
739 lines
29 KiB
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# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights
# reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that
# can be found in the LICENSE file.
from cef_parser import *
def make_ctocpp_impl_proto(clsname, name, func, parts):
const = ''
proto = 'NO_SANITIZE("cfi-icall") '
if clsname is None:
proto += 'CEF_GLOBAL ' + parts['retval'] + ' '
proto += parts['retval'] + ' ' + clsname
if isinstance(func, obj_function_virtual):
proto += 'CToCpp'
if func.is_const():
const = ' const'
proto += '::'
proto += name + '(' + string.join(parts['args'], ', ') + ')' + const
return proto
def make_ctocpp_function_impl_existing(clsname, name, func, impl):
notify(name + ' has manual edits')
# retrieve the C++ prototype parts
parts = func.get_cpp_parts(True)
changes = format_translation_changes(impl, parts)
if len(changes) > 0:
notify(name + ' prototype changed')
return make_ctocpp_impl_proto(clsname, name, func, parts)+'{'+ \
def make_ctocpp_function_impl_new(clsname, name, func, base_scoped):
# Special handling for the CefShutdown global function.
is_cef_shutdown = name == 'CefShutdown' and isinstance(
func.parent, obj_header)
# build the C++ prototype
parts = func.get_cpp_parts(True)
result = make_ctocpp_impl_proto(clsname, name, func, parts) + ' {'
if isinstance(func.parent, obj_class) and \
not func.parent.has_attrib('no_debugct_check') and \
not base_scoped:
result += '\n shutdown_checker::AssertNotShutdown();\n'
if isinstance(func, obj_function_virtual):
# determine how the struct should be referenced
if clsname == func.parent.get_name():
result += '\n ' + get_capi_name(clsname,
True) + '* _struct = GetStruct();'
result += '\n '+func.parent.get_capi_name()+'* _struct = reinterpret_cast<'+\
invalid = []
# retrieve the function arguments
args = func.get_arguments()
# determine the argument types
for arg in args:
if arg.get_arg_type() == 'invalid':
# retrieve the function return value
retval = func.get_retval()
retval_type = retval.get_retval_type()
if retval_type == 'invalid':
invalid.append('(return value)')
retval_default = ''
retval_default = retval.get_retval_default(False)
if len(retval_default) > 0:
retval_default = ' ' + retval_default
# add API hash check
if func.has_attrib('api_hash_check'):
result += '\n const char* api_hash = cef_api_hash(0);'\
'\n if (strcmp(api_hash, CEF_API_HASH_PLATFORM)) {'\
'\n // The libcef API hash does not match the current header API hash.'\
'\n return'+retval_default+';'\
'\n }\n'
if isinstance(func, obj_function_virtual):
# add the structure size check
result += '\n if (CEF_MEMBER_MISSING(_struct, ' + func.get_capi_name(
) + '))'
result += '\n return' + retval_default + ';\n'
if len(invalid) > 0:
notify(name + ' could not be autogenerated')
# code could not be auto-generated
result += '\n // AUTO-GENERATED CONTENT'
result += '\n // COULD NOT IMPLEMENT DUE TO: ' + string.join(invalid, ', ')
result += '\n #pragma message("Warning: "__FILE__": ' + name + ' is not implemented")'
result += '\n}\n\n'
return result
result_len = len(result)
optional = []
# parameter verification
for arg in args:
arg_type = arg.get_arg_type()
arg_name = arg.get_type().get_name()
# skip optional params
optional_params = arg.parent.get_attrib_list('optional_param')
if not optional_params is None and arg_name in optional_params:
comment = '\n // Verify param: ' + arg_name + '; type: ' + arg_type
if arg_type == 'simple_byaddr' or arg_type == 'bool_byaddr':
result += comment+\
'\n DCHECK('+arg_name+');'\
'\n if (!'+arg_name+')'\
'\n return'+retval_default+';'
elif arg_type == 'refptr_same' or arg_type == 'refptr_diff' or \
arg_type == 'ownptr_same' or arg_type == 'ownptr_diff':
result += comment+\
'\n DCHECK('+arg_name+'.get());'\
'\n if (!'+arg_name+'.get())'\
'\n return'+retval_default+';'
elif arg_type == 'rawptr_same' or arg_type == 'rawptr_diff':
result += comment+\
'\n DCHECK('+arg_name+');'\
'\n if (!'+arg_name+')'\
'\n return'+retval_default+';'
elif arg_type == 'string_byref_const':
result += comment+\
'\n DCHECK(!'+arg_name+'.empty());'\
'\n if ('+arg_name+'.empty())'\
'\n return'+retval_default+';'
# check index params
index_params = arg.parent.get_attrib_list('index_param')
if not index_params is None and arg_name in index_params:
result += comment+\
'\n DCHECK_GE('+arg_name+', 0);'\
'\n if ('+arg_name+' < 0)'\
'\n return'+retval_default+';'
if len(optional) > 0:
