
547 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "libcef/browser/net/url_request_context_getter_impl.h"
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "libcef/browser/cookie_manager_impl.h"
#include "libcef/browser/net/network_delegate.h"
#include "libcef/browser/net/scheme_handler.h"
#include "libcef/browser/net/url_request_interceptor.h"
#include "libcef/browser/thread_util.h"
#include "libcef/common/cef_switches.h"
#include "libcef/common/content_client.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
#include "base/threading/worker_pool.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h"
#include "chrome/browser/net/chrome_mojo_proxy_resolver_factory.h"
#include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
#include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
#include "components/net_log/chrome_net_log.h"
#include "components/network_session_configurator/browser/network_session_configurator.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_registry_simple.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_service.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
#include "content/public/common/content_client.h"
#include "content/public/common/content_switches.h"
#include "content/public/common/url_constants.h"
#include "net/cert/cert_verifier.h"
#include "net/cert/ct_known_logs.h"
#include "net/cert/ct_log_verifier.h"
#include "net/cert/ct_policy_enforcer.h"
#include "net/cert/multi_log_ct_verifier.h"
#include "net/cookies/cookie_monster.h"
#include "net/dns/host_resolver.h"
#include "net/extras/sqlite/sqlite_persistent_cookie_store.h"
#include "net/ftp/ftp_network_layer.h"
#include "net/http/http_auth_handler_factory.h"
#include "net/http/http_auth_preferences.h"
#include "net/http/http_cache.h"
#include "net/http/http_server_properties_impl.h"
#include "net/http/http_util.h"
#include "net/http/transport_security_state.h"
#include "net/proxy/dhcp_proxy_script_fetcher_factory.h"
#include "net/proxy/proxy_script_fetcher_impl.h"
#include "net/proxy/proxy_service.h"
#include "net/proxy/proxy_service_mojo.h"
#include "net/ssl/ssl_config_service_defaults.h"
#include "net/url_request/http_user_agent_settings.h"
#include "net/url_request/url_request.h"
#include "net/url_request/url_request_context.h"
#include "net/url_request/url_request_context_storage.h"
#include "net/url_request/url_request_intercepting_job_factory.h"
#include "net/url_request/url_request_job_factory_impl.h"
#include "net/url_request/url_request_job_manager.h"
#include "url/url_constants.h"
#if defined(OS_WIN)
#include <winhttp.h>
#if defined(USE_NSS_CERTS)
#include "net/cert_net/nss_ocsp.h"
using content::BrowserThread;
#if defined(OS_WIN)
#pragma comment(lib, "winhttp.lib")
namespace {
// An implementation of |HttpUserAgentSettings| that provides a static
// HTTP Accept-Language header value and uses |content::GetUserAgent|
// to provide the HTTP User-Agent header value.
class CefHttpUserAgentSettings : public net::HttpUserAgentSettings {
explicit CefHttpUserAgentSettings(const std::string& raw_language_list)
: http_accept_language_(
net::HttpUtil::GenerateAcceptLanguageHeader(raw_language_list)) {
// net::HttpUserAgentSettings implementation
std::string GetAcceptLanguage() const override {
return http_accept_language_;
std::string GetUserAgent() const override {
return CefContentClient::Get()->GetUserAgent();
const std::string http_accept_language_;
// Based on ProxyServiceFactory::CreateProxyService which was deleted in
// http://crrev.com/1c261ff4.
std::unique_ptr<net::ProxyService> CreateProxyService(
net::NetLog* net_log,
net::URLRequestContext* context,
net::NetworkDelegate* network_delegate,
std::unique_ptr<net::ProxyConfigService> proxy_config_service,
const base::CommandLine& command_line,
bool quick_check_enabled,
bool pac_https_url_stripping_enabled) {
bool use_v8 = !command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kWinHttpProxyResolver);
// TODO(eroman): Figure out why this doesn't work in single-process mode.
// Should be possible now that a private isolate is used.
