// Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights
// reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that
// can be found in the LICENSE file.

#include "include/wrapper/cef_message_router.h"

#include <map>
#include <set>

#include "include/base/cef_bind.h"
#include "include/base/cef_macros.h"
#include "include/cef_task.h"
#include "include/wrapper/cef_closure_task.h"
#include "include/wrapper/cef_helpers.h"
#include "libcef_dll/wrapper/cef_browser_info_map.h"

namespace {

// ID value reserved for internal use.
const int kReservedId = 0;

// Appended to the JS function name for related IPC messages.
const char kMessageSuffix[] = "Msg";

// JS object member argument names for cefQuery.
const char kMemberRequest[] = "request";
const char kMemberOnSuccess[] = "onSuccess";
const char kMemberOnFailure[] = "onFailure";
const char kMemberPersistent[] = "persistent";

// Default error information when a query is canceled.
const int kCanceledErrorCode = -1;
const char kCanceledErrorMessage[] = "The query has been canceled";

// Validate configuration settings.
bool ValidateConfig(CefMessageRouterConfig& config) {
  // Must specify function names.
  if (config.js_cancel_function.empty() ||
      config.js_query_function.empty()) {
    return false;

  return true;

// Helper template for generated ID values.
template <typename T>
class IdGenerator {
  IdGenerator() : next_id_(kReservedId) {}

  T GetNextId() {
    T id = ++next_id_;
    if (id == kReservedId)  // In case the integer value wraps.
      id = ++next_id_;
    return id;

  T next_id_;


// Browser-side router implementation.
class CefMessageRouterBrowserSideImpl : public CefMessageRouterBrowserSide {
  // Implementation of the Callback interface.
  class CallbackImpl : public CefMessageRouterBrowserSide::Callback {
    CallbackImpl(CefRefPtr<CefMessageRouterBrowserSideImpl> router,
                 int browser_id,
                 int64 query_id,
                 bool persistent)
        : router_(router),
          persistent_(persistent) {
    virtual ~CallbackImpl() {
      // Hitting this DCHECK means that you didn't call Success or Failure
      // on the Callback after returning true from Handler::OnQuery. You must
      // call Failure to terminate persistent queries.

    virtual void Success(const CefString& response) OVERRIDE {
      if (!CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI)) {
        // Must execute on the UI thread to access member variables.
            base::Bind(&CallbackImpl::Success, this, response));

      if (router_) {
                       router_, browser_id_, query_id_, response));

        if (!persistent_) {
          // Non-persistent callbacks are only good for a single use.
          router_ = NULL;

    virtual void Failure(int error_code,
                         const CefString& error_message) OVERRIDE {
      if (!CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI)) {
        // Must execute on the UI thread to access member variables.
            base::Bind(&CallbackImpl::Failure, this,
                       error_code, error_message));

      if (router_) {
                       router_, browser_id_, query_id_, error_code,

        // Failure always invalidates the callback.
        router_ = NULL;

    void Detach() {
      router_ = NULL;

    CefRefPtr<CefMessageRouterBrowserSideImpl> router_;
    const int browser_id_;
    const int64 query_id_;
    const bool persistent_;


  explicit CefMessageRouterBrowserSideImpl(const CefMessageRouterConfig& config)
      : config_(config),
          config.js_query_function.ToString() + kMessageSuffix),
          config.js_cancel_function.ToString() + kMessageSuffix) {

  virtual ~CefMessageRouterBrowserSideImpl() {
    // There should be no pending queries when the router is deleted.

