# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights # reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that # can be found in the LICENSE file. from optparse import OptionParser import os import shlex import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile import urllib import zipfile ## # Default URLs. ## depot_tools_url = 'https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git' depot_tools_archive_url = 'https://storage.googleapis.com/chrome-infra/depot_tools.zip' cef_git_url = 'https://bitbucket.org/chromiumembedded/cef.git' ## # Global system variables. ## # Script directory. script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) ## # Helper functions. ## def msg(message): """ Output a message. """ sys.stdout.write('--> ' + message + "\n") def run(command_line, working_dir, depot_tools_dir=None, output_file=None): """ Runs the specified command. """ # add depot_tools to the path env = os.environ if not depot_tools_dir is None: env['PATH'] = depot_tools_dir + os.pathsep + env['PATH'] sys.stdout.write('-------- Running "'+command_line+'" in "'+\ working_dir+'"...'+"\n") if not options.dryrun: args = shlex.split(command_line.replace('\\', '\\\\')) if not output_file: return subprocess.check_call( args, cwd=working_dir, env=env, shell=(sys.platform == 'win32')) with open(output_file, "w") as f: return subprocess.check_call( args, cwd=working_dir, env=env, shell=(sys.platform == 'win32'), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=f) def create_directory(path): """ Creates a directory if it doesn't already exist. """ if not os.path.exists(path): msg("Creating directory %s" % (path)) if not options.dryrun: os.makedirs(path) def delete_directory(path): """ Removes an existing directory. """ if os.path.exists(path): msg("Removing directory %s" % (path)) if not options.dryrun: shutil.rmtree(path, onerror=onerror) def copy_directory(source, target, allow_overwrite=False): """ Copies a directory from source to target. """ if not options.dryrun and os.path.exists(target): if not allow_overwrite: raise Exception("Directory %s already exists" % (target)) remove_directory(target) if os.path.exists(source): msg("Copying directory %s to %s" % (source, target)) if not options.dryrun: shutil.copytree(source, target) def move_directory(source, target, allow_overwrite=False): """ Copies a directory from source to target. """ if not options.dryrun and os.path.exists(target): if not allow_overwrite: raise Exception("Directory %s already exists" % (target)) remove_directory(target) if os.path.exists(source): msg("Moving directory %s to %s" % (source, target)) if not options.dryrun: shutil.move(source, target) def is_git_checkout(path): """ Returns true if the path represents a git checkout. """ return os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, '.git')) def exec_cmd(cmd, path): """ Execute the specified command and return the result. """ out = '' err = '' sys.stdout.write("-------- Running \"%s\" in \"%s\"...\n" % (cmd, path)) parts = cmd.split() try: process = subprocess.Popen( parts, cwd=path, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=(sys.platform == 'win32')) out, err = process.communicate() except IOError, (errno, strerror): raise except: raise return {'out': out, 'err': err} def get_git_hash(path, branch): """ Returns the git hash for the specified branch/tag/hash. """ cmd = "%s rev-parse %s" % (git_exe, branch) result = exec_cmd(cmd, path) if result['out'] != '': return result['out'].strip() return 'Unknown' def get_git_url(path): """ Returns the origin url for the specified path. """ cmd = "%s config --get remote.origin.url" % (git_exe) result = exec_cmd(cmd, path) if result['out'] != '': return result['out'].strip() return 'Unknown' def download_and_extract(src, target): """ Extracts the contents of src, which may be a URL or local file, to the target directory. """ temporary = False if src[:4] == 'http': # Attempt to download a URL. opener = urllib.FancyURLopener({}) response = opener.open(src) temporary = True handle, archive_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.zip') os.write(handle, response.read()) os.close(handle) elif os.path.exists(src): # Use a local file. archive_path = src else: raise Exception('Path type is unsupported or does not exist: ' + src) if not zipfile.is_zipfile(archive_path): raise Exception('Not a valid zip archive: ' + src) # Attempt to extract the archive file. try: os.makedirs(target) zf = zipfile.ZipFile(archive_path, 