', 'result_value' : _simpletypes[value][0], 'result_default' : _simpletypes[value][1], } # check if already a C API structure if value[-2:] == '_t': return { 'result_type' : 'structure', 'result_value' : value } # check for CEF reference pointers p = re.compile('^CefRefPtr<(.*?)>$', re.DOTALL) list = p.findall(value) if len(list) == 1: return { 'result_type' : 'refptr', 'result_value' : get_capi_name(list[0], True)+'*', 'refptr_type' : list[0] } # check for CEF structure types if value[0:3] == 'Cef' and value[-4:] != 'List': return { 'result_type' : 'structure', 'result_value' : get_capi_name(value, True) } return None def __repr__(self): return '('+self.result_type+') '+str(self.result_value) def has_name(self): """ Returns true if a name value exists. """ return (not self.name is None) def get_name(self): """ Return the name. """ return self.name def get_value(self): """ Return the C++ value (type + name). """ return self.value def get_type(self): """ Return the C++ type. """ return self.type def get_refptr_type(self): """ Return the C++ class type referenced by a CefRefPtr. """ if self.is_result_vector() and self.is_result_vector_refptr(): # return the vector RefPtr type return self.result_value[0]['refptr_type'] # return the basic RefPtr type return self.refptr_type def get_vector_type(self): """ Return the C++ class type referenced by a std::vector. """ if self.is_result_vector(): return self.result_value[0]['vector_type'] return None def is_const(self): """ Returns true if the argument value is constant. """ return self.isconst def is_byref(self): """ Returns true if the argument is passed by reference. """ return self.isbyref def is_byaddr(self): """ Returns true if the argument is passed by address. """ return self.isbyaddr def is_result_simple(self): """ Returns true if this is a simple argument type. """ return (self.result_type == 'simple') def get_result_simple_type_root(self): """ Return the simple structure or basic type name. """ return self.result_value def get_result_simple_type(self): """ Return the simple type. """ result = '' if self.is_const(): result += 'const ' result += self.result_value if self.is_byaddr() or self.is_byref(): result += '*' return result def get_result_simple_default(self): """ Return the default value fo the basic type. """ return self.result_default def is_result_refptr(self): """ Returns true if this is a reference pointer type. """ return (self.result_type == 'refptr') def get_result_refptr_type_root(self): """ Return the refptr type structure name. """ return self.result_value[:-1] def get_result_refptr_type(self, defined_structs = []): """ Return the refptr type. """ result = '' if not self.result_value[:-1] in defined_structs: result += 'struct _' result += self.result_value if self.is_byref() or self.is_byaddr(): result += '*' return result def is_result_struct(self): """ Returns true if this is a structure type. """ return (self.result_type == 'structure') def is_result_struct_enum(self): """ Returns true if this struct type is likely an enumeration. """ # structure values that are passed by reference or address must be # structures and not enumerations if not self.is_byref() and not self.is_byaddr(): return True return False def get_result_struct_type(self, defined_structs = []): """ Return the structure or enumeration type. """ result = '' is_enum = self.is_result_struct_enum() if not is_enum: if self.is_const(): result += 'const ' if not self.result_value in defined_structs: result += 'struct _' result += self.result_value if not is_enum: result += '*' return result def is_result_string(self): """ Returns true if this is a string type. """ return (self.result_type == 'string') def get_result_string_type(self): """ Return the string type. """ if not self.has_name(): # Return values are string structs that the user must free. Use # the name of the structure as a hint. return 'cef_string_userfree_t' elif not self.is_const() and (self.is_byref() or self.is_byaddr()): # Parameters passed by reference or address. Use the normal # non-const string struct. return 'cef_string_t*' # Const parameters use the const string struct. return 'const cef_string_t*' def is_result_vector(self): """ Returns true if this is a vector type. """ return (self.result_type == 'vector') def is_result_vector_string(self): """ Returns true if this is a string vector. """ return