# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. Portions copyright
# 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by
# a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

# This script determines the contents of the per-configuration `args.gn` files
# that are used to build CEF/Chromium with GN. See comments in CEF's top-level
# BUILD.gn file for general GN usage instructions.
# This script performs the following tasks:
# - Defines CEF's default and required arg values in cases where they differ
#   from Chromium's.
# - Accepts user-defined arg values via the GN_DEFINES environment variable.
# - Verifies that user-defined arg values do not conflict with CEF's
#   requirements.
# - Generates multiple configurations by combining user-defined arg values with
#   CEF's default and required values.
# Before adding a new arg value in this script determine the following:
# - Chromium's default value. Default values are defined in the declare_args()
#   sections of *.gni files.
# - Chromium's value requirements. Check for assert()s related to the value in
#   Chromium code.
# - Whether a particular value is optional or required for CEF.
# - Under what conditions a particular value is required for CEF (platform,
#   build type, CPU architecture, etc).
# If CEF can use Chromium's default value and has no additional validation
# requirements then do nothing.
# If CEF can use Chromium's default value but would like to enforce additional
# validation requirements then go to 3B.
# If CEF cannot or should not use Chromium's default value then choose one of
# the following:
# 1. If CEF requires a different value either globally or based on the platform:
#  - Add an assert() for the value in CEF's top-level BUILD.gn file.
#  - Add the required value in GetRequiredArgs().
#  - Result: CEF's required value will be used. The user cannot override the
#    value via GN_DEFINES.
# 2. If CEF requires a different value based on the build type or CPU
#    architecture:
#  - Add an assert() for the value in CEF's top-level BUILD.gn file.
#  - Add the required value in GetConfigArgs().
#  - Result: CEF's required value will be used. The user cannot override the
#    value via GN_DEFINES.
# 3. If CEF recommends (but does not require) a different value either globally
#    or based on the platform:
#    A. Set the default value:
#     - Add the recommended value in GetRecommendedDefaultArgs().
#     - Result: CEF's recommended value will be used by default. The user can
#       override the value via GN_DEFINES.
#    B. If CEF has additional validation requirements:
#     - Add the default Chromium value in GetChromiumDefaultArgs().
#     - Perform validation in ValidateArgs().
#     - Result: An AssertionError will be thrown if validation fails.

import os
import shlex
import sys

# The CEF directory is the parent directory of _this_ script.
cef_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir))
# The src directory is the parent directory of the CEF directory.
src_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cef_dir, os.pardir))

# Determine the platform.
if sys.platform == 'win32':
  platform = 'windows'
elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
  platform = 'macosx'
elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
  platform = 'linux'
  print 'Unknown operating system platform'

def msg(msg):
  print 'NOTE: ' + msg

def NameValueListToDict(name_value_list):
  Takes an array of strings of the form 'NAME=VALUE' and creates a dictionary
  of the pairs. If a string is simply NAME, then the value in the dictionary
  is set to True. If VALUE can be converted to a boolean or integer, it is.
  result = { }
  for item in name_value_list:
    tokens = item.split('=', 1)
    if len(tokens) == 2:
      token_value = tokens[1]
      if token_value.lower() == 'true':
        token_value = True
      elif token_value.lower() == 'false':
        token_value = False
        # If we can make it an int, use that, otherwise, use the string.
          token_value = int(token_value)
        except ValueError:
      # Set the variable to the supplied value.
      result[tokens[0]] = token_value
      # No value supplied, treat it as a boolean and set it.
      result[tokens[0]] = True
  return result

def ShlexEnv(env_name):
  Split an environment variable using shell-like syntax.
  flags = os.environ.get(env_name, [])
  if flags:
    flags = shlex.split(flags)
  return flags

def MergeDicts(*dict_args):
  Given any number of dicts, shallow copy and merge into a new dict.
  Precedence goes to key value pairs in latter dicts.
  result = {}
  for dictionary in dict_args:
  return result

def GetValueString(val):
  Return the string representation of |val| expected by GN.
  if isinstance(val, basestring):
    return '"%s"' % val
  elif isinstance(val, bool):
    if val:
      return 'true'
      return 'false'
  return val

def GetChromiumDefaultArgs():
  Return default GN args. These must match the Chromium defaults.
  Only args that may be retrieved via GetArgValue() need to be specified here.
  # Search for these values in declare_args() sections of *.gni files to find
  # the defaults.