'r') zf.extractall(target) except: shutil.rmtree(target, onerror=onerror) raise zf.close() # Delete the archive file if temporary. if temporary and os.path.exists(archive_path): os.remove(archive_path) def read_file(path): """ Read a file. """ if os.path.exists(path): fp = open(path, 'r') data = fp.read() fp.close() return data else: raise Exception("Path does not exist: %s" % (path)) def read_config_file(path): """ Read a configuration file. """ # Parse the contents. return eval(read_file(path), {'__builtins__': None}, None) def write_config_file(path, contents): """ Write a configuration file. """ msg('Writing file: %s' % path) if not options.dryrun: fp = open(path, 'w') fp.write("{\n") for key in sorted(contents.keys()): fp.write(" '%s': '%s',\n" % (key, contents[key])) fp.write("}\n") fp.close() def read_branch_config_file(path): """ Read the CEF branch from the specified path. """ config_file = os.path.join(path, 'cef.branch') if os.path.isfile(config_file): contents = read_config_file(config_file) if 'branch' in contents: return contents['branch'] return '' def write_branch_config_file(path, branch): """ Write the CEF branch to the specified path. """ config_file = os.path.join(path, 'cef.branch') if not os.path.isfile(config_file): write_config_file(config_file, {'branch': branch}) def remove_deps_entry(path, entry): """ Remove an entry from the Chromium DEPS file at the specified path. """ msg('Updating DEPS file: %s' % path) if not options.dryrun: # Read the DEPS file. fp = open(path, 'r') lines = fp.readlines() fp.close() # Write the DEPS file. # Each entry takes 2 lines. Skip both lines if found. fp = open(path, 'w') skip_next = False for line in lines: if skip_next: skip_next = False continue elif line.find(entry) >= 0: skip_next = True continue fp.write(line) fp.close() def apply_deps_patch(): """ Patch the Chromium DEPS file if necessary. """ # Starting with 43.0.2357.126 the DEPS file is now 100% Git and the .DEPS.git # file is no longer created. Look for the older file first in case we're # building an older branch version. deps_file = '.DEPS.git' deps_path = os.path.join(chromium_src_dir, deps_file) if not os.path.isfile(deps_path): deps_file = 'DEPS' deps_path = os.path.join(chromium_src_dir, deps_file) if os.path.isfile(deps_path): msg("Chromium DEPS file: %s" % (deps_path)) patch_file = os.path.join(cef_dir, 'patch', 'patches', deps_file) if os.path.exists(patch_file + ".patch"): # Attempt to apply the DEPS patch file that may exist with newer branches. patch_tool = os.path.join(cef_dir, 'tools', 'patcher.py') run('%s %s --patch-file "%s" --patch-dir "%s"' % (python_exe, patch_tool, patch_file, chromium_src_dir), chromium_src_dir, depot_tools_dir) elif cef_branch != 'trunk' and int(cef_branch) <= 1916: # Release branch DEPS files older than 37.0.2007.0 may include a 'src' # entry. This entry needs to be removed otherwise `gclient sync` will # fail. remove_deps_entry(deps_path, "'src'") else: raise Exception("Path does not exist: %s" % (deps_path)) def onerror(func, path, exc_info): """ Error handler for ``shutil.rmtree``. If the error is due to an access error (read only file) it attempts to add write permission and then retries. If the error is for another reason it re-raises the error. Usage : ``shutil.rmtree(path, onerror=onerror)`` """ import stat if not os.access(path, os.W_OK): # Is the error an access error ? os.chmod(path, stat.S_IWUSR) func(path) else: raise ## # Program entry point. ## # Cannot be loaded as a module. if __name__ != "__main__": sys.stderr.write('This file cannot be loaded as a module!') sys.exit() # Parse command-line options. disc = """ This utility implements automation for the download, update, build and distribution of CEF. """ parser = OptionParser(description=disc) # Setup options. parser.add_option( '--download-dir', dest='downloaddir', metavar='DIR', help='Download directory with no spaces [required].') parser.add_option( '--depot-tools-dir', dest='depottoolsdir', metavar='DIR', help='Download directory for depot_tools.', default='') parser.add_option('--depot-tools-archive', dest='depottoolsarchive', help='Zip archive file that contains a single top-level '+\ 'depot_tools directory.', default='') parser.add_option('--branch', dest='branch', help='Branch of CEF to build (trunk, 1916, ...). This '+\ 'will be used to name the CEF download directory and '+\ 'to identify the correct URL if --url is not '+\ 'specified. The default value is