// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "cef/libcef/browser/download_manager_delegate_impl.h" #include #include "base/files/file_util.h" #include "base/functional/bind.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/path_service.h" #include "base/strings/string_util.h" #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "cef/include/cef_download_handler.h" #include "cef/libcef/browser/browser_host_base.h" #include "cef/libcef/browser/context.h" #include "cef/libcef/browser/download_item_impl.h" #include "cef/libcef/browser/thread_util.h" #include "content/public/browser/browser_context.h" #include "content/public/browser/download_item_utils.h" #include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h" #include "net/base/filename_util.h" #include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/choosers/file_chooser.mojom.h" using content::DownloadManager; using content::WebContents; using download::DownloadItem; namespace { // Helper function to retrieve the CefDownloadHandler. CefRefPtr GetDownloadHandler( CefRefPtr browser) { CefRefPtr client = browser->GetClient(); if (client.get()) { return client->GetDownloadHandler(); } return nullptr; } void RunDownloadTargetCallback(download::DownloadTargetCallback callback, const base::FilePath& path) { download::DownloadTargetInfo target_info; target_info.target_path = path; target_info.intermediate_path = path; std::move(callback).Run(std::move(target_info)); } // CefBeforeDownloadCallback implementation. class CefBeforeDownloadCallbackImpl : public CefBeforeDownloadCallback { public: CefBeforeDownloadCallbackImpl(const base::WeakPtr& manager, uint32_t download_id, const base::FilePath& suggested_name, download::DownloadTargetCallback callback) : manager_(manager), download_id_(download_id), suggested_name_(suggested_name), callback_(std::move(callback)) {} CefBeforeDownloadCallbackImpl(const CefBeforeDownloadCallbackImpl&) = delete; CefBeforeDownloadCallbackImpl& operator=( const CefBeforeDownloadCallbackImpl&) = delete; void Continue(const CefString& download_path, bool show_dialog) override { if (CEF_CURRENTLY_ON_UIT()) { if (download_id_ <= 0) { return; } if (manager_) { base::FilePath path = base::FilePath(download_path); CEF_POST_USER_VISIBLE_TASK( base::BindOnce(&CefBeforeDownloadCallbackImpl::GenerateFilename, manager_, download_id_, suggested_name_, path, show_dialog, std::move(callback_))); } download_id_ = 0; } else { CEF_POST_TASK(CEF_UIT, base::BindOnce(&CefBeforeDownloadCallbackImpl::Continue, this, download_path, show_dialog)); } } bool IsDetached() const { return callback_.is_null(); } [[nodiscard]] download::DownloadTargetCallback Detach() { return std::move(callback_); } private: static void GenerateFilename(base::WeakPtr manager, uint32_t download_id, const base::FilePath& suggested_name, const base::FilePath& download_path, bool show_dialog, download::DownloadTargetCallback callback) { CEF_REQUIRE_BLOCKING(); base::FilePath suggested_path = download_path; if (!suggested_path.empty()) { // Create the directory if necessary. base::FilePath dir_path = suggested_path.DirName(); if (!base::DirectoryExists(dir_path) && !base::CreateDirectory(dir_path)) { DCHECK(false) << "failed to create the download directory"; suggested_path.clear(); } } if (suggested_path.empty()) { if (base::PathService::Get(base::DIR_TEMP, &suggested_path)) { // Use the temp directory. suggested_path = suggested_path.Append(suggested_name); } else { // Use the current working directory. suggested_path = suggested_name; } } CEF_POST_TASK( CEF_UIT, base::BindOnce(&CefBeforeDownloadCallbackImpl::ChooseDownloadPath, manager, download_id, suggested_path, show_dialog, std::move(callback))); } static void ChooseDownloadPath(base::WeakPtr manager, uint32_t download_id, const base::FilePath& suggested_path, bool show_dialog, download::DownloadTargetCallback callback) { if (!manager) { return; } DownloadItem* item = manager->GetDownload(download_id); if (!item || item->GetState() != DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS) { return; } bool handled = false; if (show_dialog) { WebContents* web_contents = content::DownloadItemUtils::GetWebContents(item); CefRefPtr browser = CefBrowserHostBase::GetBrowserForContents(web_contents); if (browser.get()) { handled = true; blink::mojom::FileChooserParams params; params.mode = blink::mojom::FileChooserParams::Mode::kSave; if (!suggested_path.empty()) { params.default_file_name = suggested_path; if (!suggested_path.Extension().empty()) { params.accept_types.push_back( CefString(suggested_path.Extension())); } } browser->RunFileChooserForBrowser( params, base::BindOnce( &CefBeforeDownloadCallbackImpl::ChooseDownloadPathCallback, std::move(callback))); } } if (!handled) { RunDownloadTargetCallback(std::move(callback), suggested_path); } } static void ChooseDownloadPathCallback( download::DownloadTargetCallback callback, const std::vector& file_paths) { DCHECK_LE(file_paths.size(), (size_t)1); base::FilePath path; if (file_paths.size() > 0) { path = file_paths.front(); } // The download will be cancelled if |path| is empty. RunDownloadTargetCallback(std::move(callback), path); } base::WeakPtr manager_; uint32_t download_id_; base::FilePath suggested_name_; download::DownloadTargetCallback callback_; IMPLEMENT_REFCOUNTING(CefBeforeDownloadCallbackImpl); }; // CefDownloadItemCallback implementation. class CefDownloadItemCallbackImpl : public CefDownloadItemCallback { public: explicit CefDownloadItemCallbackImpl( const base::WeakPtr& manager, uint32_t download_id) : manager_(manager), download_id_(download_id) {} CefDownloadItemCallbackImpl(const CefDownloadItemCallbackImpl&) = delete; CefDownloadItemCallbackImpl& operator=(const CefDownloadItemCallbackImpl&) = delete; void Cancel() override { CEF_POST_TASK(CEF_UIT, base::BindOnce(&CefDownloadItemCallbackImpl::DoCancel, this)); } void Pause() override { CEF_POST_TASK(CEF_UIT, base::BindOnce(&CefDownloadItemCallbackImpl::DoPause, this)); } void Resume() override { CEF_POST_TASK(CEF_UIT, base::BindOnce(&CefDownloadItemCallbackImpl::DoResume, this)); } private: void DoCancel() { if (download_id_ <= 0) { return; } if (manager_) { DownloadItem* item = manager_->GetDownload(download_id_); if (item && item->GetState() == DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS) { item->Cancel(true); } } download_id_ = 0; } void DoPause() { if (download_id_ <= 0) { return; } if (manager_) { DownloadItem* item = manager_->GetDownload(download_id_); if (item && item->GetState() == DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS) { item->Pause(); } } } void DoResume() { if (download_id_ <= 0) { return; } if (manager_) { DownloadItem* item = manager_->GetDownload(download_id_); if (item && item->CanResume()) { item->Resume(true); } } } base::WeakPtr manager_; uint32_t download_id_; IMPLEMENT_REFCOUNTING(CefDownloadItemCallbackImpl); }; } // namespace CefDownloadManagerDelegateImpl::CefDownloadManagerDelegateImpl( DownloadManager* manager, bool alloy_bootstrap) : manager_(manager), manager_ptr_factory_(manager), alloy_bootstrap_(alloy_bootstrap) { DCHECK(manager); manager->AddObserver(this); DownloadManager::DownloadVector items; manager->GetAllDownloads(&items); DownloadManager::DownloadVector::const_iterator it = items.begin(); for (; it != items.end(); ++it) { OnDownloadCreated(manager, *it); } } CefDownloadManagerDelegateImpl::~CefDownloadManagerDelegateImpl() { ResetManager(); } void CefDownloadManagerDelegateImpl::OnDownloadUpdated(DownloadItem* download) { CefRefPtr browser = GetBrowser(download); CefRefPtr handler; if (browser.get()) { handler = GetDownloadHandler(browser); } if (handler.get()) { CefRefPtr download_item( new CefDownloadItemImpl(download)); CefRefPtr callback(new CefDownloadItemCallbackImpl( manager_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), download->GetId())); handler->OnDownloadUpdated(browser.get(), download_item.get(), callback); std::ignore = download_item->Detach(nullptr); } } void CefDownloadManagerDelegateImpl::OnDownloadDestroyed(DownloadItem* item) { item->RemoveObserver(this); CefBrowserHostBase* browser = nullptr; ItemBrowserMap::iterator it = item_browser_map_.find(item); DCHECK(it != item_browser_map_.end()); if (it != item_browser_map_.end()) { browser = it->second; item_browser_map_.erase(it); } if (browser) { // Determine if any remaining DownloadItems are associated with the same // browser. If not, then unregister as an observer. bool has_remaining = false; ItemBrowserMap::const_iterator it2 = item_browser_map_.begin(); for (; it2 != item_browser_map_.end(); ++it2) { if (it2->second == browser) { has_remaining = true; break; } } if (!has_remaining) { browser->RemoveObserver(this); } } } void CefDownloadManagerDelegateImpl::OnDownloadCreated(DownloadManager* manager, DownloadItem* item) { // This callback may arrive after DetermineDownloadTarget, so we allow // association from either method. CefRefPtr browser = GetOrAssociateBrowser(item); if (!browser) { // If the download is rejected (e.g. ALT+click on an invalid protocol link) // then an "interrupted" download will be started via DownloadManagerImpl:: // StartDownloadWithId (originating from CreateInterruptedDownload) with no // associated WebContents and consequently no associated CEF browser. In // that case DetermineDownloadTarget will be called before this method. // TODO(cef): Figure out how to expose this via a client callback. const std::vector& url_chain = item->GetUrlChain(); if (!url_chain.empty()) { LOG(INFO) << "Rejected download of " << url_chain.back().spec(); } item->Cancel(true); } } void CefDownloadManagerDelegateImpl::ManagerGoingDown( DownloadManager* manager) { DCHECK_EQ(manager, manager_); ResetManager(); } bool CefDownloadManagerDelegateImpl::DetermineDownloadTarget( DownloadItem* item, download::DownloadTargetCallback* callback) { if (alloy_bootstrap_) { const auto& forced_path = item->GetForcedFilePath(); if (!forced_path.empty()) { RunDownloadTargetCallback(std::move(*callback), forced_path); return true; } } // This callback may arrive before OnDownloadCreated, so we allow association // from either method. CefRefPtr browser = GetOrAssociateBrowser(item); if (!browser) { // Cancel by default with Alloy bootstrap. return alloy_bootstrap_; } bool handled = false; CefRefPtr handler = GetDownloadHandler(browser); if (handler) { base::FilePath suggested_name = net::GenerateFileName( item->GetURL(), item->GetContentDisposition(), std::string(), item->GetSuggestedFilename(), item->GetMimeType(), "download"); CefRefPtr download_item(new CefDownloadItemImpl(item)); CefRefPtr callbackObj( new CefBeforeDownloadCallbackImpl(manager_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), item->GetId(), suggested_name, std::move(*callback))); handled = handler->OnBeforeDownload(browser.get(), download_item.get(), suggested_name.value(), callbackObj.get()); if (!handled && callbackObj->IsDetached()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Should return true from OnBeforeDownload when executing " "the callback"; handled = true; } if (!handled) { *callback = callbackObj->Detach(); } std::ignore = download_item->Detach(nullptr); } // Cancel by default with Alloy style. return handled ? true : alloy_bootstrap_; } void CefDownloadManagerDelegateImpl::OnBrowserDestroyed( CefBrowserHostBase* browser) { ItemBrowserMap::iterator it = item_browser_map_.begin(); for (; it != item_browser_map_.end(); ++it) { if (it->second == browser) { // Don't call back into browsers that have been destroyed. We're not // canceling the download so it will continue silently until it completes // or until the associated browser context is destroyed. it->second = nullptr; } } } CefRefPtr CefDownloadManagerDelegateImpl::GetOrAssociateBrowser( download::DownloadItem* item) { ItemBrowserMap::const_iterator it = item_browser_map_.find(item); if (it != item_browser_map_.end()) { return it->second; } CefRefPtr browser; content::WebContents* contents = content::DownloadItemUtils::GetWebContents(item); if (contents) { browser = CefBrowserHostBase::GetBrowserForContents(contents); LOG_IF(WARNING, !browser) << "No CefBrowser for download item"; } if (!browser) { return nullptr; } item->AddObserver(this); item_browser_map_.insert(std::make_pair(item, browser.get())); // Register as an observer so that we can cancel associated DownloadItems when // the browser is destroyed. if (!browser->HasObserver(this)) { browser->AddObserver(this); } return browser; } CefRefPtr CefDownloadManagerDelegateImpl::GetBrowser( DownloadItem* item) { ItemBrowserMap::const_iterator it = item_browser_map_.find(item); if (it != item_browser_map_.end()) { return it->second; } // If the download is rejected (e.g. ALT+click on an invalid protocol link) // then an "interrupted" download will be started via DownloadManagerImpl:: // StartDownloadWithId (originating from CreateInterruptedDownload) with no // associated WebContents and consequently no associated CEF browser. In that // case DetermineDownloadTarget will be called before OnDownloadCreated. DCHECK(!content::DownloadItemUtils::GetWebContents(item)); return nullptr; } void CefDownloadManagerDelegateImpl::ResetManager() { if (manager_) { if (alloy_bootstrap_) { manager_->SetDelegate(nullptr); } manager_->RemoveObserver(this); manager_ptr_factory_.InvalidateWeakPtrs(); manager_ = nullptr; } while (!item_browser_map_.empty()) { OnDownloadDestroyed(item_browser_map_.begin()->first); } }