// http://crbug.com/474654
if (use_v8 && command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kSingleProcess)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot use V8 Proxy resolver in single process mode.";
use_v8 = false; // Fallback to non-v8 implementation.
std::unique_ptr<net::ProxyService> proxy_service;
if (use_v8) {
std::unique_ptr<net::DhcpProxyScriptFetcher> dhcp_proxy_script_fetcher;
net::DhcpProxyScriptFetcherFactory dhcp_factory;
dhcp_proxy_script_fetcher = dhcp_factory.Create(context);
proxy_service = net::CreateProxyServiceUsingMojoFactory(
new net::ProxyScriptFetcherImpl(context),
std::move(dhcp_proxy_script_fetcher), context->host_resolver(), net_log,
} else {
proxy_service = net::ProxyService::CreateUsingSystemProxyResolver(
std::move(proxy_config_service), net_log);
? net::ProxyService::SanitizeUrlPolicy::SAFE
: net::ProxyService::SanitizeUrlPolicy::UNSAFE);
return proxy_service;
} // namespace
Add support for complete isolation of storage and permissions (cache, cookies, localStorage, access grants, etc) on a per-request-context basis (issue #1044). - CefRequestContext instances can be configured using a new CefRequestContextSettings structure passed to CefRequestContext::CreateContext. - Scheme registration is now per-request-context using new CefRequestContext::RegisterSchemeHandlerFactory and ClearSchemeHandlerFactories methods. - Cookie managers are now per-request-context by default and can be retrieved using a new CefRequestContext::GetDefaultCookieManager method. - CefURLRequest::Create now accepts an optional CefRequestContext argument for associating a URL request with a context (browser process only). - The CefRequestContextHandler associated with a CefRequestContext will not be released until all objects related to that context have been destroyed. - When the cache path is empty an in-memory cache ("incognito mode") will be used for storage and no data will be persisted to disk. - Add CefSettings.user_data_path which specifies the location where user data such as spell checking dictionary files will be stored on disk. - Add asynchronous callbacks for all CefCookieManager methods. - Add PK_LOCAL_APP_DATA and PK_USER_DATA path keys for retrieving user directories via CefGetPath. - cefclient: Add "New Window" test that creates a new window unrelated to existing windows. When used in combination with `--request-context-per-browser` the new window will be given a new and isolated request context. git-svn-id: https://chromiumembedded.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@2040 5089003a-bbd8-11dd-ad1f-f1f9622dbc98
2015-03-02 21:25:14 +01:00
const CefRequestContextSettings& settings,
PrefService* pref_service,
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> io_task_runner,
content::ProtocolHandlerMap* protocol_handlers,
std::unique_ptr<net::ProxyConfigService> proxy_config_service,
content::URLRequestInterceptorScopedVector request_interceptors)
: settings_(settings), io_state_(base::MakeUnique<IOState>()) {
// Must first be created on the UI thread.
io_state_->net_log_ = g_browser_process->net_log(),
io_state_->io_task_runner_ = std::move(io_task_runner);
io_state_->proxy_config_service_ = std::move(proxy_config_service);
io_state_->request_interceptors_ = std::move(request_interceptors);
std::swap(io_state_->protocol_handlers_, *protocol_handlers);
auto io_thread_proxy =
quick_check_enabled_.Init(prefs::kQuickCheckEnabled, pref_service);
force_google_safesearch_.Init(prefs::kForceGoogleSafeSearch, pref_service);
#if defined(OS_POSIX) && !defined(OS_ANDROID)
io_state_->gsapi_library_name_ =
prefs::kAuthServerWhitelist, pref_service,
prefs::kAuthNegotiateDelegateWhitelist, pref_service,
CefURLRequestContextGetterImpl::~CefURLRequestContextGetterImpl() {
// This destructor may not be called during shutdown. Perform any required
// shutdown in ShutdownOnIOThread() instead.
// static
void CefURLRequestContextGetterImpl::RegisterPrefs(
PrefRegistrySimple* registry) {
// Based on IOThread::RegisterPrefs.
