// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. // Portions copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "cef/libcef/browser/javascript_dialog_manager.h" #include #include "base/functional/bind.h" #include "base/functional/callback_helpers.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "cef/libcef/browser/browser_host_base.h" #include "cef/libcef/browser/extensions/browser_extensions_util.h" #include "cef/libcef/browser/thread_util.h" #include "components/javascript_dialogs/tab_modal_dialog_manager.h" namespace { class CefJSDialogCallbackImpl : public CefJSDialogCallback { public: using CallbackType = content::JavaScriptDialogManager::DialogClosedCallback; explicit CefJSDialogCallbackImpl(CallbackType callback) : callback_(std::move(callback)) {} ~CefJSDialogCallbackImpl() override { if (!callback_.is_null()) { // The callback is still pending. Cancel it now. if (CEF_CURRENTLY_ON_UIT()) { CancelNow(std::move(callback_)); } else { CEF_POST_TASK(CEF_UIT, base::BindOnce(&CefJSDialogCallbackImpl::CancelNow, std::move(callback_))); } } } void Continue(bool success, const CefString& user_input) override { if (CEF_CURRENTLY_ON_UIT()) { if (!callback_.is_null()) { std::move(callback_).Run(success, user_input); } } else { CEF_POST_TASK(CEF_UIT, base::BindOnce(&CefJSDialogCallbackImpl::Continue, this, success, user_input)); } } [[nodiscard]] CallbackType Disconnect() { return std::move(callback_); } private: static void CancelNow(CallbackType callback) { CEF_REQUIRE_UIT(); std::move(callback).Run(false, std::u16string()); } CallbackType callback_; IMPLEMENT_REFCOUNTING(CefJSDialogCallbackImpl); }; javascript_dialogs::TabModalDialogManager* GetTabModalDialogManager( content::WebContents* web_contents) { if (auto* manager = javascript_dialogs::TabModalDialogManager::FromWebContents( web_contents)) { return manager; } // Try the owner WebContents if the dialog originates from an excluded view // such as the PDF viewer or Print Preview. This is safe to call even if Alloy // extensions are disabled. if (auto* owner_contents = extensions::GetOwnerForGuestContents(web_contents)) { return javascript_dialogs::TabModalDialogManager::FromWebContents( owner_contents); } return nullptr; } } // namespace CefJavaScriptDialogManager::CefJavaScriptDialogManager( CefBrowserHostBase* browser) : browser_(browser), weak_ptr_factory_(this) {} CefJavaScriptDialogManager::~CefJavaScriptDialogManager() = default; void CefJavaScriptDialogManager::Destroy() { if (handler_) { CancelDialogs(nullptr, false); } if (runner_) { runner_.reset(); } } void CefJavaScriptDialogManager::RunJavaScriptDialog( content::WebContents* web_contents, content::RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host, content::JavaScriptDialogType message_type, const std::u16string& message_text, const std::u16string& default_prompt_text, DialogClosedCallback callback, bool* did_suppress_message) { *did_suppress_message = false; const GURL& origin_url = render_frame_host->GetLastCommittedURL(); // Always call DialogClosed(). callback = base::BindOnce(&CefJavaScriptDialogManager::DialogClosed, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), std::move(callback)); if (auto client = browser_->GetClient()) { if (auto handler = client->GetJSDialogHandler()) { // If the dialog is handled this will be cleared in DialogClosed(). handler_ = handler; CefRefPtr callbackPtr( new CefJSDialogCallbackImpl(std::move(callback))); // Execute the user callback. bool handled = handler->OnJSDialog( browser_.get(), origin_url.spec(), static_cast(message_type), message_text, default_prompt_text, callbackPtr.get(), *did_suppress_message); if (handled) { // Invalid combination of values. Crash sooner rather than later. CHECK(!