cefclient: mac: Support window state restore (see issue #3359)

The cefclient sample app on macOS will persist window state across application
restart if run with cache_path and persist_user_references enabled.

To test:
1. Run `cefclient --cache-path=/path/to/cache --persist-user-preferences`
2. Move or resize the window, maximize, minimize, etc.
3. Exit cefclient.
4. Run cefclient again with the same arguments. The previous window state will
   be restored.
This commit is contained in:
Marshall Greenblatt 2022-11-08 16:27:22 -05:00
parent e2a9236106
commit 25954e872e
2 changed files with 350 additions and 89 deletions

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/input/web_mouse_wheel_event.h"
#import "ui/base/cocoa/cocoa_base_utils.h"
#import "ui/base/cocoa/underlay_opengl_hosting_window.h"
#include "ui/display/screen.h"
#include "ui/events/base_event_utils.h"
#include "ui/events/keycodes/keyboard_codes_posix.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
@ -144,8 +145,90 @@ constexpr int kDefaultHeight = 750;
constexpr int kDefaultWidth = 750;
constexpr NSWindowStyleMask kDefaultStyleMask =
NSWindowStyleMaskTitled | NSWindowStyleMaskClosable |
NSWindowStyleMaskMiniaturizable | NSWindowStyleMaskResizable |
NSWindowStyleMaskMiniaturizable | NSWindowStyleMaskResizable;
// Keep the frame bounds inside the display work area.
NSRect ClampNSBoundsToWorkArea(const NSRect& frame_bounds,
const gfx::Rect& display_bounds,
const gfx::Rect& work_area) {
NSRect bounds = frame_bounds;
// Convert from DIP coordinates (top-left origin) to macOS coordinates
// (bottom-left origin).
const int work_area_y =
display_bounds.height() - work_area.height() - work_area.y();
if (bounds.size.width > work_area.width()) {
bounds.size.width = work_area.width();
if (bounds.size.height > work_area.height()) {
bounds.size.height = work_area.height();
if (bounds.origin.x < work_area.x()) {
bounds.origin.x = work_area.x();
} else if (bounds.origin.x + bounds.size.width >=
work_area.x() + work_area.width()) {
bounds.origin.x = work_area.x() + work_area.width() - bounds.size.width;
if (bounds.origin.y < work_area_y) {
bounds.origin.y = work_area_y;
} else if (bounds.origin.y + bounds.size.height >=
work_area_y + work_area.height()) {
bounds.origin.y = work_area_y + work_area.height() - bounds.size.height;
return bounds;
// Get frame and content area rects matching the input DIP screen bounds. The
// resulting window frame will be kept inside the closest display work area. If
// |input_content_bounds| is true the input size is used for the content area
// and the input origin is used for the frame. Otherwise, both input size and
// origin are used for the frame.
void GetNSBoundsInDisplay(const gfx::Rect& dip_bounds,
bool input_content_bounds,
NSWindowStyleMask style_mask,
NSRect& frame_rect,
NSRect& content_rect) {
// Identify the closest display.
const auto display =
const auto& display_bounds = display.bounds();
const auto& display_work_area = display.work_area();
// Convert from DIP coordinates (top-left origin) to macOS coordinates
// (bottom-left origin).
NSRect requested_rect = NSMakeRect(dip_bounds.x(), dip_bounds.y(),
dip_bounds.width(), dip_bounds.height());
requested_rect.origin.y = display_bounds.height() -
requested_rect.size.height -
// Calculate the equivalent frame and content bounds.
if (input_content_bounds) {
// Compute frame rect from content rect. Keep the requested origin.
content_rect = requested_rect;
frame_rect = [NSWindow frameRectForContentRect:frame_rect
frame_rect.origin = requested_rect.origin;
} else {
// Compute content rect from frame rect.
frame_rect = requested_rect;
content_rect = [NSWindow contentRectForFrameRect:frame_rect
// Keep the frame inside the display work area.
