- Persist modified user preferences including per-host zoom settings when a
cache_path value is specified and persist_user_preferences is set to true
via CefSettings or CefRequestContextSettings.
- Avoid the need to duplicate files from chrome/ by having CefBrowserContext
extend Chrome's Profile class.
- Implement CefRequestHandler::OnBeforeBrowse using NavigationThrottle
instead of ResourceThrottle (see http://crbug.com/537634). The CefRequest
object passed to OnBeforeBrowse will no longer have an associated request
- Mac: Remove additional helper apps which are no longer required (see
- Remove the UR_FLAG_REPORT_RAW_HEADERS flag which is no longer supported (see
- Remove the CefBrowserSettings.java parameter. Java is an NPAPI plugin and
NPAPI plugins are no longer supported (see http://crbug.com/470301#c11)
- Add CefFormatUrlForSecurityDisplay function in cef_parser.h
- Fix crash when passing `--disable-extensions` command-line flag (issue #1721)
- Linux: Fix NSS handler loading (issue #1727)
- Preferences are now associated with a CefRequestContext instead of
being stored globally.
- Add methods to CefRequestContext for getting/setting preferences.
- Default plugin loading policy can be specified using the new
`--plugin-policy=[allow|block|detect]` command-line flag.
- Move CefRequestHandler::OnBeforePluginLoad to
CefRequestContextHandler and add a new policy argument that
supports different actions (allow, block, detect, disable) on a
per-plugin-instance basis.
- Add CefContextMenuHandler::RunContextMenu for providing a custom
context menu implementation.
- Add CefResourceBundleHandler::GetDataResourceForScale for
returning scaled resources (issue #1272).
- Add CefResourceBundle for retrieving resources from the resource
bundle (*.pak) files loaded by CEF during startup or via the
- Linux: Fix Debug build IO access warning with CefGetMimeType.
- cef_unittests: Move the refcounting implementation from TestHandler
to subclasses in order to support interface inheritance from
- Windows/Mac: Use `--enable-widevine-cdm` command-line flag to
enable download of CDM binaries via the component updater.
- Linux: Use `--widevide-cdm-path` and `--widevine-cdm-version`
command-line flags to load CDM binaries that already exist on
the system.
- A cache-path value is usually required when CDM is enabled.
- Mac: 10.10 SDK is now required for building (see http://crbug.com/463170#c63).
Older SDKs can be used for a short time by setting mac_sdk_min via GYP_DEFINES.
A system-wide installation of the Pepper Flash plugin is available from Adobe
for Windows and Mac OS X platforms as a separate download. To enable automatic
detection and loading of the system-wide installation pass the
`--enable-system-flash` command-line flag.
The Pepper Flash plugin can also be loaded by specifying the file path and
version via the `--ppapi-flash-path=<path> --ppapi-flash-version=<version>`
command-line flags. The version can be identified by viewing the
manifest.json file in the same directory as the Pepper Flash plugin library.