// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. // Portions copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #import #include "include/cef_app.h" #import "include/cef_application_mac.h" #import "include/wrapper/cef_library_loader.h" #include "tests/cefclient/browser/main_context_impl.h" #include "tests/cefclient/browser/resource.h" #include "tests/cefclient/browser/root_window.h" #include "tests/cefclient/browser/test_runner.h" #include "tests/shared/browser/client_app_browser.h" #include "tests/shared/browser/main_message_loop_external_pump.h" #include "tests/shared/browser/main_message_loop_std.h" #include "tests/shared/common/client_switches.h" namespace { // Returns the top menu bar with the specified |tag|. NSMenuItem* GetMenuBarMenuWithTag(NSInteger tag) { NSMenu* main_menu = [[NSApplication sharedApplication] mainMenu]; NSInteger found_index = [main_menu indexOfItemWithTag:tag]; if (found_index >= 0) return [main_menu itemAtIndex:found_index]; return nil; } // Returns the item in |menu| that has the specified |action_selector|. NSMenuItem* GetMenuItemWithAction(NSMenu* menu, SEL action_selector) { for (NSInteger i = 0; i < menu.numberOfItems; ++i) { NSMenuItem* item = [menu itemAtIndex:i]; if (item.action == action_selector) return item; } return nil; } } // namespace // Receives notifications from the application. Will delete itself when done. @interface ClientAppDelegate : NSObject { @private bool with_controls_; bool with_osr_; } - (id)initWithControls:(bool)with_controls andOsr:(bool)with_osr; - (void)createApplication:(id)object; - (void)tryToTerminateApplication:(NSApplication*)app; - (void)testsItemSelected:(int)command_id; - (IBAction)menuTestsGetText:(id)sender; - (IBAction)menuTestsGetSource:(id)sender; - (IBAction)menuTestsWindowNew:(id)sender; - (IBAction)menuTestsWindowPopup:(id)sender; - (IBAction)menuTestsRequest:(id)sender; - (IBAction)menuTestsPluginInfo:(id)sender; - (IBAction)menuTestsZoomIn:(id)sender; - (IBAction)menuTestsZoomOut:(id)sender; - (IBAction)menuTestsZoomReset:(id)sender; - (IBAction)menuTestsSetFPS:(id)sender; - (IBAction)menuTestsSetScaleFactor:(id)sender; - (IBAction)menuTestsTracingBegin:(id)sender; - (IBAction)menuTestsTracingEnd:(id)sender; - (IBAction)menuTestsPrint:(id)sender; - (IBAction)menuTestsPrintToPdf:(id)sender; - (IBAction)menuTestsMuteAudio:(id)sender; - (IBAction)menuTestsUnmuteAudio:(id)sender; - (IBAction)menuTestsOtherTests:(id)sender; - (void)enableAccessibility:(bool)bEnable; @end // Provide the CefAppProtocol implementation required by CEF. @interface ClientApplication : NSApplication { @private BOOL handlingSendEvent_; } @end @implementation ClientApplication - (BOOL)isHandlingSendEvent { return handlingSendEvent_; } - (void)setHandlingSendEvent:(BOOL)handlingSendEvent { handlingSendEvent_ = handlingSendEvent; } - (void)sendEvent:(NSEvent*)event { CefScopedSendingEvent sendingEventScoper; [super sendEvent:event]; } // |-terminate:| is the entry point for orderly "quit" operations in Cocoa. This // includes the application menu's quit menu item and keyboard equivalent, the // application's dock icon menu's quit menu item, "quit" (not "force quit") in // the Activity Monitor, and quits triggered by user logout and system restart // and shutdown. // // The default |-terminate:| implementation ends the process by calling exit(), // and thus never leaves the main run loop. This is unsuitable for Chromium // since Chromium depends on leaving the main run loop to perform an orderly // shutdown. We support the normal |-terminate:| interface by overriding the // default implementation. Our implementation, which is very specific to the // needs of Chromium, works by asking the application delegate to terminate // using its |-tryToTerminateApplication:| method. // // |-tryToTerminateApplication:| differs from the standard // |-applicationShouldTerminate:| in that no special event loop is run in the // case that immediate termination is not possible (e.g., if dialog boxes // allowing the user to cancel have to be shown). Instead, this method tries to // close all browsers by calling CloseBrowser(false) via // ClientHandler::CloseAllBrowsers. Calling CloseBrowser will result in a call // to ClientHandler::DoClose and execution of |-performClose:| on the NSWindow. // DoClose sets a flag that is used to differentiate between new close events // (e.g., user clicked the window close button) and in-progress close events // (e.g., user approved the close window dialog). The NSWindowDelegate // |-windowShouldClose:| method checks this flag and either calls // CloseBrowser(false) in the case of a new close event or destructs the // NSWindow in the case of an in-progress close event. // ClientHandler::OnBeforeClose will be called after the CEF NSView hosted in // the NSWindow is dealloc'ed. // // After the final browser window has closed