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Add the CEF Automation Tool (issue #373).
git-svn-id: https://chromiumembedded.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@310 5089003a-bbd8-11dd-ad1f-f1f9622dbc98
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
# To update to a specific Chromium revision:
# gclient sync --revision src@chromium_revision --jobs 8 --force
# This file is integrated with the CEF auto_build tool. See the README.txt
# file in the auto_build directory for more information.
# This file is integrated with the CEF Automation Tool. See the
# tools/automate/automate.README.txt file for more information.
# For general gclient usage information visit:
# http://dev.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/get-the-code
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@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) Automation Tool
Document Last Updated: October 10, 2011
The CEF Automation Tool can perform the following actions in an automated manner:
1. Download/update the Chromium and CEF source code.
2. Build the CEF Debug and Release targets.
3. Create the CEF binary distribution package.
1. Install Subversion [1] and Python [2]. Make sure the bin directories for both
programs are discoverable via your system PATH configuration. On Windows
install CppDoc [3] in the default location (assumes a 64bit version of
Windows 7).
2. Install build tools. On Windows install Visual Studio 2008 or newer and all
required prerequisite software [4]. On Mac install Xcode 3.2 or newer.
3. Configure the GYP environment. On Windows set the GYP_MSVS_VERSION
environment variable to "2008" or "2010" depending on which version of Visual
Studio you're building with. On Mac Lion set the GYP_DEFINES environment
variable to 'mac_sdk=10.6'.
4. Checkout the "automate" folder to a location on your hard drive. For the
trunk version of CEF you can use the following command:
svn checkout http://chromiumembedded.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/tools/automate /path/to/automate
5. Run the automate.py script at whatever interval is appropriate (for each
CEF commit, once per day, once per week, etc):
python /path/to/automate/automate.py --download-dir=/path/to/download
The automate.py script performs the following actions in the download directory
specified by the "--download-dir" flag. This path value must contain no spaces.
1. Retrieve the Chromium URL and revision associated with a CEF URL and
revision. A specific CEF URL and revision can be specified using the "--url"
and "--revision" flags. Otherwise, the current CEF trunk URL [7] and HEAD
revision will be used. The Chromium URL and revision are retrieved by
querying the SVN repository for a CHROMIUM_BUILD_COMPATIBILITY.txt file.
2. If a "depot_tools" folder does not already exist download depot_tools [5].
The depot_tools folder will be added to the beginning of the PATH to support
execution of the below steps.
3. If a "chromium" folder does not already exist create it and configure
gclient [6] using the Chromium URL retrieved in step 1. To force execution of
this step use the "--force-config" flag.
4. If the "--force-clean" flag is specified all Chromium changes will be
reverted, all unversioned files including the CEF folder will be deleted and
steps 6-10 will be triggered automatically.
5. If both Chromium and CEF are already at the correct URL and revision the
script will exit at this point. To force execution of steps 6-8 use the
"--force-update" flag. To force execution of step 9 use the "--force-build"
flag. To force execution of step 10 use the "--force-distrib" flag.
6. Use gclient [6] to update the Chromium source code to the correct revision.
7. If a "chromium/src/cef" folder does not already exist download the CEF source
code at the correct revision. Otherwise, update CEF source code to the
correct revision.
8. Run the "chromium/src/cef/cef_create_projects.[sh|bat]" script to apply CEF
patches and generate CEF project files.
9. Run the "chromium/src/cef/tools/build_projects.[sh|bat]" script twice; once
to build the Debug target and once to build the Release target.
10.Run the "chromium/src/cef/tools/make_distrib.[sh|bat]" script to build the
binary distribution package. The resulting package will be output in a
"chromium/src/cef/binary_distrib/cef_binary_rXXX_[windows|macosx]" folder.
