Chrome currently uses chrome_100_percent.pak, chrome_200_percent.pak,
resources.pak and locales/<locale>.pak files. This change adds CEF
resources to those existing pak files and updates the Alloy runtime to
use them instead of the previous CEF-specific pak files (cef.pak,
cef_100_percent.pak, cef_200_percent.pak, cef_extensions.pak,
devtools_resources.pak) which are no longer generated.
The addition of Chrome resources results in an ~16% (~4.1MB) increase in total
combined pak file size vs. the previous CEF-specific pak files. While a size
increase is not ideal for the Alloy runtime, it seems preferable to the
alternative of distributing separate (and partially duplicated) pak files for
each runtime, which would have added ~9.8MB to the total binary distribution
This change adds support for:
- Protocol and request handling.
- Loading and navigation events.
- Display and focus events.
- Mouse/keyboard events.
- Popup browsers.
- Callbacks in the renderer process.
- Misc. functionality required for ceftests.
This change also adds a new CefBrowserProcessHandler::GetCookieableSchemes
callback for configuring global state that will be applied to all
CefCookieManagers by default. This global callback is currently required by the
chrome runtime because the primary ProfileImpl is created via
ChromeBrowserMainParts::PreMainMessageLoopRun (CreatePrimaryProfile) before
OnContextCreated can be called.
ProfileImpl will use the "C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Local\CEF\User Data\Default"
directory by default (on Windows). Cookies may persist in this directory when
running ceftests and may need to be manually deleted if those tests fail.
Remaining work includes:
- Support for client-created request contexts.
- Embedding the browser in a Views hierarchy (cefclient support).
- TryCloseBrowser and DoClose support.
- Most of the CefSettings configuration.
- DevTools protocol and window control (ShowDevTools, ExecuteDevToolsMethod).
- CEF-specific WebUI pages (about, license, webui-hosts).
- Context menu customization (CefContextMenuHandler).
- Auto resize (SetAutoResizeEnabled).
- Zoom settings (SetZoomLevel).
- File dialog runner (RunFileDialog).
- File and JS dialog handlers (CefDialogHandler, CefJSDialogHandler).
- Extension loading (LoadExtension, etc).
- Plugin loading (OnBeforePluginLoad).
- Widevine loading (CefRegisterWidevineCdm).
- PDF and print preview does not display.
- Crash reporting is untested.
- Mac: Web content loads but does not display.
The following ceftests are now passing when run with the
"--enable-chrome-runtime" command-line flag:
- CefURLRequest::Create is no longer supported in the renderer process
(see Use CefFrame::CreateURLRequest instead.
- Mac platform definitions have been changed from `MACOSX` to `MAC`
(see and related CMake macro names have
been updated. The old `OS_MACOSX` define is still set in code and CMake
for backwards compatibility.
- Linux ARM build is currently broken (see
With site-per-process enabled a spare renderer process will be created
for use with a future browser or navigation. Consequently the
|extra_info| parameter populated in OnRenderProcessThreadCreated will no
longer be delivered to OnRenderThreadCreated in the expected renderer
process. To avoid confusion these callbacks have been removed completely.
After this change CefRenderProcessHandler::OnWebKitInitialized should
be used for startup tasks in the render process, and OnBrowserCreated
should be used in the render process to recieve |extra_info| passed from
CefBrowserHost::CreateBrowser or CefLifeSpanHandler::OnBeforePopup.
- Windows: 10.0.19041 SDK is now required.
- macOS: 10.15.1 SDK (at least Xcode 11.2) is now required.
- Remove CefMediaSource::IsValid and CefMediaSink::IsValid which would
always return true.
This change moves shared resource initialization to a common location and
disables crash reporting initialization in chrome/ code via patch files.
When using the Chrome runtime on macOS the Chrome application window will
display, but web content is currently blank and the application does not
exit cleanly. This will need to be debugged further in the future.
This change adds basic Chrome runtime implementations for CefBrowserContext
and CefBrowserPlatformDelegate. A Chrome browser window with default frame
and styling can now be created using CefBrowserHost::CreateBrowser and some
CefClient callbacks will be triggered via the WebContentsObserver
implementation in CefBrowserHostImpl.
Any additional browser windows created via the Chrome UI will be unmanaged
by CEF. The application message loop will block until all browser windows
have been closed by the user.
Existing CefBrowserContext functionality is now split between
CefBrowserContext and AlloyBrowserContext. Runtime implementations of
CefBrowserContext will provide access to the content::BrowserContext and
Profile types via different inheritance paths. For example, the Alloy
runtime uses ChromeProfileAlloy and the Chrome runtime uses ProfileImpl.
This change also renames CefResourceContext to CefIOThreadState to more
accurately represent its purpose as it no longer needs to extend
This is the first pass in removing direct dependencies on the Alloy
runtime from code that can potentially be shared between runtimes.
CefBrowserHost and CefRequestContext APIs (including CefCookieManager,
CefURLRequest, etc.) are not yet implemented for the Chrome runtime.
Assert early if these API methods are called while the Chrome runtime
is enabled.
As part of introducing the Chrome runtime we now need to distinguish
between the classes that implement the current CEF runtime and the
classes the implement the shared CEF library/runtime structure and
public API. We choose the name Alloy for the current CEF runtime
because it describes a combination of Chrome and other elements.