trunk.', default='trunk') parser.add_option('--url', dest='url', help='CEF download URL. If not specified the default URL '+\ 'will be used.', default='') parser.add_option('--chromium-url', dest='chromiumurl', help='Chromium download URL. If not specified the default '+\ 'URL will be used.', default='') parser.add_option('--checkout', dest='checkout', help='Version of CEF to checkout. If not specified the '+\ 'most recent remote version of the branch will be used.', default='') parser.add_option('--chromium-checkout', dest='chromiumcheckout', help='Version of Chromium to checkout (Git '+\ 'branch/hash/tag). This overrides the value specified '+\ 'by CEF in CHROMIUM_BUILD_COMPATIBILITY.txt.', default='') # Miscellaneous options. parser.add_option( '--force-config', action='store_true', dest='forceconfig', default=False, help='Force creation of a new gclient config file.') parser.add_option('--force-clean', action='store_true', dest='forceclean', default=False, help='Force a clean checkout of Chromium and CEF. This will'+\ ' trigger a new update, build and distribution.') parser.add_option('--force-clean-deps', action='store_true', dest='forcecleandeps', default=False, help='Force a clean checkout of Chromium dependencies. Used'+\ ' in combination with --force-clean.') parser.add_option( '--dry-run', action='store_true', dest='dryrun', default=False, help="Output commands without executing them.") parser.add_option('--dry-run-platform', dest='dryrunplatform', default=None, help='Simulate a dry run on the specified platform '+\ '(windows, macosx, linux). Must be used in combination'+\ ' with the --dry-run flag.') # Update-related options. parser.add_option('--force-update', action='store_true', dest='forceupdate', default=False, help='Force a Chromium and CEF update. This will trigger a '+\ 'new build and distribution.') parser.add_option('--no-update', action='store_true', dest='noupdate', default=False, help='Do not update Chromium or CEF. Pass --force-build or '+\ '--force-distrib if you desire a new build or '+\ 'distribution.') parser.add_option('--no-cef-update', action='store_true', dest='nocefupdate', default=False, help='Do not update CEF. Pass --force-build or '+\ '--force-distrib if you desire a new build or '+\ 'distribution.') parser.add_option( '--no-chromium-update', action='store_true', dest='nochromiumupdate', default=False, help='Do not update Chromium.') parser.add_option( '--no-depot-tools-update', action='store_true', dest='nodepottoolsupdate', default=False, help='Do not update depot_tools.') # Build-related options. parser.add_option('--force-build', action='store_true', dest='forcebuild', default=False, help='Force CEF debug and release builds. This builds '+\ '[build-target] on all platforms and chrome_sandbox '+\ 'on Linux.') parser.add_option( '--no-build', action='store_true', dest='nobuild', default=False, help='Do not build CEF.') parser.add_option( '--build-target', dest='buildtarget', default='cefclient', help='Target name(s) to build (defaults to "cefclient").') parser.add_option( '--build-tests', action='store_true', dest='buildtests', default=False, help='Also build the ceftests target.') parser.add_option( '--no-debug-build', action='store_true', dest='nodebugbuild', default=False, help="Don't perform the CEF debug build.") parser.add_option( '--no-release-build', action='store_true', dest='noreleasebuild', default=False, help="Don't perform the CEF release build.") parser.add_option( '--verbose-build', action='store_true', dest='verbosebuild', default=False, help='Show all command lines while building.') parser.add_option('--build-log-file', action='store_true', dest='buildlogfile', default=False, help='Write build logs to file. The file will be named '+\ '"build-[branch]-[debug|release].log" in the download '+\ 'directory.') parser.add_option( '--x64-build', action='store_true', dest='x64build', default=False, help='Create a 64-bit build.') parser.add_option( '--arm-build', action='store_true', dest='armbuild', default=False, help='Create an ARM build.') # Distribution-related options. parser.add_option( '--force-distrib', action='store_true', dest='forcedistrib', default=False, help='Force creation of a CEF binary distribution.') parser.add_option( '--no-distrib', action='store_true', dest='nodistrib', default=False, help="Don't create a CEF binary distribution.") parser.add_option( '--minimal-distrib', action='store_true', dest='minimaldistrib', default=False, help='Create a minimal CEF binary