#if defined(OS_POSIX) && !defined(OS_ANDROID)
registry->RegisterStringPref(prefs::kGSSAPILibraryName, std::string());
registry->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kQuickCheckEnabled, true);
registry->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kPacHttpsUrlStrippingEnabled, true);
// Based on ProfileImpl::RegisterProfilePrefs.
registry->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kForceGoogleSafeSearch, false);
void CefURLRequestContextGetterImpl::ShutdownOnUIThread() {
base::Bind(&CefURLRequestContextGetterImpl::ShutdownOnIOThread, this));
void CefURLRequestContextGetterImpl::ShutdownOnIOThread() {
shutting_down_ = true;
// Delete the ProxyService object here so that any pending requests will be
// canceled before the URLRequestContext is destroyed.
net::URLRequestContext* CefURLRequestContextGetterImpl::GetURLRequestContext() {
if (shutting_down_)
return nullptr;
if (!io_state_->url_request_context_.get()) {
const base::CommandLine* command_line =
Add support for complete isolation of storage and permissions (cache, cookies, localStorage, access grants, etc) on a per-request-context basis (issue #1044). - CefRequestContext instances can be configured using a new CefRequestContextSettings structure passed to CefRequestContext::CreateContext. - Scheme registration is now per-request-context using new CefRequestContext::RegisterSchemeHandlerFactory and ClearSchemeHandlerFactories methods. - Cookie managers are now per-request-context by default and can be retrieved using a new CefRequestContext::GetDefaultCookieManager method. - CefURLRequest::Create now accepts an optional CefRequestContext argument for associating a URL request with a context (browser process only). - The CefRequestContextHandler associated with a CefRequestContext will not be released until all objects related to that context have been destroyed. - When the cache path is empty an in-memory cache ("incognito mode") will be used for storage and no data will be persisted to disk. - Add CefSettings.user_data_path which specifies the location where user data such as spell checking dictionary files will be stored on disk. - Add asynchronous callbacks for all CefCookieManager methods. - Add PK_LOCAL_APP_DATA and PK_USER_DATA path keys for retrieving user directories via CefGetPath. - cefclient: Add "New Window" test that creates a new window unrelated to existing windows. When used in combination with `--request-context-per-browser` the new window will be given a new and isolated request context. git-svn-id: https://chromiumembedded.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@2040 5089003a-bbd8-11dd-ad1f-f1f9622dbc98
2015-03-02 21:25:14 +01:00
base::FilePath cache_path;
if (settings_.cache_path.length > 0)
cache_path = base::FilePath(CefString(&settings_.cache_path));
io_state_->url_request_context_.reset(new CefURLRequestContextImpl());
io_state_->storage_.reset(new net::URLRequestContextStorage(
Add support for complete isolation of storage and permissions (cache, cookies, localStorage, access grants, etc) on a per-request-context basis (issue #1044). - CefRequestContext instances can be configured using a new CefRequestContextSettings structure passed to CefRequestContext::CreateContext. - Scheme registration is now per-request-context using new CefRequestContext::RegisterSchemeHandlerFactory and ClearSchemeHandlerFactories methods. - Cookie managers are now per-request-context by default and can be retrieved using a new CefRequestContext::GetDefaultCookieManager method. - CefURLRequest::Create now accepts an optional CefRequestContext argument for associating a URL request with a context (browser process only). - The CefRequestContextHandler associated with a CefRequestContext will not be released until all objects related to that context have been destroyed. - When the cache path is empty an in-memory cache ("incognito mode") will be used for storage and no data will be persisted to disk. - Add CefSettings.user_data_path which specifies the location where user data such as spell checking dictionary files will be stored on disk. - Add asynchronous callbacks for all CefCookieManager methods. - Add PK_LOCAL_APP_DATA and PK_USER_DATA path keys for retrieving user directories via CefGetPath. - cefclient: Add "New Window" test that creates a new window unrelated to existing windows. When used in combination with `--request-context-per-browser` the new window will be given a new and isolated request context. git-svn-id: https://chromiumembedded.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@2040 5089003a-bbd8-11dd-ad1f-f1f9622dbc98
