// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights // reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that // can be found in the LICENSE file. #include "tests/cefclient/browser/osr_window_win.h" #include #if defined(CEF_USE_ATL) #include #endif #include "include/base/cef_build.h" #include "tests/cefclient/browser/main_context.h" #include "tests/cefclient/browser/osr_accessibility_helper.h" #include "tests/cefclient/browser/osr_accessibility_node.h" #include "tests/cefclient/browser/osr_ime_handler_win.h" #include "tests/cefclient/browser/osr_render_handler_win_d3d11.h" #include "tests/cefclient/browser/osr_render_handler_win_gl.h" #include "tests/cefclient/browser/resource.h" #include "tests/shared/browser/geometry_util.h" #include "tests/shared/browser/main_message_loop.h" #include "tests/shared/browser/util_win.h" namespace client { namespace { const wchar_t kWndClass[] = L"Client_OsrWindow"; // Helper funtion to check if it is Windows8 or greater. // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724833(v=vs.85).aspx inline BOOL IsWindows_8_Or_Newer() { OSVERSIONINFOEX osvi = {0}; osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX); osvi.dwMajorVersion = 6; osvi.dwMinorVersion = 2; DWORDLONG dwlConditionMask = 0; VER_SET_CONDITION(dwlConditionMask, VER_MAJORVERSION, VER_GREATER_EQUAL); VER_SET_CONDITION(dwlConditionMask, VER_MINORVERSION, VER_GREATER_EQUAL); return ::VerifyVersionInfo(&osvi, VER_MAJORVERSION | VER_MINORVERSION, dwlConditionMask); } // Helper function to detect mouse messages coming from emulation of touch // events. These should be ignored. bool IsMouseEventFromTouch(UINT message) { #define MOUSEEVENTF_FROMTOUCH 0xFF515700 return (message >= WM_MOUSEFIRST) && (message <= WM_MOUSELAST) && (GetMessageExtraInfo() & MOUSEEVENTF_FROMTOUCH) == MOUSEEVENTF_FROMTOUCH; } class CreateBrowserHelper { public: CreateBrowserHelper(HWND hwnd, const RECT& rect, CefRefPtr handler, const std::string& url, const CefBrowserSettings& settings, CefRefPtr extra_info, CefRefPtr request_context, OsrWindowWin* osr_window_win) : hwnd_(hwnd), rect_(rect), handler_(handler), url_(url), settings_(settings), extra_info_(extra_info), request_context_(request_context), osr_window_win_(osr_window_win) {} HWND hwnd_; RECT rect_; CefRefPtr handler_; std::string url_; CefBrowserSettings settings_; CefRefPtr extra_info_; CefRefPtr request_context_; OsrWindowWin* osr_window_win_; }; } // namespace OsrWindowWin::OsrWindowWin(Delegate* delegate, const OsrRendererSettings& settings) : delegate_(delegate), settings_(settings), hwnd_(nullptr), device_scale_factor_(0), hidden_(false), last_mouse_pos_(), current_mouse_pos_(), mouse_rotation_(false), mouse_tracking_(false), last_click_x_(0), last_click_y_(0), last_click_button_(MBT_LEFT), last_click_count_(1), last_click_time_(0), last_mouse_down_on_view_(false) { DCHECK(delegate_); client_rect_ = {0}; } OsrWindowWin::~OsrWindowWin() { CEF_REQUIRE_UI_THREAD(); // The native window should have already been destroyed. DCHECK(!hwnd_ && !render_handler_.get()); } void CreateBrowserWithHelper(CreateBrowserHelper* helper) { helper->osr_window_win_->CreateBrowser( helper->hwnd_, helper->rect_, helper->handler_, helper->settings_, helper->extra_info_, helper->request_context_, helper->url_); delete helper; } void OsrWindowWin::CreateBrowser(HWND parent_hwnd, const RECT& rect, CefRefPtr handler, const CefBrowserSettings& settings, CefRefPtr extra_info, CefRefPtr request_context, const std::string& startup_url) { if (!CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI)) { // Execute this method on the UI thread. CreateBrowserHelper* helper = new CreateBrowserHelper(parent_hwnd, rect, handler, startup_url, settings, extra_info, request_context, this); CefPostTask(TID_UI, base::BindOnce(CreateBrowserWithHelper, helper)); return; } // Create the native window. Create(parent_hwnd, rect); CefWindowInfo window_info; window_info.SetAsWindowless(hwnd_); if (GetWindowLongPtr(parent_hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) & WS_EX_NOACTIVATE) { // Don't activate