automate-git: Remove support for branches older than 3071.

3071 and newer branches use Git and GN exclusively.
This commit is contained in:
Marshall Greenblatt 2020-03-05 13:56:13 -05:00
parent a6f9d78c1c
commit 51e12b3866

View File

@ -272,68 +272,29 @@ def write_branch_config_file(path, branch):
write_config_file(config_file, {'branch': branch})
def remove_deps_entry(path, entry):
""" Remove an entry from the Chromium DEPS file at the specified path. """
msg('Updating DEPS file: %s' % path)
if not options.dryrun:
# Read the DEPS file.
with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
lines = fp.readlines()
# Write the DEPS file.
# Each entry takes 2 lines. Skip both lines if found.
with open(path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
skip_next = False
for line in lines:
if skip_next:
skip_next = False
elif line.find(entry) >= 0:
skip_next = True
write_fp(fp, line)
def apply_deps_patch():
""" Patch the Chromium DEPS file before `gclient sync` if necessary. """
# Starting with 43.0.2357.126 the DEPS file is now 100% Git and the .DEPS.git
# file is no longer created. Look for the older file first in case we're
# building an older branch version.
deps_file = '.DEPS.git'
deps_path = os.path.join(chromium_src_dir, deps_file)
if not os.path.isfile(deps_path):
deps_file = 'DEPS'
deps_path = os.path.join(chromium_src_dir, deps_file)
if os.path.isfile(deps_path):
msg("Chromium DEPS file: %s" % (deps_path))
patch_file = os.path.join(cef_dir, 'patch', 'patches', deps_file)
def apply_patch(name):
patch_file = os.path.join(cef_dir, 'patch', 'patches', name)
if os.path.exists(patch_file + ".patch"):
if branch_is_3029_or_older:
patch_file = patch_file + ".patch"
# Attempt to apply the DEPS patch file that may exist with newer branches.
# Attempt to apply the patch file.
patch_tool = os.path.join(cef_dir, 'tools', '')
run('%s %s --patch-file "%s" --patch-dir "%s"' %
(python_exe, patch_tool, patch_file,
chromium_src_dir), chromium_src_dir, depot_tools_dir)
elif cef_branch != 'trunk' and int(cef_branch) <= 1916:
# Release branch DEPS files older than 37.0.2007.0 may include a 'src'
# entry. This entry needs to be removed otherwise `gclient sync` will
# fail.
remove_deps_entry(deps_path, "'src'")
def apply_deps_patch():
""" Patch the Chromium DEPS file before `gclient sync` if necessary. """
deps_path = os.path.join(chromium_src_dir, deps_file)
if os.path.isfile(deps_path):
msg("Chromium DEPS file: %s" % (deps_path))
raise Exception("Path does not exist: %s" % (deps_path))
def apply_runhooks_patch():
""" Patch the Chromium runhooks files before `gclient runhooks` if necessary. """
patch_file = os.path.join(cef_dir, 'patch', 'patches', 'runhooks')
if os.path.exists(patch_file + ".patch"):
# Attempt to apply the runhooks patch file.
patch_tool = os.path.join(cef_dir, 'tools', '')
run('%s %s --patch-file "%s" --patch-dir "%s"' %
(python_exe, patch_tool, patch_file,
chromium_src_dir), chromium_src_dir, depot_tools_dir)
def run_patch_updater(args='', output_file=None):
@ -518,7 +479,7 @@ def get_chromium_target_version(os='win', channel='canary', target_distance=0):
def get_build_directory_name(is_debug):
build_dir = ('Debug' if is_debug else 'Release') + '_'
if use_gn:
# CEF uses a consistent directory naming scheme for GN via
# GetAllPlatformConfigs in tools/
if options.x64build:
@ -529,11 +490,6 @@ def get_build_directory_name(is_debug):
build_dir += 'GN_arm64'
build_dir += 'GN_x86'
# GYP outputs both x86 and x64 builds to the same directory on Linux and
# Mac OS X. On Windows it suffixes the directory name for x64 builds.
if platform == 'windows' and options.x64build:
build_dir += 'x64'
return build_dir
@ -666,11 +622,11 @@ parser.add_option('--depot-tools-archive', dest='depottoolsarchive',
help='Zip archive file that contains a single top-level '+\
'depot_tools directory.', default='')
parser.add_option('--branch', dest='branch',
help='Branch of CEF to build (trunk, 1916, ...). This '+\
help='Branch of CEF to build (master, 3987, ...). This '+\
'will be used to name the CEF download directory and '+\
'to identify the correct URL if --url is not '+\
'specified. The default value is trunk.',
'specified. The default value is master.',
parser.add_option('--url', dest='url',
help='CEF download URL. If not specified the default URL '+\
'will be used.',
@ -1032,43 +988,26 @@ if options.clientdistrib or options.clientdistribonly:
# CEF branch.
if options.branch != 'trunk' and not options.branch.isdigit():
print('Invalid branch value: %s' % (options.branch))
cef_branch = options.branch
if cef_branch != 'trunk' and int(cef_branch) <= 1453:
print('The requested branch is too old to build using this tool.')