# Wrap the comment at 80 characters.
str = '\n // Unverified params: ' + optional[0]
for name in optional[1:]:
str += ','
if len(str) + len(name) + 1 > 80:
result += str
str = '\n //'
str += ' ' + name
result += str
if len(result) != result_len:
result += '\n'
result_len = len(result)
# parameter translation
params = []
if isinstance(func, obj_function_virtual):
for arg in args:
arg_type = arg.get_arg_type()
arg_name = arg.get_type().get_name()
comment = '\n // Translate param: ' + arg_name + '; type: ' + arg_type
if arg_type == 'simple_byval' or arg_type == 'simple_byaddr' or \
arg_type == 'bool_byval':
elif arg_type == 'simple_byref' or arg_type == 'simple_byref_const' or \
arg_type == 'struct_byref_const' or arg_type == 'struct_byref':
params.append('&' + arg_name)
elif arg_type == 'bool_byref':
result += comment+\
'\n int '+arg_name+'Int = '+arg_name+';'
params.append('&' + arg_name + 'Int')
elif arg_type == 'bool_byaddr':
result += comment+\
'\n int '+arg_name+'Int = '+arg_name+'?*'+arg_name+':0;'
params.append('&' + arg_name + 'Int')
elif arg_type == 'string_byref_const':
params.append(arg_name + '.GetStruct()')
elif arg_type == 'string_byref':
params.append(arg_name + '.GetWritableStruct()')
elif arg_type == 'refptr_same':
ptr_class = arg.get_type().get_ptr_type()
params.append(ptr_class + 'CToCpp::Unwrap(' + arg_name + ')')
elif arg_type == 'ownptr_same':
ptr_class = arg.get_type().get_ptr_type()
params.append(ptr_class + 'CToCpp::UnwrapOwn(OWN_PASS(' + arg_name + '))')
elif arg_type == 'rawptr_same':
ptr_class = arg.get_type().get_ptr_type()
params.append(ptr_class + 'CToCpp::UnwrapRaw(' + arg_name + ')')
elif arg_type == 'refptr_diff':
ptr_class = arg.get_type().get_ptr_type()
params.append(ptr_class + 'CppToC::Wrap(' + arg_name + ')')
elif arg_type == 'ownptr_diff':
ptr_class = arg.get_type().get_ptr_type()
params.append(ptr_class + 'CppToC::WrapOwn(OWN_PASS(' + arg_name + '))')
elif arg_type == 'rawptr_diff':
ptr_class = arg.get_type().get_ptr_type()
result += comment+\
'\n CefOwnPtr<'+ptr_class+'CppToC> '+arg_name+'Ptr('+ptr_class+'CppToC::WrapRaw('+arg_name+'));'
params.append(arg_name + 'Ptr->GetStruct()')
elif arg_type == 'refptr_same_byref' or arg_type == 'refptr_diff_byref':
ptr_class = arg.get_type().get_ptr_type()
ptr_struct = arg.get_type().get_result_ptr_type_root()
if arg_type == 'refptr_same_byref':
assign = ptr_class + 'CToCpp::Unwrap(' + arg_name + ')'
assign = ptr_class + 'CppToC::Wrap(' + arg_name + ')'
result += comment+\
'\n '+ptr_struct+'* '+arg_name+'Struct = NULL;'\
'\n if ('+arg_name+'.get())'\
'\n '+arg_name+'Struct = '+assign+';'\
'\n '+ptr_struct+'* '+arg_name+'Orig = '+arg_name+'Struct;'
params.append('&' + arg_name + 'Struct')
elif arg_type == 'string_vec_byref' or arg_type == 'string_vec_byref_const':
result += comment+\
'\n cef_string_list_t '+arg_name+'List = cef_string_list_alloc();'\
'\n DCHECK('+arg_name+'List);'\
'\n if ('+arg_name+'List)'\
'\n transfer_string_list_contents('+arg_name+', '+arg_name+'List);'
params.append(arg_name + 'List')
elif arg_type == 'string_map_single_byref' or arg_type == 'string_map_single_byref_const':
result += comment+\