distribution.') parser.add_option( '--minimal-distrib-only', action='store_true', dest='minimaldistribonly', default=False, help='Create a minimal CEF binary distribution only.') parser.add_option( '--client-distrib', action='store_true', dest='clientdistrib', default=False, help='Create a client CEF binary distribution.') parser.add_option( '--client-distrib-only', action='store_true', dest='clientdistribonly', default=False, help='Create a client CEF binary distribution only.') parser.add_option( '--sandbox-distrib', action='store_true', dest='sandboxdistrib', default=False, help='Create a cef_sandbox static library distribution.') parser.add_option( '--sandbox-distrib-only', action='store_true', dest='sandboxdistribonly', default=False, help='Create a cef_sandbox static library distribution only.') parser.add_option( '--no-distrib-docs', action='store_true', dest='nodistribdocs', default=False, help="Don't create CEF documentation.") parser.add_option( '--no-distrib-archive', action='store_true', dest='nodistribarchive', default=False, help="Don't create archives for output directories.") parser.add_option( '--clean-artifacts', action='store_true', dest='cleanartifacts', default=False, help='Clean the artifacts output directory.') parser.add_option('--distrib-subdir', dest='distribsubdir', help='CEF distrib dir name, child of '+\ 'chromium/src/cef/binary_distrib', default='') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.downloaddir is None: print "The --download-dir option is required." parser.print_help(sys.stderr) sys.exit() # Opt into component-specific flags for later use. if options.noupdate: options.nocefupdate = True options.nochromiumupdate = True options.nodepottoolsupdate = True if (options.nochromiumupdate and options.forceupdate) or \ (options.nocefupdate and options.forceupdate) or \ (options.nobuild and options.forcebuild) or \ (options.nodistrib and options.forcedistrib): print "Invalid combination of options." parser.print_help(sys.stderr) sys.exit() if (options.noreleasebuild and \ (options.minimaldistrib or options.minimaldistribonly or \ options.clientdistrib or options.clientdistribonly)) or \ (options.minimaldistribonly + options.clientdistribonly + options.sandboxdistribonly > 1): print 'Invalid combination of options.' parser.print_help(sys.stderr) sys.exit() if options.x64build and options.armbuild: print 'Invalid combination of options.' parser.print_help(sys.stderr) sys.exit() # Operating system. if options.dryrun and options.dryrunplatform is not None: platform = options.dryrunplatform if not platform in ['windows', 'macosx', 'linux']: print 'Invalid dry-run-platform value: %s' % (platform) sys.exit() elif sys.platform == 'win32': platform = 'windows' elif sys.platform == 'darwin': platform = 'macosx' elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'): platform = 'linux' else: print 'Unknown operating system platform' sys.exit() # Script extension. if platform == 'windows': script_ext = '.bat' else: script_ext = '.sh' if options.clientdistrib or options.clientdistribonly: if platform == 'linux': client_app = 'cefsimple' else: client_app = 'cefclient' if options.buildtarget.find(client_app) == -1: print 'A client distribution cannot be generated if --build-target '+\ 'excludes %s.' % client_app parser.print_help(sys.stderr) sys.exit() if platform != 'windows' and (options.sandboxdistrib or options.sandboxdistribonly): print 'The sandbox distribution is only supported on Windows.' sys.exit() # CEF branch. if options.branch != 'trunk' and not options.branch.isdigit(): print 'Invalid branch value: %s' % (options.branch) sys.exit() cef_branch = options.branch if cef_branch != 'trunk' and int(cef_branch) <= 1453: print 'The requested branch is too old to build using this tool.' sys.exit() # True if the requested branch is 2272 or newer. branch_is_2272_or_newer = (cef_branch == 'trunk' or int(cef_branch) >= 2272) # True if the requested branch is 2357 or newer. branch_is_2357_or_newer = (cef_branch == 'trunk' or int(cef_branch) >= 2357) # True if the requested branch is 2743 or older. branch_is_2743_or_older = (cef_branch != 'trunk' and int(cef_branch) <= 2743) # True if the requested branch is newer than 2785. branch_is_newer_than_2785 = (cef_branch == 'trunk' or int(cef_branch) > 2785) # Enable GN by default for branches newer than 2785. if branch_is_newer_than_2785 and not 'CEF_USE_GN' in os.environ.keys(): os.environ['CEF_USE_GN'] = '1' # Whether to use GN or GYP. GYP is currently the default for older