branch_is_master = (cef_branch == 'master' or cef_branch == 'trunk')
if not branch_is_master:
# Verify that the branch value is numeric.
if not cef_branch.isdigit():
print('Invalid branch value: %s' % cef_branch)
# True if the requested branch is 2272 or newer.
branch_is_2272_or_newer = (cef_branch == 'trunk' or int(cef_branch) >= 2272)
# Verify the minimum supported branch number.
if int(cef_branch) < 3071:
print('The requested branch (%s) is too old to build using this tool. ' +
'The minimum supported branch is 3071.' % cef_branch)
# True if the requested branch is 2357 or newer.
branch_is_2357_or_newer = (cef_branch == 'trunk' or int(cef_branch) >= 2357)
# True if the requested branch is 2743 or older.
branch_is_2743_or_older = (cef_branch != 'trunk' and int(cef_branch) <= 2743)
# True if the requested branch is newer than 2785.
branch_is_newer_than_2785 = (cef_branch == 'trunk' or int(cef_branch) > 2785)
# True if the requested branch is newer than 2840.
branch_is_newer_than_2840 = (cef_branch == 'trunk' or int(cef_branch) > 2840)
# True if the requested branch is 3029 or older.
branch_is_3029_or_older = (cef_branch != 'trunk' and int(cef_branch) <= 3029)
# True if the requested branch is newer than 3497.
branch_is_newer_than_3497 = (cef_branch == 'trunk' or int(cef_branch) > 3497)
# True if the requested branch is 3538 or newer.
branch_is_3538_or_newer = (branch_is_master or int(cef_branch) >= 3538)
# True if the requested branch is 3945 or newer.
branch_is_3945_or_newer = (cef_branch == 'trunk' or int(cef_branch) >= 3945)
# Enable GN by default for branches newer than 2785.
if branch_is_newer_than_2785 and not 'CEF_USE_GN' in os.environ.keys():
os.environ['CEF_USE_GN'] = '1'
branch_is_3945_or_newer = (branch_is_master or int(cef_branch) >= 3945)
# Enable Python 3 usage in Chromium for branches 3945 and newer.
if branch_is_3945_or_newer and not is_python2 and \
@ -1081,64 +1020,26 @@ if not branch_is_3945_or_newer and \
'(set GCLIENT_PY3=0 and run with Python 2 executable).')
# Whether to use GN or GYP. GYP is currently the default for older branches.
use_gn = bool(int(os.environ.get('CEF_USE_GN', '0')))
if use_gn:
if branch_is_2743_or_older:
print('GN is not supported with branch 2743 and older (set CEF_USE_GN=0).')
if options.armbuild:
if platform != 'linux':
print('The ARM build option is only supported on Linux.')
if not branch_is_newer_than_2785:
print('The ARM build option is not supported with branch 2785 and older.')
if options.arm64build:
if platform != 'linux' and platform != 'windows':
print('The ARM64 build option is only supported on Linux and Windows.')
if not branch_is_newer_than_2840:
print('The ARM build option is not supported with branch 2840 and older.')
if options.armbuild or options.arm64build:
print('The ARM build option is not supported by GYP.')
if options.x64build and platform != 'windows' and platform != 'macosx':
print('The x64 build option is only used on Windows and Mac OS X.')
if platform == 'windows' and not 'GYP_MSVS_VERSION' in os.environ.keys():
print('You must set the GYP_MSVS_VERSION environment variable on Windows.')
# True if GYP_DEFINES=target_arch=x64 must be set.
gyp_needs_target_arch_x64 = options.x64build and \
(platform == 'windows' or \
(platform == 'macosx' and not branch_is_2272_or_newer))
# Starting with 43.0.2357.126 the DEPS file is now 100% Git and the .DEPS.git
# file is no longer created.
if branch_is_2357_or_newer:
deps_file = 'DEPS'
deps_file = '.DEPS.git'
if platform == 'macosx' and not options.x64build and branch_is_2272_or_newer:
print('32-bit Mac OS X builds are no longer supported with 2272 branch and ' +
'newer. Add --x64-build flag to generate a 64-bit build.')
if platform == 'macosx' and not options.x64build:
print('32-bit Mac OS X builds are not supported. ' +
'Add --x64-build flag to generate a 64-bit build.')