'\n cef_string_map_t '+arg_name+'Map = cef_string_map_alloc();'\
'\n DCHECK('+arg_name+'Map);'\
'\n if ('+arg_name+'Map)'\
'\n transfer_string_map_contents('+arg_name+', '+arg_name+'Map);'
params.append(arg_name + 'Map')
elif arg_type == 'string_map_multi_byref' or arg_type == 'string_map_multi_byref_const':
result += comment+\
'\n cef_string_multimap_t '+arg_name+'Multimap = cef_string_multimap_alloc();'\
'\n DCHECK('+arg_name+'Multimap);'\
'\n if ('+arg_name+'Multimap)'\
'\n transfer_string_multimap_contents('+arg_name+', '+arg_name+'Multimap);'
params.append(arg_name + 'Multimap')
elif arg_type == 'simple_vec_byref' or arg_type == 'bool_vec_byref' or \
arg_type == 'refptr_vec_same_byref' or arg_type == 'refptr_vec_diff_byref':
count_func = arg.get_attrib_count_func()
vec_type = arg.get_type().get_result_vector_type_root()
if arg_type == 'refptr_vec_same_byref':
ptr_class = arg.get_type().get_ptr_type()
assign = ptr_class + 'CToCpp::Unwrap(' + arg_name + '[i])'
elif arg_type == 'refptr_vec_diff_byref':
ptr_class = arg.get_type().get_ptr_type()
assign = ptr_class + 'CppToC::Wrap(' + arg_name + '[i])'
assign = arg_name + '[i]'
result += comment+\
'\n size_t '+arg_name+'Size = '+arg_name+'.size();'\
'\n size_t '+arg_name+'Count = std::max('+count_func+'(), '+arg_name+'Size);'\
'\n '+vec_type+'* '+arg_name+'List = NULL;'\
'\n if ('+arg_name+'Count > 0) {'\
'\n '+arg_name+'List = new '+vec_type+'['+arg_name+'Count];'\
'\n DCHECK('+arg_name+'List);'\
'\n if ('+arg_name+'List) {'\
'\n memset('+arg_name+'List, 0, sizeof('+vec_type+')*'+arg_name+'Count);'\
'\n }'\
'\n if ('+arg_name+'List && '+arg_name+'Size > 0) {'\
'\n for (size_t i = 0; i < '+arg_name+'Size; ++i) {'\
'\n '+arg_name+'List[i] = '+assign+';'\
'\n }'\
'\n }'\
'\n }'
params.append('&' + arg_name + 'Count')
params.append(arg_name + 'List')
elif arg_type == 'simple_vec_byref_const' or arg_type == 'bool_vec_byref_const' or \
arg_type == 'refptr_vec_same_byref_const' or arg_type == 'refptr_vec_diff_byref_const' or \
arg_type == 'rawptr_vec_same_byref_const' or arg_type == 'rawptr_vec_diff_byref_const':
count_func = arg.get_attrib_count_func()
vec_type = arg.get_type().get_result_vector_type_root()
if arg_type == 'simple_vec_byref_const' or arg_type == 'bool_vec_byref_const':
assign = arg_name + '[i]'
ptr_class = arg.get_type().get_ptr_type()
if arg_type == 'refptr_vec_same_byref_const':
assign = ptr_class + 'CToCpp::Unwrap(' + arg_name + '[i])'
elif arg_type == 'refptr_vec_diff_byref_const':
assign = ptr_class + 'CppToC::Wrap(' + arg_name + '[i])'
elif arg_type == 'rawptr_vec_same_byref_const':
assign = ptr_class + 'CToCpp::UnwrapRaw(' + arg_name + '[i])'
elif arg_type == 'rawptr_vec_diff_byref_const':
assign = ptr_class + 'CppToC::WrapRaw(' + arg_name + '[i]).release()->GetStruct()'
result += comment+\
'\n const size_t '+arg_name+'Count = '+arg_name+'.size();'\
'\n '+vec_type+'* '+arg_name+'List = NULL;'\
'\n if ('+arg_name+'Count > 0) {'\
'\n '+arg_name+'List = new '+vec_type+'['+arg_name+'Count];'\
'\n DCHECK('+arg_name+'List);'\
'\n if ('+arg_name+'List) {'\
'\n for (size_t i = 0; i < '+arg_name+'Count; ++i) {'\
'\n '+arg_name+'List[i] = '+assign+';'\