branches. use_gn = bool(int(os.environ.get('CEF_USE_GN', '0'))) if use_gn: if branch_is_2743_or_older: print 'GN is not supported with branch 2743 and older (set CEF_USE_GN=0).' sys.exit() if options.armbuild: if platform != 'linux': print 'The ARM build option is only supported on Linux.' sys.exit() if not branch_is_newer_than_2785: print 'The ARM build option is not supported with branch 2785 and older.' sys.exit() else: if options.armbuild: print 'The ARM build option is not supported by GYP.' sys.exit() if options.x64build and platform != 'windows' and platform != 'macosx': print 'The x64 build option is only used on Windows and Mac OS X.' sys.exit() if platform == 'windows' and not 'GYP_MSVS_VERSION' in os.environ.keys(): print 'You must set the GYP_MSVS_VERSION environment variable on Windows.' sys.exit() # True if GYP_DEFINES=target_arch=x64 must be set. gyp_needs_target_arch_x64 = options.x64build and \ (platform == 'windows' or \ (platform == 'macosx' and not branch_is_2272_or_newer)) # Starting with 43.0.2357.126 the DEPS file is now 100% Git and the .DEPS.git # file is no longer created. if branch_is_2357_or_newer: deps_file = 'DEPS' else: deps_file = '.DEPS.git' if platform == 'macosx' and not options.x64build and branch_is_2272_or_newer: print '32-bit Mac OS X builds are no longer supported with 2272 branch and '+\ 'newer. Add --x64-build flag to generate a 64-bit build.' sys.exit() # Options that force the sources to change. force_change = options.forceclean or options.forceupdate if platform == 'windows': # Avoid errors when the "vs_toolchain.py update" Chromium hook runs. os.environ['DEPOT_TOOLS_WIN_TOOLCHAIN'] = '0' ## # Manage the download directory. ## # Create the download directory if necessary. download_dir = os.path.abspath(options.downloaddir) create_directory(download_dir) msg("Download Directory: %s" % (download_dir)) ## # Manage the depot_tools directory. ## # Check if the depot_tools directory exists. if options.depottoolsdir != '': depot_tools_dir = os.path.abspath(options.depottoolsdir) else: depot_tools_dir = os.path.join(download_dir, 'depot_tools') msg("Depot Tools Directory: %s" % (depot_tools_dir)) if not os.path.exists(depot_tools_dir): if platform == 'windows' and options.depottoolsarchive == '': # On Windows download depot_tools as an archive file since we can't assume # that git is already installed. options.depottoolsarchive = depot_tools_archive_url if options.depottoolsarchive != '': # Extract depot_tools from an archive file. msg('Extracting %s to %s.' % \ (options.depottoolsarchive, depot_tools_dir)) if not options.dryrun: download_and_extract(options.depottoolsarchive, depot_tools_dir) else: # On Linux and OS X check out depot_tools using Git. run('git clone ' + depot_tools_url + ' ' + depot_tools_dir, download_dir) if not options.nodepottoolsupdate: # Update depot_tools. # On Windows this will download required python and git binaries. msg('Updating depot_tools') if platform == 'windows': run('update_depot_tools.bat', depot_tools_dir, depot_tools_dir) else: run('update_depot_tools', depot_tools_dir, depot_tools_dir) # Determine the executables to use. if platform == 'windows': # Force use of the version bundled with depot_tools. git_exe = os.path.join(depot_tools_dir, 'git.bat') python_exe = os.path.join(depot_tools_dir, 'python.bat') if options.dryrun and not os.path.exists(git_exe): sys.stdout.write("WARNING: --dry-run assumes that depot_tools" \ " is already in your PATH. If it isn't\nplease" \ " specify a --depot-tools-dir value.\n") git_exe = 'git.bat' python_exe = 'python.bat' else: git_exe = 'git' python_exe = 'python' ## # Manage the cef directory. ## cef_dir = os.path.join(download_dir, 'cef') # Delete the existing CEF directory if requested. if options.forceclean and os.path.exists(cef_dir): delete_directory(cef_dir) # Determine the type of CEF checkout to use. if os.path.exists(cef_dir) and not is_git_checkout(cef_dir): raise Exception("Not a valid CEF Git checkout: %s" % (cef_dir)) # Determine the CEF download URL to use. if options.url == '': cef_url = cef_git_url else: cef_url = options.url # Verify that the requested CEF URL matches the existing checkout. if not options.nocefupdate and os.path.exists(cef_dir): cef_existing_url = get_git_url(cef_dir) if cef_url != cef_existing_url: raise Exception( 'Requested CEF checkout URL %s does not match existing URL %s' % (cef_url, cef_existing_url)) msg("CEF Branch: %s" % (cef_branch)) msg("CEF URL: %s" % (cef_url)) msg("CEF