# Copyright (c) 2018 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights
# reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that
# can be found in the LICENSE file.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from cef_parser import *
from file_util import *
import os

# Other headers that export C API functions.

def make_libcef_dll_dylib_impl_parts(name, retval, args):
  # Split arguments into types and names.
  arg_types = ''
  arg_names = ''
  for arg in args:
    if len(arg_types) > 0:
      arg_types += ', '
      arg_names += ', '
    pos = arg.rfind(' ')
    arg_types += arg[0:pos]
    arg_names += arg[pos + 1:]

  declare = 'decltype(&%s) %s;\n' % (name, name)

  init = '  INIT_ENTRY(%s);' % name

  impl = """NO_SANITIZE("cfi-icall") %s %s(%s) {

""" % (retval, name, ', '.join(args), 'return '
       if retval != 'void' else '', name, arg_names)

  return (declare, init, impl)

def make_libcef_dll_dylib_impl_func(func):
  name = func.get_capi_name()
  parts = func.get_capi_parts([], True)
  retval = parts['retval']
  args = parts['args']
  return make_libcef_dll_dylib_impl_parts(name, retval, args)

def make_libcef_dll_dylib_impl(header):
  filenames = []
  includes = [
      '#include "include/base/cef_compiler_specific.h"',
      '#include "include/wrapper/cef_library_loader.h"',
  ptr_declare = ''
  ptr_init = ''
  ptr_impl = ''

  # Include required headers for global functions.
  for func in header.get_funcs():
    declare, init, impl = make_libcef_dll_dylib_impl_func(func)
    ptr_declare += declare
    ptr_init += init
    ptr_impl += impl

    filename = func.get_file_name()
    if not filename in filenames:
      includes.append('#include "include/capi/%s"' % func.get_capi_file_name())

  # Include required headers for static class functions.
  allclasses = header.get_classes()
  for cls in allclasses:
    funcs = cls.get_static_funcs()
    for func in funcs:
      declare, init, impl = make_libcef_dll_dylib_impl_func(func)
      ptr_declare += declare
      ptr_init += init
      ptr_impl += impl

    if len(funcs) > 0:
      filename = cls.get_file_name()
      if not filename in filenames:
        includes.append('#include "include/capi/%s"' % cls.get_capi_file_name())

  # Parse other headers.
  root_directory = header.get_root_directory()
  for other in OTHER_HEADERS:
    path = os.path.join(root_directory, other)
    content = read_file(path)
    funcs = get_function_impls(content, 'CEF_EXPORT', False)
    for func in funcs:
      declare, init, impl = make_libcef_dll_dylib_impl_parts(
          func['name'], func['retval'], func['args'])
      ptr_declare += declare
      ptr_init += init
      ptr_impl += impl

    includes.append('#include "include/%s"' % other)

  # Build the final output.
  result = get_copyright() + """

#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <stdio.h>

""" + "\n".join(sorted(includes)) + """

// GLOBAL WRAPPER FUNCTIONS - Do not edit by hand.

namespace {

void* g_libcef_handle = nullptr;

void* libcef_get_ptr(const char* path, const char* name) {
  void* ptr = dlsym(g_libcef_handle, name);
  if (!ptr) {
    fprintf(stderr, "dlsym %s: %s\\n", path, dlerror());
  return ptr;

struct libcef_pointers {
""" + ptr_declare + """
} g_libcef_pointers = {0};

#define INIT_ENTRY(name) \
  g_libcef_pointers.name = (decltype(&name))libcef_get_ptr(path, #name); \
  if (!g_libcef_pointers.name) { \
    return 0; \

int libcef_init_pointers(const char* path) {
""" + ptr_init + """
  return 1;

}  // namespace

int cef_load_library(const char* path) {
  if (g_libcef_handle)
    return 0;

  g_libcef_handle = dlopen(path, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL | RTLD_FIRST);
  if (!g_libcef_handle) {
    fprintf(stderr, "dlopen %s: %s\\n", path, dlerror());
    return 0;

  if (!libcef_init_pointers(path)) {
    return 0;

  return 1;

int cef_unload_library() {
  int result = 0;
  if (g_libcef_handle) {
    result = !dlclose(g_libcef_handle);
    if (!result) {
      fprintf(stderr, "dlclose: %s\\n", dlerror());
    g_libcef_handle = nullptr;
  return result;

""" + ptr_impl
  return result

def write_libcef_dll_dylib_impl(header, file):
  newcontents = make_libcef_dll_dylib_impl(header)
  return (file, newcontents)

# Test the module.
if __name__ == "__main__":
  import sys

  # Verify that the correct number of command-line arguments are provided.
  if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    sys.stderr.write('Usage: ' + sys.argv[0] + ' <cpp_header_dir>\n')

  cpp_header_dir = sys.argv[1]

  # Create the header object. Should match the logic in translator.py.
  header = obj_header()
  excluded_files = ['cef_api_hash.h', 'cef_application_mac.h', 'cef_version.h']
  header.add_directory(cpp_header_dir, excluded_files)
  header.add_directory(os.path.join(cpp_header_dir, 'test'))
  header.add_directory(os.path.join(cpp_header_dir, 'views'))

  # Dump the result to stdout.