  defaults = {
    'dcheck_always_on': False,
    'is_asan': False,
    'is_debug': True,
    'is_official_build': False,
    'target_cpu': 'x64',

  if platform == 'linux':
    defaults['use_sysroot'] = True

  if platform == 'windows':
    defaults['is_win_fastlink'] = False
    defaults['visual_studio_path'] = ''
    defaults['visual_studio_version'] = ''
    defaults['visual_studio_runtime_dirs'] = ''
    defaults['windows_sdk_path'] = ''

  return defaults

def GetArgValue(args, key):
  Return an existing GN arg value or the Chromium default.
  defaults = GetChromiumDefaultArgs()
  assert key in defaults, "No default Chromium value specified for %s" % key
  return args.get(key, defaults[key])

def GetRecommendedDefaultArgs():
  Return recommended default GN args that differ from Chromium defaults.
  # Search for these values in declare_args() sections of *.gni files to find
  # the defaults.

  result = {
    # Enable NaCL. Default is true. False is recommended for faster builds.
    'enable_nacl': False,

  if platform == 'linux':
    # Use GTK3 instead of GTK2. Default is true. False is recommended because
    # the cefclient sample application requires GTK2. This avoids the "GTK+ 2.x
    # symbols detected. Using GTK+ 2.x and GTK+ 3 in the same process is not
    # supported" error when running cefclient. Using a value of true is fine if
    # your application requires GTK3 and you're not planning to build the
    # cefclient target (see issue #2014).
    result['use_gtk3'] = False

    # Use a sysroot environment. Default is true. False is recommended for local
    # builds.
    # Run the following commands to download the sysroot environment:
    # x86 build only:   $ export GYP_DEFINES='target_arch=ia32'
    # x86 or x64 build: $ gclient runhooks
    result['use_sysroot'] = False

  return result

def GetGNEnvArgs():
  Return GN args specified via the GN_DEFINES env variable.
  return NameValueListToDict(ShlexEnv('GN_DEFINES'))

def GetRequiredArgs():
  Return required GN args. Also enforced by assert() in //cef/BUILD.gn.
  result = {
    'enable_basic_printing': True,
    'enable_print_preview': False,

    # Enable support for Widevine CDM.
    'enable_widevine': True,

    # CEF does not currently support component builds. See
    # https://bitbucket.org/chromiumembedded/cef/issues/1617
    'is_component_build': False,

  if platform == 'linux' or platform == 'macosx':
    # Don't use the chrome style plugin.
    result['clang_use_chrome_plugins'] = False

  if platform == 'macosx':
    # Always generate dSYM files. The make_distrib script will fail if
    # enable_dsyms=true is not explicitly set when is_official_build=false.
    result['enable_dsyms'] = True

  return result

def GetMergedArgs(build_args):
  Return merged GN args.
  dict = MergeDicts(GetRecommendedDefaultArgs(), GetGNEnvArgs(), build_args)

  # Verify that the user is not trying to override required args.
  required = GetRequiredArgs()
  for key in required.keys():
    if key in dict:
      assert dict[key] == required[key], \
          "%s=%s is required" % (key, GetValueString(required[key]))

  return MergeDicts(dict, required)

def ValidateArgs(args):
  Validate GN arg combinations that we know about. Also provide suggestions
  where appropriate.
  dcheck_always_on = GetArgValue(args, 'dcheck_always_on')
  is_asan = GetArgValue(args, 'is_asan')
  is_debug = GetArgValue(args, 'is_debug')
  is_official_build = GetArgValue(args, 'is_official_build')
  target_cpu = GetArgValue(args, 'target_cpu')

  if platform == 'linux':
    use_sysroot = GetArgValue(args, 'use_sysroot')

  if platform == 'windows':
    is_win_fastlink = GetArgValue(args, 'is_win_fastlink')
    visual_studio_path = GetArgValue(args, 'visual_studio_path')
    visual_studio_version = GetArgValue(args, 'visual_studio_version')
    visual_studio_runtime_dirs = GetArgValue(args, 'visual_studio_runtime_dirs')
    windows_sdk_path = GetArgValue(args, 'windows_sdk_path')