self.result_value[0]['result_type'] == 'string' def is_result_vector_simple(self): """ Returns true if this is a string vector. """ return self.result_value[0]['result_type'] == 'simple' def is_result_vector_refptr(self): """ Returns true if this is a string vector. """ return self.result_value[0]['result_type'] == 'refptr' def get_result_vector_type_root(self): """ Return the vector structure or basic type name. """ return self.result_value[0]['result_value'] def get_result_vector_type(self, defined_structs = []): """ Return the vector type. """ if not self.has_name(): raise Exception('Cannot use vector as a return type') type = self.result_value[0]['result_type'] value = self.result_value[0]['result_value'] result = {} if type == 'string': result['value'] = 'cef_string_list_t' result['format'] = 'single' return result if type == 'simple': str = value if self.is_const(): str += ' const' str += '*' result['value'] = str elif type == 'refptr': str = '' if not value[:-1] in defined_structs: str += 'struct _' str += value if self.is_const(): str += ' const' str += '*' result['value'] = str else: raise Exception('Unsupported vector type: '+type) # vector values must be passed as a value array parameter # and a size parameter result['format'] = 'multi-arg' return result def is_result_map(self): """ Returns true if this is a map type. """ return (self.result_type == 'map' or self.result_type == 'multimap') def is_result_map_single(self): """ Returns true if this is a single map type. """ return (self.result_type == 'map') def is_result_map_multi(self): """ Returns true if this is a multi map type. """ return (self.result_type == 'multimap') def get_result_map_type(self, defined_structs = []): """ Return the map type. """ if not self.has_name(): raise Exception('Cannot use map as a return type') if self.result_value[0]['result_type'] == 'string' \ and self.result_value[1]['result_type'] == 'string': if self.result_type == 'map': return { 'value' : 'cef_string_map_t', 'format' : 'single' } elif self.result_type == 'multimap': return { 'value' : 'cef_string_multimap_t', 'format' : 'multi' } raise Exception('Only mappings of strings to strings are supported') def get_capi(self, defined_structs = []): """ Format the value for the C API. """ result = '' format = 'single' if self.is_result_simple(): result += self.get_result_simple_type() elif self.is_result_refptr(): result += self.get_result_refptr_type(defined_structs) elif self.is_result_struct(): result += self.get_result_struct_type(defined_structs) elif self.is_result_string(): result += self.get_result_string_type() elif self.is_result_map(): resdict = self.get_result_map_type(defined_structs) if resdict['format'] == 'single' or resdict['format'] == 'multi': result += resdict['value'] else: raise Exception('Unsupported map type') elif self.is_result_vector(): resdict = self.get_result_vector_type(defined_structs) if resdict['format'] != 'single': format = resdict['format'] result += resdict['value'] if self.has_name(): result += ' '+self.get_name() return {'format' : format, 'value' : result} # test the module if __name__ == "__main__": import pprint import sys # verify that the correct number of command-line arguments are provided if len(sys.argv) != 2: sys.stderr.write('Usage: '+sys.argv[0]+' ') sys.exit() pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) # create the header object header = obj_header() header.add_directory(sys.argv[1]) # output the type mapping types = {} header.get_types(types) pp.pprint(types) sys.stdout.write('\n') # output the parsed C++ data sys.stdout.write(wrap_code(str(header), '\t')) # output the C API formatted data defined_names = header.get_defined_structs() result = '' # global functions funcs = header.get_funcs() if len(funcs) > 0: for func in funcs: result += func.get_capi_proto(defined_names)+';\n' result += '\n' classes = header.get_classes() for cls in classes: # virtual functions are inside a structure result += 'struct '+cls.get_capi_name()+'\n{\n' funcs = cls.get_virtual_funcs() if len(funcs) > 0: for func in funcs: result += '\t'+func.get_capi_proto(defined_names)+';\n' result += '}\n\n' defined_names.append(cls.get_capi_name()) # static functions become global funcs = cls.get_static_funcs() if len(funcs) > 0: for func in funcs: result += func.get_capi_proto(defined_names)+';\n' result += '\n' sys.stdout.write(wrap_code(result, '\t'))