'\n }'\
'\n }'\
'\n }'
params.append(arg_name + 'Count')
params.append(arg_name + 'List')
raise Exception('Unsupported argument type %s for parameter %s in %s' %
(arg_type, arg_name, name))
if len(result) != result_len:
result += '\n'
result_len = len(result)
if is_cef_shutdown:
result += '\n\n#if DCHECK_IS_ON()'\
'\n shutdown_checker::SetIsShutdown();'\
# execution
result += '\n // Execute\n '
if retval_type != 'none':
# has a return value
if retval_type == 'simple' or retval_type == 'bool':
result += retval.get_type().get_result_simple_type_root()
elif retval_type == 'string':
result += 'cef_string_userfree_t'
elif retval_type == 'refptr_same' or retval_type == 'refptr_diff' or \
retval_type == 'ownptr_same' or retval_type == 'ownptr_diff':
ptr_struct = retval.get_type().get_result_ptr_type_root()
result += ptr_struct + '*'
raise Exception('Unsupported return type %s in %s' % (retval_type, name))
result += ' _retval = '
if isinstance(func, obj_function_virtual):
result += '_struct->'
result += func.get_capi_name() + '('
if len(params) > 0:
if not isinstance(func, obj_function_virtual):
result += '\n '
result += string.join(params, ',\n ')
result += ');\n'
result_len = len(result)
# parameter restoration
for arg in args:
arg_type = arg.get_arg_type()
arg_name = arg.get_type().get_name()
comment = '\n // Restore param:' + arg_name + '; type: ' + arg_type
if arg_type == 'bool_byref':
result += comment+\
'\n '+arg_name+' = '+arg_name+'Int?true:false;'
elif arg_type == 'bool_byaddr':
result += comment+\
'\n if ('+arg_name+')'\
'\n *'+arg_name+' = '+arg_name+'Int?true:false;'
elif arg_type == 'refptr_same_byref' or arg_type == 'refptr_diff_byref':
ptr_class = arg.get_type().get_ptr_type()
ptr_struct = arg.get_type().get_result_ptr_type_root()
if arg_type == 'refptr_same_byref':
assign = ptr_class + 'CToCpp::Wrap(' + arg_name + 'Struct)'
assign = ptr_class + 'CppToC::Unwrap(' + arg_name + 'Struct)'
result += comment+\
'\n if ('+arg_name+'Struct) {'\
'\n if ('+arg_name+'Struct != '+arg_name+'Orig) {'\
'\n '+arg_name+' = '+assign+';'\
'\n }'\
'\n } else {'\
'\n '+arg_name+' = NULL;'\
'\n }'
elif arg_type == 'string_vec_byref':
result += comment+\
'\n if ('+arg_name+'List) {'\
'\n '+arg_name+'.clear();'\
'\n transfer_string_list_contents('+arg_name+'List, '+arg_name+');'\
'\n cef_string_list_free('+arg_name+'List);'\
'\n }'
elif arg_type == 'string_vec_byref_const':
result += comment+\
'\n if ('+arg_name+'List)'\
'\n cef_string_list_free('+arg_name+'List);'
elif arg_type == 'string_map_single_byref':
result += comment+\
'\n if ('+arg_name+'Map) {'\
'\n '+arg_name+'.clear();'\
'\n transfer_string_map_contents('+arg_name+'Map, '+arg_name+');'\
'\n cef_string_map_free('+arg_name+'Map);'\
'\n }'
elif arg_type == 'string_map_single_byref_const':
result += comment+\
'\n if ('+arg_name+'Map)'\
'\n cef_string_map_free('+arg_name+'Map);'
elif arg_type == 'string_map_multi_byref':
result += comment+\
'\n if ('+arg_name+'Multimap) {'\
'\n '+arg_name+'.clear();'\
'\n transfer_string_multimap_contents('+arg_name+'Multimap, '+arg_name+');'\
'\n cef_string_multimap_free('+arg_name+'Multimap);'\
'\n }'