the browser window on creation. window_info.ex_style |= WS_EX_NOACTIVATE; } window_info.shared_texture_enabled = settings_.shared_texture_enabled; window_info.external_begin_frame_enabled = settings_.external_begin_frame_enabled; // Create the browser asynchronously. CefBrowserHost::CreateBrowser(window_info, handler, startup_url, settings, extra_info, request_context); } void OsrWindowWin::ShowPopup(HWND parent_hwnd, int x, int y, size_t width, size_t height) { if (!CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI)) { // Execute this method on the UI thread. CefPostTask(TID_UI, base::BindOnce(&OsrWindowWin::ShowPopup, this, parent_hwnd, x, y, width, height)); return; } DCHECK(browser_.get()); // Create the native window. const RECT rect = {x, y, x + static_cast(width), y + static_cast(height)}; Create(parent_hwnd, rect); // Create the render handler. EnsureRenderHandler(); render_handler_->SetBrowser(browser_); // Send resize notification so the compositor is assigned the correct // viewport size and begins rendering. browser_->GetHost()->WasResized(); Show(); } void OsrWindowWin::Show() { if (!CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI)) { // Execute this method on the UI thread. CefPostTask(TID_UI, base::BindOnce(&OsrWindowWin::Show, this)); return; } if (!browser_) return; // Show the native window if not currently visible. if (hwnd_ && !::IsWindowVisible(hwnd_)) ShowWindow(hwnd_, SW_SHOW); if (hidden_) { // Set the browser as visible. browser_->GetHost()->WasHidden(false); hidden_ = false; } // Give focus to the browser. browser_->GetHost()->SetFocus(true); } void OsrWindowWin::Hide() { if (!CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI)) { // Execute this method on the UI thread. CefPostTask(TID_UI, base::BindOnce(&OsrWindowWin::Hide, this)); return; } if (!browser_) return; // Remove focus from the browser. browser_->GetHost()->SetFocus(false); if (!hidden_) { // Set the browser as hidden. browser_->GetHost()->WasHidden(true); hidden_ = true; } } void OsrWindowWin::SetBounds(int x, int y, size_t width, size_t height) { if (!CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI)) { // Execute this method on the UI thread. CefPostTask(TID_UI, base::BindOnce(&OsrWindowWin::SetBounds, this, x, y, width, height)); return; } if (hwnd_) { // Set the browser window bounds. ::SetWindowPos(hwnd_, nullptr, x, y, static_cast(width), static_cast(height), SWP_NOZORDER); } } void OsrWindowWin::SetFocus() { if (!CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI)) { // Execute this method on the UI thread. CefPostTask(TID_UI, base::BindOnce(&OsrWindowWin::SetFocus, this)); return; } if (hwnd_) { // Give focus to the native window. ::SetFocus(hwnd_); } } void OsrWindowWin::SetDeviceScaleFactor(float device_scale_factor) { if (!CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI)) { // Execute this method on the UI thread. CefPostTask(TID_UI, base::BindOnce(&OsrWindowWin::SetDeviceScaleFactor, this, device_scale_factor)); return; } if (device_scale_factor == device_scale_factor_) return; device_scale_factor_ = device_scale_factor; if (browser_) { browser_->GetHost()->NotifyScreenInfoChanged(); browser_->GetHost()->WasResized(); } } void OsrWindowWin::Create(HWND parent_hwnd, const RECT& rect) { CEF_REQUIRE_UI_THREAD(); DCHECK(!hwnd_ && !render_handler_.get()); DCHECK(parent_hwnd); DCHECK(!::IsRectEmpty(&rect)); HINSTANCE hInst = ::GetModuleHandle(nullptr); const cef_color_t background_color = MainContext::Get()->GetBackgroundColor(); const HBRUSH background_brush = CreateSolidBrush( RGB(CefColorGetR(background_color), CefColorGetG(background_color), CefColorGetB(background_color))); RegisterOsrClass(hInst, background_brush); DWORD ex_style = 0; if (GetWindowLongPtr(parent_hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) & WS_EX_NOACTIVATE) { // Don't activate the browser window on creation. ex_style |= WS_EX_NOACTIVATE; } // Create the native window with a border so it's easier to visually identify // OSR windows. hwnd_ = ::CreateWindowEx( ex_style, kWndClass, 0, WS_BORDER | WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_VISIBLE, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top, parent_hwnd, 0, hInst, 0); CHECK(hwnd_); client_rect_ = rect; // Associate |this| with the window. SetUserDataPtr(hwnd_, this); #if defined(CEF_USE_ATL) accessibility_root_ = nullptr; // Create/register the drag&drop handler. drop_target_ = DropTargetWin::Create(this, hwnd_); HRESULT register_res = RegisterDragDrop(hwnd_, drop_target_); DCHECK_EQ(register_res, S_OK); #endif ime_handler_.reset(new OsrImeHandlerWin(hwnd_)); // Enable Touch Events if requested if (client::MainContext::Get()->TouchEventsEnabled()) RegisterTouchWindow(hwnd_, 0); // Notify the window owner. NotifyNativeWindowCreated(hwnd_); } void OsrWindowWin::Destroy() { CEF_REQUIRE_UI_THREAD(); DCHECK(hwnd_ != nullptr); #if defined(CEF_USE_ATL) // Revoke/delete the drag&drop handler. RevokeDragDrop(hwnd_); drop_target_ = nullptr; #endif render_handler_.reset(); // Destroy the native window. ::DestroyWindow(hwnd_); ime_handler_.reset(); hwnd_ = nullptr; } void OsrWindowWin::NotifyNativeWindowCreated(HWND hwnd) { if (!CURRENTLY_ON_MAIN_THREAD()) { // Execute this method on the main thread. MAIN_POST_CLOSURE( base::BindOnce(&OsrWindowWin::NotifyNativeWindowCreated, this, hwnd)); return; } delegate_->OnOsrNativeWindowCreated(hwnd); } // static void OsrWindowWin::RegisterOsrClass(HINSTANCE hInstance, HBRUSH background_brush) { // Only register the class one time. static bool class_registered = false; if (class_registered) return; class_registered = true; WNDCLASSEX wcex; wcex.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); wcex.style = CS_OWNDC; wcex.lpfnWndProc = OsrWndProc; wcex.cbClsExtra = 0; wcex.cbWndExtra = 0; wcex.hInstance = hInstance; wcex.hIcon = nullptr; wcex.hCursor = LoadCursor(nullptr, IDC_ARROW); wcex.hbrBackground = background_brush; wcex.lpszMenuName = nullptr; wcex.lpszClassName = kWndClass; wcex.hIconSm = LoadIcon(wcex.hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_SMALL)); RegisterClassEx(&wcex); } void OsrWindowWin::OnIMESetContext(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { // We handle the IME Composition Window ourselves (but let the IME Candidates // Window be handled by IME through DefWindowProc()), so clear the // ISC_SHOWUICOMPOSITIONWINDOW flag: lParam &= ~ISC_SHOWUICOMPOSITIONWINDOW; ::DefWindowProc(hwnd_, message, wParam, lParam); // Create Caret Window if required if (ime_handler_) { ime_handler_->CreateImeWindow(); ime_handler_->MoveImeWindow(); } } void OsrWindowWin::OnIMEStartComposition() { if (ime_handler_) { ime_handler_->CreateImeWindow(); ime_handler_->MoveImeWindow(); ime_handler_->ResetComposition(); } } void OsrWindowWin::OnIMEComposition(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (browser_ && ime_handler_) { CefString cTextStr; if (ime_handler_->GetResult(lParam, cTextStr)) { // Send the text to the browser. The |replacement_range| and // |relative_cursor_pos| params are not used on Windows, so provide // default invalid values. browser_->GetHost()->ImeCommitText(cTextStr, CefRange(UINT32_MAX, UINT32_MAX), 0); ime_handler_->ResetComposition(); // Continue reading the composition string - Japanese IMEs send both // GCS_RESULTSTR and GCS_COMPSTR. } std::vector underlines; int composition_start = 0; if (ime_handler_->GetComposition(lParam, cTextStr, underlines, composition_start)) { // Send the composition string to the browser. The |replacement_range| // param is not used on Windows, so provide a default invalid value. browser_->GetHost()->ImeSetComposition( cTextStr, underlines, CefRange(UINT32_MAX, UINT32_MAX), CefRange(composition_start, static_cast(composition_start + cTextStr.length()))); // Update the Candidate Window position. The cursor is at the end so // subtract 1. This is safe because IMM32 does not support non-zero-width // in a composition. Also, negative values are safely ignored in // MoveImeWindow ime_handler_->UpdateCaretPosition(composition_start - 1); } else { OnIMECancelCompositionEvent(); } } } void OsrWindowWin::OnIMECancelCompositionEvent() { if (browser_ && ime_handler_) { browser_->GetHost()->ImeCancelComposition(); ime_handler_->ResetComposition(); ime_handler_->DestroyImeWindow(); } } // static LRESULT CALLBACK OsrWindowWin::OsrWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { CEF_REQUIRE_UI_THREAD(); OsrWindowWin* self = GetUserDataPtr(hWnd); if (!self) return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); // We want to handle IME events before the OS does any default handling. switch (message) { case WM_IME_SETCONTEXT: self->OnIMESetContext(message, wParam, lParam); return 0; case WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION: self->OnIMEStartComposition(); return 0; case WM_IME_COMPOSITION: self->OnIMEComposition(message, wParam, lParam); return 0; case WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION: self->OnIMECancelCompositionEvent(); // Let WTL call::DefWindowProc() and release its resources. break; #if defined(CEF_USE_ATL) case WM_GETOBJECT: { // Only the lower 32 bits of lParam are valid when checking the object id // because it sometimes gets sign-extended incorrectly (but not always). DWORD obj_id = static_cast(static_cast(lParam)); // Accessibility readers will send an OBJID_CLIENT message. if (static_cast(OBJID_CLIENT) == obj_id) { if (self->accessibility_root_) { return LresultFromObject( IID_IAccessible, wParam, static_cast(self->accessibility_root_)); } else { // Notify the renderer to enable accessibility. if (self->browser_ && self->browser_->GetHost()) self->browser_->GetHost()->SetAccessibilityState(STATE_ENABLED); } } } break; #endif case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: case WM_MBUTTONDOWN: case WM_LBUTTONUP: case WM_RBUTTONUP: case WM_MBUTTONUP: case WM_MOUSEMOVE: case WM_MOUSELEAVE: case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: self->OnMouseEvent(message, wParam, lParam); break; case WM_SIZE: self->OnSize(); break; case WM_SETFOCUS: case WM_KILLFOCUS: self->OnFocus(message == WM_SETFOCUS); break; case WM_CAPTURECHANGED: case WM_CANCELMODE: self->OnCaptureLost(); break; case WM_SYSCHAR: case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: case WM_SYSKEYUP: case WM_KEYDOWN: case WM_KEYUP: case WM_CHAR: self->OnKeyEvent(message, wParam, lParam); break; case WM_PAINT: self->OnPaint(); return 0; case WM_ERASEBKGND: if (self->OnEraseBkgnd()) break; // Don't erase the background. return 0; // If your application does not require Win7 support, please do consider // using WM_POINTER* messages instead of WM_TOUCH. WM_POINTER are more // intutive, complete and simpler to code. // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh454903(v=vs.85).aspx case WM_TOUCH: if (self->OnTouchEvent(message, wParam, lParam)) return 0; break; case WM_NCDESTROY: // Clear the reference to |self|. SetUserDataPtr(hWnd, nullptr); self->hwnd_ = nullptr; break; } return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); } void OsrWindowWin::OnMouseEvent(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (IsMouseEventFromTouch(message)) return; CefRefPtr browser_host; if (browser_) browser_host = browser_->GetHost(); LONG currentTime = 0; bool cancelPreviousClick = false; if (message == WM_LBUTTONDOWN || message == WM_RBUTTONDOWN || message == WM_MBUTTONDOWN || message == WM_MOUSEMOVE || message == WM_MOUSELEAVE) { currentTime = GetMessageTime(); int x = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); int y = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam); cancelPreviousClick = (abs(last_click_x_ - x) > (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXDOUBLECLK) / 2)) || (abs(last_click_y_ - y) > (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYDOUBLECLK) / 2)) || ((currentTime - last_click_time_) > GetDoubleClickTime()); if (cancelPreviousClick && (message == WM_MOUSEMOVE || message == WM_MOUSELEAVE)) { last_click_count_ = 1; last_click_x_ = 0; last_click_y_ = 0; last_click_time_ = 0; } } switch (message) { case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: case WM_MBUTTONDOWN: { ::SetCapture(hwnd_); ::SetFocus(hwnd_); int x = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); int y = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam); if (wParam & MK_SHIFT) { // Start rotation effect. last_mouse_pos_.x = current_mouse_pos_.x = x; last_mouse_pos_.y = current_mouse_pos_.y = y; mouse_rotation_ = true; } else { CefBrowserHost::MouseButtonType btnType = (message == WM_LBUTTONDOWN ? MBT_LEFT : (message == WM_RBUTTONDOWN ? MBT_RIGHT : MBT_MIDDLE)); if (!cancelPreviousClick && (btnType == last_click_button_)) { ++last_click_count_; } else { last_click_count_ = 1; last_click_x_ = x; last_click_y_ = y; } last_click_time_ = currentTime; last_click_button_ = btnType; if (browser_host) { CefMouseEvent mouse_event; mouse_event.x = x; mouse_event.y = y; last_mouse_down_on_view_ = !IsOverPopupWidget(x, y); ApplyPopupOffset(mouse_event.x, mouse_event.y); DeviceToLogical(mouse_event, device_scale_factor_); mouse_event.modifiers = GetCefMouseModifiers(wParam); browser_host->SendMouseClickEvent(mouse_event, btnType, false, last_click_count_); } } } break; case WM_LBUTTONUP: case WM_RBUTTONUP: case WM_MBUTTONUP: if (GetCapture() == hwnd_) ReleaseCapture(); if (mouse_rotation_) { // End rotation effect. mouse_rotation_ = false; render_handler_->SetSpin(0, 0); } else { int x = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); int y = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam); CefBrowserHost::MouseButtonType btnType = (message == WM_LBUTTONUP ? MBT_LEFT : (message == WM_RBUTTONUP ? MBT_RIGHT : MBT_MIDDLE)); if (browser_host) { CefMouseEvent mouse_event; mouse_event.x = x; mouse_event.y = y; if (last_mouse_down_on_view_ && IsOverPopupWidget(x, y) && (GetPopupXOffset() || GetPopupYOffset())) { break; } ApplyPopupOffset(mouse_event.x, mouse_event.y); DeviceToLogical(mouse_event, device_scale_factor_); mouse_event.modifiers = GetCefMouseModifiers(wParam); browser_host->SendMouseClickEvent(mouse_event, btnType, true, last_click_count_); } } break; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: { int x = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); int y = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam); if (mouse_rotation_) { // Apply rotation effect. current_mouse_pos_.x = x; current_mouse_pos_.y = y; render_handler_->IncrementSpin( current_mouse_pos_.x - last_mouse_pos_.x, current_mouse_pos_.y - last_mouse_pos_.y); last_mouse_pos_.x = current_mouse_pos_.x; last_mouse_pos_.y = current_mouse_pos_.y; } else { if (!mouse_tracking_) { // Start tracking mouse leave. Required for the WM_MOUSELEAVE event to // be generated. TRACKMOUSEEVENT tme; tme.cbSize = sizeof(TRACKMOUSEEVENT); tme.dwFlags = TME_LEAVE; tme.hwndTrack = hwnd_; TrackMouseEvent(&tme); mouse_tracking_ = true; } if (browser_host) { CefMouseEvent mouse_event; mouse_event.x = x; mouse_event.y = y; ApplyPopupOffset(mouse_event.x, mouse_event.y); DeviceToLogical(mouse_event, device_scale_factor_); mouse_event.modifiers = GetCefMouseModifiers(wParam); browser_host->SendMouseMoveEvent(mouse_event, false); } } break; } case WM_MOUSELEAVE: { if (mouse_tracking_) { // Stop tracking mouse leave. TRACKMOUSEEVENT tme; tme.cbSize = sizeof(TRACKMOUSEEVENT); tme.dwFlags = TME_LEAVE & TME_CANCEL; tme.hwndTrack = hwnd_; TrackMouseEvent(&tme); mouse_tracking_ = false; } if (browser_host) { // Determine the cursor position in screen coordinates. POINT p; ::GetCursorPos(&p); ::ScreenToClient(hwnd_, &p); CefMouseEvent mouse_event; mouse_event.x = p.x; mouse_event.y = p.y; DeviceToLogical(mouse_event, device_scale_factor_); mouse_event.modifiers = GetCefMouseModifiers(wParam); browser_host->SendMouseMoveEvent(mouse_event, true); } } break; case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: if (browser_host) { POINT screen_point = {GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam)}; HWND scrolled_wnd = ::WindowFromPoint(screen_point); if (scrolled_wnd != hwnd_) break; ScreenToClient(hwnd_, &screen_point); int delta = GET_WHEEL_DELTA_WPARAM(wParam); CefMouseEvent mouse_event; mouse_event.x = screen_point.x; mouse_event.y = screen_point.y; ApplyPopupOffset(mouse_event.x, mouse_event.y); DeviceToLogical(mouse_event, device_scale_factor_); mouse_event.modifiers = GetCefMouseModifiers(wParam); browser_host->SendMouseWheelEvent(mouse_event, IsKeyDown(VK_SHIFT) ? delta : 0, !IsKeyDown(VK_SHIFT) ? delta : 0); } break; } } void OsrWindowWin::OnSize() { // Keep |client_rect_| up to date. ::GetClientRect(hwnd_, &client_rect_); if (browser_) browser_->GetHost()->WasResized(); } void OsrWindowWin::OnFocus(bool setFocus) { if (browser_) browser_->GetHost()->SetFocus(setFocus); } void OsrWindowWin::OnCaptureLost() { if (mouse_rotation_) return; if (browser_) browser_->GetHost()->SendCaptureLostEvent(); } void OsrWindowWin::OnKeyEvent(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (!browser_) return; CefKeyEvent event; event.windows_key_code = wParam; event.native_key_code = lParam; event.is_system_key = message == WM_SYSCHAR || message == WM_SYSKEYDOWN || message == WM_SYSKEYUP; if (message == WM_KEYDOWN || message == WM_SYSKEYDOWN) event.type = KEYEVENT_RAWKEYDOWN; else if (message == WM_KEYUP || message == WM_SYSKEYUP) event.type = KEYEVENT_KEYUP; else event.type = KEYEVENT_CHAR; event.modifiers = GetCefKeyboardModifiers(wParam, lParam); // mimic alt-gr check behaviour from // src/ui/events/win/events_win_utils.cc: GetModifiersFromKeyState if ((event.type == KEYEVENT_CHAR) && IsKeyDown(VK_RMENU)) { // reverse AltGr detection taken from PlatformKeyMap::UsesAltGraph // instead of checking all combination for ctrl-alt, just check current char HKL current_layout = ::GetKeyboardLayout(0); // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-vkkeyscanexw // ... high-order byte contains the shift state, // which can be a combination of the following flag bits. // 1 Either SHIFT key is pressed. // 2 Either CTRL key is pressed. // 4 Either ALT key is pressed. SHORT scan_res = ::VkKeyScanExW(wParam, current_layout); constexpr auto ctrlAlt = (2 | 4); if (((scan_res >> 8) & ctrlAlt) == ctrlAlt) { // ctrl-alt pressed event.modifiers &= ~(EVENTFLAG_CONTROL_DOWN | EVENTFLAG_ALT_DOWN); event.modifiers |= EVENTFLAG_ALTGR_DOWN; } } browser_->GetHost()->SendKeyEvent(event); } void OsrWindowWin::OnPaint() { // Paint nothing here. Invalidate will cause OnPaint to be called for the // render handler. PAINTSTRUCT ps; BeginPaint(hwnd_, &ps); EndPaint(hwnd_, &ps); if (browser_) browser_->GetHost()->Invalidate(PET_VIEW); } bool OsrWindowWin::OnEraseBkgnd() { // Erase the background when the browser does not exist. return (browser_ == nullptr); } bool OsrWindowWin::OnTouchEvent(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { // Handle touch events on Windows. int num_points = LOWORD(wParam); // Chromium only supports upto 16 touch points. if (num_points < 0 || num_points > 16) return false; std::unique_ptr input(new TOUCHINPUT[num_points]); if (GetTouchInputInfo(reinterpret_cast(lParam), num_points, input.get(), sizeof(TOUCHINPUT))) { CefTouchEvent touch_event; for (int i = 0; i < num_points; ++i) { POINT point; point.x = TOUCH_COORD_TO_PIXEL(input[i].x); point.y = TOUCH_COORD_TO_PIXEL(input[i].y); if (!IsWindows_8_Or_Newer()) { // Windows 7 sends touch events for touches in the non-client area, // whereas Windows 8 does not. In order to unify the behaviour, always // ignore touch events in the non-client area. LPARAM l_param_ht = MAKELPARAM(point.x, point.y); LRESULT hittest = SendMessage(hwnd_, WM_NCHITTEST, 0, l_param_ht); if (hittest != HTCLIENT) return false; } ScreenToClient(hwnd_, &point); touch_event.x = DeviceToLogical(point.x, device_scale_factor_); touch_event.y = DeviceToLogical(point.y, device_scale_factor_); // Touch point identifier stays consistent in a touch contact sequence touch_event.id = input[i].dwID; if (input[i].dwFlags & TOUCHEVENTF_DOWN) { touch_event.type = CEF_TET_PRESSED; } else if (input[i].dwFlags & TOUCHEVENTF_MOVE) { touch_event.type = CEF_TET_MOVED; } else if (input[i].dwFlags & TOUCHEVENTF_UP) { touch_event.type = CEF_TET_RELEASED; } touch_event.radius_x = 0; touch_event.radius_y = 0; touch_event.rotation_angle = 0; touch_event.pressure = 0; touch_event.modifiers = 0; // Notify the browser of touch event if (browser_) browser_->GetHost()->SendTouchEvent(touch_event); } CloseTouchInputHandle(reinterpret_cast(lParam)); return true; } return false; } bool OsrWindowWin::IsOverPopupWidget(int x, int y) const { if (!render_handler_) return false; return render_handler_->IsOverPopupWidget(x, y); } int OsrWindowWin::GetPopupXOffset() const { return render_handler_->GetPopupXOffset(); } int OsrWindowWin::GetPopupYOffset() const { return render_handler_->GetPopupYOffset(); } void OsrWindowWin::ApplyPopupOffset(int& x, int& y) const { if (IsOverPopupWidget(x, y)) { x += GetPopupXOffset(); y += GetPopupYOffset(); } } void OsrWindowWin::OnAfterCreated(CefRefPtr browser) { CEF_REQUIRE_UI_THREAD(); DCHECK(!browser_); browser_ = browser; if (hwnd_) { // The native window will already exist for non-popup browsers. EnsureRenderHandler(); render_handler_->SetBrowser(browser); } if (hwnd_) { // Show the browser window. Called asynchronously so that the browser has // time to create associated internal objects. CefPostTask(TID_UI, base::BindOnce(&OsrWindowWin::Show, this)); } } void OsrWindowWin::OnBeforeClose(CefRefPtr browser) { CEF_REQUIRE_UI_THREAD(); // Detach |this| from the ClientHandlerOsr. static_cast(browser_->GetHost()->GetClient().get()) ->DetachOsrDelegate(); browser_ = nullptr; render_handler_->SetBrowser(nullptr); Destroy(); } bool OsrWindowWin::GetRootScreenRect(CefRefPtr browser, CefRect& rect) { CEF_REQUIRE_UI_THREAD(); return false; } void OsrWindowWin::GetViewRect(CefRefPtr browser, CefRect& rect) { CEF_REQUIRE_UI_THREAD(); DCHECK_GT(device_scale_factor_, 0); rect.x = rect.y = 0; rect.width = DeviceToLogical(client_rect_.right - client_rect_.left, device_scale_factor_); if (rect.width == 0) rect.width = 1; rect.height = DeviceToLogical(client_rect_.bottom - client_rect_.top, device_scale_factor_); if (rect.height == 0) rect.height = 1; } bool OsrWindowWin::GetScreenPoint(CefRefPtr browser, int viewX, int viewY, int& screenX, int& screenY) { CEF_REQUIRE_UI_THREAD(); DCHECK_GT(device_scale_factor_, 0); if (!::IsWindow(hwnd_)) return false; // Convert from view DIP coordinates to screen device (pixel) coordinates. POINT screen_pt = {LogicalToDevice(viewX, device_scale_factor_), LogicalToDevice(viewY, device_scale_factor_)}; ClientToScreen(hwnd_, &screen_pt); screenX = screen_pt.x; screenY = screen_pt.y; return true; } bool OsrWindowWin::GetScreenInfo(CefRefPtr browser, CefScreenInfo& screen_info) { CEF_REQUIRE_UI_THREAD(); DCHECK_GT(device_scale_factor_, 0); if (!::IsWindow(hwnd_)) return false; CefRect view_rect; GetViewRect(browser, view_rect); screen_info.device_scale_factor = device_scale_factor_; // The screen info rectangles are used by the renderer to create and position // popups. Keep popups inside the view rectangle. screen_info.rect = view_rect; screen_info.available_rect = view_rect; return true; } void OsrWindowWin::OnPopupShow(CefRefPtr browser, bool show) { render_handler_->OnPopupShow(browser, show); } void OsrWindowWin::OnPopupSize(CefRefPtr browser, const CefRect& rect) { render_handler_->OnPopupSize(browser, LogicalToDevice(rect, device_scale_factor_)); } void OsrWindowWin::OnPaint(CefRefPtr browser, CefRenderHandler::PaintElementType type, const CefRenderHandler::RectList& dirtyRects, const void* buffer, int width, int height) { EnsureRenderHandler(); render_handler_->OnPaint(browser, type, dirtyRects, buffer, width, height); } void OsrWindowWin::OnAcceleratedPaint( CefRefPtr browser, CefRenderHandler::PaintElementType type, const CefRenderHandler::RectList& dirtyRects, void* share_handle) { EnsureRenderHandler(); render_handler_->OnAcceleratedPaint(browser, type, dirtyRects, share_handle); } void OsrWindowWin::OnCursorChange(CefRefPtr browser, CefCursorHandle cursor, cef_cursor_type_t type, const CefCursorInfo& custom_cursor_info) { CEF_REQUIRE_UI_THREAD(); if (!::IsWindow(hwnd_)) return; // Change the window's cursor. SetClassLongPtr(hwnd_, GCLP_HCURSOR, static_cast(reinterpret_cast(cursor))); SetCursor(cursor); } bool OsrWindowWin::StartDragging( CefRefPtr