This change configures session restore behavior for the NEXT application
restart by setting the "session.restore_on_startup" preference based on the
[CefSettings|CefRequestContextSettings].persist_session_cookies value.
This change adds a CefDownloadHandler::CanDownload callback for optionally
blocking user-initiated downloads (e.g. alt + link click or link click that
returns a `Content-Disposition: attachment` response from the server).
To test:
- Run `ceftests --gtest_filter=DownloadTest.*`.
- Run `cefclient --hide-controls`. User-initiated downloads will be blocked.
This change adds a CefCommandHandler::OnChromeCommand callback for optionally
handling Chrome commands triggered via menus or keyboard shortcuts. Supported
command IDs are listed in a new cef_command_ids.h header file.
To test: Run `cefclient --enable-chrome-runtime --hide-controls`. Most commands
will blocked and removed from context menus.
This change adds `CefBrowserSettings.chrome_status_bubble` for controlling
whether the Chrome status bubble will be used.
Testable in cefclient by passing the `--hide-chrome-status-bubble`
command-line flag.
Still need to unregister the Content-level factory to stop Alloy loading
unsupported pages.
This reverts commit a21d0c41a4ddf33e189edbfdcb655f898385c63b.
We need to override ChromeMimeHandlerViewGuestDelegate to handle
OnGuestAttached/Detached callbacks in order to account for the guest renderer
process hosting the PDF extension.
Additional work will be required to account for the renderer process hosting the
PDF viewer when using `--enable-features=PdfUnseasoned` (see issue #2969).
- Remove CefRequestContextHandler::OnBeforePluginLoad and
CefRequestContext::PurgePluginListCache (fixes issue #3047). These methods
stopped being relevant after the removal of Flash support in January 2021.
The last remaining PPAPI plugin (PDF viewer) will switch to a non-plugin
implementation in the near future (see and
functionality related to plugin filtering has already been removed in
To test:
Run `cefclient.exe --use-views --hide-frame --hide-controls`
Add `--enable-chrome-runtime` for the same behavior using the Chrome location
bar instead of a text field.
Widevine CDM binaries will be downloaded on supported platforms shortly after
application startup. Widevine support will then become available within a few
seconds after successful installation on Windows or after the next application
restart on other platforms. The CDM files will be downloaded to a "WidevineCdm"
directory inside the `CefSettings.user_data_path` directory.
Pass the `--disable-component-update` command-line flag to disable Widevine
download and installation. Pass the `--component-updater=fast-update` command-
line flag to force Widevine download immediately after application startup.
See the related issue for additional usage details.
This change adds a minimal implementation of the |tabs.update| extension API and
modifies StreamsPrivateAPI::SendExecuteMimeTypeHandlerEvent to return a valid
|streamInfo.tabId| value as required by the navigateInCurrentTab implementation
in chrome/browser/resources/pdf/browser_api.js.
This change introduces a few minor CEF API behavior changes:
- A CefProcessMessage object cannot be reused after being passed to
- The |extra_info| argument to CefRenderProcessHandler::OnBrowserCreated may
now be NULL.
Where appropriate, we now utilize the default UTF string encoding format and
shared memory to reduce copies and conversions for the cross-process
transfer of arbitrary-length strings. For example, CefFrame::GetSource/GetText
now involves zero UTF conversions and zero copies in the browser process for
the CefString delivered to CefStringVisitor::Visit().
The policy->CanAccessDataForOrigin CHECK in NavigationRequest::
GetOriginForURLLoaderFactory was failing because unregistered schemes
(which are already considered non-standard schemes) didn't trigger the
registered non-standard scheme allowance that we previously added in
ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::CanAccessDataForOrigin. This change
modifies GetOriginForURLLoaderFactory to always return an opaque/unique
origin for non-standard schemes resulting in unregistered and non-standard
schemes receiving the same treatment.
New test coverage has been added for this condition, and can be run with:
ceftests --gtest_filter=CorsTest.*CustomUnregistered*
Profile::IsIncognitoProfile() currently returns false for CEF incognito profiles
because they are not the primary OTR profile. At the same time, we don't
necessarily want IsIncognitoProfile() to return true for CEF profiles because,
among other things, that causes the BrowserView to apply the dark toolbar theme.
Instead, this change updates ProfileMenu expectations to support the CEF
incognito profiles without otherwise modifying the incognito behavior.
Note that the IsIncognitoProfile() implementation has recently changed in and the conclusions in this commit will likely need
to be revisited in an upcoming Chromium update.