Shared CEF library/runtime classes will continue to use the Cef
prefix. Classes that implement the Alloy or Chrome runtime will use
the Alloy or Chrome prefixes respectively. Classes that extend an
existing Chrome-prefixed class will add the Cef or Alloy suffix,
thereby following the existing naming pattern of Chrome-derived
This change applies the new naming pattern to an initial set of
runtime-related classes. Additional classes/files will be renamed
and moved as the Chrome runtime implementation progresses.
Running `cefsimple --enable-chrome-runtime` will create and run a
Chrome browser window using the CEF app methods, and call
CefApp::OnContextInitialized as expected. CEF task methods also
work as expected in the main process. No browser-related methods or
callbacks are currently supported for the Chrome window, and the
application will exit when the last Chrome window closes.
The Chrome runtime requires resources.pak, chrome_100_percent.pak
and chrome_200_percent.pak files which were not previously built
with CEF. It shares the existing locales pak files which have been
updated to include additional Chrome-specific strings.
On Linux, the Chrome runtime requires GTK so use_gtk=true must be
specified via GN_DEFINES when building.
This change also refactors the CEF runtime, which can be tested in
the various supported modes by running:
$ cefclient
$ cefclient --multi-threaded-message-loop
$ cefclient --external-message-pump
CefContext implements the public CEF API functions and delegates
the stages of content & service_manager process execution to
CefMainRunner. CEF-specific runtime logic (which may be replaced
with chrome-specific runtime logic) is then delegated to
CefMainDelegate which implements content::ContentMainDelegate.
This change allows the client to directly send and receive DevTools
protocol messages (send method calls, and receive method results and
events) without requiring a DevTools front-end or remote-debugging
This change includes additional supporting changes:
- Add a new CefRequestHandler::OnDocumentAvailableInMainFrame
callback (see issue #1454).
- Add a CefParseJSON variant that accepts a UTF8-encoded buffer.
- Add a `--devtools-protocol-log-file=<path>` command-line flag for
logging protocol messages sent to/from the DevTools front-end
while it is displayed. This is useful for understanding existing
DevTools protocol usage.
- Add a new "libcef_static_unittests" executable target to support
light-weight unit tests of libcef_static internals (e.g. without
requiring exposure via the CEF API). Files to be unittested are
placed in the new "libcef_static_unittested" source_set which is
then included by both the existing libcef_static library and the
new unittests executable target.
- Linux: Remove use_bundled_fontconfig=false, which is no longer
required and causes unittest build errors (see issue #2424).
This change also adds a cefclient demo for configuring offline mode
using the DevTools protocol (fixes issue #245). This is controlled
by the "Offline mode" context menu option and the `--offline`
command-line switch which will launch cefclient in offline mode. When
cefclient is offline all network requests will fail with
ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED and navigator.onLine will return false when
called from JavaScript in any frame. This mode is per-browser so
newly created browser windows will have the default mode. Note that
configuring offline mode in this way will not update the Network tab
UI ("Throtting" option) in a displayed DevTools front-end instance.
This change also restores the Chromium default values for the
SameSiteByDefaultCookies and CookiesWithoutSameSiteMustBeSecure features. See for feature details and rollout
Chromium supports communication with media devices on the local network via
the Cast and DIAL protocols. This takes two primary forms:
1. Messaging, where strings representing state information are passed between
the client and a dedicated receiver app on the media device. The receiver
app communicates directly with an app-specific backend service to retrieve
and possibly control media playback.
2. Tab/desktop mirroring, where the media contents are streamed directly from
the browser to a generic streaming app on the media device and playback is
controlled by the browser.
This change adds support for device discovery and messaging (but not
mirroring) with functionality exposed via the new CefMediaRouter interface.
To test: Navigate to http://tests/media_router in cefclient and follow the
on-screen instructions.
The PDF loading documentation in has be updated to
describe the new code paths.
To support delivery of input events to the mime handler renderer process it is
now necessary to route events via the correct RWHV interface. For Aura-based
platforms (Windows/Linux) this means RWHVAura::On*Event and for macOS this
means RWHVMac::RouteOrProcess*Event. Since Aura uses UI event types these have
become the source of truth on Aura-based platforms with conversion to Web event
types when needed (primarily for OSR).
This change also adds a timeout for CefProcessHostMsg_GetNewBrowserInfo to
avoid a hung renderer process if the guest WebContents route is not
registered via CefMimeHandlerViewGuestDelegate::OnGuestDetached as expected
prior to CefBrowserInfoManager::OnGetNewBrowserInfo being called. This
timeout can be disabled for testing purposes by passing the
`--disable-new-browser-info-timeout` command-line flag.
The `--disable-features=MimeHandlerViewInCrossProcessFrame` command-line
flag can be used for a limited time to restore the previous implementation
based on BrowserPlugin. That implementation will be deleted starting with
the 3897 branch update.
Known issues:
- ExecuteJavaScript calls on the frame hosting the PDF extension will not
be routed to the mime handler renderer process.
- The PDF extension will not load successfully if blocked by
ChromePluginPlaceholder and then manually continued via the "Run this
plugin" context menu option (see
Remove the local thread object in favor of setting the ui_thread_ field
directly. This avoids the race between ui_thread_.swap(thread) and