  virtual bool AddHandler(Handler* handler, bool first) OVERRIDE {
    if (handler_set_.find(handler) == handler_set_.end()) {
          first ? handler_set_.begin() : handler_set_.end(), handler);
      return true;
    return false;

  virtual bool RemoveHandler(Handler* handler) OVERRIDE {
    if (handler_set_.erase(handler) > 0) {
      CancelPendingFor(NULL, handler, true);
      return true;
    return false;

  virtual void CancelPending(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,
                             Handler* handler) OVERRIDE {
    CancelPendingFor(browser, handler, true);

  virtual int GetPendingCount(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,
                              Handler* handler) OVERRIDE {

    if (browser_query_info_map_.empty())
      return 0;

    if (handler) {
      // Need to iterate over each QueryInfo object to test the handler.
      class Visitor : public BrowserQueryInfoMap::Visitor {
        explicit Visitor(Handler* handler)
            : handler_(handler),
              count_(0) {}

        virtual bool OnNextInfo(int browser_id,
                                InfoIdType info_id,
                                InfoObjectType info,
                                bool* remove) OVERRIDE {
          if (info->handler == handler_)
          return true;

        int count() const { return count_; }

        Handler* handler_;
        int count_;
      Visitor visitor(handler);

      if (browser.get()) {
        // Count queries associated with the specified browser.
            browser->GetIdentifier(), &visitor);
      } else {
        // Count all queries for all browsers.

      return visitor.count();
    } else if (browser.get()) {
      return static_cast<int>(
    } else {
      return static_cast<int>(browser_query_info_map_.size());

    return 0;

  virtual void OnBeforeClose(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser) OVERRIDE {
    CancelPendingFor(browser, NULL, false);

  virtual void OnRenderProcessTerminated(
      CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser) OVERRIDE {
    CancelPendingFor(browser, NULL, false);

  virtual void OnBeforeBrowse(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,
                              CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame) OVERRIDE {
    if (frame->IsMain())
      CancelPendingFor(browser, NULL, false);

  virtual bool OnProcessMessageReceived(
      CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,
      CefProcessId source_process,
      CefRefPtr<CefProcessMessage> message) OVERRIDE {

    const std::string& message_name = message->GetName();
    if (message_name == query_message_name_) {
      CefRefPtr<CefListValue> args = message->GetArgumentList();
      DCHECK_EQ(args->GetSize(), 6U);

      const int64 frame_id = CefInt64Set(args->GetInt(0), args->GetInt(1));
      const int context_id = args->GetInt(2);
      const int request_id = args->GetInt(3);
      const CefString& request = args->GetString(4);
      const bool persistent = args->GetBool(5);

      if (handler_set_.empty()) {
        // No handlers so cancel the query.
        CancelUnhandledQuery(browser, context_id, request_id);
        return true;

      const int browser_id = browser->GetIdentifier();
      const int64 query_id = query_id_generator_.GetNextId();

      CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame = browser->GetFrame(frame_id);
      CefRefPtr<CallbackImpl> callback(
          new CallbackImpl(this, browser_id, query_id, persistent));
      // Make a copy of the handler list in case the user adds or removes a
      // handler while we're iterating.
      HandlerSet handler_set = handler_set_;

      bool handled = false;
      HandlerSet::const_iterator it_handler = handler_set.begin();
      for (; it_handler != handler_set.end(); ++it_handler) {
        handled = (*it_handler)->OnQuery(browser, frame, query_id, request,
                                         persistent, callback.get());
        if (handled)

      // If the query isn't handled nothing should be keeping a reference to
      // the callback.
      DCHECK(handled || callback->HasOneRef());

      if (handled) {
        // Persist the query information until the callback executes.
        // It's safe to do this here because the callback will execute
        // asynchronously.
        QueryInfo* info = new QueryInfo;
        info->browser = browser;
        info->frame_id = frame_id;
        info->context_id = context_id;
        info->request_id = request_id;
        info->persistent = persistent;
        info->callback = callback;
        info->handler = *(it_handler);
        browser_query_info_map_.Add(browser_id, query_id, info);
      } else {
        // Invalidate the callback.

