- Add CefBrowser::Get*Frame() methods for retrieving the appropriate CefFrame instance.
- Add a CefFrame attribute to CefHandler callback methods where appropriate.
- Add support for V8 JavaScript extensions and values via CefV8Value and CefV8Handler. Native C++ and user-defined JavaScript object hierarchies may now be created and accessed using the CEF API.
- Remove the CefHandler and CefVariant classes and related CefBrowser methods that have been obsoleted by the addition of CEF V8 support.
- Add the CefRegisterExtension() function for registering system-wide V8 extensions.
- Add the CefHandler::HandleJSBinding() callback method for attaching V8 values to the global frame JavaScript object. This method replaces the previous technique of calling CefBrowser::AddJSHandler().
- Add new wrapper template methods for simplifying DLL wrapper implementations.
- Move cef_string* files from libcef_dll to libcef so that projects can link libcef statically without errors.
- Fix crashes when CEF exits due to object constructors being executed on non-UI threads if the application is closed while a page is still loading.
- Update the cefclient project to reflect changes and demonstrate the new APIs.
git-svn-id: https://chromiumembedded.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@26 5089003a-bbd8-11dd-ad1f-f1f9622dbc98
- Fix ASSERT in CefBrowserImpl::UIT_GetPagesCount() when no default printer is configured (Issue #20).
- Remove non-existent WebFrame objects while iterating over the bound object list in CefJSContainer::BindToJavascript(). WebFrame objects are destroyed when navigating from a page with more frames to a page with less frames. If we don't remove the non-existent frames they will remain in the list until the browser window is destroyed.
- Don't call UIT_* functions from class destructors as destruction may occur on a different thread.
libcef: Update due to underlying chromium changes.
- Header file locations changed from third_party/WebKit/WebKit to webkit/api as a result of WebKit unforking.
- Project file locations changed due to GYP now being used for WebKit builds.
- Add simple_clipboard_impl.cc in the libcef directory because it has been moved from webkit/glue to test_shell.
- Changes related to navigation.
- New parameters added to WebViewDelegate methods.
libcef_dll: Update due to underlying chromium changes.
- webkit_resources.rc and webkit_strings_en-US.rc moved from grit_derived_sources to obj/global_intermediate/webkit.
git-svn-id: https://chromiumembedded.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@24 5089003a-bbd8-11dd-ad1f-f1f9622dbc98
- Add WebKit-based printing support.
- Add re-sizable text area support.
- In release build, only log error messages and above.
- Modify cef.sln to point at new file locations for dynamically generated project files.
- More webkit_glue and webkit_init reorganization.
- Movement towards using Web* basic types.
- Include WebKit headers using the full path.
- Add app cache support in ResourceLoaderBridge.
- Method/member changes in WebViewDelegate.
- Simplify code in PrintSettings.
- Remove the WM_DESTROY and WM_NCDESTROY cases in WebWidgetHost::WndProc() to avoid a crash when closing a browser window via a DestroyWindow() call on a parent window.
- Add webkit_resources.rc and webkit_strings_en-US.rc to the project in order to support localized strings.
git-svn-id: https://chromiumembedded.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@23 5089003a-bbd8-11dd-ad1f-f1f9622dbc98
- Add unique IDs for browser instances because ResourceLoaderBridge::Create() now receives a routing ID instead of a WebFrame pointer. The unique ID is assigned to a browser in CefContext::AddBrowser() and attached to a request in BrowserWebViewDelegate::WillSendRequest().
- Add upload progress notification support to resource loader bridge.
- WebFrame::ExecuteJavaScript() changed to WebFrame::ExecuteScript().
- More functions moved into webkit_glue::WebKitClientImpl.
git-svn-id: https://chromiumembedded.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@22 5089003a-bbd8-11dd-ad1f-f1f9622dbc98
- Add support for specifying the cache location (file path or in-memory) via a new 'cache_path' parameter to CefInitialize().
- Create popup windows with a NULL parent window handle so that they don't stay on top of the original application window.
- Properly handle address change and title change for popup windows.
- Add a test for creating a popup window.
git-svn-id: https://chromiumembedded.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@18 5089003a-bbd8-11dd-ad1f-f1f9622dbc98
- Fix problem displaying select lists due to ordering of focus events in WebWidgetHost::MouseEvent() (issue #17).
- Add new BrowserWebKitInit class and related webkit_glue changes.
- Add webkit_glue::InitializeTextEncoding() function called from the main thread in CefContext::Initialize() to avoid an assert in third_party\WebKit\WebCore\platform\text\TextEncodingRegistry.cpp buildBaseTextCodecMaps().
- V8NPObject::v8_object member renamed to V8NPObject::v8Object.
- Add WebKit project dependency.
- Fix crash when creating a popup window due to not duplicating the m_windowName member in cpptoc\handler_cpptoc.cc handler_handle_before_created().
git-svn-id: https://chromiumembedded.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@17 5089003a-bbd8-11dd-ad1f-f1f9622dbc98
- The libcef project now builds libcef_static.lib instead of libcef.lib.
- The libcef_dll project builds libcef.lib and libcef.dll. This DLL exports the new CEF C API defined in cef_capi.h, cef_nplugin_capi.h, cef_string.h and cef_string_map.h.
- The libcef_dll_wrapper project builds libcef_dll_wrapper.lib. This static library wraps the new C API calls with an implementation of the CEF C++ interface as defined in cef.h and cef_nplugin.h.
- The cefclient project now uses the DLL instead of the static library.
- Type definitions have been moved from cef.h to cef_types.h so that they can be shared by both cef.h and cef_capi.h. This change required some enumeration member name modifications throughout the code base.
- Fixed variable naming inconsistencies.
- Added CefVariant::GetArraySize() method and _NPN_ArrayObjectGetVectorSize() function.
- Remove the ProjectSection(WebsiteProperties) sections from cef.sln to improve VS2005 performance.
git-svn-id: https://chromiumembedded.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@16 5089003a-bbd8-11dd-ad1f-f1f9622dbc98