const NSRect new_frame_rect =
ClampNSBoundsToWorkArea(frame_rect, display_bounds, display_work_area);
if (!NSEqualRects(frame_rect, new_frame_rect)) {
frame_rect = new_frame_rect;
content_rect = [NSWindow contentRectForFrameRect:frame_rect
} // namespace
@ -168,48 +251,52 @@ void CefBrowserPlatformDelegateNativeMac::BrowserDestroyed(
bool CefBrowserPlatformDelegateNativeMac::CreateHostWindow() {
base::mac::ScopedNSAutoreleasePool autorelease_pool;
NSWindow* newWnd = nil;
NSWindow* new_window = nil;
NSView* parentView =
NSView* parent_view =
NSRect browser_view_rect =
NSMakeRect(window_info_.bounds.x, window_info_.bounds.y,
window_info_.bounds.width, window_info_.bounds.height);
const CGFloat x = static_cast<CGFloat>(window_info_.bounds.x);
const CGFloat y = static_cast<CGFloat>(window_info_.bounds.y);
const CGFloat width = static_cast<CGFloat>(window_info_.bounds.width);
const CGFloat height = static_cast<CGFloat>(window_info_.bounds.height);
if (parent_view == nil) {
// TODO(port): If no x,y position is specified the window will always appear
// in the upper-left corner. Maybe there's a better default place to put it?
const gfx::Rect dip_bounds(
window_info_.bounds.x, window_info_.bounds.y,
window_info_.bounds.width <= 0 ? kDefaultWidth
: window_info_.bounds.width,
window_info_.bounds.height <= 0 ? kDefaultHeight
: window_info_.bounds.height);
// Calculate the equivalent frame and content area bounds.
NSRect frame_rect, content_rect;
GetNSBoundsInDisplay(dip_bounds, /*input_content_bounds=*/true,
kDefaultStyleMask, frame_rect, content_rect);
NSRect content_rect = {{x, y}, {width, height}};
if (parentView == nil) {
// Create a new window.
NSRect window_rect = {{x, y}, {width, height}};
if (window_rect.size.width == 0)
window_rect.size.width = kDefaultWidth;
if (window_rect.size.height == 0)
window_rect.size.height = kDefaultHeight;
content_rect = {{0, 0}, {window_rect.size.width, window_rect.size.height}};
newWnd = [[UnderlayOpenGLHostingWindow alloc]
new_window = [[UnderlayOpenGLHostingWindow alloc]
// Create the delegate for control and browser window events.
[[CefWindowDelegate alloc] initWithWindow:newWnd andBrowser:browser_];
[[CefWindowDelegate alloc] initWithWindow:new_window andBrowser:browser_];
parentView = [newWnd contentView];
window_info_.parent_view = parentView;
parent_view = [new_window contentView];
browser_view_rect = [parent_view bounds];
window_info_.parent_view = parent_view;
// Make the content view for the window have a layer. This will make all
// sub-views have layers. This is necessary to ensure correct layer
// ordering of all child views and their layers.
[parentView setWantsLayer:YES];
[parent_view setWantsLayer:YES];
// Transform input Y coodinate into the MacOS coordinate.
NSRect primary_screen_rect = [[[NSScreen screens] firstObject] frame];
const CGFloat transformed_y = NSMaxY(primary_screen_rect) - y;
[newWnd setFrameTopLeftPoint:NSMakePoint(x, transformed_y)];
// Place the window at the target point. This is required for proper
// placement if the point is on a secondary display.
[new_window setFrameOrigin:frame_rect.origin];
host_window_created_ = true;
@ -219,14 +306,14 @@ bool CefBrowserPlatformDelegateNativeMac::CreateHostWindow() {
// Create the browser view.
CefBrowserHostView* browser_view =
[[CefBrowserHostView alloc] initWithFrame:content_rect];
[[CefBrowserHostView alloc] initWithFrame:browser_view_rect];
browser_view.browser = browser_;
[parentView addSubview:browser_view];
[parent_view addSubview:browser_view];
[browser_view setAutoresizingMask:(NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable)];
[browser_view setNeedsDisplay:YES];
[browser_view release];
// Parent the TabContents to the browser view.