elif arg_type == 'string_map_multi_byref_const':
result += comment+\
'\n if ('+arg_name+'Multimap)'\
'\n cef_string_multimap_free('+arg_name+'Multimap);'
elif arg_type == 'simple_vec_byref' or arg_type == 'bool_vec_byref' or \
arg_type == 'refptr_vec_same_byref' or arg_type == 'refptr_vec_diff_byref':
count_func = arg.get_attrib_count_func()
vec_type = arg.get_type().get_result_vector_type_root()
if arg_type == 'refptr_vec_same_byref':
ptr_class = arg.get_type().get_ptr_type()
assign = ptr_class + 'CToCpp::Wrap(' + arg_name + 'List[i])'
elif arg_type == 'refptr_vec_diff_byref':
ptr_class = arg.get_type().get_ptr_type()
assign = ptr_class + 'CppToC::Unwrap(' + arg_name + 'List[i])'
elif arg_type == 'bool_vec_byref':
assign = arg_name + 'List[i]?true:false'
assign = arg_name + 'List[i]'
result += comment+\
'\n '+arg_name+'.clear();'\
'\n if ('+arg_name+'Count > 0 && '+arg_name+'List) {'\
'\n for (size_t i = 0; i < '+arg_name+'Count; ++i) {'\
'\n '+arg_name+'.push_back('+assign+');'\
'\n }'\
'\n delete [] '+arg_name+'List;'\
'\n }'
elif arg_type == 'simple_vec_byref_const' or arg_type == 'bool_vec_byref_const' or \
arg_type == 'refptr_vec_same_byref_const' or arg_type == 'refptr_vec_diff_byref_const' or \
arg_type == 'rawptr_vec_same_byref_const' or arg_type == 'rawptr_vec_diff_byref_const':
result += comment
if arg_type == 'rawptr_vec_diff_byref_const':
result += '\n if ('+arg_name+'Count > 0) {'\
'\n for (size_t i = 0; i < '+arg_name+'Count; ++i) {'\
'\n delete '+ptr_class+'CppToC::GetWrapper('+arg_name+'List[i]);'\
'\n }'\
'\n }'
result += '\n if ('+arg_name+'List)'\
'\n delete [] '+arg_name+'List;'
if len(result) != result_len:
result += '\n'
result_len = len(result)
if len(result) != result_len:
result += '\n'
result_len = len(result)
# return translation
if retval_type != 'none':
# has a return value
result += '\n // Return type: ' + retval_type
if retval_type == 'simple':
result += '\n return _retval;'
elif retval_type == 'bool':
result += '\n return _retval?true:false;'
elif retval_type == 'string':
result += '\n CefString _retvalStr;'\
'\n _retvalStr.AttachToUserFree(_retval);'\
'\n return _retvalStr;'
elif retval_type == 'refptr_same' or retval_type == 'ownptr_same':
ptr_class = retval.get_type().get_ptr_type()
result += '\n return ' + ptr_class + 'CToCpp::Wrap(_retval);'
elif retval_type == 'refptr_diff':
ptr_class = retval.get_type().get_ptr_type()
result += '\n return ' + ptr_class + 'CppToC::Unwrap(_retval);'
elif retval_type == 'ownptr_diff':
ptr_class = retval.get_type().get_ptr_type()
result += '\n return ' + ptr_class + 'CppToC::UnwrapOwn(_retval);'
raise Exception('Unsupported return type %s in %s' % (retval_type, name))
if len(result) != result_len:
result += '\n'
result += '}\n\n'
return result
def make_ctocpp_function_impl(clsname, funcs, existing, base_scoped):
impl = ''
for func in funcs:
name = func.get_name()
value = get_next_function_impl(existing, name)
if not value is None \
and value['body'].find('// AUTO-GENERATED CONTENT') < 0:
# an implementation exists that was not auto-generated
impl += make_ctocpp_function_impl_existing(clsname, name, func, value)