  # Target CPU architecture.
  # - Windows supports "x86" and "x64".
  # - Mac supports only "x64".
  # - Linux supports only "x64" unless using a sysroot environment.
  if platform == 'macosx':
    assert target_cpu == 'x64', 'target_cpu must be "x64"'
  elif platform == 'windows':
    assert target_cpu in ('x86', 'x64'), 'target_cpu must be "x86" or "x64"'
  elif platform == 'linux':
    assert target_cpu in ('x86', 'x64', 'arm'), 'target_cpu must be "x86", "x64" or "arm"'

  if platform == 'linux':
    if target_cpu == 'x86':
      assert use_sysroot, 'target_cpu="x86" requires use_sysroot=true'
    elif target_cpu == 'arm':
      assert use_sysroot, 'target_cpu="arm" requires use_sysroot=true'

  # ASAN requires Release builds.
  if is_asan:
    assert not is_debug, "is_asan=true requires is_debug=false"
    if not dcheck_always_on:
      msg('is_asan=true recommends dcheck_always_on=true')

  # Official build requires Release builds.
  if is_official_build:
    assert not is_debug, "is_official_build=true requires is_debug=false"

  if platform == 'windows':
    # Official builds should not use /DEBUG:FASTLINK.
    if is_official_build:
      assert not is_win_fastlink, "is_official_build=true precludes is_win_fastlink=true"

    # Non-official debug builds should use /DEBUG:FASTLINK.
    if not is_official_build and is_debug and not is_win_fastlink:
        msg('is_official_build=false + is_debug=true recommends is_win_fastlink=true')

    # Windows custom toolchain requirements.
    # Required GN arguments:
    #   visual_studio_path="<path to VS root>"
    #     The directory that contains Visual Studio. For example, a subset of
    #     "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0".
    #   visual_studio_version="<VS version>"
    #     The VS version. For example, "2015".
    #   visual_studio_runtime_dirs="<path to VS CRT>"
    #     The directory that contains the VS CRT. For example, the contents of
    #     "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Redist\ucrt\DLLs\x64" plus
    #     "C:\Windows\System32\ucrtbased.dll"
    #   windows_sdk_path="<path to WinSDK>"
    #     The directory that contains the Win SDK. For example, a subset of
    #     "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10".
    # Required environment variables:
    #   GYP_MSVS_OVERRIDE_PATH=<path to VS root, must match visual_studio_path>
    #   GYP_MSVS_VERSION=<VS version, must match visual_studio_version>
    #   CEF_VCVARS=none
    #   INCLUDE=<VS include paths>
    #   LIB=<VS library paths>
    #   PATH=<VS executable paths>
    # See comments in gclient_hook.py for environment variable usage.
    if visual_studio_path != '':
      assert visual_studio_version != '', 'visual_studio_path requires visual_studio_version'
      assert visual_studio_runtime_dirs != '', 'visual_studio_path requires visual_studio_runtime_dirs'
      assert windows_sdk_path != '', 'visual_studio_path requires windows_sdk_path'

      assert os.environ.get('DEPOT_TOOLS_WIN_TOOLCHAIN', '') == '0', \
        "visual_studio_path requires DEPOT_TOOLS_WIN_TOOLCHAIN=0 env variable"

      msvs_path = os.environ.get('GYP_MSVS_OVERRIDE_PATH', '')
      assert msvs_path == visual_studio_path and os.path.exists(msvs_path), \
        "visual_studio_path requires matching GYP_MSVS_OVERRIDE_PATH env variable"

      msvs_version = os.environ.get('GYP_MSVS_VERSION', '')
      assert msvs_version == visual_studio_version, \
        "visual_studio_version requires matching GYP_MSVS_VERSION env variable"

      assert os.environ.get('CEF_VCVARS', '') == 'none', \
        "visual_studio_path requires CEF_VCVARS=none env variable"

      assert 'INCLUDE' in os.environ \
        and 'LIB' in os.environ \
        and 'PATH' in os.environ, \
        "visual_studio_path requires INCLUDE, LIB and PATH env variables"

