@echo off :: Copyright (c) 2022 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights :: reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license :: that can be found in the LICENSE file. set RC= setlocal :: Check if DOXYGEN_EXE is already provided via the environment. if exist "%DOXYGEN_EXE%" goto found_exe set DOXYGEN_EXE="C:\Program Files\doxygen\bin\doxygen.exe" if not exist %DOXYGEN_EXE% ( echo ERROR: Please install Doxygen from https://doxygen.nl/ 1>&2 set ERRORLEVEL=1 goto end ) :found_exe :: Environment variables inserted into the Doxyfile via `$(VAR_NAME)` syntax. for /F %%i in ('python3.bat %~dp0\cef_version.py current') do set PROJECT_NUMBER=%%i :: Run from the top-level CEF directory so that relative paths resolve correctly. set CURRENT_PATH="%CD%" cd "%~dp0\.." :: Generate documentation in the docs/html directory. %DOXYGEN_EXE% Doxyfile :: Write a docs/index.html file. echo|set /p="" > docs/index.html cd "%CURRENT_PATH%" :end endlocal & set RC=%ERRORLEVEL% goto omega :returncode exit /B %RC% :omega call :returncode %RC%