Source Directory: %s" % (cef_dir)) # Determine the CEF Git branch to use. if options.checkout == '': # Target the most recent branch commit from the remote repo. if cef_branch == 'trunk': cef_checkout = 'origin/master' else: cef_checkout = 'origin/' + cef_branch else: cef_checkout = options.checkout # Create the CEF checkout if necessary. if not options.nocefupdate and not os.path.exists(cef_dir): cef_checkout_new = True run('%s clone %s %s' % (git_exe, cef_url, cef_dir), download_dir, \ depot_tools_dir) else: cef_checkout_new = False # Update the CEF checkout if necessary. if not options.nocefupdate and os.path.exists(cef_dir): cef_current_hash = get_git_hash(cef_dir, 'HEAD') if not cef_checkout_new: # Fetch new sources. run('%s fetch' % (git_exe), cef_dir, depot_tools_dir) cef_desired_hash = get_git_hash(cef_dir, cef_checkout) cef_checkout_changed = cef_checkout_new or force_change or \ cef_current_hash != cef_desired_hash msg("CEF Current Checkout: %s" % (cef_current_hash)) msg("CEF Desired Checkout: %s (%s)" % (cef_desired_hash, cef_checkout)) if cef_checkout_changed: # Checkout the requested branch. run('%s checkout %s%s' % (git_exe, ('--force ' if options.forceclean else ''), cef_checkout), \ cef_dir, depot_tools_dir) else: cef_checkout_changed = False ## # Manage the out directory. ## out_dir = os.path.join(download_dir, 'out_' + cef_branch) # Delete the existing out directory if requested. if options.forceclean and os.path.exists(out_dir): delete_directory(out_dir) msg("CEF Output Directory: %s" % (out_dir)) ## # Manage the chromium directory. ## # Create the chromium directory if necessary. chromium_dir = os.path.join(download_dir, 'chromium') create_directory(chromium_dir) chromium_src_dir = os.path.join(chromium_dir, 'src') cef_src_dir = os.path.join(chromium_src_dir, 'cef') out_src_dir = os.path.join(chromium_src_dir, 'out') if options.chromiumurl != '': chromium_url = options.chromiumurl else: chromium_url = 'https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src.git' # Create gclient configuration file. gclient_file = os.path.join(chromium_dir, '.gclient') if not os.path.exists(gclient_file) or options.forceconfig: # Exclude unnecessary directories. Intentionally written without newlines. gclient_spec = \ "solutions = [{"+\ "u'managed': False,"+\ "u'name': u'src', "+\ "u'url': u'" + chromium_url + "', "+\ "u'custom_deps': {"+\ "u'build': None, "+\ "u'build/scripts/command_wrapper/bin': None, "+\ "u'build/scripts/gsd_generate_index': None, "+\ "u'build/scripts/private/data/reliability': None, "+\ "u'build/scripts/tools/deps2git': None, "+\ "u'build/third_party/lighttpd': None, "+\ "u'commit-queue': None, "+\ "u'depot_tools': None, "+\ "u'src/chrome_frame/tools/test/reference_build/chrome': None, "+\ "u'src/chrome/tools/test/reference_build/chrome_linux': None, "+\ "u'src/chrome/tools/test/reference_build/chrome_mac': None, "+\ "u'src/chrome/tools/test/reference_build/chrome_win': None, "+\ "}, "+\ "u'deps_file': u'" + deps_file + "', "+\ "u'safesync_url': u''"+\ "}]" msg('Writing file: %s' % gclient_file) if not options.dryrun: fp = open(gclient_file, 'w') fp.write(gclient_spec) fp.close() # Initial Chromium checkout. if not options.nochromiumupdate and not os.path.exists(chromium_src_dir): chromium_checkout_new = True run("gclient sync --nohooks --with_branch_heads --disable-syntax-validation --jobs 16", \ chromium_dir, depot_tools_dir) else: chromium_checkout_new = False # Verify the Chromium checkout. if not options.dryrun and not is_git_checkout(chromium_src_dir): raise Exception('Not a valid git checkout: %s' % (chromium_src_dir)) if os.path.exists(chromium_src_dir): msg("Chromium URL: %s" % (get_git_url(chromium_src_dir))) # Determine the Chromium checkout options required by CEF. if options.chromiumcheckout == '': # Read the build compatibility file to identify the checkout name. compat_path = os.path.join(cef_dir, 'CHROMIUM_BUILD_COMPATIBILITY.txt') config = read_config_file(compat_path) if 'chromium_checkout' in config: chromium_checkout = config['chromium_checkout'] else: raise Exception("Missing chromium_checkout value in %s" % (compat_path)) else: chromium_checkout = options.chromiumcheckout # Determine if the Chromium checkout needs to change. if not options.nochromiumupdate and os.path.exists(chromium_src_dir): chromium_current_hash = get_git_hash(chromium_src_dir, 'HEAD') chromium_desired_hash = get_git_hash(chromium_src_dir, chromium_checkout) chromium_checkout_changed = chromium_checkout_new