browser, CefRefPtr drag_data, CefRenderHandler::DragOperationsMask allowed_ops, int x, int y) { CEF_REQUIRE_UI_THREAD(); #if defined(CEF_USE_ATL) if (!drop_target_) return false; current_drag_op_ = DRAG_OPERATION_NONE; CefBrowserHost::DragOperationsMask result = drop_target_->StartDragging(browser, drag_data, allowed_ops, x, y); current_drag_op_ = DRAG_OPERATION_NONE; POINT pt = {}; GetCursorPos(&pt); ScreenToClient(hwnd_, &pt); browser->GetHost()->DragSourceEndedAt( DeviceToLogical(pt.x, device_scale_factor_), DeviceToLogical(pt.y, device_scale_factor_), result); browser->GetHost()->DragSourceSystemDragEnded(); return true; #else // Cancel the drag. The dragging implementation requires ATL support. return false; #endif } void OsrWindowWin::UpdateDragCursor(CefRefPtr browser, CefRenderHandler::DragOperation operation) { CEF_REQUIRE_UI_THREAD(); #if defined(CEF_USE_ATL) current_drag_op_ = operation; #endif } void OsrWindowWin::OnImeCompositionRangeChanged( CefRefPtr browser, const CefRange& selection_range, const CefRenderHandler::RectList& character_bounds) { CEF_REQUIRE_UI_THREAD(); if (ime_handler_) { // Convert from view coordinates to device coordinates. CefRenderHandler::RectList device_bounds; CefRenderHandler::RectList::const_iterator it = character_bounds.begin(); for (; it != character_bounds.end(); ++it) { device_bounds.push_back(LogicalToDevice(*it, device_scale_factor_)); } ime_handler_->ChangeCompositionRange(selection_range, device_bounds); } } void OsrWindowWin::UpdateAccessibilityTree(CefRefPtr value) { CEF_REQUIRE_UI_THREAD(); #if defined(CEF_USE_ATL) if (!accessibility_handler_) { accessibility_handler_.reset(new OsrAccessibilityHelper(value, browser_)); } else { accessibility_handler_->UpdateAccessibilityTree(value); } // Update |accessibility_root_| because UpdateAccessibilityTree may have // cleared it. OsrAXNode* root = accessibility_handler_->GetRootNode(); accessibility_root_ = root ? root->GetNativeAccessibleObject(nullptr) : nullptr; #endif // defined(CEF_USE_ATL) } void OsrWindowWin::UpdateAccessibilityLocation(CefRefPtr value) { CEF_REQUIRE_UI_THREAD(); #if defined(CEF_USE_ATL) if (accessibility_handler_) { accessibility_handler_->UpdateAccessibilityLocation(value); } #endif // defined(CEF_USE_ATL) } #if defined(CEF_USE_ATL) CefBrowserHost::DragOperationsMask OsrWindowWin::OnDragEnter( CefRefPtr drag_data, CefMouseEvent ev, CefBrowserHost::DragOperationsMask effect) { if (browser_) { DeviceToLogical(ev, device_scale_factor_); browser_->GetHost()->DragTargetDragEnter(drag_data, ev, effect); browser_->GetHost()->DragTargetDragOver(ev, effect); } return current_drag_op_; } CefBrowserHost::DragOperationsMask OsrWindowWin::OnDragOver( CefMouseEvent ev, CefBrowserHost::DragOperationsMask effect) { if (browser_) { DeviceToLogical(ev, device_scale_factor_); browser_->GetHost()->DragTargetDragOver(ev, effect); } return current_drag_op_; } void OsrWindowWin::OnDragLeave() { if (browser_) browser_->GetHost()->DragTargetDragLeave(); } CefBrowserHost::DragOperationsMask OsrWindowWin::OnDrop( CefMouseEvent ev, CefBrowserHost::DragOperationsMask effect) { if (browser_) { DeviceToLogical(ev, device_scale_factor_); browser_->GetHost()->DragTargetDragOver(ev, effect); browser_->GetHost()->DragTargetDrop(ev); } return current_drag_op_; } #endif // defined(CEF_USE_ATL) void OsrWindowWin::EnsureRenderHandler() { CEF_REQUIRE_UI_THREAD(); if (!render_handler_) { if (settings_.shared_texture_enabled) { // Try to initialize D3D11 rendering. auto render_handler = new OsrRenderHandlerWinD3D11(settings_, hwnd_); if (render_handler->Initialize(browser_, client_rect_.right - client_rect_.left, client_rect_.bottom - client_rect_.top)) { render_handler_.reset(render_handler); } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to initialize D3D11 rendering."; delete render_handler; } } // Fall back to GL rendering. if (!render_handler_) { auto render_handler = new OsrRenderHandlerWinGL(settings_, hwnd_); render_handler->Initialize(browser_); render_handler_.reset(render_handler); } } } } // namespace client