This change adds a `--use-default-popup` command-line option to cefclient. When
specified, popup windows will be created with default styling (e.g. without an
application-provided native parent window).
This change also adds some reasonable default window bounds in cases where they
are not specified by the client.
This change adds Chrome runtime support on Windows and Linux for creating a
browser parented to a native window supplied by the client application.
Expected API usage and window behavior is similar to what already exists with
the Alloy runtime. The parent window handle should be specified by using
CefWindowInfo::SetAsChild in combination with the CefBrowserHost::CreateBrowser
and CefLifeSpanHandler::OnBeforePopup callbacks.
The previously existing behavior of creating a fully-featured Chrome browser
window when empty CefWindowInfo is used with CreateBrowser remains unchanged
and Views is still the preferred API for creating top-level Chrome windows
with custom styling (e.g. title bar only, frameless, etc).
The cefclient Popup Window test with a native parent window continues to crash
on Linux with both the Alloy and Chrome runtimes (see issue #3165).
Also adds Chrome runtime support for CefDisplayHandler::OnCursorChange.
To test:
- Run `cefclient --enable-chrome-runtime [--use-views]` for the default (and
previously existing) Views-based behavior.
- Run `cefclient --enable-chrome-runtime --use-native` for the new native
parent window behavior.
- Run `cefclient --enable-chrome-runtime --use-native --no-activate` and the
window will not be activated (take input focus) on launch (Windows only).
- Run `cefclient --enable-chrome-runtime [--use-views|--use-native]
--mouse-cursor-change-disabled` and the mouse cursor will not change on
mouseover of DOM elements.
This change adds `CefBrowserSettings.chrome_status_bubble` for controlling
whether the Chrome status bubble will be used.
Testable in cefclient by passing the `--hide-chrome-status-bubble`
command-line flag.
To test:
Run `cefclient.exe --use-views --hide-frame --hide-controls`
Add `--enable-chrome-runtime` for the same behavior using the Chrome location
bar instead of a text field.
Widevine CDM binaries will be downloaded on supported platforms shortly after
application startup. Widevine support will then become available within a few
seconds after successful installation on Windows or after the next application
restart on other platforms. The CDM files will be downloaded to a "WidevineCdm"
directory inside the `CefSettings.user_data_path` directory.
Pass the `--disable-component-update` command-line flag to disable Widevine
download and installation. Pass the `--component-updater=fast-update` command-
line flag to force Widevine download immediately after application startup.
See the related issue for additional usage details.
- Convert scoped_ptr to std::unique_ptr from <memory>
- Convert arraysize to base::size from include/base/cef_cxx17_backports.h
- Convert NULL to nullptr
- Include include/base/cef_callback.h instead of include/base/cef_bind.h
- Implicit conversion of CefRefPtr<T> or scoped_refptr<T> to T* is gone;
use .get() instead
See the issue for additional details.
The Chrome runtime requires that cookieable scheme information be available
at Profile initialization time because it also triggers NetworkContext creation
at the same time. To make this possible, and to avoid various race conditions
when setting state, the cookieable scheme configuration has been added as
|cookieable_schemes_list| and |cookieable_schemes_exclude_defaults| in
CefSettings and CefBrowserContextSettings. The CefCookieManager::
SetSupportedSchemes and CefBrowserProcessHandler::GetCookieableSchemes methods
are no longer required and have been removed.
This change also modifies chrome to delay OffTheRecordProfileImpl initialization
so that |ChromeBrowserContext::profile_| can be set before
ChromeContentBrowserClientCef::ConfigureNetworkContextParams calls
CefBrowserContext::FromBrowserContext to retrieve the ChromeBrowserContext
and associated cookieable scheme information. Otherwise, the
ChromeBrowserContext will not be matched and the NetworkContext will not be
configured correctly.
The CookieTest suite now passes with the Chrome runtime enabled.
GTK3 is required by the Chrome runtime. The cefclient off-screen rendering
example no longer works with Ubuntu 16.04. With end-of-life in April 2021
we are dropping support for 16.04 in the near future in any case.
This change adds support for:
- Protocol and request handling.
- Loading and navigation events.
- Display and focus events.
- Mouse/keyboard events.
- Popup browsers.
- Callbacks in the renderer process.
- Misc. functionality required for ceftests.
This change also adds a new CefBrowserProcessHandler::GetCookieableSchemes
callback for configuring global state that will be applied to all
CefCookieManagers by default. This global callback is currently required by the
chrome runtime because the primary ProfileImpl is created via
ChromeBrowserMainParts::PreMainMessageLoopRun (CreatePrimaryProfile) before
OnContextCreated can be called.
ProfileImpl will use the "C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Local\CEF\User Data\Default"
directory by default (on Windows). Cookies may persist in this directory when
running ceftests and may need to be manually deleted if those tests fail.
Remaining work includes:
- Support for client-created request contexts.
- Embedding the browser in a Views hierarchy (cefclient support).
- TryCloseBrowser and DoClose support.
- Most of the CefSettings configuration.
- DevTools protocol and window control (ShowDevTools, ExecuteDevToolsMethod).