        // No one chose to handle the query so cancel it.
        CancelUnhandledQuery(browser, context_id, request_id);

      return true;
    } else if (message_name == cancel_message_name_) {
      CefRefPtr<CefListValue> args = message->GetArgumentList();
      DCHECK_EQ(args->GetSize(), 2U);

      const int browser_id = browser->GetIdentifier();
      const int context_id = args->GetInt(0);
      const int request_id = args->GetInt(1);

      CancelPendingRequest(browser_id, context_id, request_id);
      return true;

    return false;

  // Structure representing a pending query.
  struct QueryInfo {
    // Browser and frame originated the query.
    CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser;
    int64 frame_id;

    // IDs that uniquely identify the query in the renderer process. These
    // values are opaque to the browser process but must be returned with the
    // response.
    int context_id;
    int request_id;

    // True if the query is persistent.
    bool persistent;

    // Callback associated with the query that must be detached when the query
    // is canceled.
    CefRefPtr<CallbackImpl> callback;

    // Handler that should be notified if the query is automatically canceled.
    Handler* handler;

  // Retrieve a QueryInfo object from the map based on the browser-side query
  // ID. If |always_remove| is true then the QueryInfo object will always be
  // removed from the map. Othewise, the QueryInfo object will only be removed
  // if the query is non-persistent. If |removed| is true the caller is
  // responsible for deleting the returned QueryInfo object.
  QueryInfo* GetQueryInfo(int browser_id,
                          int64 query_id,
                          bool always_remove,
                          bool* removed) {
    class Visitor : public BrowserQueryInfoMap::Visitor {
      explicit Visitor(bool always_remove)
          : always_remove_(always_remove),
            removed_(false) {}

      virtual bool OnNextInfo(int browser_id,
                              InfoIdType info_id,
                              InfoObjectType info,
                              bool* remove) OVERRIDE {
        *remove = removed_ = (always_remove_ || !info->persistent);
        return true;

      bool removed() const { return removed_; }

      const bool always_remove_;
      bool removed_;

    Visitor visitor(always_remove);
    QueryInfo* info =
        browser_query_info_map_.Find(browser_id, query_id, &visitor);
    if (info)
      *removed = visitor.removed();
    return info;

  // Called by CallbackImpl on success.
  void OnCallbackSuccess(int browser_id,
                         int64 query_id,
                         const CefString& response) {

    bool removed;
    QueryInfo* info = GetQueryInfo(browser_id, query_id, false, &removed);
    if (info) {
      SendQuerySuccess(info, response);
      if (removed)
        delete info;

  // Called by CallbackImpl on failure.
  void OnCallbackFailure(int browser_id,
                         int64 query_id,
                         int error_code,
                         const CefString& error_message) {

    bool removed;
    QueryInfo* info = GetQueryInfo(browser_id, query_id, true, &removed);
    if (info) {
      SendQueryFailure(info, error_code, error_message);
      delete info;

  void SendQuerySuccess(QueryInfo* info,
                        const CefString& response) {
    SendQuerySuccess(info->browser, info->context_id, info->request_id,

  void SendQuerySuccess(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,
                        int context_id,
                        int request_id,
                        const CefString& response) {
    CefRefPtr<CefProcessMessage> message =
    CefRefPtr<CefListValue> args = message->GetArgumentList();
    args->SetInt(0, context_id);
    args->SetInt(1, request_id);
    args->SetBool(2, true);  // Indicates a success result.
    args->SetString(3, response);
    browser->SendProcessMessage(PID_RENDERER, message);

  void SendQueryFailure(QueryInfo* info,
                        int error_code,
                        const CefString& error_message) {
    SendQueryFailure(info->browser, info->context_id, info->request_id,
                     error_code, error_message);

  void SendQueryFailure(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,
                        int context_id,
                        int request_id,
                        int error_code,
                        const CefString& error_message) {
    CefRefPtr<CefProcessMessage> message =
    CefRefPtr<CefListValue> args = message->GetArgumentList();
    args->SetInt(0, context_id);
    args->SetInt(1, request_id);
    args->SetBool(2, false);  // Indicates a failure result.
    args->SetInt(3, error_code);
    args->SetString(4, error_message);
    browser->SendProcessMessage(PID_RENDERER, message);