*did_suppress_message); return; } // |callback| may be null if the user executed it despite returning false. callback = callbackPtr->Disconnect(); if (callback.is_null()) { LOG(WARNING) << "OnJSDialog should return true when executing the callback"; return; } if (*did_suppress_message) { // Call OnResetDialogState but don't execute |callback|. CancelDialogs(web_contents, /*reset_state=*/true); return; } handler_ = nullptr; } } DCHECK(!handler_); if (InitializeRunner()) { runner_->Run(browser_, message_type, origin_url, message_text, default_prompt_text, std::move(callback)); return; } if (!CanUseChromeDialogs()) { // Dismiss the dialog. std::move(callback).Run(false, std::u16string()); return; } auto manager = GetTabModalDialogManager(web_contents); if (!manager) { // Dismiss the dialog. std::move(callback).Run(false, std::u16string()); return; } manager->RunJavaScriptDialog(web_contents, render_frame_host, message_type, message_text, default_prompt_text, std::move(callback), did_suppress_message); } void CefJavaScriptDialogManager::RunBeforeUnloadDialog( content::WebContents* web_contents, content::RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host, bool is_reload, DialogClosedCallback callback) { if (browser_->WillBeDestroyed()) { // Currently destroying the browser. Accept the unload without showing // the prompt. std::move(callback).Run(true, std::u16string()); return; } const std::u16string& message_text = u"Is it OK to leave/reload this page?"; // Always call DialogClosed(). callback = base::BindOnce(&CefJavaScriptDialogManager::DialogClosed, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), std::move(callback)); if (auto client = browser_->GetClient()) { if (auto handler = client->GetJSDialogHandler()) { // If the dialog is handled this will be cleared in DialogClosed(). handler_ = handler; CefRefPtr callbackPtr( new CefJSDialogCallbackImpl(std::move(callback))); // Execute the user callback. bool handled = handler->OnBeforeUnloadDialog( browser_.get(), message_text, is_reload, callbackPtr.get()); if (handled) { return; } // |callback| may be null if the user executed it despite returning false. callback = callbackPtr->Disconnect(); if (callback.is_null()) { LOG(WARNING) << "OnBeforeUnloadDialog should return true when " "executing the callback"; return; } handler_ = nullptr; } } DCHECK(!handler_); if (InitializeRunner()) { runner_->Run(browser_, content::JAVASCRIPT_DIALOG_TYPE_CONFIRM, /*origin_url=*/GURL(), message_text, /*default_prompt_text=*/std::u16string(), std::move(callback)); return; } if (!CanUseChromeDialogs()) { // Accept the unload without showing the prompt. std::move(callback).Run(true, std::u16string()); return; } auto manager = GetTabModalDialogManager(web_contents); if (!manager) { // Accept the unload without showing the prompt. std::move(callback).Run(true, std::u16string()); return; } manager->RunBeforeUnloadDialog(web_contents, render_frame_host, is_reload, std::move(callback)); } bool CefJavaScriptDialogManager::HandleJavaScriptDialog( content::WebContents* web_contents, bool accept, const std::u16string* prompt_override) { if (handler_) { DialogClosed(base::NullCallback(), accept, prompt_override ? *prompt_override : std::u16string()); return true; } if (runner_) { runner_->Handle(accept, prompt_override); return true; } if (!CanUseChromeDialogs()) { return true; } auto manager = GetTabModalDialogManager(web_contents); if (!manager) { return true; } return manager->HandleJavaScriptDialog(web_contents, accept, prompt_override); } void CefJavaScriptDialogManager::CancelDialogs( content::WebContents* web_contents, bool reset_state) { if (handler_) { if (reset_state) { handler_->OnResetDialogState(browser_.get()); } handler_ = nullptr; return; } if (runner_) { runner_->Cancel(); return; } // Null when called from DialogClosed() or Destroy(). if (!web_contents) { return; } if (!CanUseChromeDialogs()) { return; } auto manager = GetTabModalDialogManager(web_contents); if (!manager) { return; } manager->CancelDialogs(web_contents, reset_state); } void CefJavaScriptDialogManager::DialogClosed( DialogClosedCallback callback, bool success, const std::u16string& user_input) { if (handler_) { handler_->OnDialogClosed(browser_.get()); // Call OnResetDialogState. CancelDialogs(/*web_contents=*/nullptr, /*reset_state=*/true); } // Null when called from HandleJavaScriptDialog(). if (!callback.is_null()) { std::move(callback).Run(success, user_input); } } bool CefJavaScriptDialogManager::InitializeRunner() { if (!runner_initialized_) { runner_ = browser_->platform_delegate()->CreateJavaScriptDialogRunner(); runner_initialized_ = true; } return !!runner_.get(); } bool CefJavaScriptDialogManager::CanUseChromeDialogs() const { if (browser_->IsWindowless() && browser_->GetWindowHandle() == kNullWindowHandle) { LOG(ERROR) << "Default dialog implementation requires a parent window " "handle; canceling the JS dialog"; return false; } return true; }