- CEF-specific WebUI pages (about, license, webui-hosts).
- Context menu customization (CefContextMenuHandler).
- Auto resize (SetAutoResizeEnabled).
- Zoom settings (SetZoomLevel).
- File dialog runner (RunFileDialog).
- File and JS dialog handlers (CefDialogHandler, CefJSDialogHandler).
- Extension loading (LoadExtension, etc).
- Plugin loading (OnBeforePluginLoad).
- Widevine loading (CefRegisterWidevineCdm).
- PDF and print preview does not display.
- Crash reporting is untested.
- Mac: Web content loads but does not display.
The following ceftests are now passing when run with the
"--enable-chrome-runtime" command-line flag:
- CefURLRequest::Create is no longer supported in the renderer process
(see Use CefFrame::CreateURLRequest instead.
- Mac platform definitions have been changed from `MACOSX` to `MAC`
(see and related CMake macro names have
been updated. The old `OS_MACOSX` define is still set in code and CMake
for backwards compatibility.
- Linux ARM build is currently broken (see
With site-per-process enabled a spare renderer process will be created
for use with a future browser or navigation. Consequently the
|extra_info| parameter populated in OnRenderProcessThreadCreated will no
longer be delivered to OnRenderThreadCreated in the expected renderer
process. To avoid confusion these callbacks have been removed completely.
After this change CefRenderProcessHandler::OnWebKitInitialized should
be used for startup tasks in the render process, and OnBrowserCreated
should be used in the render process to recieve |extra_info| passed from
CefBrowserHost::CreateBrowser or CefLifeSpanHandler::OnBeforePopup.
This change allows the client to directly send and receive DevTools
protocol messages (send method calls, and receive method results and
events) without requiring a DevTools front-end or remote-debugging
This change includes additional supporting changes:
- Add a new CefRequestHandler::OnDocumentAvailableInMainFrame
callback (see issue #1454).
- Add a CefParseJSON variant that accepts a UTF8-encoded buffer.
- Add a `--devtools-protocol-log-file=<path>` command-line flag for
logging protocol messages sent to/from the DevTools front-end
while it is displayed. This is useful for understanding existing
DevTools protocol usage.
- Add a new "libcef_static_unittests" executable target to support
light-weight unit tests of libcef_static internals (e.g. without
requiring exposure via the CEF API). Files to be unittested are
placed in the new "libcef_static_unittested" source_set which is
then included by both the existing libcef_static library and the
new unittests executable target.
- Linux: Remove use_bundled_fontconfig=false, which is no longer
required and causes unittest build errors (see issue #2424).
This change also adds a cefclient demo for configuring offline mode
using the DevTools protocol (fixes issue #245). This is controlled
by the "Offline mode" context menu option and the `--offline`
command-line switch which will launch cefclient in offline mode. When
cefclient is offline all network requests will fail with
ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED and navigator.onLine will return false when
called from JavaScript in any frame. This mode is per-browser so
newly created browser windows will have the default mode. Note that
configuring offline mode in this way will not update the Network tab
UI ("Throtting" option) in a displayed DevTools front-end instance.
This change moves the SendProcessMessage method from CefBrowser to CefFrame and
adds CefBrowser parameters to OnProcessMessageReceived and
The internal implementation has changed as follows:
- Frame IDs are now a 64-bit combination of the 32-bit render_process_id and
render_routing_id values that uniquely identify a RenderFrameHost (RFH).
- CefFrameHostImpl objects are now managed by CefBrowserInfo with life span tied
to RFH expectations. Specifically, a CefFrameHostImpl object representing a
sub-frame will be created when a RenderFrame is created in the renderer
process and detached when the associated RenderFrame is deleted or the
renderer process in which it runs has died.
- The CefFrameHostImpl object representing the main frame will always be valid
but the underlying RFH (and associated frame ID) may change over time as a
result of cross-origin navigations. Despite these changes calling LoadURL on
the main frame object in the browser process will always navigate as expected.
- Speculative RFHs, which may be created as a result of a cross-origin
navigation and discarded if that navigation is not committed, are now handled
correctly (e.g. ignored in most cases until they're committed).
- It is less likely, but still possible, to receive a CefFrame object with an
invalid frame ID (ID < 0). This can happen in cases where a RFH has not yet
been created for a sub-frame. For example, when OnBeforeBrowse is called
before initiating navigation in a previously nonexisting sub-frame.
To test: All tests pass with NetworkService enabled and disabled.
The optional |extra_info| parameter provides an opportunity to specify extra
information specific to the created browser that will be passed to
CefRenderProcessHandler::OnBrowserCreated() in the render process.
With this change the CefCookieManager::SetSupportedSchemes method can be used
to disable all loading and saving of cookies for the associated request context.
This matches functionality that was previously available via GetBlockingManager.
This change also fixes a bug where Set-Cookie headers returned for a request
handled via CefSchemeHandlerFactory would be ignored if there was not also a
CefResourceRequestHandler returned for the request.
To test: All CookieTest.* tests pass.
