// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights // reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that // can be found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef _TEST_HANDLER_H #define _TEST_HANDLER_H #include "include/cef.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" // Base implementation of CefHandler for unit tests. class TestHandler : public CefThreadSafeBase { public: TestHandler() : browser_hwnd_(NULL), completion_event_(NULL) { } virtual ~TestHandler() { } // Implement this method to run the test virtual void RunTest() =0; virtual RetVal HandleBeforeCreated(CefRefPtr parentBrowser, CefWindowInfo& createInfo, bool popup, CefRefPtr& handler, std::wstring& url) { return RV_CONTINUE; } virtual RetVal HandleAfterCreated(CefRefPtr browser) { Lock(); if(!browser->IsPopup()) { // Keep the main child window, but not popup windows browser_ = browser; browser_hwnd_ = browser->GetWindowHandle(); } Unlock(); return RV_CONTINUE; } virtual RetVal HandleAddressChange(CefRefPtr browser, CefRefPtr frame, const std::wstring& url) { return RV_CONTINUE; } virtual RetVal HandleTitleChange(CefRefPtr browser, const std::wstring& title) { return RV_CONTINUE; } virtual RetVal HandleBeforeBrowse(CefRefPtr browser, CefRefPtr frame, CefRefPtr request, NavType navType, bool isRedirect) { return RV_CONTINUE; } virtual RetVal HandleLoadStart(CefRefPtr browser, CefRefPtr frame) { return RV_CONTINUE; } virtual RetVal HandleLoadEnd(CefRefPtr browser, CefRefPtr frame) { return RV_CONTINUE; } virtual RetVal HandleLoadError(CefRefPtr browser, CefRefPtr frame, ErrorCode errorCode, const std::wstring& failedUrl, std::wstring& errorText) { return RV_CONTINUE; } virtual RetVal HandleBeforeResourceLoad(CefRefPtr browser, CefRefPtr request, std::wstring& redirectUrl, CefRefPtr& resourceStream, std::wstring& mimeType, int loadFlags) { Lock(); if(resource_map_.size() > 0) { std::wstring url = request->GetURL(); ResourceMap::const_iterator it = resource_map_.find(url); if(it != resource_map_.end()) { // Return the previously mapped resource resourceStream = CefStreamReader::CreateForData( (void*)it->second.first.c_str(), it->second.first.length()); mimeType = it->second.second; } } Unlock(); return RV_CONTINUE; } virtual RetVal HandleBeforeMenu(CefRefPtr browser, const MenuInfo& menuInfo) { return RV_CONTINUE; } virtual RetVal HandleGetMenuLabel(CefRefPtr browser, MenuId menuId, std::wstring& label) { return RV_CONTINUE; } virtual RetVal HandleMenuAction(CefRefPtr browser, MenuId menuId) { return RV_CONTINUE; } virtual RetVal HandlePrintHeaderFooter(CefRefPtr browser, CefRefPtr frame, CefPrintInfo& printInfo, const std::wstring& url, const std::wstring& title, int currentPage, int maxPages, std::wstring& topLeft, std::wstring& topCenter, std::wstring& topRight, std::wstring& bottomLeft, std::wstring& bottomCenter, std::wstring& bottomRight) { return RV_CONTINUE; } virtual RetVal HandleJSAlert(CefRefPtr browser, CefRefPtr frame, const std::wstring& message) { return RV_CONTINUE; } virtual RetVal HandleJSConfirm(CefRefPtr browser, CefRefPtr frame, const std::wstring& message, bool& retval) { return RV_CONTINUE; } virtual RetVal HandleJSPrompt(CefRefPtr browser, CefRefPtr frame, const std::wstring& message, const std::wstring& defaultValue, bool& retval, std::wstring& result) { return RV_CONTINUE; } virtual RetVal HandleBeforeWindowClose(CefRefPtr browser) { Lock(); if(browser_hwnd_ == browser->GetWindowHandle()) { // Free the browser pointer so that the browser can be destroyed browser_ = NULL; browser_hwnd_ = NULL; // Just in case it wasn't called already NotifyTestComplete(); } Unlock(); return RV_CONTINUE; } virtual RetVal HandleTakeFocus(CefRefPtr browser, bool reverse) { return RV_CONTINUE; } virtual RetVal HandleSetFocus(CefRefPtr browser, bool isWidget) { return RV_CONTINUE; } virtual RetVal HandleKeyEvent(CefRefPtr browser, KeyEventType type, int code, int modifiers, bool isSystemKey) { return RV_CONTINUE; } CefRefPtr GetBrowser() { return browser_; } HWND GetBrowserHwnd() { return browser_hwnd_; } // Called by the test function to execute the test. This method blocks until // the test is complete. Do not reference the object after this method // returns. void ExecuteTest() { // Add a reference AddRef(); // Create the notification event Lock(); completion_event_ = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); ASSERT_TRUE(completion_event_ != NULL); Unlock(); // Run the test RunTest(); // Wait for the test to complete WaitForSingleObject(completion_event_, INFINITE); Lock(); CloseHandle(completion_event_); completion_event_ = NULL; Unlock(); // Remove the reference Release(); } protected: // Called by the implementing class when the test is complete void NotifyTestComplete() { // Notify that the test is complete Lock(); if(completion_event_ != NULL) SetEvent(completion_event_); if(browser_hwnd_ != NULL) PostMessage(browser_hwnd_, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); Unlock(); } void CreateBrowser(const std::wstring& url) { CefWindowInfo windowInfo; windowInfo.SetAsPopup(NULL, L"CefUnitTest"); windowInfo.m_dwStyle |= WS_VISIBLE; CefBrowser::CreateBrowser(windowInfo, false, this, url); } void AddResource(const std::wstring& key, const std::string& value, const std::wstring& mimeType) { resource_map_.insert(std::make_pair(key, std::make_pair(value, mimeType))); } void ClearResources() { resource_map_.clear(); } private: // The child browser window CefRefPtr browser_; // The browser window handle HWND browser_hwnd_; // Handle used to notify when the test is complete HANDLE completion_event_; // Map of resources that can be automatically loaded typedef std::map> ResourceMap; ResourceMap resource_map_; }; #endif // _TEST_HANDLER_H