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def _success(value):
return struct(error = None, value = value)
def _error(message):
return struct(error = message, value = None)
def _split(result, delimeter = " "):
if result.error != None:
return result
return _success([arg for arg in result.value.strip().split(delimeter) if arg])
def _find_binary(ctx, binary_name):
binary = ctx.which(binary_name)
if binary == None:
return _error("Unable to find binary: {}".format(binary_name))
return _success(binary)
def _execute(ctx, binary, args):
result = ctx.execute([binary] + args)
if result.return_code != 0:
return _error("Failed execute {} {}".format(binary, args))
return _success(result.stdout)
def _pkg_config(ctx, pkg_config, pkg_name, args):
return _execute(ctx, pkg_config, [pkg_name] + args)
def _check(ctx, pkg_config, pkg_name):
exist = _pkg_config(ctx, pkg_config, pkg_name, ["--exists"])
if exist.error != None:
return _error("Package {} does not exist".format(pkg_name))
if ctx.attr.version != "":
version = _pkg_config(ctx, pkg_config, pkg_name, ["--exact-version", ctx.attr.version])
if version.error != None:
return _error("Require {} version = {}".format(pkg_name, ctx.attr.version))
if ctx.attr.min_version != "":
version = _pkg_config(ctx, pkg_config, pkg_name, ["--atleast-version", ctx.attr.min_version])
if version.error != None:
return _error("Require {} version >= {}".format(pkg_name, ctx.attr.min_version))
if ctx.attr.max_version != "":
version = _pkg_config(ctx, pkg_config, pkg_name, ["--max-version", ctx.attr.max_version])
if version.error != None:
return _error("Require {} version <= {}".format(pkg_name, ctx.attr.max_version))
return _success(None)
def _extract_prefix(flags, prefix, strip = True):
stripped, remain = [], []
for arg in flags:
if arg.startswith(prefix):
if strip:
stripped += [arg[len(prefix):]]
stripped += [arg]
remain += [arg]
return stripped, remain
def _includes(ctx, pkg_config, pkg_name):
includes = _split(_pkg_config(ctx, pkg_config, pkg_name, ["--cflags-only-I"]))
if includes.error != None:
return includes
includes, unused = _extract_prefix(includes.value, "-I", strip = True)
return _success(includes)
def _copts(ctx, pkg_config, pkg_name):
return _split(_pkg_config(ctx, pkg_config, pkg_name, [
def _linkopts(ctx, pkg_config, pkg_name):
return _split(_pkg_config(ctx, pkg_config, pkg_name, [
def _ignore_opts(opts, ignore_opts):
remain = []
for opt in opts:
if opt not in ignore_opts:
remain += [opt]
return remain
def _symlinks(ctx, basename, srcpaths):
result = []
root = ctx.path("")
base = root.get_child(basename)
rootlen = len(str(base)) - len(basename)
for src in [ctx.path(p) for p in srcpaths]:
dest = base.get_child(src.basename)
if not dest.exists:
ctx.symlink(src, dest)
result += [str(dest)[rootlen:]]
return result
def _deps(ctx, pkg_config, pkg_name):
deps = _split(_pkg_config(ctx, pkg_config, pkg_name, [
if deps.error != None:
return deps
deps, unused = _extract_prefix(deps.value, "-L", strip = True)
result = []
for dep in {dep: True for dep in deps}.keys():
base = "deps_" + dep.replace("/", "_").replace(".", "_")
result += _symlinks(ctx, base, [dep])
return _success(result)
def _fmt_array(array):
return ",".join(['"{}"'.format(a) for a in array])
def _fmt_glob(array):
return _fmt_array(["{}/**/*.h".format(a) for a in array])
def _pkg_config_impl(ctx):
pkg_name = ctx.attr.pkg_name
if pkg_name == "":
pkg_name = ctx.attr.name
pkg_config = _find_binary(ctx, "pkg-config")
if pkg_config.error != None:
return pkg_config
pkg_config = pkg_config.value
check = _check(ctx, pkg_config, pkg_name)
if check.error != None:
return check
includes = _includes(ctx, pkg_config, pkg_name)
if includes.error != None:
return includes
includes = includes.value
includes = _symlinks(ctx, "includes", includes)
strip_include = "includes"
if len(includes) == 1:
strip_include = includes[0]
if ctx.attr.strip_include != "":
strip_include += "/" + ctx.attr.strip_include
ignore_opts = ctx.attr.ignore_opts
copts = _copts(ctx, pkg_config, pkg_name)
if copts.error != None:
return copts
copts = _ignore_opts(copts.value, ignore_opts)
linkopts = _linkopts(ctx, pkg_config, pkg_name)
if linkopts.error != None:
return linkopts
linkopts = _ignore_opts(linkopts.value, ignore_opts)
deps = _deps(ctx, pkg_config, pkg_name)
if deps.error != None:
return deps
deps = deps.value
include_prefix = ctx.attr.name
if ctx.attr.include_prefix != "":
include_prefix = ctx.attr.include_prefix + "/" + ctx.attr.name
build = ctx.template("BUILD", Label("//:BUILD.tmpl"), substitutions = {
"%{name}": ctx.attr.name,
"%{hdrs}": _fmt_glob(includes),
"%{includes}": _fmt_array(includes),
"%{copts}": _fmt_array(copts),
"%{extra_copts}": _fmt_array(ctx.attr.copts),
"%{deps}": _fmt_array(deps),
"%{extra_deps}": _fmt_array(ctx.attr.deps),
"%{linkopts}": _fmt_array(linkopts),
"%{extra_linkopts}": _fmt_array(ctx.attr.linkopts),
"%{strip_include}": strip_include,
"%{include_prefix}": include_prefix,
}, executable = False)
pkg_config = repository_rule(
attrs = {
"pkg_name": attr.string(doc = "Package name for pkg-config query, default to name."),
"include_prefix": attr.string(doc = "Additional prefix when including file, e.g. third_party. Compatible with strip_include option to produce desired include paths."),
"strip_include": attr.string(doc = "Strip prefix when including file, e.g. libs, files not included will be invisible. Compatible with include_prefix option to produce desired include paths."),
"version": attr.string(doc = "Exact package version."),
"min_version": attr.string(doc = "Minimum package version."),
"max_version": attr.string(doc = "Maximum package version."),
"deps": attr.string_list(doc = "Dependency targets."),
"linkopts": attr.string_list(doc = "Extra linkopts value."),
"copts": attr.string_list(doc = "Extra copts value."),
"ignore_opts": attr.string_list(doc = "Ignore listed opts in copts or linkopts."),
local = True,
implementation = _pkg_config_impl,