Implementation notes:
- Chromium change: CookieMonster::SetCookieableSchemes needs to be called
immediately after the CookieMonster is created in NetworkContext::
ApplyContextParamsToBuilder. Add a Profile::GetCookieableSchemes method and
NetworkContextParams.cookieable_schemes member (set from
ProfileNetworkContextService::CreateNetworkContextParams) to support that.
- Chromium change: Add a ContentBrowserClient::HandleExternalProtocol variant
that exposes additional NetworkService request information.
- GetResourceResponseFilter is not yet implemented.
API changes:
- Resource-related callbacks have been moved from CefRequestHandler to a new
CefResourceRequestHandler interface which is returned via the
GetResourceRequestHandler method. If the CefRequestHandler declines to handle
a resource it can optionally be handled by the CefRequestContextHandler, if
any, associated with the loading context.
- The OnProtocolExecution callback has been moved from CefRequestHandler to
CefResourceRequestHandler and will be called if a custom scheme request is
- Cookie send/save permission callbacks have been moved from CefRequestHandler
and CefResourceHandler to CefResourceRequestHandler.
- New methods added to CefResourceHandler that better match NetworkService
execution sequence expectations. The old methods are now deprecated.
- New methods added to CefRequest and CefResponse.
Known behavior changes with the NetworkService implementation:
- Modifying the |new_url| parameter in OnResourceRedirect will no longer result
in the method being called an additional time (likely a bug in the old
- Modifying the request URL in OnResourceResponse would previously cause a
redirect. This behavior is now deprecated because the NetworkService does not
support this functionality when using default network loaders. Temporary
support has been added in combination with CefResourceHandler usage only.
- Other changes to the request object in OnResourceResponse will now cause the
request to be restarted. This means that OnBeforeResourceLoad, etc, will be
called an additional time with the new request information.
- CefResponse::GetMimeType will now be empty for non-200 responses.
- Requests using custom schemes can now be handled via CefResourceRequestHandler
with the same callback behavior as builtin schemes.
- Redirects of custom scheme requests will now be followed as expected.
- Default handling of builtin schemes can now be disabled by setting
|disable_default_handling| to true in GetResourceRequestHandler.
- Unhandled requests (custom scheme or builtin scheme with default handling
disabled) will fail with an CefResponse::GetError value of
- The CefSchemeHandlerFactory::Create callback will now include cookie headers.
To test:
- Run `cefclient --enable-network-service`. All resources should load
successfully (this tests the transparent proxy capability).
- All tests pass with NetworkService disabled.
- The following tests pass with NetworkService enabled:
- CookieTest.*
- FrameTest.* (excluding .*Nav)
- NavigationTest.* (excluding .Redirect*)
- RequestHandlerTest.*
- RequestContextTest.Basic*
- RequestContextTest.Popup*
- RequestTest.*
- ResourceManagerTest.*
- ResourceRequestHandlerTest.* (excluding .Filter*)
- SchemeHandlerTest.*
- StreamResourceHandlerTest.*
Under ARC (Automatic Reference Counting), assigning to an Objective-C
pointer has different semantics than assigning to a void* pointer.
This makes it dangerous to treat the same memory address as an
Objective-C pointer in some cases and as a "regular C pointer" in
other cases.
This change removes the conditional type defines and instead uses
void* everywhere. Explicit type casting in combination with ARC
annotations makes it safe to get typed Objective-C pointers from the
void* pointers.
This change enables ARC by default in the CEF binary distribution CMake
configuration for the cefclient and cefsimple sample applications. It can be
disabled by adding `-DOPTION_USE_ARC=Off` to the CMake command line.
ARC is not supported when building Chromium due to the substantial
number of changes that would be required in the Chromium code base.
This change removes cookie and request handler functionality that will not
supported by the NetworkService. Specifically, it is no longer possible to
change cookie storage locations at runime by returning a different
CefCookieManager for an already initialized CefRequestContext. After this change
you will need to use a separate CefRequestContext when creating a CefBrowser if
you require separate cookie storage.
The following methods have been removed:
- CefCookieManager::CreateManager
- CefCookieManager::GetBlockingManager
- CefCookieManager::SetStoragePath
- CefRequestContextHandler::GetCookieManager
The following methods have been renamed:
- CefRequestContext::GetDefaultCookieManager to GetCookieManager.
This change substantially simplifies the network implementation in CEF because
it is no longer necessary to proxy objects that are normally owned by Chromium.
Chromium patches that are no longer necessary will be removed as a follow-up
To test: Verify that `ceftests --gtest_filter=-PluginTest.*` pass with
NetworkService disabled. Plugin tests will be fixed in a follow-up commit.
- Add CefRequestContext::LoadExtension, CefExtension, CefExtensionHandler and
related methods/interfaces.
- Add chrome://extensions-support that lists supported Chrome APIs.
- Add CefBrowserHost::SetAutoResizeEnabled and CefDisplayHandler::OnAutoResize
to support browser resize based on preferred web contents size.
- views: Add support for custom CefMenuButton popups.
- cefclient: Run with `--load-extension=set_page_color` command-line flag for
an extension loading example. Add `--use-views` on Windows and Linux for an
even better example.