// Parent the WebContents to the browser view.
const NSRect bounds = [browser_view bounds];
NSView* native_view = web_contents_->GetNativeView().GetNativeNSView();
[browser_view addSubview:native_view];
@ -236,9 +323,9 @@ bool CefBrowserPlatformDelegateNativeMac::CreateHostWindow() {
window_info_.view = browser_view;
if (newWnd != nil && !window_info_.hidden) {
if (new_window != nil && !window_info_.hidden) {
// Show the window.
[newWnd makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
[new_window makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
return true;

View File

@ -9,8 +9,10 @@
#include "include/base/cef_callback.h"
#include "include/cef_app.h"
#include "include/cef_application_mac.h"
#include "include/views/cef_display.h"
#include "tests/cefclient/browser/browser_window_osr_mac.h"
#include "tests/cefclient/browser/browser_window_std_mac.h"
#include "tests/cefclient/browser/client_prefs.h"
#include "tests/cefclient/browser/main_context.h"
#include "tests/cefclient/browser/temp_window.h"
#include "tests/cefclient/browser/window_test_runner_mac.h"
@ -23,10 +25,12 @@
NSWindow* window_;
client::RootWindowMac* root_window_;
std::optional<CefRect> last_visible_bounds_;
bool force_close_;
@property(nonatomic, readonly) client::RootWindowMac* root_window;
@property(nonatomic, readwrite) std::optional<CefRect> last_visible_bounds;
@property(nonatomic, readwrite) bool force_close;
- (id)initWithWindow:(NSWindow*)window
@ -61,10 +65,120 @@ NSButton* MakeButton(NSRect* rect, NSString* title, NSView* parent) {
return button;
// Transform input Y coodinate into MacOS coordinate.
CGFloat TransformY(int y) {
NSRect primary_screen_rect = [[[NSScreen screens] firstObject] frame];
return NSMaxY(primary_screen_rect) - y;
// Returns the current DIP screen bounds for a visible window in the
// restored position, or nullopt if the window is currently minimized or
// fullscreen.
std::optional<CefRect> GetWindowBoundsInScreen(NSWindow* window) {
if ([window isMiniaturized] or [window isZoomed]) {
return std::nullopt;
auto screen = [window screen];
if (screen == nil)
screen = [NSScreen mainScreen];
const auto bounds = [window frame];
const auto screen_bounds = [screen frame];
if (NSEqualRects(bounds, screen_bounds)) {
// Don't include windows that are transitioning to fullscreen.
return std::nullopt;
CefRect dip_bounds{static_cast<int>(bounds.origin.x),
// Convert from macOS coordinates (bottom-left origin) to DIP coordinates
// (top-left origin).
dip_bounds.y = static_cast<int>(screen_bounds.size.height) -
dip_bounds.height - dip_bounds.y;
return dip_bounds;
// Keep the frame bounds inside the display work area.
NSRect ClampNSBoundsToWorkArea(const NSRect& frame_bounds,
const CefRect& display_bounds,
const CefRect& work_area) {
NSRect bounds = frame_bounds;
// Convert from DIP coordinates (top-left origin) to macOS coordinates
// (bottom-left origin).
const int work_area_y =
display_bounds.height - work_area.height - work_area.y;
if (bounds.size.width > work_area.width) {
bounds.size.width = work_area.width;
if (bounds.size.height > work_area.height) {
bounds.size.height = work_area.height;
if (bounds.origin.x < work_area.x) {
bounds.origin.x = work_area.x;
} else if (bounds.origin.x + bounds.size.width >=
work_area.x + work_area.width) {
bounds.origin.x = work_area.x + work_area.width - bounds.size.width;
if (bounds.origin.y < work_area_y) {
bounds.origin.y = work_area_y;
} else if (bounds.origin.y + bounds.size.height >=
work_area_y + work_area.height) {
bounds.origin.y = work_area_y + work_area.height - bounds.size.height;
return bounds;
// Get frame and content area rects matching the input DIP screen bounds. The
// resulting window frame will be kept inside the closest display work area. If
// |input_content_bounds| is true the input size is used for the content area
// and the input origin is used for the frame. Otherwise, both input size and
// origin are used for the frame.
