# Copyright (c) 2024 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights # reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that # can be found in the LICENSE file. load("@bazel_skylib//rules:expand_template.bzl", "expand_template") load("@build_bazel_rules_apple//apple:macos.bzl", "macos_application") load("//bazel:variables.bzl", "VERSION_PLIST") load("//bazel/mac:variables.bzl", "MACOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET", "MACOS_BUNDLE_ID_BASE", "COMMON_LINKOPTS") def _declare_helper_app(name, info_plist, deps, helper_base_name, helper_suffix): """ Creates a Helper .app target. """ helper_name = "{} Helper".format(name) bundle_id_suffix = "" if helper_suffix: helper_name += " ({})".format(helper_suffix) bundle_id_suffix += ".{}".format(helper_suffix.lower()) # Helper app bundle Info.plist. expand_template( name = "{}_InfoPList".format(helper_base_name), template = info_plist, out = "{}Info.plist".format(helper_base_name), substitutions = { "${EXECUTABLE_NAME}": helper_name, "${PRODUCT_NAME}": helper_name, "${BUNDLE_ID_SUFFIX}": bundle_id_suffix, "${VERSION_SHORT}": VERSION_PLIST, "${VERSION_LONG}": VERSION_PLIST, }, ) # Helper app bundle. macos_application( name = helper_base_name, bundle_name = helper_name, bundle_id = "{}.{}.helper{}".format(MACOS_BUNDLE_ID_BASE, name.lower(), bundle_id_suffix), infoplists = [":{}_InfoPList".format(helper_base_name)], minimum_os_version = MACOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET, deps = [ "//:cef_sandbox", ] + deps, ) HELPERS = { "HelperBase": "", "HelperAlerts": "Alerts", "HelperGPU": "GPU", "HelperPlugin": "Plugin", "HelperRenderer": "Renderer", } def declare_all_helper_apps(name, info_plist, deps): """ Creates all Helper .app targets. """ [_declare_helper_app( name = name, info_plist = info_plist, deps = deps, helper_base_name = h, helper_suffix = v, ) for h, v in HELPERS.items()] def declare_main_app(name, info_plist, deps, linkopts, resources): """ Creates the main .app target. """ # Main app bundle Info.plist. expand_template( name = "InfoPList", template = info_plist, out = "Info.plist", substitutions = { "${EXECUTABLE_NAME}": name, "${PRODUCT_NAME}": name, "${VERSION_SHORT}": VERSION_PLIST, "${VERSION_LONG}": VERSION_PLIST, }, ) # Main app bindle. macos_application( name = name, additional_contents = { ":HelperBase": "Frameworks", ":HelperAlerts": "Frameworks", ":HelperGPU": "Frameworks", ":HelperPlugin": "Frameworks", ":HelperRenderer": "Frameworks", }, bundle_name = name, bundle_id = "{}.{}".format(MACOS_BUNDLE_ID_BASE, name.lower()), infoplists = [":InfoPList"], linkopts = COMMON_LINKOPTS + linkopts, minimum_os_version = MACOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET, resources = resources, target_compatible_with = [ "@platforms//os:macos", ], deps = [ "//:cef_framework", ] + deps, )