// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights // reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can // be found in the LICENSE file. #include "libcef/common/thread_impl.h" #include "libcef/common/task_runner_impl.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h" namespace { void StopAndDestroy(base::Thread* thread) { // Calling PlatformThread::Join() on the UI thread is otherwise disallowed. base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO scoped_allow_io; // Deleting |thread| will implicitly stop and join it. delete thread; } } // namespace // static CefRefPtr CefThread::CreateThread( const CefString& display_name, cef_thread_priority_t priority, cef_message_loop_type_t message_loop_type, bool stoppable, cef_com_init_mode_t com_init_mode) { if (!base::MessageLoop::current()) { NOTREACHED() << "called on invalid thread"; return nullptr; } CefRefPtr thread_impl = new CefThreadImpl(); if (!thread_impl->Create(display_name, priority, message_loop_type, stoppable, com_init_mode)) { return nullptr; } return thread_impl; } CefThreadImpl::CefThreadImpl() : thread_id_(kInvalidPlatformThreadId) { } CefThreadImpl::~CefThreadImpl() { if (thread_.get()) { if (!owner_task_runner_->RunsTasksOnCurrentThread()) { // Delete |thread_| on the correct thread. owner_task_runner_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(StopAndDestroy, base::Unretained(thread_.release()))); } else { StopAndDestroy(thread_.release()); } } } bool CefThreadImpl::Create(const CefString& display_name, cef_thread_priority_t priority, cef_message_loop_type_t message_loop_type, bool stoppable, cef_com_init_mode_t com_init_mode) { owner_task_runner_ = CefTaskRunnerImpl::GetCurrentTaskRunner(); DCHECK(owner_task_runner_); if (!owner_task_runner_) return false; thread_.reset(new base::Thread(display_name)); base::Thread::Options options; switch (priority) { case TP_BACKGROUND: options.priority = base::ThreadPriority::BACKGROUND; break; case TP_DISPLAY: options.priority = base::ThreadPriority::DISPLAY; break; case TP_REALTIME_AUDIO: options.priority = base::ThreadPriority::REALTIME_AUDIO; break; default: break; } switch (message_loop_type) { case ML_TYPE_UI: options.message_loop_type = base::MessageLoop::TYPE_UI; break; case ML_TYPE_IO: options.message_loop_type = base::MessageLoop::TYPE_IO; break; default: break; } options.joinable = stoppable; #if defined(OS_WIN) if (com_init_mode != COM_INIT_MODE_NONE) { if (com_init_mode == COM_INIT_MODE_STA) options.message_loop_type = base::MessageLoop::TYPE_UI; thread_->init_com_with_mta(com_init_mode == COM_INIT_MODE_MTA); } #endif if (!thread_->StartWithOptions(options)) { thread_.reset(); return false; } thread_task_runner_ = new CefTaskRunnerImpl(thread_->task_runner()); thread_id_ = thread_->GetThreadId(); return true; } CefRefPtr CefThreadImpl::GetTaskRunner() { return thread_task_runner_; } cef_platform_thread_id_t CefThreadImpl::GetPlatformThreadId() { return thread_id_; } void CefThreadImpl::Stop() { if (!owner_task_runner_) return; if (!owner_task_runner_->RunsTasksOnCurrentThread()) { NOTREACHED() << "called on invalid thread"; return; } if (thread_) StopAndDestroy(thread_.release()); } bool CefThreadImpl::IsRunning() { if (!owner_task_runner_) return false; if (!owner_task_runner_->RunsTasksOnCurrentThread()) { NOTREACHED() << "called on invalid thread"; return false; } return thread_ && thread_->IsRunning(); }