      # If "%GYP_MSVS_OVERRIDE_PATH%\VC\vcvarsall.bat" exists then environment
      # variables will be derived from there and the specified INCLUDE/LIB/PATH
      # values will be ignored by Chromium. If this file does not exist then the
      # INCLUDE/LIB/PATH values are also required by Chromium.
      vcvars_path = os.path.join(msvs_path, 'VC', 'vcvarsall.bat')
      if (os.path.exists(vcvars_path)):
        msg('INCLUDE/LIB/PATH values will be derived from %s' % vcvars_path)

def GetConfigArgs(args, is_debug, cpu):
  Return merged GN args for the configuration and validate.
  add_args = {}

  # Cannot create is_official_build=true is_debug=true builds.
  # This restriction is enforced in //build/config/BUILDCONFIG.gn.
  # Instead, our "official Debug" build is a Release build with dchecks and
  # symbols. Symbols will be generated by default for official builds; see the
  # definition of 'symbol_level' in //build/config/compiler/compiler.gni.
  if is_debug and GetArgValue(args, 'is_official_build'):
    is_debug = False
    add_args['dcheck_always_on'] = True

  result = MergeDicts(args, add_args, {
    'is_debug': is_debug,
    'target_cpu': cpu,

  if platform == 'linux' and cpu != 'arm':
    # Remove any arm-related values from non-arm configs.
    for key in result.keys():
      if key.startswith('arm_'):
        del result[key]

  return result

def LinuxSysrootExists(cpu):
  Returns true if the sysroot for the specified |cpu| architecture exists.
  # Directory that contains sysroots.
  sysroot_root = os.path.join(src_dir, 'build', 'linux')
  # CPU-specific sysroot directory names.
  if cpu == 'x86':
    sysroot_name = 'debian_wheezy_i386-sysroot'
  elif cpu == 'x64':
    sysroot_name = 'debian_wheezy_amd64-sysroot'
  elif cpu == 'arm':
    sysroot_name = 'debian_wheezy_arm-sysroot'
    raise Exception('Unrecognized sysroot CPU: %s' % cpu)

  return os.path.isdir(os.path.join(sysroot_root, sysroot_name))

def GetAllPlatformConfigs(build_args):
  Return a map of directory name to GN args for the current platform.
  result = {}

  # Merged args without validation.
  args = GetMergedArgs(build_args)

  create_debug = True

  # Don't create debug directories for asan builds.
  if GetArgValue(args, 'is_asan'):
    create_debug = False
    msg('Not generating Debug configuration due to is_asan=true')

  supported_cpus = []

  if platform == 'linux':
    use_sysroot = GetArgValue(args, 'use_sysroot')
    if use_sysroot:
      # Only generate configurations for sysroots that have been installed.
      for cpu in ('x86', 'x64', 'arm'):
        if LinuxSysrootExists(cpu):
          msg('Not generating %s configuration due to missing sysroot directory' % cpu)
      supported_cpus = ['x64']
  elif platform == 'windows':
    supported_cpus = ['x86', 'x64']
  elif platform == 'macosx':
    supported_cpus = ['x64']
    raise Exception('Unsupported platform')

  for cpu in supported_cpus:
    if create_debug:
      result['Debug_GN_' + cpu] = GetConfigArgs(args, True, cpu)
    result['Release_GN_' + cpu] = GetConfigArgs(args, False, cpu)

  return result

def GetConfigFileContents(args):
  Generate config file contents for the arguments.
  pairs = []
  for k in sorted(args.keys()):
    pairs.append("%s=%s" % (k, GetValueString(args[k])))
  return "\n".join(pairs)

# Program entry point.
if __name__ == '__main__':
  import sys

  # Allow override of the platform via the command-line for testing.
  if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    platform = sys.argv[1]
    if not platform in ('linux', 'macosx', 'windows'):
      sys.stderr.write('Usage: %s <platform>' % sys.argv[0])

  print 'Platform: %s' % platform

  # Dump the configuration based on platform and environment.
  configs = GetAllPlatformConfigs({})
  for dir, config in configs.items():
    print '\n\nout/%s:\n' % dir
    print GetConfigFileContents(config)