// Copyright (c) 2008 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. // Portions copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // This file contains an implementation of the ResourceLoaderBridge class. // The class is implemented using URLRequest, meaning it is a "simple" version // that directly issues requests. The more complicated one used in the // browser uses IPC. // // Because URLRequest only provides an asynchronous resource loading API, this // file makes use of URLRequest from a background IO thread. Requests for // cookies and synchronously loaded resources result in the main thread of the // application blocking until the IO thread completes the operation. (See // GetCookies and SyncLoad) // // Main thread IO thread // ----------- --------- // ResourceLoaderBridge <---o---------> RequestProxy (normal case) // \ -> URLRequest // o-------> SyncRequestProxy (synchronous case) // -> URLRequest // SetCookie <------------------------> CookieSetter // -> net_util::SetCookie // GetCookies <-----------------------> CookieGetter // -> net_util::GetCookies // // NOTE: The implementation in this file may be used to have WebKit fetch // resources in-process. For example, it is handy for building a single- // process WebKit embedding (e.g., test_shell) that can use URLRequest to // perform URL loads. See renderer/resource_dispatcher.h for details on an // alternate implementation that defers fetching to another process. #include "browser_appcache_system.h" #include "browser_resource_loader_bridge.h" #include "browser_request_context.h" #include "browser_socket_stream_bridge.h" #include "browser_impl.h" #include "request_impl.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/ref_counted.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/time.h" #include "base/timer.h" #include "base/thread.h" #include "base/waitable_event.h" #include "net/base/cookie_policy.h" #include "net/base/io_buffer.h" #include "net/base/load_flags.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "net/base/net_util.h" #include "net/base/upload_data.h" #include "net/http/http_response_headers.h" #include "net/http/http_util.h" #include "net/proxy/proxy_service.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebFrame.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebView.h" #include "webkit/appcache/appcache_interfaces.h" #include "webkit/glue/resource_loader_bridge.h" using webkit_glue::ResourceLoaderBridge; using net::CookiePolicy; using net::HttpResponseHeaders; namespace { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- URLRequestContext* request_context = NULL; base::Thread* io_thread = NULL; class IOThread : public base::Thread { public: IOThread() : base::Thread("IOThread") { } ~IOThread() { // We cannot rely on our base class to stop the thread since we want our // CleanUp function to run. Stop(); } virtual void Init() { BrowserAppCacheSystem::InitializeOnIOThread(request_context); BrowserSocketStreamBridge::InitializeOnIOThread(request_context); } virtual void CleanUp() { BrowserSocketStreamBridge::Cleanup(); if (request_context) { request_context->Release(); request_context = NULL; } } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct RequestParams { std::string method; GURL url; GURL first_party_for_cookies; GURL referrer; std::string headers; int load_flags; ResourceType::Type request_type; int appcache_host_id; scoped_refptr upload; }; // The interval for calls to RequestProxy::MaybeUpdateUploadProgress static const int kUpdateUploadProgressIntervalMsec = 100; // The RequestProxy does most of its work on the IO thread. The Start and // Cancel methods are proxied over to the IO thread, where an URLRequest object // is instantiated. class RequestProxy : public URLRequest::Delegate, public base::RefCountedThreadSafe { public: // Takes ownership of the params. RequestProxy(CefRefPtr browser) : browser_(browser), buf_(new net::IOBuffer(kDataSize)), last_upload_position_(0) { } void DropPeer() { peer_ = NULL; } void Start(ResourceLoaderBridge::Peer* peer, RequestParams* params) { peer_ = peer; owner_loop_ = MessageLoop::current(); // proxy over to the io thread io_thread->message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &RequestProxy::AsyncStart, params)); } void Cancel() { // proxy over to the io thread io_thread->message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &RequestProxy::AsyncCancel)); } protected: friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe; virtual ~RequestProxy() { // If we have a request, then we'd better be on the io thread! DCHECK(!request_.get() || MessageLoop::current() == io_thread->message_loop()); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The