  // Cancel a query that has not been sent to a handler.
  void CancelUnhandledQuery(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser, int context_id,
                            int request_id) {
     SendQueryFailure(browser, context_id, request_id, kCanceledErrorCode,

  // Cancel a query that has already been sent to a handler.
  void CancelQuery(int64 query_id, QueryInfo* info, bool notify_renderer) {
    if (notify_renderer)
      SendQueryFailure(info, kCanceledErrorCode, kCanceledErrorMessage);

    CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame = info->browser->GetFrame(info->frame_id);
    info->handler->OnQueryCanceled(info->browser, frame, query_id);

    // Invalidate the callback.

  // Cancel all pending queries associated with either |browser| or |handler|.
  // If both |browser| and |handler| are NULL all pending queries will be
  // canceled. Set |notify_renderer| to true if the renderer should be notified.
  void CancelPendingFor(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,
                        Handler* handler,
                        bool notify_renderer) {
    if (!CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI)) {
      // Must execute on the UI thread.
          base::Bind(&CefMessageRouterBrowserSideImpl::CancelPendingFor, this,
                     browser, handler, notify_renderer));

    if (browser_query_info_map_.empty())

    class Visitor : public BrowserQueryInfoMap::Visitor {
      Visitor(CefMessageRouterBrowserSideImpl* router,
              Handler* handler,
              bool notify_renderer)
          : router_(router),
            notify_renderer_(notify_renderer) {}

      virtual bool OnNextInfo(int browser_id,
                              InfoIdType info_id,
                              InfoObjectType info,
                              bool* remove) OVERRIDE {
        if (!handler_ || info->handler == handler_) {
          *remove = true;
          router_->CancelQuery(info_id, info, notify_renderer_);
          delete info;
        return true;

      CefMessageRouterBrowserSideImpl* router_;
      Handler* handler_;
      const bool notify_renderer_;

    Visitor visitor(this, handler, notify_renderer);

    if (browser.get()) {
      // Cancel all queries associated with the specified browser.
          browser->GetIdentifier(), &visitor);
    } else {
      // Cancel all queries for all browsers.

  // Cancel a query based on the renderer-side IDs. If |request_id| is
  // kReservedId all requests associated with |context_id| will be canceled.
  void CancelPendingRequest(int browser_id, int context_id, int request_id) {
    class Visitor : public BrowserQueryInfoMap::Visitor {
      Visitor(CefMessageRouterBrowserSideImpl* router,
              int context_id,
              int request_id)
          : router_(router),
            request_id_(request_id) {}

      virtual bool OnNextInfo(int browser_id,
                              InfoIdType info_id,
                              InfoObjectType info,
                              bool* remove) OVERRIDE {
        if (info->context_id == context_id_ &&
            (request_id_ == kReservedId || info->request_id == request_id_)) {
          *remove = true;
          router_->CancelQuery(info_id, info, false);
          delete info;
          // Stop iterating if only canceling a single request.
          return (request_id_ == kReservedId);
        return true;

      CefMessageRouterBrowserSideImpl* router_;
      const int context_id_;
      const int request_id_;

    Visitor visitor(this, context_id, request_id);
    browser_query_info_map_.FindAll(browser_id, &visitor);

  const CefMessageRouterConfig config_;
  const std::string query_message_name_;
  const std::string cancel_message_name_;

  IdGenerator<int64> query_id_generator_;

  // Set of currently registered handlers. An entry is added when a handler is
  // registered and removed when a handler is unregistered.
  typedef std::set<Handler*> HandlerSet;
  HandlerSet handler_set_;

