CEF | $$CEF$$ |
Chromium | $$CHROMIUM$$ |
OS | $$OS$$ |
WebKit | $$WEBKIT$$ |
JavaScript | $$JAVASCRIPT$$ |
User Agent | $$USERAGENT$$ |
Command Line | $$COMMANDLINE$$ |
Module Path | $$MODULEPATH$$ |
Root Cache Path [1][2] | $$ROOTCACHEPATH$$ |
Cache Path [1] | $$CACHEPATH$$ |
[1] In Chromium terminology, "Root Cache Path" (CefSettings.root_cache_path) is the "User Data Directory" and "Cache Path" (CefSettings.cache_path) is the "Profile Path". An empty "Cache Path" value means that the browser is using an Incognito Profile. Even in Incognito mode, some per-installation data will still be written to the "Root Cache Path" directory. [2] Chromium's process singleton lock protects against multiple app instances writing to the same "Root Cache Path" directory. Implement CefBrowserProcessHandler:: OnAlreadyRunningAppRelaunch to handle the case of app relaunch with the same directory. |