following methods are called on the owner's thread in response to // various URLRequest callbacks. The event hooks, defined below, trigger // these methods asynchronously. void NotifyUploadProgress(uint64 position, uint64 size) { if (peer_) peer_->OnUploadProgress(position, size); } void NotifyReceivedRedirect(const GURL& new_url, const ResourceLoaderBridge::ResponseInfo& info) { bool has_new_first_party_for_cookies = false; GURL new_first_party_for_cookies; if (peer_ && peer_->OnReceivedRedirect(new_url, info, &has_new_first_party_for_cookies, &new_first_party_for_cookies)) { io_thread->message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &RequestProxy::AsyncFollowDeferredRedirect, has_new_first_party_for_cookies, new_first_party_for_cookies)); } else { Cancel(); } } void NotifyReceivedResponse(const ResourceLoaderBridge::ResponseInfo& info, bool content_filtered) { if (peer_) peer_->OnReceivedResponse(info, content_filtered); } void NotifyReceivedData(int bytes_read) { if (!peer_) return; // Make a local copy of buf_, since AsyncReadData reuses it. scoped_array buf_copy(new char[bytes_read]); memcpy(buf_copy.get(), buf_->data(), bytes_read); // Continue reading more data into buf_ // Note: Doing this before notifying our peer ensures our load events get // dispatched in a manner consistent with DumpRenderTree (and also avoids a // race condition). If the order of the next 2 functions were reversed, the // peer could generate new requests in reponse to the received data, which // when run on the io thread, could race against this function in doing // another InvokeLater. See bug 769249. io_thread->message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &RequestProxy::AsyncReadData)); peer_->OnReceivedData(buf_copy.get(), bytes_read); } void NotifyCompletedRequest(const URLRequestStatus& status, const std::string& security_info) { if (peer_) { peer_->OnCompletedRequest(status, security_info); DropPeer(); // ensure no further notifications } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The following methods are called on the io thread. They correspond to // actions performed on the owner's thread. void AsyncStart(RequestParams* params) { bool handled = false; if (browser_.get()) { CefRefPtr handler = browser_->GetHandler(); if(handler.get()) { // Build the request object for passing to the handler CefRefPtr request(new CefRequestImpl()); CefRequestImpl* requestimpl = static_cast(request.get()); requestimpl->SetURL(UTF8ToWide(params->url.spec())); requestimpl->SetMethod(UTF8ToWide(params->method)); // Transfer request headers CefRequest::HeaderMap headerMap; CefRequestImpl::GetHeaderMap(params->headers, headerMap); headerMap.insert( std::make_pair(L"Referrer", UTF8ToWide(params->referrer.spec()))); requestimpl->SetHeaderMap(headerMap); // Transfer post data, if any scoped_refptr upload = params->upload; if(upload.get()) { CefRefPtr postdata(new CefPostDataImpl()); static_cast(postdata.get())->Set(*upload.get()); requestimpl->SetPostData(postdata); } int loadFlags = params->load_flags; // Handler output will be returned in these variables std::wstring redirectUrl; CefRefPtr resourceStream; std::wstring mimeType; CefHandler::RetVal rv = handler->HandleBeforeResourceLoad( browser_, request, redirectUrl, resourceStream, mimeType, loadFlags); if(rv == RV_HANDLED) { // cancel the resource load handled = true; OnCompletedRequest( URLRequestStatus(URLRequestStatus::CANCELED, net::ERR_ABORTED), std::string()); } else if(!redirectUrl.empty()) { // redirect to the specified URL params->url = GURL(WideToUTF8(redirectUrl)); ResourceLoaderBridge::ResponseInfo info; bool defer_redirect; OnReceivedRedirect(params->url, info, &defer_redirect); } else if(resourceStream.get()) { // load from the provided resource stream handled = true; long offset = resourceStream->Seek(0, SEEK_END); resourceStream->Seek(0, SEEK_SET); resource_stream_ = resourceStream; ResourceLoaderBridge::ResponseInfo info; info.content_length = static_cast(offset); if(!mimeType.empty()) info.mime_type = WideToUTF8(mimeType); OnReceivedResponse(info, false); AsyncReadData(); } } } if(!handled) { request_.reset(new URLRequest(params->url, this)); request_->set_method(params->method); request_->set_first_party_for_cookies(params->first_party_for_cookies); request_->set_referrer(params->referrer.spec()); request_->SetExtraRequestHeaders(params->headers); request_->set_load_flags(params->load_flags); request_->set_upload(params->upload.get()); request_->set_context(request_context); BrowserAppCacheSystem::SetExtraRequestInfo( request_.get(), params->appcache_host_id, params->request_type); request_->Start(); if (request_->has_upload() && params->load_flags & net::LOAD_ENABLE_UPLOAD_PROGRESS) { upload_progress_timer_.Start( base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kUpdateUploadProgressIntervalMsec), this, &RequestProxy::MaybeUpdateUploadProgress); } } delete params; } void AsyncCancel() { // This can be null in cases where the request is already done. if (!resource_stream_.get() && !request_.get()) return; request_->Cancel(); Done(); } void AsyncFollowDeferredRedirect(bool has_new_first_party_for_cookies, const GURL& new_first_party_for_cookies) { // This can be null in cases where the request is already done. if (!request_.get()) return; if (has_new_first_party_for_cookies) request_->set_first_party_for_cookies(new_first_party_for_cookies); request_->FollowDeferredRedirect(); } void AsyncReadData() { if(resource_stream_.get()) { // Read from the handler-provided resource stream int bytes_read = resource_stream_->Read(buf_->data(), 1, kDataSize); if(bytes_read > 0) { OnReceivedData(bytes_read); } else { Done(); } return; } // This can be null in cases where the request is already done. if (!request_.get()) return; if (request_->status().is_success()) { int bytes_read; if (request_->Read(buf_, kDataSize, &bytes_read) && bytes_read) { OnReceivedData(bytes_read); } else if (!request_->status().is_io_pending()) { Done(); } // else wait for OnReadCompleted } else { Done(); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The following methods are event hooks (corresponding to URLRequest // callbacks) that run on the IO thread. They are designed to be overridden // by the SyncRequestProxy subclass. virtual void OnReceivedRedirect( const GURL& new_url, const ResourceLoaderBridge::ResponseInfo& info, bool* defer_redirect) { *defer_redirect = true; // See AsyncFollowDeferredRedirect owner_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &RequestProxy::NotifyReceivedRedirect, new_url, info)); } virtual void OnReceivedResponse( const ResourceLoaderBridge::ResponseInfo& info, bool content_filtered) { owner_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &RequestProxy::NotifyReceivedResponse, info, content_filtered)); } virtual void OnReceivedData(int bytes_read) { owner_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &RequestProxy::NotifyReceivedData, bytes_read)); } virtual void OnCompletedRequest(const URLRequestStatus& status, const std::string& security_info) { owner_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &RequestProxy::NotifyCompletedRequest, status, security_info)); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // URLRequest::Delegate implementation: virtual void OnReceivedRedirect(URLRequest* request, const GURL& new_url, bool* defer_redirect) { DCHECK(request->status().is_success()); ResourceLoaderBridge::ResponseInfo info; PopulateResponseInfo(request, &info); OnReceivedRedirect(new_url, info, defer_redirect); } virtual void OnResponseStarted(URLRequest* request) { if (request->status().is_success()) { ResourceLoaderBridge::ResponseInfo info; PopulateResponseInfo(request, &info); OnReceivedResponse(info, false); AsyncReadData(); // start reading } else { Done(); } } virtual void OnSSLCertificateError(URLRequest* request, int cert_error, net::X509Certificate* cert) { // Allow all certificate errors. request->ContinueDespiteLastError(); } virtual void OnReadCompleted(URLRequest* request, int bytes_read) { if (request->status().is_success() && bytes_read > 0) { OnReceivedData(bytes_read); } else { Done(); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helpers and data: void Done() { if(resource_stream_.get()) { // Resource stream reads always complete successfully OnCompletedRequest(URLRequestStatus(URLRequestStatus::SUCCESS, 0), std::string()); resource_stream_ = NULL; } else { if (upload_progress_timer_.IsRunning()) { MaybeUpdateUploadProgress(); upload_progress_timer_.Stop(); } DCHECK(request_.get()); OnCompletedRequest(request_->status(), std::string()); request_.reset(); // destroy on the io thread } } // Called on the IO thread. void MaybeUpdateUploadProgress() { // If a redirect is received upload is cancelled in URLRequest, we should // try to stop the |upload_progress_timer_| timer and return. if (!request_->has_upload()) { if (upload_progress_timer_.IsRunning()) upload_progress_timer_.Stop(); return; } uint64 size = request_->get_upload()->GetContentLength(); uint64 position = request_->GetUploadProgress(); if (position == last_upload_position_) return; // no progress made since last time const uint64 kHalfPercentIncrements = 200; const base::TimeDelta kOneSecond = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1000); uint64 amt_since_last = position - last_upload_position_; base::TimeDelta time_since_last = base::TimeTicks::Now() - last_upload_ticks_; bool is_finished = (size == position); bool enough_new_progress = (amt_since_last > (size / kHalfPercentIncrements)); bool too_much_time_passed = time_since_last > kOneSecond; if (is_finished || enough_new_progress || too_much_time_passed) { owner_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &RequestProxy::NotifyUploadProgress, position, size)); last_upload_ticks_ = base::TimeTicks::Now(); last_upload_position_ = position; } } void PopulateResponseInfo(URLRequest* request, ResourceLoaderBridge::ResponseInfo* info) const { info->request_time = request->request_time(); info->response_time = request->response_time(); info->headers = request->response_headers(); request->GetMimeType(&info->mime_type); request->GetCharset(&info->charset); info->content_length = request->GetExpectedContentSize(); BrowserAppCacheSystem::GetExtraResponseInfo( request, &info->appcache_id, &info->appcache_manifest_url); } scoped_ptr request_; CefRefPtr resource_stream_; // Size of our async IO data buffers static const int kDataSize = 16*1024; // read buffer for async IO scoped_refptr buf_; CefRefPtr browser_; MessageLoop* owner_loop_; // This is our peer in WebKit (implemented as ResourceHandleInternal). We do // not manage its lifetime, and we may only access it from the owner's // message loop (owner_loop_). ResourceLoaderBridge::Peer* peer_; // Timer used to pull upload progress info. base::RepeatingTimer upload_progress_timer_; // Info used to determine whether or not to send an upload progress update. uint64 last_upload_position_; base::TimeTicks last_upload_ticks_; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class SyncRequestProxy : public RequestProxy { public: explicit SyncRequestProxy(CefRefPtr browser, ResourceLoaderBridge::SyncLoadResponse* result) : RequestProxy(browser), result_(result), event_(true, false) { } void WaitForCompletion() { if (!event_.Wait()) NOTREACHED(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Event hooks that run on the IO thread: virtual void OnReceivedRedirect( const GURL& new_url, const ResourceLoaderBridge::ResponseInfo& info, bool* defer_redirect) { // TODO(darin): It would be much better if this could live in WebCore, but // doing so requires API changes at all levels. Similar code exists in // WebCore/platform/network/cf/ResourceHandleCFNet.cpp :-( if (new_url.GetOrigin() != result_->url.GetOrigin()) { DLOG(WARNING) << "Cross origin redirect denied"; Cancel(); return; } result_->url = new_url; } virtual void OnReceivedResponse( const ResourceLoaderBridge::ResponseInfo& info, bool content_filtered) { *static_cast(result_) = info; } virtual void OnReceivedData(int bytes_read) { result_->data.append(buf_->data(), bytes_read); AsyncReadData(); // read more (may recurse) } virtual void OnCompletedRequest(const URLRequestStatus& status, const std::string& security_info) { result_->status = status; event_.Signal(); } private: ResourceLoaderBridge::SyncLoadResponse* result_; base::WaitableEvent event_; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ResourceLoaderBridgeImpl : public ResourceLoaderBridge { public: ResourceLoaderBridgeImpl(CefRefPtr browser, const webkit_glue::ResourceLoaderBridge::RequestInfo& request_info) : browser_(browser), params_(new RequestParams), proxy_(NULL) { params_->method = request_info.method; params_->url = request_info.url; params_->first_party_for_cookies = request_info.first_party_for_cookies; params_->referrer = request_info.referrer; params_->headers = request_info.headers; params_->load_flags = request_info.load_flags; params_->request_type = request_info.request_type; params_->appcache_host_id = request_info.appcache_host_id; } virtual ~ResourceLoaderBridgeImpl() { if (proxy_) { proxy_->DropPeer(); // Let the proxy die on the IO thread io_thread->message_loop()->ReleaseSoon(FROM_HERE, proxy_); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ResourceLoaderBridge implementation: virtual void AppendDataToUpload(const char* data, int data_len) { DCHECK(params_.get()); if (!params_->upload) params_->upload = new net::UploadData(); params_->upload->AppendBytes(data, data_len); } virtual void AppendFileRangeToUpload(const FilePath& file_path, uint64 offset, uint64 length) { DCHECK(params_.get()); if (!params_->upload) params_->upload = new net::UploadData(); params_->upload->AppendFileRange(file_path, offset, length); } virtual void SetUploadIdentifier(int64 identifier) { DCHECK(params_.get()); if (!params_->upload) params_->upload = new net::UploadData(); params_->upload->set_identifier(identifier); } virtual bool Start(Peer* peer) { DCHECK(!proxy_); if (!BrowserResourceLoaderBridge::EnsureIOThread()) return false; proxy_ = new