2015-03-02 21:25:14 +01:00
settings_.persist_session_cookies ? true : false);
std::unique_ptr<CefNetworkDelegate> network_delegate(
new CefNetworkDelegate());
const std::string& accept_language =
settings_.accept_language_list.length > 0
? CefString(&settings_.accept_language_list)
: "en-US,en";
base::WrapUnique(new CefHttpUserAgentSettings(accept_language)));
std::unique_ptr<net::TransportSecurityState> transport_security_state(
new net::TransportSecurityState);
settings_.enable_net_security_expiration ? true : false);
std::vector<scoped_refptr<const net::CTLogVerifier>> ct_logs(
std::unique_ptr<net::MultiLogCTVerifier> ct_verifier(
new net::MultiLogCTVerifier());
std::unique_ptr<net::CTPolicyEnforcer> ct_policy_enforcer(
new net::CTPolicyEnforcer);
settings_.enable_net_security_expiration ? true : false);
std::unique_ptr<net::ProxyService> system_proxy_service =
*command_line, quick_check_enabled_.GetValue(),
new net::SSLConfigServiceDefaults);
std::vector<std::string> supported_schemes;
io_state_->http_auth_preferences_.reset(new net::HttpAuthPreferences(
#if defined(OS_POSIX) && !defined(OS_ANDROID)
base::WrapUnique(new net::HttpServerPropertiesImpl));
base::FilePath http_cache_path;
if (!cache_path.empty())
http_cache_path = cache_path.Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("Cache"));
std::unique_ptr<net::HttpCache::DefaultBackend> main_backend(
new net::HttpCache::DefaultBackend(
cache_path.empty() ? net::MEMORY_CACHE : net::DISK_CACHE,
net::CACHE_BACKEND_DEFAULT, http_cache_path, 0));
net::HttpNetworkSession::Context network_session_context;
network_session_context.host_resolver =
network_session_context.cert_verifier =
network_session_context.transport_security_state =
network_session_context.cert_transparency_verifier =
network_session_context.ct_policy_enforcer =
network_session_context.proxy_service =
network_session_context.ssl_config_service =
network_session_context.http_auth_handler_factory =
network_session_context.http_server_properties =
network_session_context.net_log = io_state_->net_log_;
net::HttpNetworkSession::Params network_session_params;
false /* is_quic_force_disabled */,
CefContentClient::Get()->GetUserAgent() /* quic_user_agent_id */,
network_session_params.ignore_certificate_errors =
Add support for complete isolation of storage and permissions (cache, cookies, localStorage, access grants, etc) on a per-request-context basis (issue #1044). - CefRequestContext instances can be configured using a new CefRequestContextSettings structure passed to CefRequestContext::CreateContext. - Scheme registration is now per-request-context using new CefRequestContext::RegisterSchemeHandlerFactory and ClearSchemeHandlerFactories methods. - Cookie managers are now per-request-context by default and can be retrieved using a new CefRequestContext::GetDefaultCookieManager method. - CefURLRequest::Create now accepts an optional CefRequestContext argument for associating a URL request with a context (browser process only). - The CefRequestContextHandler associated with a CefRequestContext will not be released until all objects related to that context have been destroyed. - When the cache path is empty an in-memory cache ("incognito mode") will be used for storage and no data will be persisted to disk. - Add CefSettings.user_data_path which specifies the location where user data such as spell checking dictionary files will be stored on disk. - Add asynchronous callbacks for all CefCookieManager methods. - Add PK_LOCAL_APP_DATA and PK_USER_DATA path keys for retrieving user directories via CefGetPath. - cefclient: Add "New Window" test that creates a new window unrelated to existing windows. When used in combination with `--request-context-per-browser` the new window will be given a new and isolated request context. git-svn-id: https://chromiumembedded.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@2040 5089003a-bbd8-11dd-ad1f-f1f9622dbc98
