Media Router Example

Overview: Chromium supports communication with devices on the local network via the Cast and DIAL protocols. CEF exposes this functionality via the CefMediaRouter interface which is demonstrated by this test. Test code is implemented in resources/media_router.html and browser/

Usage: Devices available on your local network will be discovered automatically and populated in the "Sink" list. Enter a URN for "Source", select an available device from the "Sink" list, and click the "Create Route" button. Cast URNs take the form "cast:<appId>?clientId=<clientId>" and DIAL URNs take the form "dial:<appId>", where <appId> is the registered application ID and <clientId> is an arbitrary numeric identifier. Status information and messages will be displayed in the center of the screen. After creating a route you can send messages to the receiver app using the textarea at the bottom of the screen. Messages are usually in JSON format with a example of Cast communication to be found here.
