# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights # reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that # can be found in the LICENSE file. { 'variables': { 'chromium_code': 1, 'conditions': [ [ 'OS=="mac"', { # Don't use clang with CEF binary releases due to Chromium tree structure dependency. 'clang': 0, }] ] }, 'includes': [ # Bring in the source file lists for cefclient. 'cef_paths2.gypi', ], 'targets': [ { 'target_name': 'cefclient', 'type': 'executable', 'mac_bundle': 1, 'msvs_guid': '6617FED9-C5D4-4907-BF55-A90062A6683F', 'dependencies': [ 'libcef_dll_wrapper', ], 'defines': [ 'USING_CEF_SHARED', ], 'include_dirs': [ '.', ], 'sources': [ '<@(includes_common)', '<@(includes_wrapper)', '<@(cefclient_sources_common)', ], 'mac_bundle_resources': [ '<@(cefclient_bundle_resources_mac)', ], 'mac_bundle_resources!': [ # TODO(mark): Come up with a fancier way to do this (mac_info_plist?) # that automatically sets the correct INFOPLIST_FILE setting and adds # the file to a source group. 'cefclient/mac/Info.plist', ], 'xcode_settings': { 'INFOPLIST_FILE': 'cefclient/mac/Info.plist', # Target build path. 'SYMROOT': 'xcodebuild', }, 'conditions': [ ['OS=="win"', { 'msvs_settings': { 'VCLinkerTool': { # Set /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS. 'SubSystem': '2', 'EntryPointSymbol' : 'wWinMainCRTStartup', }, }, 'link_settings': { 'libraries': [ '-lcomctl32.lib', '-lshlwapi.lib', '-lrpcrt4.lib', '-lopengl32.lib', '-lglu32.lib', '-llib/$(ConfigurationName)/libcef.lib' ], }, 'sources': [ '<@(includes_win)', '<@(cefclient_sources_win)', ], }], [ 'OS=="mac"', { 'product_name': 'cefclient', 'dependencies': [ 'cefclient_helper_app', ], 'copies': [ { # Add library dependencies to the bundle. 'destination': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/cefclient.app/Contents/Frameworks/Chromium Embedded Framework.framework/Libraries/', 'files': [ '$(CONFIGURATION)/libcef.dylib', '$(CONFIGURATION)/ffmpegsumo.so', ], }, { # Add other resources to the bundle. 'destination': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/cefclient.app/Contents/Frameworks/Chromium Embedded Framework.framework/', 'files': [ 'Resources/', ], }, { # Add the helper app. 'destination': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/cefclient.app/Contents/Frameworks', 'files': [ '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/cefclient Helper.app', '$(CONFIGURATION)/libplugin_carbon_interpose.dylib', ], }, ], 'postbuilds': [ { 'postbuild_name': 'Fix Framework Link', 'action': [ 'install_name_tool', '-change', '@executable_path/libcef.dylib', '@executable_path/../Frameworks/Chromium Embedded Framework.framework/Libraries/libcef.dylib', '${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${EXECUTABLE_PATH}' ], }, { # This postbuid step is responsible for creating the following # helpers: # # cefclient Helper EH.app and cefclient Helper NP.app are created # from cefclient Helper.app. # # The EH helper is marked for an executable heap. The NP helper # is marked for no PIE (ASLR). 'postbuild_name': 'Make More Helpers', 'action': [ 'tools/make_more_helpers.sh', 'Frameworks', 'cefclient', ], }, ], 'link_settings': { 'libraries': [ '$(SDKROOT)/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework', '$(CONFIGURATION)/libcef.dylib', ], }, 'sources': [ '<@(includes_mac)', '<@(cefclient_sources_mac)', ], }], [ 'OS=="linux" or OS=="freebsd" or OS=="openbsd"', { 'copies': [ { 'destination': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/files', 'files': [ '<@(cefclient_bundle_resources_linux)', ], }, ], 'sources': [ '<@(includes_linux)', '<@(cefclient_sources_linux)', ], }], ], }, { 'target_name': 'libcef_dll_wrapper', 'type': 'static_library', 'msvs_guid': 'A9D6DC71-C0DC-4549-AEA0-3B15B44E86A9', 'defines': [ 'USING_CEF_SHARED', ], 'include_dirs': [ '.', ], 'sources': [ '<@(includes_common)', '<@(includes_capi)', '<@(includes_wrapper)', '<@(libcef_dll_wrapper_sources_common)', ], 'xcode_settings': { # Target build path. 'SYMROOT': 'xcodebuild', }, }, ], 'conditions': [ ['OS=="mac"', { 'targets': [ { 'target_name': 'cefclient_helper_app', 'type': 'executable', 'variables': { 'enable_wexit_time_destructors': 1, }, 'product_name': 'cefclient Helper', 'mac_bundle': 1, 'dependencies': [ 'libcef_dll_wrapper', ], 'defines': [ 'USING_CEF_SHARED', ], 'include_dirs': [ '.', ], 'link_settings': { 'libraries': [ '$(SDKROOT)/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework', '$(CONFIGURATION)/libcef.dylib', ], }, 'sources': [ '<@(cefclient_sources_mac_helper)', ], # TODO(mark): Come up with a fancier way to do this. It should only # be necessary to list helper-Info.plist once, not the three times it # is listed here. 'mac_bundle_resources!': [ 'cefclient/mac/helper-Info.plist', ], # TODO(mark): For now, don't put any resources into this app. Its # resources directory will be a symbolic link to the browser app's # resources directory. 'mac_bundle_resources/': [ ['exclude', '.*'], ], 'xcode_settings': { 'INFOPLIST_FILE': 'cefclient/mac/helper-Info.plist', }, 'postbuilds': [ { # The framework defines its load-time path # (DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME_BASE) relative to the main executable # (chrome). A different relative path needs to be used in # cefclient_helper_app. 'postbuild_name': 'Fix Framework Link', 'action': [ 'install_name_tool', '-change', '@executable_path/libcef.dylib', '@executable_path/../../../../Frameworks/Chromium Embedded Framework.framework/Libraries/libcef.dylib', '${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${EXECUTABLE_PATH}' ], }, ], }, # target cefclient_helper_app ], }], # OS=="mac" ], }