2015-03-02 21:25:14 +01:00
settings_.ignore_certificate_errors ? true : false;
base::WrapUnique(new net::HttpNetworkSession(network_session_params,
base::WrapUnique(new net::HttpCache(
std::move(main_backend), true /* set_up_quic_server_info */)));
std::unique_ptr<net::URLRequestJobFactoryImpl> job_factory(
new net::URLRequestJobFactoryImpl());
new CefURLRequestManager(job_factory.get()));
Add support for complete isolation of storage and permissions (cache, cookies, localStorage, access grants, etc) on a per-request-context basis (issue #1044). - CefRequestContext instances can be configured using a new CefRequestContextSettings structure passed to CefRequestContext::CreateContext. - Scheme registration is now per-request-context using new CefRequestContext::RegisterSchemeHandlerFactory and ClearSchemeHandlerFactories methods. - Cookie managers are now per-request-context by default and can be retrieved using a new CefRequestContext::GetDefaultCookieManager method. - CefURLRequest::Create now accepts an optional CefRequestContext argument for associating a URL request with a context (browser process only). - The CefRequestContextHandler associated with a CefRequestContext will not be released until all objects related to that context have been destroyed. - When the cache path is empty an in-memory cache ("incognito mode") will be used for storage and no data will be persisted to disk. - Add CefSettings.user_data_path which specifies the location where user data such as spell checking dictionary files will be stored on disk. - Add asynchronous callbacks for all CefCookieManager methods. - Add PK_LOCAL_APP_DATA and PK_USER_DATA path keys for retrieving user directories via CefGetPath. - cefclient: Add "New Window" test that creates a new window unrelated to existing windows. When used in combination with `--request-context-per-browser` the new window will be given a new and isolated request context. git-svn-id: https://chromiumembedded.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@2040 5089003a-bbd8-11dd-ad1f-f1f9622dbc98
2015-03-02 21:25:14 +01:00
// Install internal scheme handlers that cannot be overridden.
job_factory.get(), io_state_->url_request_manager_.get(),
&io_state_->protocol_handlers_, network_session_context.host_resolver);
Add support for complete isolation of storage and permissions (cache, cookies, localStorage, access grants, etc) on a per-request-context basis (issue #1044). - CefRequestContext instances can be configured using a new CefRequestContextSettings structure passed to CefRequestContext::CreateContext. - Scheme registration is now per-request-context using new CefRequestContext::RegisterSchemeHandlerFactory and ClearSchemeHandlerFactories methods. - Cookie managers are now per-request-context by default and can be retrieved using a new CefRequestContext::GetDefaultCookieManager method. - CefURLRequest::Create now accepts an optional CefRequestContext argument for associating a URL request with a context (browser process only). - The CefRequestContextHandler associated with a CefRequestContext will not be released until all objects related to that context have been destroyed. - When the cache path is empty an in-memory cache ("incognito mode") will be used for storage and no data will be persisted to disk. - Add CefSettings.user_data_path which specifies the location where user data such as spell checking dictionary files will be stored on disk. - Add asynchronous callbacks for all CefCookieManager methods. - Add PK_LOCAL_APP_DATA and PK_USER_DATA path keys for retrieving user directories via CefGetPath. - cefclient: Add "New Window" test that creates a new window unrelated to existing windows. When used in combination with `--request-context-per-browser` the new window will be given a new and isolated request context. git-svn-id: https://chromiumembedded.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@2040 5089003a-bbd8-11dd-ad1f-f1f9622dbc98
2015-03-02 21:25:14 +01:00
// Register internal scheme handlers that can be overridden.