[1] http://subversion.apache.org/
[2] http://www.python.org/
[3] http://www.cppdoc.com/
[4] http://dev.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/build-instructions-windows
[5] http://dev.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/depottools
[6] http://dev.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/get-the-code
[7] http://chromiumembedded.googlecode.com/svn/trunk
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@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights
# reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that
# can be found in the LICENSE file.
from optparse import OptionParser
import os
import re
import shlex
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import urllib
# default URL values
cef_url = 'http://chromiumembedded.googlecode.com/svn/trunk'
depot_tools_url = 'http://src.chromium.org/svn/trunk/tools/depot_tools'
def run(command_line, working_dir, depot_tools_dir=None):
# add depot_tools to the path
env = os.environ
if not depot_tools_dir is None:
env['PATH'] = depot_tools_dir+os.pathsep+env['PATH']
sys.stdout.write('-------- Running "'+command_line+'" in "'+\
args = shlex.split(command_line.replace('\\', '\\\\'))
return subprocess.check_call(args, cwd=working_dir, env=env, shell=True)
def get_svn_info(path):
""" Retrieves the URL and revision from svn info. """
url = None;
rev = None;
if path[0:4] == 'http' or os.path.exists(path):
stream = os.popen('svn info '+path);
for line in stream:
if line[0:4] == "URL:":
url = line[5:-1];
elif line[0:9] == "Revision:":
rev = line[10:-1];
except IOError, (errno, strerror):
sys.stderr.write('Failed to read revision from "svn info": ' + strerror)
return {'url': url, 'revision': rev}
# cannot be loaded as a module
if __name__ != "__main__":
sys.stderr.write('This file cannot be loaded as a module!')
# parse command-line options
disc = """
This utility implements automation for the download, update, build and
distribution of CEF.
parser = OptionParser(description=disc)
parser.add_option('--download-dir', dest='downloaddir', metavar='DIR',
help='download directory with no spaces [required]')
parser.add_option('--revision', dest='revision', type="int",
help='CEF source revision')
parser.add_option('--url', dest='url',
help='CEF source URL')
action='store_true', dest='forceconfig', default=False,
help='force Chromium configuration')
action='store_true', dest='forceclean', default=False,
help='force revert of all Chromium changes, deletion of '+\
'all unversioned files including the CEF folder and '+\
'trigger the force-update, force-build and '+\
'force-distrib options')
action='store_true', dest='forceupdate', default=False,
help='force Chromium and CEF update')
action='store_true', dest='forcebuild', default=False,
help='force CEF debug and release builds')
action='store_true', dest='forcedistrib', default=False,
help='force creation of CEF binary distribution')
action='store_true', dest='nodebugbuild', default=False,
help="don't perform the CEF debug build")
action='store_true', dest='noreleasebuild', default=False,
help="don't perform the CEF release build")
action='store_true', dest='nodistrib', default=False,
help="don't create the CEF binary distribution")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
# the downloaddir option is required
if options.downloaddir is None:
# script directory
script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
if not options.url is None:
# set the CEF URL
cef_url = options.url
if not options.revision is None:
# set the CEF revision
cef_rev = str(options.revision)
# retrieve the CEF revision from the remote repo
info = get_svn_info(cef_url)
cef_rev = info['revision']
# Retrieve the Chromium URL and revision from the CEF repo
compat_url = cef_url + "/CHROMIUM_BUILD_COMPATIBILITY.txt?r="+cef_rev
# Read the remote URL contents
handle = urllib.urlopen(compat_url)
compat_value = handle.read().strip()
# Parse the contents
config = eval(compat_value, {'__builtins__': None}, None)
if not 'chromium_url' in config:
raise Exception("Missing chromium_url value")
if not 'chromium_revision' in config:
raise Exception("Missing chromium_revision value")
chromium_url = config['chromium_url']
chromium_rev = config['chromium_revision']
except Exception, e:
sys.stderr.write('Failed to read URL and revision information from '+ \
download_dir = options.downloaddir
if not os.path.exists(download_dir):
# create the download directory
# check the operating system
platform = '';
script_ext = '';
if sys.platform == 'win32':
platform = 'windows'
script_ext = '.bat'
elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
platform = 'macosx'
script_ext = '.sh'
elif sys.platform == 'linux2':
platform = 'linux'
script_ext = '.sh'
# check if the "depot_tools" directory exists
depot_tools_dir = os.path.join(download_dir, 'depot_tools')
if not os.path.exists(depot_tools_dir):
# checkout depot_tools
run('svn checkout '+depot_tools_url+' '+depot_tools_dir, download_dir);
# check if the "chromium" directory exists
chromium_dir = os.path.join(download_dir, 'chromium')
if not os.path.exists(chromium_dir):
# create the "chromium" directory
chromium_src_dir = os.path.join(chromium_dir, 'src')
cef_src_dir = os.path.join(chromium_src_dir, 'cef')
cef_tools_dir = os.path.join(cef_src_dir, 'tools')
# retrieve the current CEF URL and revision
info = get_svn_info(cef_src_dir)
current_cef_url = info['url']
current_cef_rev = info['revision']
# retrieve the current Chromium URL and revision
info = get_svn_info(chromium_src_dir)
current_chromium_url = info['url']
current_chromium_rev = info['revision']
# test if the CEF URL changed
cef_url_changed = current_cef_url != cef_url
sys.stdout.write('CEF URL: '+current_cef_url+"\n")
if cef_url_changed:
sys.stdout.write(' -> CHANGED TO: '+cef_url+"\n")
# test if the CEF revision changed
cef_rev_changed = current_cef_rev != cef_rev
sys.stdout.write('CEF Revision: '+current_cef_rev+"\n")
if cef_rev_changed:
sys.stdout.write(' -> CHANGED TO: '+cef_rev+"\n")
# test if the Chromium URL changed
chromium_url_changed = current_chromium_url != chromium_url
sys.stdout.write('Chromium URL: '+current_chromium_url+"\n")
if chromium_url_changed:
sys.stdout.write(' -> CHANGED TO: '+chromium_url+"\n")
# test if the Chromium revision changed
chromium_rev_changed = current_chromium_rev != chromium_rev
sys.stdout.write('Chromium Revision: '+current_chromium_rev+"\n")
if chromium_rev_changed:
sys.stdout.write(' -> CHANGED TO: '+chromium_rev+"\n")
# true if anything changed
any_changed = chromium_url_changed or chromium_rev_changed or \
cef_url_changed or cef_rev_changed
if not any_changed:
sys.stdout.write("No changes.\n")
if chromium_url_changed or options.forceconfig:
# run gclient config to create the .gclient file
run('gclient config '+chromium_url, chromium_dir, depot_tools_dir)
path = os.path.join(chromium_dir, '.gclient')
if not os.path.exists(path):
sys.stderr.write(".gclient file was not created\n")
raise Exception('.gclient file was not created')
# read the resulting .gclient file
fp = open(path, 'r')
data = fp.read()
# populate "custom_deps" section
data = data.replace('"custom_deps" : {', '"custom_deps" : {'+\
"\n "+'"src/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests": None,'+\
"\n "+'"src/chrome_frame/tools/test/reference_build/chrome": None,'+\
"\n "+'"src/chrome/tools/test/reference_build/chrome_mac": None,'+\
"\n "+'"src/chrome/tools/test/reference_build/chrome_win": None,'+\
"\n "+'"src/chrome/tools/test/reference_build/chrome_linux": None,')
# write the new .gclient file
fp = open(path, 'w')
if options.forceclean:
if os.path.exists(chromium_src_dir):
# revert all Chromium changes and delete all unversioned files
run('gclient revert -n', chromium_dir, depot_tools_dir)
# force update, build and distrib steps
options.forceupdate = True
options.forcebuild = True
options.forcedistrib = True
if chromium_url_changed or chromium_rev_changed or options.forceupdate:
# download/update the Chromium source code
run('gclient sync --revision src@'+chromium_rev+' --jobs 8 --force', \
chromium_dir, depot_tools_dir)
if not os.path.exists(cef_src_dir) or cef_url_changed:
if cef_url_changed and os.path.exists(cef_src_dir):
# delete the cef directory (it will be re-downloaded)
# download the CEF source code
run('svn checkout '+cef_url+' -r '+cef_rev+' '+cef_src_dir, download_dir)
elif cef_rev_changed or options.forceupdate:
# update the CEF source code
run('svn update -r '+cef_rev+' '+cef_src_dir, download_dir)
if any_changed or options.forceupdate:
# create CEF projects
run('cef_create_projects'+script_ext, cef_src_dir, depot_tools_dir)
if any_changed or options.forcebuild:
if not options.nodebugbuild:
# make CEF Debug build
run('build_projects'+script_ext+' Debug', cef_tools_dir, depot_tools_dir)
if not options.noreleasebuild:
# make CEF Release build
run('build_projects'+script_ext+' Release', cef_tools_dir, depot_tools_dir)
if any_changed or options.forcedistrib:
if not options.nodistrib:
# make CEF binary distribution
run('make_distrib'+script_ext, cef_tools_dir, depot_tools_dir)
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