void GetNSBoundsInDisplay(const CefRect& dip_bounds,
bool input_content_bounds,
NSWindowStyleMask style_mask,
NSRect& frame_rect,
NSRect& content_rect) {
// Identify the closest display.
auto display =
const auto display_bounds = display->GetBounds();
const auto display_work_area = display->GetWorkArea();
// Convert from DIP coordinates (top-left origin) to macOS coordinates
// (bottom-left origin).
NSRect requested_rect = NSMakeRect(dip_bounds.x, dip_bounds.y,
dip_bounds.width, dip_bounds.height);
requested_rect.origin.y = display_bounds.height - requested_rect.size.height -
// Calculate the equivalent frame and content bounds.
if (input_content_bounds) {
// Compute frame rect from content rect. Keep the requested origin.
content_rect = requested_rect;
frame_rect = [NSWindow frameRectForContentRect:frame_rect
frame_rect.origin = requested_rect.origin;
} else {
// Compute content rect from frame rect.
frame_rect = requested_rect;
content_rect = [NSWindow contentRectForFrameRect:frame_rect
// Keep the frame inside the display work area.
const NSRect new_frame_rect =
ClampNSBoundsToWorkArea(frame_rect, display_bounds, display_work_area);
if (!NSEqualRects(frame_rect, new_frame_rect)) {
frame_rect = new_frame_rect;
content_rect = [NSWindow contentRectForFrameRect:frame_rect
} // namespace
@ -124,7 +238,8 @@ class RootWindowMacImpl
bool with_osr_ = false;
bool with_extension_ = false;
bool is_popup_ = false;
CefRect start_rect_;
CefRect initial_bounds_;
cef_show_state_t initial_show_state_ = CEF_SHOW_STATE_NORMAL;
std::unique_ptr<BrowserWindow> browser_window_;
bool initialized_ = false;
@ -164,19 +279,26 @@ void RootWindowMacImpl::Init(RootWindow::Delegate* delegate,
with_controls_ = config->with_controls;
with_osr_ = config->with_osr;
with_extension_ = config->with_extension;
start_rect_ = config->bounds;
if (!config->bounds.IsEmpty()) {
// Initial state was specified via the config object.
initial_bounds_ = config->bounds;
initial_show_state_ = config->show_state;
} else {
// Initial state may be specified via the command-line or global
// preferences.
std::optional<CefRect> bounds;
if (prefs::LoadWindowRestorePreferences(initial_show_state_, bounds) &&
bounds) {
initial_bounds_ = *bounds;
initialized_ = true;
// Create the native root window on the main thread.
CreateRootWindow(settings, config->initially_hidden);
} else {
MAIN_POST_CLOSURE(base::BindOnce(&RootWindowMacImpl::CreateRootWindow, this,
settings, config->initially_hidden));
CreateRootWindow(settings, config->initially_hidden);
void RootWindowMacImpl::InitAsPopup(RootWindow::Delegate* delegate,
@ -194,13 +316,13 @@ void RootWindowMacImpl::InitAsPopup(RootWindow::Delegate* delegate,
is_popup_ = true;
if (popupFeatures.xSet)
start_rect_.x = popupFeatures.x;
initial_bounds_.x = popupFeatures.x;
if (popupFeatures.ySet)
start_rect_.y = popupFeatures.y;
initial_bounds_.y = popupFeatures.y;
if (popupFeatures.widthSet)
start_rect_.width = popupFeatures.width;
initial_bounds_.width = popupFeatures.width;
if (popupFeatures.heightSet)
start_rect_.height = popupFeatures.height;
initial_bounds_.height = popupFeatures.height;
@ -267,16 +389,13 @@ void RootWindowMacImpl::SetBounds(int x, int y, size_t width, size_t height) {
if (!window_)
// Desired content rectangle.