  // Map of query ID to QueryInfo instance. An entry is added when a Handler
  // indicates that it will handle the query and removed when either the query
  // is completed via the Callback, the query is explicitly canceled from the
  // renderer process, or the associated context is (or will be) released.
  typedef CefBrowserInfoMap<int64, QueryInfo*> BrowserQueryInfoMap;
  BrowserQueryInfoMap browser_query_info_map_;


// Renderer-side router implementation.
class CefMessageRouterRendererSideImpl : public CefMessageRouterRendererSide {
  class V8HandlerImpl : public CefV8Handler {
        CefRefPtr<CefMessageRouterRendererSideImpl> router,
        const CefMessageRouterConfig& config)
        : router_(router),
          context_id_(kReservedId) {

    virtual bool Execute(const CefString& name,
                         CefRefPtr<CefV8Value> object,
                         const CefV8ValueList& arguments,
                         CefRefPtr<CefV8Value>& retval,
                         CefString& exception) OVERRIDE {
      if (name == config_.js_query_function) {
        if (arguments.size() != 1 || !arguments[0]->IsObject()) {
          exception = "Invalid arguments; expecting a single object";
          return true;

        CefRefPtr<CefV8Value> arg = arguments[0];

        CefRefPtr<CefV8Value> requestVal = arg->GetValue(kMemberRequest);
        if (!requestVal.get() || !requestVal->IsString()) {
          exception = "Invalid arguments; object member '"+
                      std::string(kMemberRequest) +"' is required and must "
                      "have type string";
          return true;

        CefRefPtr<CefV8Value> successVal = NULL;
        if (arg->HasValue(kMemberOnSuccess)) {
          successVal = arg->GetValue(kMemberOnSuccess);
          if (!successVal->IsFunction()) {
            exception = "Invalid arguments; object member '"+
                        std::string(kMemberOnSuccess) +"' must have type "
            return true;

        CefRefPtr<CefV8Value> failureVal = NULL;
        if (arg->HasValue(kMemberOnFailure)) {
          failureVal = arg->GetValue(kMemberOnFailure);
          if (!failureVal->IsFunction()) {
            exception = "Invalid arguments; object member '"+
                        std::string(kMemberOnFailure) +"' must have type "
            return true;

        CefRefPtr<CefV8Value> persistentVal = NULL;
        if (arg->HasValue(kMemberPersistent)) {
          persistentVal = arg->GetValue(kMemberPersistent);
          if (!persistentVal->IsBool()) {
            exception = "Invalid arguments; object member '"+
                        std::string(kMemberPersistent) +"' must have type "
            return true;

        CefRefPtr<CefV8Context> context = CefV8Context::GetCurrentContext();
        const int context_id = GetIDForContext(context);
        const int64 frame_id = context->GetFrame()->GetIdentifier();
        const bool persistent =
            (persistentVal.get() && persistentVal->GetBoolValue());

        const int request_id = router_->SendQuery(
            context->GetBrowser(), frame_id, context_id,
            requestVal->GetStringValue(), persistent, successVal, failureVal);
        retval = CefV8Value::CreateInt(request_id);
        return true;
      } else if (name == config_.js_cancel_function) {
        if (arguments.size() != 1 || !arguments[0]->IsInt()) {
          exception = "Invalid arguments; expecting a single integer";
          return true;

        bool result = false;
        const int request_id = arguments[0]->GetIntValue();
        if (request_id != kReservedId) {
          CefRefPtr<CefV8Context> context = CefV8Context::GetCurrentContext();
          const int context_id = GetIDForContext(context);
          const int64 frame_id = context->GetFrame()->GetIdentifier();

          result = router_->SendCancel(context->GetBrowser(), frame_id,
                                       context_id, request_id);
        retval = CefV8Value::CreateBool(result);
        return true;

      return false;

    // Don't create the context ID until it's actually needed.
    int GetIDForContext(CefRefPtr<CefV8Context> context) {
      if (context_id_ == kReservedId)
        context_id_ = router_->CreateIDForContext(context);
      return context_id_;