Add support for complete isolation of storage and permissions (cache, cookies, localStorage, access grants, etc) on a per-request-context basis (issue #1044). - CefRequestContext instances can be configured using a new CefRequestContextSettings structure passed to CefRequestContext::CreateContext. - Scheme registration is now per-request-context using new CefRequestContext::RegisterSchemeHandlerFactory and ClearSchemeHandlerFactories methods. - Cookie managers are now per-request-context by default and can be retrieved using a new CefRequestContext::GetDefaultCookieManager method. - CefURLRequest::Create now accepts an optional CefRequestContext argument for associating a URL request with a context (browser process only). - The CefRequestContextHandler associated with a CefRequestContext will not be released until all objects related to that context have been destroyed. - When the cache path is empty an in-memory cache ("incognito mode") will be used for storage and no data will be persisted to disk. - Add CefSettings.user_data_path which specifies the location where user data such as spell checking dictionary files will be stored on disk. - Add asynchronous callbacks for all CefCookieManager methods. - Add PK_LOCAL_APP_DATA and PK_USER_DATA path keys for retrieving user directories via CefGetPath. - cefclient: Add "New Window" test that creates a new window unrelated to existing windows. When used in combination with `--request-context-per-browser` the new window will be given a new and isolated request context. git-svn-id: https://chromiumembedded.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@2040 5089003a-bbd8-11dd-ad1f-f1f9622dbc98
2015-03-02 21:25:14 +01:00
// Set up interceptors in the reverse order.
std::unique_ptr<net::URLRequestJobFactory> top_job_factory =
for (auto i = io_state_->request_interceptors_.rbegin();
i != io_state_->request_interceptors_.rend(); ++i) {
top_job_factory.reset(new net::URLRequestInterceptingJobFactory(
std::move(top_job_factory), std::move(*i)));
#if defined(USE_NSS_CERTS)
Add support for complete isolation of storage and permissions (cache, cookies, localStorage, access grants, etc) on a per-request-context basis (issue #1044). - CefRequestContext instances can be configured using a new CefRequestContextSettings structure passed to CefRequestContext::CreateContext. - Scheme registration is now per-request-context using new CefRequestContext::RegisterSchemeHandlerFactory and ClearSchemeHandlerFactories methods. - Cookie managers are now per-request-context by default and can be retrieved using a new CefRequestContext::GetDefaultCookieManager method. - CefURLRequest::Create now accepts an optional CefRequestContext argument for associating a URL request with a context (browser process only). - The CefRequestContextHandler associated with a CefRequestContext will not be released until all objects related to that context have been destroyed. - When the cache path is empty an in-memory cache ("incognito mode") will be used for storage and no data will be persisted to disk. - Add CefSettings.user_data_path which specifies the location where user data such as spell checking dictionary files will be stored on disk. - Add asynchronous callbacks for all CefCookieManager methods. - Add PK_LOCAL_APP_DATA and PK_USER_DATA path keys for retrieving user directories via CefGetPath. - cefclient: Add "New Window" test that creates a new window unrelated to existing windows. When used in combination with `--request-context-per-browser` the new window will be given a new and isolated request context. git-svn-id: https://chromiumembedded.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@2040 5089003a-bbd8-11dd-ad1f-f1f9622dbc98
2015-03-02 21:25:14 +01:00
// Only do this for the first (global) request context.