NSRect content_rect;
content_rect.size.width = static_cast<int>(width);
content_rect.size.height =
static_cast<int>(height) + (with_controls_ ? URLBAR_HEIGHT : 0);
const CefRect dip_bounds(x, y, static_cast<int>(width),
// Convert to a frame rectangle.
NSRect frame_rect = [window_ frameRectForContentRect:content_rect];
frame_rect.origin.x = x;
frame_rect.origin.y = TransformY(y) - frame_rect.size.height;
// Calculate the equivalent frame and content area bounds.
NSRect frame_rect, content_rect;
GetNSBoundsInDisplay(dip_bounds, /*input_content_bounds=*/true,
[window_ styleMask], frame_rect, content_rect);
[window_ setFrame:frame_rect display:YES];
@ -356,22 +475,28 @@ void RootWindowMacImpl::CreateRootWindow(const CefBrowserSettings& settings,
// TODO(port): If no x,y position is specified the window will always appear
// in the upper-left corner. Maybe there's a better default place to put it?
const int x = start_rect_.x;
const int y = start_rect_.y;
int width, height;
if (start_rect_.IsEmpty()) {
// TODO(port): Also, maybe there's a better way to choose the default size.
width = 800;
height = 600;
} else {
width = start_rect_.width;
height = start_rect_.height;
const int height_with_controls =
with_controls_ ? height + URLBAR_HEIGHT : height;
CefRect dip_bounds = initial_bounds_;
// The window Y coordinate is fixed in the setFrameTopLeftPoint call below
const NSRect content_rect = NSMakeRect(x, y, width, height_with_controls);
// TODO(port): Also, maybe there's a better way to choose the default size.
if (dip_bounds.width <= 0)
dip_bounds.width = 800;
if (dip_bounds.height <= 0)
dip_bounds.height = 600;
// For popups, the requested bounds are for the content area and the requested
// origin is for the window.
if (is_popup_ && with_controls_) {
dip_bounds.height += URLBAR_HEIGHT;
const NSWindowStyleMask style_mask =
(NSWindowStyleMaskTitled | NSWindowStyleMaskClosable |
NSWindowStyleMaskMiniaturizable | NSWindowStyleMaskResizable);
// Calculate the equivalent frame and content area bounds.
NSRect frame_rect, content_rect;
GetNSBoundsInDisplay(dip_bounds, /*input_content_bounds=*/is_popup_,
style_mask, frame_rect, content_rect);
// The CEF framework library is loaded at runtime so we need to use this
// mechanism for retrieving the class.
@ -379,14 +504,10 @@ void RootWindowMacImpl::CreateRootWindow(const CefBrowserSettings& settings,
// Create the main window.
window_ = [[window_class alloc]
styleMask:(NSWindowStyleMaskTitled | NSWindowStyleMaskClosable |
NSWindowStyleMaskMiniaturizable |
NSWindowStyleMaskResizable |
window_ = [[window_class alloc] initWithContentRect:content_rect
[window_ setTitle:@"cefclient"];
// No dark mode, please
window_.appearance = [NSAppearance appearanceNamed:NSAppearanceNameAqua];
@ -395,6 +516,12 @@ void RootWindowMacImpl::CreateRootWindow(const CefBrowserSettings& settings,
window_delegate_ = [[RootWindowDelegate alloc] initWithWindow:window_
if (!initial_bounds_.IsEmpty()) {
// Remember the bounds from the previous application run in case the user
// does not move or resize the window during this application run.
window_delegate_.last_visible_bounds = initial_bounds_;
// Rely on the window delegate to clean us up rather than immediately
// releasing when the window gets closed. We use the delegate to do
// everything from the autorelease pool so the window isn't on the stack
@ -426,15 +553,17 @@ void RootWindowMacImpl::CreateRootWindow(const CefBrowserSettings& settings,
if (with_controls_) {
// Reduce the browser height by the URL bar height.
contentBounds.size.height -= URLBAR_HEIGHT;
// Create the buttons.