    CefRefPtr<CefMessageRouterRendererSideImpl> router_;
    const CefMessageRouterConfig config_;
    int context_id_;


  explicit CefMessageRouterRendererSideImpl(const CefMessageRouterConfig& config)
      : config_(config),
          config.js_query_function.ToString() + kMessageSuffix),
          config.js_cancel_function.ToString() + kMessageSuffix) {

  virtual ~CefMessageRouterRendererSideImpl() {

  virtual int GetPendingCount(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,
                              CefRefPtr<CefV8Context> context) OVERRIDE {

    if (browser_request_info_map_.empty())
      return 0;

    if (context.get()) {
      const int context_id = GetIDForContext(context, false);
      if (context_id == kReservedId)
        return 0;  // Nothing associated with the specified context.

      // Need to iterate over each RequestInfo object to test the context.
      class Visitor : public BrowserRequestInfoMap::Visitor {
        explicit Visitor(int context_id)
            : context_id_(context_id),
              count_(0) {}

        virtual bool OnNextInfo(int browser_id,
                                InfoIdType info_id,
                                InfoObjectType info,
                                bool* remove) OVERRIDE {
          if (info_id.first == context_id_)
          return true;

        int count() const { return count_; }

        int context_id_;
        int count_;

      Visitor visitor(context_id);

      if (browser.get()) {
        // Count requests associated with the specified browser.
            browser->GetIdentifier(), &visitor);
      } else {
        // Count all requests for all browsers.

      return visitor.count();
    } else if (browser.get()) {
      return static_cast<int>(
    } else {
      return static_cast<int>(browser_request_info_map_.size());

    return 0;

  virtual void OnContextCreated(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,
                                CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame,
                                CefRefPtr<CefV8Context> context) OVERRIDE {

    // Register function handlers with the 'window' object.
    CefRefPtr<CefV8Value> window = context->GetGlobal();

    CefRefPtr<V8HandlerImpl> handler = new V8HandlerImpl(this, config_);
    CefV8Value::PropertyAttribute attributes =

    // Add the query function.
    CefRefPtr<CefV8Value> query_func =
        CefV8Value::CreateFunction(config_.js_query_function, handler.get());
    window->SetValue(config_.js_query_function, query_func, attributes);

    // Add the cancel function.
    CefRefPtr<CefV8Value> cancel_func =
        CefV8Value::CreateFunction(config_.js_cancel_function, handler.get());
    window->SetValue(config_.js_cancel_function, cancel_func, attributes);

  virtual void OnContextReleased(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,
                                 CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame,
                                 CefRefPtr<CefV8Context> context) OVERRIDE {

    // Get the context ID and remove the context from the map.
    const int context_id = GetIDForContext(context, true);
    if (context_id != kReservedId) {
      // Cancel all pending requests for the context.
      SendCancel(browser, frame->GetIdentifier(), context_id, kReservedId);

  virtual bool OnProcessMessageReceived(
      CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,
      CefProcessId source_process,
      CefRefPtr<CefProcessMessage> message) OVERRIDE {

    const std::string& message_name = message->GetName();
    if (message_name == query_message_name_) {
      CefRefPtr<CefListValue> args = message->GetArgumentList();
      DCHECK_GT(args->GetSize(), 3U);

      const int context_id = args->GetInt(0);
      const int request_id = args->GetInt(1);
      bool is_success = args->GetBool(2);

      if (is_success) {
        DCHECK_EQ(args->GetSize(), 4U);
        const CefString& response = args->GetString(3);
                &CefMessageRouterRendererSideImpl::ExecuteSuccessCallback, this,
                browser->GetIdentifier(), context_id, request_id, response));
      } else {
        DCHECK_EQ(args->GetSize(), 5U);
        int error_code = args->GetInt(3);
        const CefString& error_message = args->GetString(4);
                &CefMessageRouterRendererSideImpl::ExecuteFailureCallback, this,
                browser->GetIdentifier(), context_id, request_id, error_code,

      return true;

    return false;