impl += make_ctocpp_function_impl_new(clsname, name, func, base_scoped)
return impl
def make_ctocpp_virtual_function_impl(header, cls, existing, base_scoped):
impl = make_ctocpp_function_impl(cls.get_name(),
cls.get_virtual_funcs(), existing,
cur_cls = cls
while True:
parent_name = cur_cls.get_parent_name()
if is_base_class(parent_name):
parent_cls = header.get_class(parent_name)
if parent_cls is None:
raise Exception('Class does not exist: ' + parent_name)
impl += make_ctocpp_function_impl(cls.get_name(),
existing, base_scoped)
cur_cls = header.get_class(parent_name)
return impl
def make_ctocpp_unwrap_derived(header, cls, base_scoped):
# identify all classes that derive from cls
derived_classes = []
clsname = cls.get_name()
allclasses = header.get_classes()
for cur_cls in allclasses:
if cur_cls.get_name() == clsname:
if cur_cls.has_parent(clsname):
derived_classes = sorted(derived_classes)
if base_scoped:
impl = ['', '']
for clsname in derived_classes:
impl[0] += ' if (type == '+get_wrapper_type_enum(clsname)+') {\n'+\
' return reinterpret_cast<'+get_capi_name(cls.get_name(), True)+'*>('+\
' }\n'
impl[1] += ' if (type == '+get_wrapper_type_enum(clsname)+') {\n'+\
' return reinterpret_cast<'+get_capi_name(cls.get_name(), True)+'*>('+\
' }\n'
impl = ''
for clsname in derived_classes:
impl += ' if (type == '+get_wrapper_type_enum(clsname)+') {\n'+\
' return reinterpret_cast<'+get_capi_name(cls.get_name(), True)+'*>('+\
' }\n'
return impl
def make_ctocpp_class_impl(header, clsname, impl):
cls = header.get_class(clsname)
if cls is None:
raise Exception('Class does not exist: ' + clsname)
capiname = cls.get_capi_name()
# retrieve the existing virtual function implementations
existing = get_function_impls(impl, clsname + 'CToCpp::')
base_class_name = header.get_base_class_name(clsname)
base_scoped = True if base_class_name == 'CefBaseScoped' else False
if base_scoped:
template_class = 'CefCToCppScoped'
template_class = 'CefCToCppRefCounted'
# generate virtual functions
virtualimpl = make_ctocpp_virtual_function_impl(header, cls, existing,
if len(virtualimpl) > 0:
virtualimpl = '\n// VIRTUAL METHODS - Body may be edited by hand.\n\n' + virtualimpl
# retrieve the existing static function implementations
existing = get_function_impls(impl, clsname + '::')
# generate static functions
staticimpl = make_ctocpp_function_impl(clsname,
cls.get_static_funcs(), existing,
if len(staticimpl) > 0:
staticimpl = '\n// STATIC METHODS - Body may be edited by hand.\n\n' + staticimpl
resultingimpl = staticimpl + virtualimpl
# any derived classes can be unwrapped
unwrapderived = make_ctocpp_unwrap_derived(header, cls, base_scoped)
const = '// CONSTRUCTOR - Do not edit by hand.\n\n'+ \
clsname+'CToCpp::'+clsname+'CToCpp() {\n'+ \
'}\n\n'+ \
'// DESTRUCTOR - Do not edit by hand.\n\n'+ \
clsname+'CToCpp::~'+clsname+'CToCpp() {\n'
if not cls.has_attrib('no_debugct_check') and not base_scoped:
const += ' shutdown_checker::AssertNotShutdown();\n'
const += '}\n\n'
# determine what includes are required by identifying what translation
# classes are being used
includes = format_translation_includes(header, const + resultingimpl +
if base_scoped else unwrapderived))
