The call to SelectNativeTheme from ChromeBrowserFrame::Initialized was
causing Widget::ThemeChanged reentrancy via OnColorProviderCacheResetMissed
when running with `--enable-chrome-runtime --use-native`. Make all calls to
ThemeChanged async to avoid this and possible future issues.
Controls now respect OS and Chrome themes by default for both Alloy
and Chrome runtimes. Chrome themes (mode and colors) can be configured
using the new CefRequestContext::SetChromeColorScheme method. Individual
theme colors can be overridden using the new CefWindowDelegate::
OnThemeColorsChanged and CefWindow::SetThemeColor methods.
The `--force-light-mode` and `--force-dark-mode` command-line flags are
now respected on all platforms as an override for the OS theme.
The current Chrome theme, if any, will take precedence over the OS theme
when determining light/dark status. On Windows and MacOS the titlebar
color will also be updated to match the light/dark theme.
Testable as follows:
- Run: `cefclient --enable-chrome-runtime` OR
`cefclient --use-views --persist-user-preferences --cache-path=...`
- App launches with default OS light/dark theme colors.
- Change OS dark/light theme under system settings. Notice that theme
colors change as expected.
- Right click, select items from the new Theme sub-menu. Notice that
theme colors behave as expected.
- Exit and relaunch the app. Notice that the last-used theme colors are
applied on app restart.
- Add `--background-color=green` to above command-line.
- Perform the same actions as above. Notice that all controls start
and remain green throughout (except some icons with Chrome runtime).
- Add `--force-light-mode` or `--force-dark-mode` to above command-line.
- Perform the same actions as above. Notice that OS dark/light theme
changes are ignored, but Chrome theme changes work as expected.
Add new CefBrowserHost::[Can]ExecuteChromeCommand methods for executing
arbitrary Chrome commands.
Add support for existing CefBrowserHost::ShowDevTools, CloseDevTools and
HasDevTools methods.
DevTools windows now support the same Views callbacks as normal popup
windows with the new CefLifeSpanHandler::OnBeforeDevToolsPopup callback
as the DevTools-specific equivalent of OnBeforePopup.
Always create DevTools as an undocked window to support use of
ShowDevTools with default Chrome browser windows.
To test:
Run `ceftests --enable-chrome-runtime [--use-views]
1. Run `cefclient --enable-chrome-runtime [--use-native]`
2. Select "Show DevTools", "Close DevTools" or "Inspect" from the
right-click menu.
3. Notice that the DevTools window is Views-hosted (or native-hosted)
and works as expected.
Add --use-default-popup to get a default styled popup in step 3.
Use the same code path for all fullscreen transitions so that Chrome UI updates
correctly. All user-initiated fullscreen transitions now result in
CefWindowDelegate::OnWindowFullscreenTransition callbacks.
The Chrome browser can now be hosted in a Views-based application on Windows
and Linux.
To launch a fully-featured Chrome window using cefsimple:
$ cefsimple --enable-chrome-runtime
To launch a minimally-styled Views-hosted window using cefsimple:
$ cefsimple --enable-chrome-runtime --use-views
To launch a fully-styled Views-hosted window using cefclient:
$ cefclient --enable-chrome-runtime --use-views
Views unit tests also now pass with the Chrome runtime enabled:
$ ceftests --gtest_filter=Views* --enable-chrome-runtime
Known issues:
- Popup browsers cannot be intercepted and reparented.