  // Structure representing a pending request.
  struct RequestInfo {
    // True if the request is persistent.
    bool persistent;

    // Success callback function. May be NULL.
    CefRefPtr<CefV8Value> success_callback;

    // Failure callback function. May be NULL.
    CefRefPtr<CefV8Value> failure_callback;

  // Retrieve a RequestInfo object from the map based on the renderer-side
  // IDs. If |always_remove| is true then the RequestInfo object will always be
  // removed from the map. Othewise, the RequestInfo object will only be removed
  // if the query is non-persistent. If |removed| is true the caller is
  // responsible for deleting the returned QueryInfo object.
  RequestInfo* GetRequestInfo(int browser_id,
                              int request_id,
                              int context_id,
                              bool always_remove,
                              bool* removed) {
    class Visitor : public BrowserRequestInfoMap::Visitor {
      explicit Visitor(bool always_remove)
          : always_remove_(always_remove),
            removed_(false) {}

      virtual bool OnNextInfo(int browser_id,
                              InfoIdType info_id,
                              InfoObjectType info,
                              bool* remove) OVERRIDE {
        *remove = removed_ = (always_remove_ || !info->persistent);
        return true;

      bool removed() const { return removed_; }

      const bool always_remove_;
      bool removed_;

    Visitor visitor(always_remove);
    RequestInfo* info = browser_request_info_map_.Find(browser_id,
        std::make_pair(request_id, context_id), &visitor);
    if (info)
      *removed = visitor.removed();
    return info;

  // Returns the new request ID.
  int SendQuery(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,
                int64 frame_id,
                int context_id,
                const CefString& request,
                bool persistent,
                CefRefPtr<CefV8Value> success_callback,
                CefRefPtr<CefV8Value> failure_callback) {

    const int request_id = request_id_generator_.GetNextId();

    RequestInfo* info = new RequestInfo;
    info->persistent = persistent;
    info->success_callback = success_callback;
    info->failure_callback = failure_callback;
        std::make_pair(context_id, request_id), info);

    CefRefPtr<CefProcessMessage> message =

    CefRefPtr<CefListValue> args = message->GetArgumentList();
    args->SetInt(0, CefInt64GetLow(frame_id));
    args->SetInt(1, CefInt64GetHigh(frame_id));
    args->SetInt(2, context_id);
    args->SetInt(3, request_id);
    args->SetString(4, request);
    args->SetBool(5, persistent);

    browser->SendProcessMessage(PID_BROWSER, message);

    return request_id;

  // If |request_id| is kReservedId all requests associated with |context_id|
  // will be canceled, otherwise only the specified |request_id| will be
  // canceled. Returns true if any request was canceled. 
  bool SendCancel(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,
                  int64 frame_id,
                  int context_id,
                  int request_id) {

    const int browser_id = browser->GetIdentifier();

    int cancel_count = 0;
    if (request_id != kReservedId) {
      // Cancel a single request.
      bool removed;
      RequestInfo* info =
          GetRequestInfo(browser_id, context_id, request_id, true, &removed);
      if (info) {
        delete info;
        cancel_count = 1;
    } else {
      // Cancel all requests with the specified context ID.
      class Visitor : public BrowserRequestInfoMap::Visitor {
        explicit Visitor(int context_id)
            : context_id_(context_id),
              cancel_count_(0) {}

        virtual bool OnNextInfo(int browser_id,
                                InfoIdType info_id,
                                InfoObjectType info,
                                bool* remove) OVERRIDE {
          if (info_id.first == context_id_) {
            *remove = true;
            delete info;
          return true;

        int cancel_count() const { return cancel_count_; }

        const int context_id_;
        int cancel_count_;