NSRect button_rect = contentBounds;
button_rect.origin.y = height + (URLBAR_HEIGHT - BUTTON_HEIGHT) / 2;
button_rect.origin.y =
contentBounds.size.height + (URLBAR_HEIGHT - BUTTON_HEIGHT) / 2;
button_rect.size.height = BUTTON_HEIGHT;
button_rect.origin.x += BUTTON_MARGIN;
button_rect.size.width = BUTTON_WIDTH;
contentBounds.size.height -= URLBAR_HEIGHT;
back_button_ = MakeButton(&button_rect, @"Back", contentView);
[back_button_ setTarget:window_delegate_];
[back_button_ setAction:@selector(goBack:)];
@ -470,14 +599,16 @@ void RootWindowMacImpl::CreateRootWindow(const CefBrowserSettings& settings,
[[url_textfield_ cell] setScrollable:YES];
// Fix the window Y coordinate
[window_ setFrameTopLeftPoint:NSMakePoint(x, TransformY(y))];
// Place the window at the target point. This is required for proper placement
// if the point is on a secondary display.
[window_ setFrameOrigin:frame_rect.origin];
if (!is_popup_) {
// Create the browser window.
CefRect(0, 0, width, height), settings, nullptr,
CefRect(0, 0, contentBounds.size.width, contentBounds.size.height),
settings, nullptr,
} else {
// With popups we already have a browser window. Parent the browser window
@ -488,8 +619,15 @@ void RootWindowMacImpl::CreateRootWindow(const CefBrowserSettings& settings,
if (!initially_hidden) {
auto mode = RootWindow::ShowNormal;
if (initial_show_state_ == CEF_SHOW_STATE_MAXIMIZED) {
mode = RootWindow::ShowMaximized;
} else if (initial_show_state_ == CEF_SHOW_STATE_MINIMIZED) {
mode = RootWindow::ShowMinimized;
// Show the window.
@ -735,6 +873,7 @@ void RootWindowMac::OnNativeWindowClosed() {
@implementation RootWindowDelegate
@synthesize root_window = root_window_;
@synthesize last_visible_bounds = last_visible_bounds_;
@synthesize force_close = force_close_;
- (id)initWithWindow:(NSWindow*)window
@ -837,6 +976,24 @@ void RootWindowMac::OnNativeWindowClosed() {
// Called when we have been resized.
- (void)windowDidResize:(NSNotification*)notification {
// Track the last visible bounds for window restore purposes.
const auto dip_bounds = client::GetWindowBoundsInScreen(window_);
if (dip_bounds) {
last_visible_bounds_ = dip_bounds;
// Called when we have been moved.
- (void)windowDidMove:(NSNotification*)notification {
// Track the last visible bounds for window restore purposes.
const auto dip_bounds = client::GetWindowBoundsInScreen(window_);
if (dip_bounds) {
last_visible_bounds_ = dip_bounds;
// Called when the application has been hidden.
- (void)applicationDidHide:(NSNotification*)notification {
// If the window is miniaturized then nothing has really changed.
@ -877,6 +1034,23 @@ void RootWindowMac::OnNativeWindowClosed() {
// Save window restore position.
std::optional<CefRect> dip_bounds;
cef_show_state_t show_state = CEF_SHOW_STATE_NORMAL;
if ([window_ isMiniaturized]) {
} else if ([window_ isZoomed]) {
} else {
dip_bounds = client::GetWindowBoundsInScreen(window_);
if (!dip_bounds) {
dip_bounds = last_visible_bounds_;
client::prefs::SaveWindowRestorePreferences(show_state, dip_bounds);
// Clean ourselves up after clearing the stack of anything that might have the
// window on it.
[self cleanup];