// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights // reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that // can be found in the LICENSE file. #include "binding_test.h" #include // Implementation of the V8 handler class for the "window.cef_test.Dump" // function. class ClientV8FunctionHandler : public CefThreadSafeBase { public: ClientV8FunctionHandler() {} virtual ~ClientV8FunctionHandler() {} // Execute with the specified argument list and return value. Return true if // the method was handled. virtual bool Execute(const std::wstring& name, CefRefPtr object, const CefV8ValueList& arguments, CefRefPtr& retval, std::wstring& exception) { if(name == L"Dump") { // The "Dump" function will return a human-readable dump of the input // arguments. std::wstringstream stream; size_t i; for(i = 0; i < arguments.size(); ++i) { stream << L"arg[" << i << L"] = "; PrintValue(arguments[i], stream, 0); stream << L"\n"; } retval = CefV8Value::CreateString(stream.str()); return true; } else if(name == L"Call") { // The "Call" function will execute a function to get an object and then // return the result of calling a function belonging to that object. The // first arument is the function that will return an object and the second // argument is the function that will be called on that returned object. int argSize = arguments.size(); if(argSize < 2 || !arguments[0]->IsFunction() || !arguments[1]->IsString()) return false; CefV8ValueList argList; // Execute the function stored in the first argument to retrieve an // object. CefRefPtr objectPtr; if(!arguments[0]->ExecuteFunction(object, argList, objectPtr, exception)) return false; // Verify that the returned value is an object. if(!objectPtr.get() || !objectPtr->IsObject()) return false; // Retrieve the member function specified by name in the second argument // from the object. CefRefPtr funcPtr = objectPtr->GetValue(arguments[1]->GetStringValue()); // Verify that the returned value is a function. if(!funcPtr.get() || !funcPtr->IsFunction()) return false; // Pass any additional arguments on to the member function. for(int i = 2; i < argSize; ++i) argList.push_back(arguments[i]); // Execute the member function. return funcPtr->ExecuteFunction(arguments[0], argList, retval, exception); } return false; } // Simple function for formatted output of a V8 value. void PrintValue(CefRefPtr value, std::wstringstream &stream, int indent) { std::wstringstream indent_stream; for(int i = 0; i < indent; ++i) indent_stream << L" "; std::wstring indent_str = indent_stream.str(); if(value->IsUndefined()) stream << L"(undefined)"; else if(value->IsNull()) stream << L"(null)"; else if(value->IsBool()) stream << L"(bool) " << (value->GetBoolValue() ? L"true" : L"false"); else if(value->IsInt()) stream << L"(int) " << value->GetIntValue(); else if(value->IsDouble()) stream << L"(double) " << value->GetDoubleValue(); else if(value->IsString()) stream << L"(string) " << value->GetStringValue().c_str(); else if(value->IsFunction()) stream << L"(function) " << value->GetFunctionName().c_str(); else if(value->IsArray()) { stream << L"(array) ["; int len = value->GetArrayLength(); for(int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { stream << L"\n " << indent_str.c_str() << i << L" = "; PrintValue(value->GetValue(i), stream, indent+1); } stream << L"\n" << indent_str.c_str() << L"]"; } else if(value->IsObject()) { stream << L"(object) ["; std::vector keys; if(value->GetKeys(keys)) { for(size_t i = 0; i < keys.size(); ++i) { stream << L"\n " << indent_str.c_str() << keys[i].c_str() << L" = "; PrintValue(value->GetValue(keys[i]), stream, indent+1); } } stream << L"\n" << indent_str.c_str() << L"]"; } } }; void InitBindingTest(CefRefPtr browser, CefRefPtr frame, CefRefPtr object) { // Create the new V8 object. CefRefPtr testObjPtr = CefV8Value::CreateObject(NULL); // Add the new V8 object to the global window object with the name // "cef_test". object->SetValue(L"cef_test", testObjPtr); // Create an instance of ClientV8FunctionHandler as the V8 handler. CefRefPtr handlerPtr = new ClientV8FunctionHandler(); // Add a new V8 function to the cef_test object with the name "Dump". testObjPtr->SetValue(L"Dump", CefV8Value::CreateFunction(L"Dump", handlerPtr)); // Add a new V8 function to the cef_test object with the name "Call". testObjPtr->SetValue(L"Call", CefV8Value::CreateFunction(L"Call", handlerPtr)); } void RunBindingTest(CefRefPtr browser) { std::wstring html = L"ClientV8FunctionHandler says:
"; browser->GetMainFrame()->LoadString(html, L"about:blank"); }