static bool request_context_for_nss_set = false;
if (!request_context_for_nss_set) {
Add support for complete isolation of storage and permissions (cache, cookies, localStorage, access grants, etc) on a per-request-context basis (issue #1044). - CefRequestContext instances can be configured using a new CefRequestContextSettings structure passed to CefRequestContext::CreateContext. - Scheme registration is now per-request-context using new CefRequestContext::RegisterSchemeHandlerFactory and ClearSchemeHandlerFactories methods. - Cookie managers are now per-request-context by default and can be retrieved using a new CefRequestContext::GetDefaultCookieManager method. - CefURLRequest::Create now accepts an optional CefRequestContext argument for associating a URL request with a context (browser process only). - The CefRequestContextHandler associated with a CefRequestContext will not be released until all objects related to that context have been destroyed. - When the cache path is empty an in-memory cache ("incognito mode") will be used for storage and no data will be persisted to disk. - Add CefSettings.user_data_path which specifies the location where user data such as spell checking dictionary files will be stored on disk. - Add asynchronous callbacks for all CefCookieManager methods. - Add PK_LOCAL_APP_DATA and PK_USER_DATA path keys for retrieving user directories via CefGetPath. - cefclient: Add "New Window" test that creates a new window unrelated to existing windows. When used in combination with `--request-context-per-browser` the new window will be given a new and isolated request context. git-svn-id: https://chromiumembedded.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@2040 5089003a-bbd8-11dd-ad1f-f1f9622dbc98
2015-03-02 21:25:14 +01:00
request_context_for_nss_set = true;
return io_state_->url_request_context_.get();
CefURLRequestContextGetterImpl::GetNetworkTaskRunner() const {
return BrowserThread::GetTaskRunnerForThread(CEF_IOT);
net::HostResolver* CefURLRequestContextGetterImpl::GetHostResolver() const {
return io_state_->url_request_context_->host_resolver();
void CefURLRequestContextGetterImpl::SetCookieStoragePath(
const base::FilePath& path,
bool persist_session_cookies) {
if (io_state_->url_request_context_->cookie_store() &&
((io_state_->cookie_store_path_.empty() && path.empty()) ||
io_state_->cookie_store_path_ == path)) {
// The path has not changed so don't do anything.
scoped_refptr<net::SQLitePersistentCookieStore> persistent_store;
if (!path.empty()) {
// TODO(cef): Move directory creation to the blocking pool instead of
// allowing file IO on this thread.
base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io;
if (base::DirectoryExists(path) || base::CreateDirectory(path)) {
const base::FilePath& cookie_path = path.AppendASCII("Cookies");
persistent_store = new net::SQLitePersistentCookieStore(
cookie_path, BrowserThread::GetTaskRunnerForThread(BrowserThread::IO),
persist_session_cookies, NULL);
} else {
NOTREACHED() << "The cookie storage directory could not be created";
// Set the new cookie store that will be used for all new requests. The old
// cookie store, if any, will be automatically flushed and closed when no
// longer referenced.
std::unique_ptr<net::CookieMonster> cookie_monster(
new net::CookieMonster(persistent_store.get(), NULL));
if (persistent_store.get() && persist_session_cookies)
io_state_->cookie_store_path_ = path;
// Restore the previously supported schemes.
cookie_monster.get(), io_state_->cookie_supported_schemes_);
void CefURLRequestContextGetterImpl::SetCookieSupportedSchemes(
const std::vector<std::string>& schemes) {
io_state_->cookie_supported_schemes_ = schemes;
Add support for complete isolation of storage and permissions (cache, cookies, localStorage, access grants, etc) on a per-request-context basis (issue #1044). - CefRequestContext instances can be configured using a new CefRequestContextSettings structure passed to CefRequestContext::CreateContext. - Scheme registration is now per-request-context using new CefRequestContext::RegisterSchemeHandlerFactory and ClearSchemeHandlerFactories methods. - Cookie managers are now per-request-context by default and can be retrieved using a new CefRequestContext::GetDefaultCookieManager method. - CefURLRequest::Create now accepts an optional CefRequestContext argument for associating a URL request with a context (browser process only). - The CefRequestContextHandler associated with a CefRequestContext will not be released until all objects related to that context have been destroyed. - When the cache path is empty an in-memory cache ("incognito mode") will be used for storage and no data will be persisted to disk. - Add CefSettings.user_data_path which specifies the location where user data such as spell checking dictionary files will be stored on disk. - Add asynchronous callbacks for all CefCookieManager methods. - Add PK_LOCAL_APP_DATA and PK_USER_DATA path keys for retrieving user directories via CefGetPath. - cefclient: Add "New Window" test that creates a new window unrelated to existing windows. When used in combination with `--request-context-per-browser` the new window will be given a new and isolated request context. git-svn-id: https://chromiumembedded.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@2040 5089003a-bbd8-11dd-ad1f-f1f9622dbc98