RequestProxy(browser_); proxy_->AddRef(); proxy_->Start(peer, params_.release()); return true; // Any errors will be reported asynchronously. } virtual void Cancel() { DCHECK(proxy_); proxy_->Cancel(); } virtual void SetDefersLoading(bool value) { // TODO(darin): implement me } virtual void SyncLoad(SyncLoadResponse* response) { DCHECK(!proxy_); if (!BrowserResourceLoaderBridge::EnsureIOThread()) return; // this may change as the result of a redirect response->url = params_->url; proxy_ = new SyncRequestProxy(browser_, response); proxy_->AddRef(); proxy_->Start(NULL, params_.release()); static_cast(proxy_)->WaitForCompletion(); } private: CefRefPtr browser_; // Ownership of params_ is transfered to the proxy when the proxy is created. scoped_ptr params_; // The request proxy is allocated when we start the request, and then it // sticks around until this ResourceLoaderBridge is destroyed. RequestProxy* proxy_; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CookieSetter : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe { public: void Set(const GURL& url, const std::string& cookie) { DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == io_thread->message_loop()); request_context->cookie_store()->SetCookie(url, cookie); } private: friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe; ~CookieSetter() {} }; class CookieGetter : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe { public: CookieGetter() : event_(false, false) { } void Get(const GURL& url) { result_ = request_context->cookie_store()->GetCookies(url); event_.Signal(); } std::string GetResult() { if (!event_.Wait()) NOTREACHED(); return result_; } private: friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe; ~CookieGetter() {} base::WaitableEvent event_; std::string result_; }; } // anonymous namespace //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace webkit_glue { // Factory function. ResourceLoaderBridge* ResourceLoaderBridge::Create( const webkit_glue::ResourceLoaderBridge::RequestInfo& request_info) { CefRefPtr browser = _Context->GetBrowserByID(request_info.routing_id); return new ResourceLoaderBridgeImpl(browser, request_info); } // Issue the proxy resolve request on the io thread, and wait // for the result. bool FindProxyForUrl(const GURL& url, std::string* proxy_list) { DCHECK(request_context); scoped_refptr sync_proxy_service( new net::SyncProxyServiceHelper(io_thread->message_loop(), request_context->proxy_service())); net::ProxyInfo proxy_info; int rv = sync_proxy_service->ResolveProxy(url, &proxy_info, NULL); if (rv == net::OK) { *proxy_list = proxy_info.ToPacString(); } return rv == net::OK; } } // namespace webkit_glue //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static void BrowserResourceLoaderBridge::Init(URLRequestContext* context) { // Make sure to stop any existing IO thread since it may be using the // current request context. Shutdown(); if (context) { request_context = context; } else { request_context = new BrowserRequestContext(); } request_context->AddRef(); BrowserResourceLoaderBridge::SetAcceptAllCookies(false); } // static void BrowserResourceLoaderBridge::Shutdown() { if (io_thread) { delete io_thread; io_thread = NULL; DCHECK(!request_context) << "should have been nulled by thread dtor"; } } // static void BrowserResourceLoaderBridge::SetCookie(const GURL& url, const GURL& first_party_for_cookies, const std::string& cookie) { // Proxy to IO thread to synchronize w/ network loading. if (!EnsureIOThread()) { NOTREACHED(); return; } scoped_refptr cookie_setter = new CookieSetter(); io_thread->message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( cookie_setter.get(), &CookieSetter::Set, url, cookie)); } // static std::string BrowserResourceLoaderBridge::GetCookies( const GURL& url, const GURL& first_party_for_cookies) { // Proxy to IO thread to synchronize w/ network loading if (!EnsureIOThread()) { NOTREACHED(); return std::string(); } scoped_refptr getter = new CookieGetter(); io_thread->message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( getter.get(), &CookieGetter::Get, url)); return getter->GetResult(); } // static bool BrowserResourceLoaderBridge::EnsureIOThread() { if (io_thread) return true; if (!request_context) BrowserResourceLoaderBridge::Init(NULL); io_thread = new IOThread(); base::Thread::Options options; options.message_loop_type = MessageLoop::TYPE_IO; return io_thread->StartWithOptions(options); } // static void BrowserResourceLoaderBridge::SetAcceptAllCookies(bool accept_all_cookies) { CookiePolicy::Type policy_type = accept_all_cookies ? CookiePolicy::ALLOW_ALL_COOKIES : CookiePolicy::BLOCK_THIRD_PARTY_COOKIES; request_context->cookie_policy()->set_type(policy_type); }