      Visitor visitor(context_id);
      browser_request_info_map_.FindAll(browser_id, &visitor);
      cancel_count = visitor.cancel_count();

    if (cancel_count > 0) {
      CefRefPtr<CefProcessMessage> message =

      CefRefPtr<CefListValue> args = message->GetArgumentList();
      args->SetInt(0, context_id);
      args->SetInt(1, request_id);

      browser->SendProcessMessage(PID_BROWSER, message);
      return true;

    return false;

  // Execute the onSuccess JavaScript callback.
  void ExecuteSuccessCallback(int browser_id, int context_id, int request_id,
                              const CefString& response) {

    bool removed;
    RequestInfo* info =
        GetRequestInfo(browser_id, context_id, request_id, false, &removed);
    if (!info)

    CefRefPtr<CefV8Context> context = GetContextByID(context_id);
    if (context && info->success_callback) {
      CefV8ValueList args;
      info->success_callback->ExecuteFunctionWithContext(context, NULL, args);

    if (removed)
      delete info;

  // Execute the onFailure JavaScript callback.
  void ExecuteFailureCallback(int browser_id, int context_id, int request_id,
                              int error_code, const CefString& error_message) {

    bool removed;
    RequestInfo* info =
        GetRequestInfo(browser_id, context_id, request_id, true, &removed);
    if (!info)

    CefRefPtr<CefV8Context> context = GetContextByID(context_id);
    if (context && info->failure_callback) {
      CefV8ValueList args;
      info->failure_callback->ExecuteFunctionWithContext(context, NULL, args);

    delete info;

  int CreateIDForContext(CefRefPtr<CefV8Context> context) {

    // The context should not already have an associated ID.
    DCHECK_EQ(GetIDForContext(context, false), kReservedId);

    const int context_id = context_id_generator_.GetNextId();
    context_map_.insert(std::make_pair(context_id, context));
    return context_id;

  // Retrieves the existing ID value associated with the specified |context|.
  // If |remove| is true the context will also be removed from the map.
  int GetIDForContext(CefRefPtr<CefV8Context> context, bool remove) {

    ContextMap::iterator it = context_map_.begin();
    for (; it != context_map_.end(); ++it) {
      if (it->second->IsSame(context)) {
        int context_id = it->first;
        if (remove)
        return context_id;

    return kReservedId;

  CefRefPtr<CefV8Context> GetContextByID(int context_id) {

    ContextMap::const_iterator it = context_map_.find(context_id);
    if (it != context_map_.end())
      return it->second;
    return NULL;

  const CefMessageRouterConfig config_;
  const std::string query_message_name_;
  const std::string cancel_message_name_;

  IdGenerator<int> context_id_generator_;
  IdGenerator<int> request_id_generator_;

  // Map of (request ID, context ID) to RequestInfo for pending queries. An
  // entry is added when a request is initiated via the bound function and
  // removed when either the request completes, is canceled via the bound
  // function, or the associated context is released.
  typedef CefBrowserInfoMap<std::pair<int, int>, RequestInfo*>
  BrowserRequestInfoMap browser_request_info_map_;

  // Map of context ID to CefV8Context for existing contexts. An entry is added
  // when a bound function is executed for the first time in the context and
  // removed when the context is released.
  typedef std::map<int, CefRefPtr<CefV8Context> > ContextMap;
  ContextMap context_map_;


}  // namespace

  : js_query_function("cefQuery"),
    js_cancel_function("cefQueryCancel") {

// static
CefRefPtr<CefMessageRouterBrowserSide> CefMessageRouterBrowserSide::Create(
    const CefMessageRouterConfig& config) {
  CefMessageRouterConfig validated_config = config;
  if (!ValidateConfig(validated_config))
    return NULL;
  return new CefMessageRouterBrowserSideImpl(validated_config);

// static
CefRefPtr<CefMessageRouterRendererSide> CefMessageRouterRendererSide::Create(
    const CefMessageRouterConfig& config) {
  CefMessageRouterConfig validated_config = config;
  if (!ValidateConfig(validated_config))
    return NULL;
  return new CefMessageRouterRendererSideImpl(validated_config);