ClientHandler::OnBeforeClose will // begin actual tear-down of the application by calling CefQuitMessageLoop. // This ends the NSApplication event loop and execution then returns to the // main() function for cleanup before application termination. // // The standard |-applicationShouldTerminate:| is not supported, and code paths // leading to it must be redirected. - (void)terminate:(id)sender { ClientAppDelegate* delegate = static_cast( [[NSApplication sharedApplication] delegate]); [delegate tryToTerminateApplication:self]; // Return, don't exit. The application is responsible for exiting on its own. } // Detect dynamically if VoiceOver is running. Like Chromium, rely upon the // undocumented accessibility attribute @"AXEnhancedUserInterface" which is set // when VoiceOver is launched and unset when VoiceOver is closed. - (void)accessibilitySetValue:(id)value forAttribute:(NSString*)attribute { if ([attribute isEqualToString:@"AXEnhancedUserInterface"]) { ClientAppDelegate* delegate = static_cast( [[NSApplication sharedApplication] delegate]); [delegate enableAccessibility:([value intValue] == 1)]; } return [super accessibilitySetValue:value forAttribute:attribute]; } @end @implementation ClientAppDelegate - (id)initWithControls:(bool)with_controls andOsr:(bool)with_osr { if (self = [super init]) { with_controls_ = with_controls; with_osr_ = with_osr; } return self; } // Create the application on the UI thread. - (void)createApplication:(id)object { NSApplication* application = [NSApplication sharedApplication]; // The top menu is configured using Interface Builder (IB). To modify the menu // start by loading MainMenu.xib in IB. // // To associate MainMenu.xib with ClientAppDelegate: // 1. Select "File's Owner" from the "Placeholders" section in the left side // pane. // 2. Load the "Identity inspector" tab in the top-right side pane. // 3. In the "Custom Class" section set the "Class" value to // "ClientAppDelegate". // 4. Pass an instance of ClientAppDelegate as the |owner| parameter to // loadNibNamed:. // // To create a new top menu: // 1. Load the "Object library" tab in the bottom-right side pane. // 2. Drag a "Submenu Menu Item" widget from the Object library to the desired // location in the menu bar shown in the center pane. // 3. Select the newly created top menu by left clicking on it. // 4. Load the "Attributes inspector" tab in the top-right side pane. // 5. Under the "Menu Item" section set the "Tag" value to a unique integer. // This is necessary for the GetMenuBarMenuWithTag function to work // properly. // // To create a new menu item in a top menu: // 1. Add a new receiver method in ClientAppDelegate (e.g. menuTestsDoStuff:). // 2. Load the "Object library" tab in the bottom-right side pane. // 3. Drag a "Menu Item" widget from the Object library to the desired // location in the menu bar shown in the center pane. // 4. Double-click on the new menu item to set the label. // 5. Right click on the new menu item to show the "Get Source" dialog. // 6. In the "Sent Actions" section drag from the circle icon and drop on the // new receiver method in the ClientAppDelegate source code file. // // Load the top menu from MainMenu.xib. [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"MainMenu" owner:self topLevelObjects:nil]; // Set the delegate for application events. [application setDelegate:self]; if (!with_osr_) { // Remove the OSR-related menu items when OSR is disabled. NSMenuItem* tests_menu = GetMenuBarMenuWithTag(8); if (tests_menu) { NSMenuItem* set_fps_item = GetMenuItemWithAction( tests_menu.submenu, @selector(menuTestsSetFPS:)); if (set_fps_item) [tests_menu.submenu removeItem:set_fps_item]; NSMenuItem* set_scale_factor_item = GetMenuItemWithAction( tests_menu.submenu, @selector(menuTestsSetScaleFactor:)); if (set_scale_factor_item) [tests_menu.submenu removeItem:set_scale_factor_item]; } } auto window_config = std::make_unique(); window_config->with_controls = with_controls_; window_config->with_osr = with_osr_; // Create the first window. client::MainContext::Get()->GetRootWindowManager()->CreateRootWindow( std::move(window_config)); } - (void)tryToTerminateApplication:(NSApplication*)app { client::MainContext::Get()->GetRootWindowManager()->CloseAllWindows(false); } - (void)orderFrontStandardAboutPanel:(id)sender { [[NSApplication sharedApplication] orderFrontStandardAboutPanel:nil]; } - (void)testsItemSelected:(int)command_id { // Retrieve the active RootWindow. NSWindow* key_window = [[NSApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow]; if (!key_window) return; scoped_refptr root_window = client::RootWindow::GetForNSWindow(key_window); CefRefPtr browser = root_window->GetBrowser(); if (browser.get()) client::test_runner::RunTest(browser, command_id); } - (IBAction)menuTestsGetText:(id)sender { [self testsItemSelected:ID_TESTS_GETTEXT]; } - (IBAction)menuTestsGetSource:(id)sender { [self testsItemSelected:ID_TESTS_GETSOURCE]; } - (IBAction)menuTestsWindowNew:(id)sender { [self testsItemSelected:ID_TESTS_WINDOW_NEW]; } - (IBAction)menuTestsWindowPopup:(id)sender { [self testsItemSelected:ID_TESTS_WINDOW_POPUP]; } - (IBAction)menuTestsRequest:(id)sender { [self testsItemSelected:ID_TESTS_REQUEST]; } - (IBAction)menuTestsPluginInfo:(id)sender { [self testsItemSelected:ID_TESTS_PLUGIN_INFO]; } - (IBAction)menuTestsZoomIn:(id)sender { [self testsItemSelected:ID_TESTS_ZOOM_IN]; } - (IBAction)menuTestsZoomOut:(id)sender { [self testsItemSelected:ID_TESTS_ZOOM_OUT]; } - (IBAction)menuTestsZoomReset:(id)sender { [self testsItemSelected:ID_TESTS_ZOOM_RESET]; } - (IBAction)menuTestsSetFPS:(id)sender { [self testsItemSelected:ID_TESTS_OSR_FPS]; } - (IBAction)menuTestsSetScaleFactor:(id)sender { [self testsItemSelected:ID_TESTS_OSR_DSF]; } - (IBAction)menuTestsTracingBegin:(id)sender { [self testsItemSelected:ID_TESTS_TRACING_BEGIN]; } - (IBAction)menuTestsTracingEnd:(id)sender { [self testsItemSelected:ID_TESTS_TRACING_END]; } - (IBAction)menuTestsPrint:(id)sender { [self testsItemSelected:ID_TESTS_PRINT]; } - (IBAction)menuTestsPrintToPdf:(id)sender { [self testsItemSelected:ID_TESTS_PRINT_TO_PDF]; } - (IBAction)menuTestsMuteAudio:(id)sender { [self testsItemSelected:ID_TESTS_MUTE_AUDIO]; } - (IBAction)menuTestsUnmuteAudio:(id)sender { [self testsItemSelected:ID_TESTS_UNMUTE_AUDIO]; } - (IBAction)menuTestsOtherTests:(id)sender { [self testsItemSelected:ID_TESTS_OTHER_TESTS]; } - (void)enableAccessibility:(bool)bEnable { // Retrieve the active RootWindow. NSWindow* key_window = [[NSApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow]; if (!key_window) return; scoped_refptr root_window = client::RootWindow::GetForNSWindow(key_window); CefRefPtr browser = root_window->GetBrowser(); if (browser.get()) { browser->GetHost()->SetAccessibilityState(bEnable ? STATE_ENABLED : STATE_DISABLED); } } - (NSApplicationTerminateReply)applicationShouldTerminate: (NSApplication*)sender { return NSTerminateNow; } @end namespace client { namespace { int RunMain(int argc, char* argv[]) { // Load the CEF framework library at runtime instead of linking directly // as required by the macOS sandbox implementation. CefScopedLibraryLoader library_loader; if (!library_loader.LoadInMain()) return 1; int result = -1; CefMainArgs main_args(argc, argv); @autoreleasepool { // Initialize the ClientApplication instance. [ClientApplication sharedApplication]; // If there was an invocation to NSApp prior to this method, then the NSApp // will not be a ClientApplication, but will instead be an NSApplication. // This is undesirable and we must enforce that this doesn't happen. CHECK([NSApp isKindOfClass:[ClientApplication class]]); // Parse command-line arguments. CefRefPtr command_line = CefCommandLine::CreateCommandLine(); command_line->InitFromArgv(argc, argv); // Create a ClientApp of the correct type. CefRefPtr app; ClientApp::ProcessType process_type = ClientApp::GetProcessType(command_line); if (process_type == ClientApp::BrowserProcess) app = new ClientAppBrowser(); // Create the main context object. std::unique_ptr context( new MainContextImpl(command_line, true)); CefSettings settings; // When generating projects with CMake the CEF_USE_SANDBOX value will be defined // automatically. Pass -DUSE_SANDBOX=OFF to the CMake command-line to disable // use of the sandbox. #if !defined(CEF_USE_SANDBOX) settings.no_sandbox = true; #endif // Populate the settings based on command line arguments. context->PopulateSettings(&settings); // Create the main message loop object. std::unique_ptr message_loop; if (settings.external_message_pump) message_loop = MainMessageLoopExternalPump::Create(); else message_loop.reset(new MainMessageLoopStd); // Initialize CEF. context->Initialize(main_args, settings, app, nullptr); // Register scheme handlers. test_runner::RegisterSchemeHandlers(); // Create the application delegate and window. ClientAppDelegate* delegate = [[ClientAppDelegate alloc] initWithControls:!command_line->HasSwitch(switches::kHideControls) andOsr:settings.windowless_rendering_enabled ? true : false]; [delegate performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(createApplication:) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO]; // Run the message loop. This will block until Quit() is called. result = message_loop->Run(); // Shut down CEF. context->Shutdown(); // Release objects in reverse order of creation. #if !__has_feature(objc_arc) [delegate release]; #endif // !__has_feature(objc_arc) delegate = nil; message_loop.reset(); context.reset(); } // @autoreleasepool return result; } } // namespace } // namespace client // Entry point function for the browser process. int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { return client::RunMain(argc, argv); }