2015-03-02 21:25:14 +01:00
void CefURLRequestContextGetterImpl::AddHandler(
CefRefPtr<CefRequestContextHandler> handler) {
Add support for complete isolation of storage and permissions (cache, cookies, localStorage, access grants, etc) on a per-request-context basis (issue #1044). - CefRequestContext instances can be configured using a new CefRequestContextSettings structure passed to CefRequestContext::CreateContext. - Scheme registration is now per-request-context using new CefRequestContext::RegisterSchemeHandlerFactory and ClearSchemeHandlerFactories methods. - Cookie managers are now per-request-context by default and can be retrieved using a new CefRequestContext::GetDefaultCookieManager method. - CefURLRequest::Create now accepts an optional CefRequestContext argument for associating a URL request with a context (browser process only). - The CefRequestContextHandler associated with a CefRequestContext will not be released until all objects related to that context have been destroyed. - When the cache path is empty an in-memory cache ("incognito mode") will be used for storage and no data will be persisted to disk. - Add CefSettings.user_data_path which specifies the location where user data such as spell checking dictionary files will be stored on disk. - Add asynchronous callbacks for all CefCookieManager methods. - Add PK_LOCAL_APP_DATA and PK_USER_DATA path keys for retrieving user directories via CefGetPath. - cefclient: Add "New Window" test that creates a new window unrelated to existing windows. When used in combination with `--request-context-per-browser` the new window will be given a new and isolated request context. git-svn-id: https://chromiumembedded.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@2040 5089003a-bbd8-11dd-ad1f-f1f9622dbc98
2015-03-02 21:25:14 +01:00
base::Bind(&CefURLRequestContextGetterImpl::AddHandler, this, handler));
Add support for complete isolation of storage and permissions (cache, cookies, localStorage, access grants, etc) on a per-request-context basis (issue #1044). - CefRequestContext instances can be configured using a new CefRequestContextSettings structure passed to CefRequestContext::CreateContext. - Scheme registration is now per-request-context using new CefRequestContext::RegisterSchemeHandlerFactory and ClearSchemeHandlerFactories methods. - Cookie managers are now per-request-context by default and can be retrieved using a new CefRequestContext::GetDefaultCookieManager method. - CefURLRequest::Create now accepts an optional CefRequestContext argument for associating a URL request with a context (browser process only). - The CefRequestContextHandler associated with a CefRequestContext will not be released until all objects related to that context have been destroyed. - When the cache path is empty an in-memory cache ("incognito mode") will be used for storage and no data will be persisted to disk. - Add CefSettings.user_data_path which specifies the location where user data such as spell checking dictionary files will be stored on disk. - Add asynchronous callbacks for all CefCookieManager methods. - Add PK_LOCAL_APP_DATA and PK_USER_DATA path keys for retrieving user directories via CefGetPath. - cefclient: Add "New Window" test that creates a new window unrelated to existing windows. When used in combination with `--request-context-per-browser` the new window will be given a new and isolated request context. git-svn-id: https://chromiumembedded.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@2040 5089003a-bbd8-11dd-ad1f-f1f9622dbc98
2015-03-02 21:25:14 +01:00
net::CookieStore* CefURLRequestContextGetterImpl::GetExistingCookieStore()
const {
if (io_state_->url_request_context_ &&
io_state_->url_request_context_->cookie_store()) {
return io_state_->url_request_context_->cookie_store();
LOG(ERROR) << "Cookie store does not exist";
return nullptr;
void CefURLRequestContextGetterImpl::CreateProxyConfigService() {
if (io_state_->proxy_config_service_.get())
io_state_->proxy_config_service_ =
void CefURLRequestContextGetterImpl::UpdateServerWhitelist() {
void CefURLRequestContextGetterImpl::UpdateDelegateWhitelist() {