# Platforms that build a cef_sandbox library.
sandbox_lib_platforms = ['windows']
if branch_is_newer_than_3497:
if branch_is_3538_or_newer:
if not platform in sandbox_lib_platforms and (options.sandboxdistrib or
@ -1268,7 +1169,7 @@ msg("CEF Source Directory: %s" % (cef_dir))
# Determine the CEF Git branch to use.
if options.checkout == '':
# Target the most recent branch commit from the remote repo.
if cef_branch == 'trunk':
if branch_is_master:
cef_checkout = 'origin/master'
cef_checkout = 'origin/' + cef_branch
@ -1458,10 +1359,6 @@ if chromium_checkout_changed:
# Patch the Chromium DEPS file if necessary.
# Set the GYP_CHROMIUM_NO_ACTION value temporarily so that `gclient sync` does
# not run gyp.
os.environ['GYP_CHROMIUM_NO_ACTION'] = '1'
# Update third-party dependencies including branch/tag information.
run("gclient sync %s--nohooks --with_branch_heads --jobs 16" % \
('--reset ' if discard_local_changes else ''), chromium_dir, depot_tools_dir)
@ -1472,9 +1369,6 @@ if chromium_checkout_changed:
# Runs hooks for files that have been modified in the local working copy.
run("gclient runhooks --jobs 16", chromium_dir, depot_tools_dir)
# Clear the GYP_CHROMIUM_NO_ACTION value.
del os.environ['GYP_CHROMIUM_NO_ACTION']
# Delete the src/out directory created by `gclient sync`.
@ -1535,25 +1429,10 @@ if not options.nobuild and (chromium_checkout_changed or \
# Building should also force a distribution.
options.forcedistrib = True
if use_gn:
# Make sure the GN configuration exists.
if not options.dryrun and \
not os.path.exists(os.path.join(cef_src_dir, '')):
raise Exception('GN configuration does not exist; set CEF_USE_GN=0')
# Make sure the GYP configuration exists.
if not options.dryrun and \
not os.path.exists(os.path.join(cef_src_dir, 'cef.gyp')):
raise Exception('GYP configuration does not exist; set CEF_USE_GN=1')
# Set GYP environment variables.
os.environ['GYP_GENERATORS'] = 'ninja'
if gyp_needs_target_arch_x64:
if 'GYP_DEFINES' in os.environ.keys():
os.environ['GYP_DEFINES'] = os.environ['GYP_DEFINES'] + ' ' + \
os.environ['GYP_DEFINES'] = 'target_arch=x64'
raise Exception('GN configuration does not exist.')
# Print all build-related environment variables including any that were set
# previously.
@ -1583,7 +1462,6 @@ if not options.nobuild and (chromium_checkout_changed or \
# Make a CEF Debug build.
if not options.nodebugbuild:
build_path = os.path.join('out', get_build_directory_name(True))
if use_gn:
args_path = os.path.join(chromium_src_dir, build_path, '')
msg(args_path + ' contents:\n' + read_file(args_path))
@ -1591,7 +1469,7 @@ if not options.nobuild and (chromium_checkout_changed or \
os.path.join(download_dir, 'build-%s-debug.log' % (cef_branch)) \
if options.buildlogfile else None)
if use_gn and platform in sandbox_lib_platforms:
if platform in sandbox_lib_platforms:
# Make the separate cef_sandbox build when GN is_official_build=true.
build_path += '_sandbox'
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(chromium_src_dir, build_path)):
@ -1605,7 +1483,6 @@ if not options.nobuild and (chromium_checkout_changed or \
# Make a CEF Release build.
if not options.noreleasebuild:
build_path = os.path.join('out', get_build_directory_name(False))
if use_gn:
args_path = os.path.join(chromium_src_dir, build_path, '')
msg(args_path + ' contents:\n' + read_file(args_path))
@ -1613,7 +1490,7 @@ if not options.nobuild and (chromium_checkout_changed or \
os.path.join(download_dir, 'build-%s-release.log' % (cef_branch)) \
if options.buildlogfile else None)
if use_gn and platform in sandbox_lib_platforms:
if platform in sandbox_lib_platforms:
# Make the separate cef_sandbox build when GN is_official_build=true.
build_path += '_sandbox'
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(chromium_src_dir, build_path)):