or force_change or \ chromium_current_hash != chromium_desired_hash msg("Chromium Current Checkout: %s" % (chromium_current_hash)) msg("Chromium Desired Checkout: %s (%s)" % \ (chromium_desired_hash, chromium_checkout)) else: chromium_checkout_changed = options.dryrun # Delete the existing src/cef directory. It will be re-copied from the download # directory later. if cef_checkout_changed and os.path.exists(cef_src_dir): delete_directory(cef_src_dir) # Delete the existing src/out directory if requested. if options.forceclean and os.path.exists(out_src_dir): delete_directory(out_src_dir) # Move the existing src/out directory to the correct location in the download # directory. It will be moved back from the download directory later. if os.path.exists(out_src_dir): old_branch = read_branch_config_file(out_src_dir) if old_branch != '' and (chromium_checkout_changed or \ old_branch != cef_branch): old_out_dir = os.path.join(download_dir, 'out_' + old_branch) move_directory(out_src_dir, old_out_dir) # Update the Chromium checkout. if chromium_checkout_changed: if not chromium_checkout_new: if options.forceclean and options.forcecleandeps: # Remove all local changes including third-party git checkouts managed by # gclient. run("%s clean -dffx" % (git_exe), chromium_src_dir, depot_tools_dir) else: # Revert all changes in the Chromium checkout. run("gclient revert --nohooks", chromium_dir, depot_tools_dir) # Fetch new sources. run("%s fetch" % (git_exe), chromium_src_dir, depot_tools_dir) # Also fetch tags, which are required for release branch builds. run("%s fetch --tags" % (git_exe), chromium_src_dir, depot_tools_dir) # Checkout the requested branch. run("%s checkout %s%s" % \ (git_exe, ('--force ' if options.forceclean else ''), chromium_checkout), \ chromium_src_dir, depot_tools_dir) # Patch the Chromium DEPS file if necessary. apply_deps_patch() # Set the GYP_CHROMIUM_NO_ACTION value temporarily so that `gclient sync` does # not run gyp. os.environ['GYP_CHROMIUM_NO_ACTION'] = '1' # Update third-party dependencies including branch/tag information. run("gclient sync %s--with_branch_heads --disable-syntax-validation --jobs 16" % \ (('--reset ' if options.forceclean else '')), \ chromium_dir, depot_tools_dir) # Clear the GYP_CHROMIUM_NO_ACTION value. del os.environ['GYP_CHROMIUM_NO_ACTION'] # Delete the src/out directory created by `gclient sync`. delete_directory(out_src_dir) # Restore the src/cef directory. if os.path.exists(cef_dir) and not os.path.exists(cef_src_dir): copy_directory(cef_dir, cef_src_dir) # Restore the src/out directory. out_src_dir_exists = os.path.exists(out_src_dir) if os.path.exists(out_dir) and not out_src_dir_exists: move_directory(out_dir, out_src_dir) out_src_dir_exists = True elif not out_src_dir_exists: create_directory(out_src_dir) # Write the config file for identifying the branch. write_branch_config_file(out_src_dir, cef_branch) ## # Build CEF. ## if not options.nobuild and (chromium_checkout_changed or \ cef_checkout_changed or options.forcebuild or \ not out_src_dir_exists): # Building should also force a distribution. options.forcedistrib = True if use_gn: # Make sure the GN configuration exists. if not options.dryrun and \ not os.path.exists(os.path.join(cef_src_dir, 'BUILD.gn')): raise Exception('GN configuration does not exist; set CEF_USE_GN=0') else: # Make sure the GYP configuration exists. if not options.dryrun and \ not os.path.exists(os.path.join(cef_src_dir, 'cef.gyp')): raise Exception('GYP configuration does not exist; set CEF_USE_GN=1') # Set GYP environment variables. os.environ['GYP_GENERATORS'] = 'ninja' if gyp_needs_target_arch_x64: if 'GYP_DEFINES' in os.environ.keys(): os.environ['GYP_DEFINES'] = os.environ['GYP_DEFINES'] + ' ' + \ 'target_arch=x64' else: os.environ['GYP_DEFINES'] = 'target_arch=x64' # Print all build-related environment variables including any that were set # previously. for key in os.environ.keys(): if key.startswith('CEF_') or key.startswith('GN_') or \ key.startswith('GYP_') or key.startswith('DEPOT_TOOLS_'): msg('%s=%s' % (key, os.environ[key])) # Run the cef_create_projects script to generate project files. path = os.path.join(cef_src_dir, 'cef_create_projects' + script_ext) run(path, cef_src_dir, depot_tools_dir) # Build using Ninja. command = 'ninja -C ' if options.verbosebuild: command = 'ninja -v -C' target = ' ' + options.buildtarget if options.buildtests: target = target + ' ceftests' if platform == 'linux': target = target + ' chrome_sandbox' build_dir_suffix = '' if use_gn: # CEF uses a consistent directory naming scheme for GN via # GetAllPlatformConfigs in tools/gn_args.py. if options.x64build: build_dir_suffix = '_GN_x64' elif options.armbuild: build_dir_suffix = '_GN_arm' else: build_dir_suffix = '_GN_x86' else: # GYP outputs both x86 and x64 builds to the same directory on Linux and # Mac OS X. On Windows it suffixes the directory name for x64 builds. if platform == 'windows' and options.x64build: build_dir_suffix = '_x64' # Make a CEF Debug build. if not options.nodebugbuild: build_path = os.path.join('out', 'Debug' + build_dir_suffix) if use_gn: args_path = os.path.join(chromium_src_dir, build_path, 'args.gn') msg(args_path + ' contents:\n' + read_file(args_path)) run(command + build_path + target, chromium_src_dir, depot_tools_dir, os.path.join(download_dir, 'build-%s-debug.log' % (cef_branch)) \ if options.buildlogfile else None) if use_gn and platform == 'windows': # Make the separate cef_sandbox.lib build when GN is_official_build=true. build_path = os.path.join('out', 'Debug' + build_dir_suffix + '_sandbox') if os.path.exists(os.path.join(chromium_src_dir, build_path)): args_path = os.path.join(chromium_src_dir, build_path, 'args.gn') msg(args_path + ' contents:\n' + read_file(args_path)) run(command + build_path + ' cef_sandbox', chromium_src_dir, depot_tools_dir, os.path.join(download_dir, 'build-%s-debug-sandbox.log' % (cef_branch)) \ if options.buildlogfile else None) # Make a CEF Release build. if not options.noreleasebuild: build_path = os.path.join('out', 'Release' + build_dir_suffix) if use_gn: args_path = os.path.join(chromium_src_dir, build_path, 'args.gn') msg(args_path + ' contents:\n' + read_file(args_path)) run(command + build_path + target, chromium_src_dir, depot_tools_dir, os.path.join(download_dir, 'build-%s-release.log' % (cef_branch)) \ if options.buildlogfile else None) if use_gn and platform == 'windows': # Make the separate cef_sandbox.lib build when GN is_official_build=true. build_path = os.path.join('out', 'Release' + build_dir_suffix + '_sandbox') if os.path.exists(os.path.join(chromium_src_dir, build_path)): args_path = os.path.join(chromium_src_dir, build_path, 'args.gn') msg(args_path + ' contents:\n' + read_file(args_path)) run(command + build_path + ' cef_sandbox', chromium_src_dir, depot_tools_dir, os.path.join(download_dir, 'build-%s-release-sandbox.log' % (cef_branch)) \ if options.buildlogfile else None) elif not options.nobuild: msg('Not building. The source hashes have not changed and ' + 'the output folder "%s" already exists' % (out_src_dir)) ## # Create the CEF binary distribution. ## if not options.nodistrib and (chromium_checkout_changed or \ cef_checkout_changed or options.forcedistrib): if not options.forceclean and options.cleanartifacts: # Clean the artifacts output directory. artifacts_path = os.path.join(cef_src_dir, 'binary_distrib') delete_directory(artifacts_path) # Determine the requested distribution types. distrib_types = [] if options.minimaldistribonly: distrib_types.append('minimal') elif options.clientdistribonly: distrib_types.append('client') elif options.sandboxdistribonly: distrib_types.append('sandbox') else: distrib_types.append('standard') if options.minimaldistrib: distrib_types.append('minimal') if options.clientdistrib: distrib_types.append('client') if options.sandboxdistrib: distrib_types.append('sandbox') cef_tools_dir = os.path.join(cef_src_dir, 'tools') # Create the requested distribution types. first_type = True for type in distrib_types: path = os.path.join(cef_tools_dir, 'make_distrib' + script_ext) if options.nodebugbuild or options.noreleasebuild or type != 'standard': path = path + ' --allow-partial' path = path + ' --ninja-build' if options.x64build: path = path + ' --x64-build' elif options.armbuild: path = path + ' --arm-build' if type == 'minimal': path = path + ' --minimal' elif type == 'client': path = path + ' --client' elif type == 'sandbox': path = path + ' --sandbox' if first_type: if options.nodistribdocs: path = path + ' --no-docs' if options.nodistribarchive: path = path + ' --no-archive' first_type = False else: # Don't create the symbol archives or documentation more than once. path = path + ' --no-symbols --no-docs' # Override the subdirectory name of binary_distrib if the caller requested. if options.distribsubdir != '': path = path + ' --distrib-subdir=' + options.distribsubdir # Create the distribution. run(path, cef_tools_dir, depot_tools_dir)