# build the final output
result = get_copyright()
result += includes + '\n' + resultingimpl + '\n'
parent_sig = template_class + '<' + clsname + 'CToCpp, ' + clsname + ', ' + capiname + '>'
if base_scoped:
const += 'template<> '+capiname+'* '+parent_sig+'::UnwrapDerivedOwn(CefWrapperType type, CefOwnPtr<'+clsname+'> c) {\n'+ \
unwrapderived[0] + \
' NOTREACHED() << "Unexpected class type: " << type;\n'+ \
' return NULL;\n'+ \
'}\n\n' + \
'template<> '+capiname+'* '+parent_sig+'::UnwrapDerivedRaw(CefWrapperType type, CefRawPtr<'+clsname+'> c) {\n'+ \
unwrapderived[1] + \
' NOTREACHED() << "Unexpected class type: " << type;\n'+ \
' return NULL;\n'+ \
const += 'template<> '+capiname+'* '+parent_sig+'::UnwrapDerived(CefWrapperType type, '+clsname+'* c) {\n'+ \
unwrapderived + \
' NOTREACHED() << "Unexpected class type: " << type;\n'+ \
' return NULL;\n'+ \
const += 'template<> CefWrapperType ' + parent_sig + '::kWrapperType = ' + get_wrapper_type_enum(
clsname) + ';'
result += const
return result
def make_ctocpp_global_impl(header, impl):
# retrieve the existing global function implementations
existing = get_function_impls(impl, 'CEF_GLOBAL')
# generate static functions
impl = make_ctocpp_function_impl(None, header.get_funcs(), existing, False)
if len(impl) > 0:
impl = '\n// GLOBAL METHODS - Body may be edited by hand.\n\n' + impl
includes = ''
# include required headers for global functions
filenames = []
for func in header.get_funcs():
filename = func.get_file_name()
if not filename in filenames:
includes += '#include "include/'+func.get_file_name()+'"\n' \
'#include "include/capi/'+func.get_capi_file_name()+'"\n'
# determine what includes are required by identifying what translation
# classes are being used
includes += format_translation_includes(header, impl)
# build the final output
result = get_copyright()
result += includes + '\n// Define used to facilitate parsing.\n#define CEF_GLOBAL\n\n' + impl
return result
def write_ctocpp_impl(header, clsname, dir):
if clsname is None:
# global file
file = dir
# class file
# give the output file the same directory offset as the input file
cls = header.get_class(clsname)
dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(dir, cls.get_file_name()))
file = os.path.join(dir, get_capi_name(clsname[3:], False) + '_ctocpp.cc')
if path_exists(file):
oldcontents = read_file(file)
oldcontents = ''
if clsname is None:
newcontents = make_ctocpp_global_impl(header, oldcontents)
newcontents = make_ctocpp_class_impl(header, clsname, oldcontents)
return (file, newcontents)
# test the module
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
# verify that the correct number of command-line arguments are provided
if len(sys.argv) < 4:
sys.stderr.write('Usage: ' + sys.argv[0] +
' <infile> <classname> <existing_impl>')
# create the header object
header = obj_header()
# read the existing implementation file into memory
f = open(sys.argv[3], 'r')
data = f.read()
except IOError, (errno, strerror):
raise Exception('Failed to read file ' + sys.argv[3] + ': ' + strerror)
# dump the result to stdout
sys.stdout.write(make_ctocpp_class_impl(header, sys.argv[2], data))