// Copyright (c) 2020 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights // reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that // can be found in the LICENSE file. #include <algorithm> #include <sstream> #include "include/base/cef_callback.h" #include "include/base/cef_callback_helpers.h" #include "include/cef_callback.h" #include "include/cef_devtools_message_observer.h" #include "include/cef_parser.h" #include "include/wrapper/cef_closure_task.h" #include "tests/ceftests/test_handler.h" #include "tests/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" namespace { const char kTestUrl1[] = "http://tests/DevToolsMessage1"; const char kTestUrl2[] = "http://tests/DevToolsMessage2"; class DevToolsMessageTestHandler : public TestHandler { public: DevToolsMessageTestHandler() {} void RunTest() override { // Add HTML resources. AddResource(kTestUrl1, "<html><body>Test1</body></html>", "text/html"); AddResource(kTestUrl2, "<html><body>Test2</body></html>", "text/html"); // Create the browser. CreateBrowser(kTestUrl1); // Time out the test after a reasonable period of time. SetTestTimeout(); } void OnAfterCreated(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser) override { TestHandler::OnAfterCreated(browser); // STEP 1: Add the DevTools observer. Wait for the 1st load. registration_ = browser->GetHost()->AddDevToolsMessageObserver( new TestMessageObserver(this)); EXPECT_TRUE(registration_); } void OnLoadingStateChange(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser, bool isLoading, bool canGoBack, bool canGoForward) override { if (!isLoading) { load_ct_++; if (load_ct_ == 1) { // STEP 2: 1st load has completed. Now enable page domain notifications // and wait for the method result. ExecuteMethod( "Page.enable", "", base::BindOnce(&DevToolsMessageTestHandler::Navigate, this)); } else if (load_ct_ == 2) { MaybeDestroyTest(); } } } void DestroyTest() override { // STEP 7: Remove the DevTools observer. This should result in the observer // object being destroyed. EXPECT_TRUE(registration_); registration_ = nullptr; EXPECT_TRUE(observer_destroyed_); // Each send message variant should be called at least a single time. EXPECT_GE(method_send_ct_, 1); EXPECT_GE(method_execute_ct_, 1); // All sent messages should receive a result callback. EXPECT_EQ(expected_method_ct_, method_send_ct_ + method_execute_ct_); EXPECT_EQ(expected_method_ct_, result_ct_); EXPECT_EQ(expected_method_ct_, last_result_id_); // Every received message should parse successfully to a result or event // callback. EXPECT_EQ(message_ct_, result_ct_ + event_ct_); // Should receive 1 or more events (probably just 1, but who knows?). EXPECT_GE(event_ct_, 1); // OnLoadingStateChange(isLoading=false) should be called twice. EXPECT_EQ(expected_load_ct_, load_ct_); // Should get callbacks for agent attached but not detached. EXPECT_EQ(1, attached_ct_); EXPECT_EQ(0, detached_ct_); TestHandler::DestroyTest(); } private: struct MethodResult { int message_id; bool success; std::string result; }; struct Event { std::string method; std::string params; }; class TestMessageObserver : public CefDevToolsMessageObserver { public: explicit TestMessageObserver(DevToolsMessageTestHandler* handler) : handler_(handler) {} virtual ~TestMessageObserver() { handler_->observer_destroyed_.yes(); } bool OnDevToolsMessage(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser, const void* message, size_t message_size) override { EXPECT_TRUE(browser.get()); EXPECT_EQ(handler_->GetBrowserId(), browser->GetIdentifier()); handler_->message_ct_++; return false; } void OnDevToolsMethodResult(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser, int message_id, bool success, const void* result, size_t result_size) override { EXPECT_TRUE(browser.get()); EXPECT_EQ(handler_->GetBrowserId(), browser->GetIdentifier()); handler_->result_ct_++; MethodResult mr; mr.message_id = message_id; mr.success = success; if (result) { // Intentionally truncating at small size. mr.result = std::string(static_cast<const char*>(result), std::min(static_cast<int>(result_size), 80)); } handler_->OnMethodResult(mr); } void OnDevToolsEvent(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser, const CefString& method, const void* params, size_t params_size) override { EXPECT_TRUE(browser.get()); EXPECT_EQ(handler_->GetBrowserId(), browser->GetIdentifier()); handler_->event_ct_++; Event ev; ev.method = method; if (params) { // Intentionally truncating at small size. ev.params = std::string(static_cast<const char*>(params), std::min(static_cast<int>(params_size), 80)); } handler_->OnEvent(ev); } void OnDevToolsAgentAttached(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser) override { EXPECT_TRUE(browser.get()); EXPECT_EQ(handler_->GetBrowserId(), browser->GetIdentifier()); handler_->attached_ct_++; } void OnDevToolsAgentDetached(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser) override { EXPECT_TRUE(browser.get()); EXPECT_EQ(handler_->GetBrowserId(), browser->GetIdentifier()); handler_->detached_ct_++; } private: DevToolsMessageTestHandler* handler_; IMPLEMENT_REFCOUNTING(TestMessageObserver); DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TestMessageObserver); }; // Execute a DevTools method. Expected results will be verified in // OnMethodResult, and |next_step| will then be executed. // |expected_result| can be a fragment that the result should start with. void ExecuteMethod(const std::string& method, const std::string& params, base::OnceClosure next_step, const std::string& expected_result = "{}", bool expected_success = true) { CHECK(!method.empty()); CHECK(!next_step.is_null()); int message_id = next_message_id_++; std::stringstream message; message << "{\"id\":" << message_id << ",\"method\":\"" << method << "\""; if (!params.empty()) { message << ",\"params\":" << params; } message << "}"; // Set expected result state. pending_message_ = message.str(); pending_result_next_ = std::move(next_step); pending_result_ = {message_id, expected_success, expected_result}; if (message_id % 2 == 0) { // Use the less structured method. method_send_ct_++; GetBrowser()->GetHost()->SendDevToolsMessage(pending_message_.data(), pending_message_.size()); } else { // Use the more structured method. method_execute_ct_++; CefRefPtr<CefDictionaryValue> dict; if (!params.empty()) { CefRefPtr<CefValue> value = CefParseJSON(params.data(), params.size(), JSON_PARSER_RFC); EXPECT_TRUE(value && value->GetType() == VTYPE_DICTIONARY) << "failed to parse: " << params; if (value && value->GetType() == VTYPE_DICTIONARY) { dict = value->GetDictionary(); } } GetBrowser()->GetHost()->ExecuteDevToolsMethod(message_id, method, dict); } } // Every call to ExecuteMethod should result in a single call to this method // with the same message_id. void OnMethodResult(const MethodResult& result) { EXPECT_EQ(pending_result_.message_id, result.message_id) << "with message=" << pending_message_; if (result.message_id != pending_result_.message_id) return; EXPECT_EQ(pending_result_.success, result.success) << "with message=" << pending_message_; EXPECT_TRUE(result.result.find(pending_result_.result) == 0) << "with message=" << pending_message_ << "\nand actual result=" << result.result << "\nand expected result=" << pending_result_.result; last_result_id_ = result.message_id; // Continue asynchronously to allow the callstack to unwind. CefPostTask(TID_UI, std::move(pending_result_next_)); // Clear expected result state. pending_message_.clear(); pending_result_ = {}; } void OnEvent(const Event& event) { if (event.method != pending_event_.method) return; EXPECT_TRUE(event.params.find(pending_event_.params) == 0) << "with method=" << event.method << "\nand actual params=" << event.params << "\nand expected params=" << pending_event_.params; // Continue asynchronously to allow the callstack to unwind. CefPostTask(TID_UI, std::move(pending_event_next_)); // Clear expected result state. pending_event_ = {}; } void Navigate() { pending_event_ = {"Page.frameNavigated", "{\"frame\":"}; pending_event_next_ = base::BindOnce(&DevToolsMessageTestHandler::AfterNavigate, this); std::stringstream params; params << "{\"url\":\"" << kTestUrl2 << "\"}"; // STEP 3: Page domain notifications are enabled. Now start a new // navigation (but do nothing on method result) and wait for the // "Page.frameNavigated" event. ExecuteMethod("Page.navigate", params.str(), base::DoNothing(), /*expected_result=*/"{\"frameId\":"); } void AfterNavigate() { // STEP 4: Got the "Page.frameNavigated" event. Now disable page domain // notifications. ExecuteMethod( "Page.disable", "", base::BindOnce(&DevToolsMessageTestHandler::AfterPageDisabled, this)); } void AfterPageDisabled() { // STEP 5: Got the the "Page.disable" method result. Now call a non-existant // method to verify an error result, and then destroy the test when done. ExecuteMethod( "Foo.doesNotExist", "", base::BindOnce(&DevToolsMessageTestHandler::MaybeDestroyTest, this), /*expected_result=*/ "{\"code\":-32601,\"message\":\"'Foo.doesNotExist' wasn't found\"}", /*expected_success=*/false); } void MaybeDestroyTest() { if (result_ct_ == expected_method_ct_ && load_ct_ == expected_load_ct_) { // STEP 6: Got confirmation of all expected method results and load // events. Now destroy the test. DestroyTest(); } } // Total # of times we're planning to call ExecuteMethod. const int expected_method_ct_ = 4; // Total # of times we're expecting OnLoadingStateChange(isLoading=false) to // be called. const int expected_load_ct_ = 2; // In ExecuteMethod: // Next message ID to use. int next_message_id_ = 1; // Last message that was sent (used for debug messages only). std::string pending_message_; // SendDevToolsMessage call count. int method_send_ct_ = 0; // ExecuteDevToolsMethod call count. int method_execute_ct_ = 0; // Expect |pending_result_.message_id| in OnMethodResult. // The result should start with the |pending_result_.result| fragment. MethodResult pending_result_; // Tracks the last message ID received. int last_result_id_ = -1; // When received, execute this callback. base::OnceClosure pending_result_next_; // Wait for |pending_event_.method| in OnEvent. // The params should start with the |pending_event_.params| fragment. Event pending_event_; // When received, execute this callback. base::OnceClosure pending_event_next_; CefRefPtr<CefRegistration> registration_; // Observer callback count. int message_ct_ = 0; int result_ct_ = 0; int event_ct_ = 0; int attached_ct_ = 0; int detached_ct_ = 0; // OnLoadingStateChange(isLoading=false) count. int load_ct_ = 0; TrackCallback observer_destroyed_; IMPLEMENT_REFCOUNTING(DevToolsMessageTestHandler); DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(DevToolsMessageTestHandler); }; } // namespace // Test everything related to DevTools messages: // - CefDevToolsMessageObserver registration and life span. // - SendDevToolsMessage/ExecuteDevToolsMethod calls. // - CefDevToolsMessageObserver callbacks for method results and events. TEST(DevToolsMessageTest, Messages) { CefRefPtr<DevToolsMessageTestHandler> handler = new DevToolsMessageTestHandler(); handler->ExecuteTest(); ReleaseAndWaitForDestructor(handler); }