
655 lines
27 KiB
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# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights
# reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that
# can be found in the LICENSE file.
from cef_parser import *
def make_cpptoc_impl_proto(name, func, parts):
if isinstance(func, obj_function_virtual):
proto = parts['retval']+' CEF_CALLBACK'
proto = 'CEF_EXPORT '+parts['retval']
proto += ' '+name+'('+string.join(parts['args'], ', ')+')'
return proto
def make_cpptoc_function_impl_existing(cls, name, func, impl, defined_names):
notify(name+' has manual edits')
# retrieve the C API prototype parts
parts = func.get_capi_parts(defined_names)
changes = format_translation_changes(impl, parts)
if len(changes) > 0:
notify(name+' prototype changed')
return wrap_code(make_cpptoc_impl_proto(name, func, parts))+'{'+ \
return result
def make_cpptoc_function_impl_new(cls, name, func, defined_names):
# retrieve the C API prototype parts
parts = func.get_capi_parts(defined_names)
result = make_cpptoc_impl_proto(name, func, parts)+' {'
invalid = []
# retrieve the function arguments
args = func.get_arguments()
# determine the argument types
for arg in args:
if arg.get_arg_type() == 'invalid':
# retrieve the function return value
retval = func.get_retval()
retval_type = retval.get_retval_type()
if retval_type == 'invalid':
invalid.append('(return value)')
retval_default = ''
retval_default = retval.get_retval_default(True)
if len(retval_default) > 0:
retval_default = ' '+retval_default;
if len(invalid) > 0:
notify(name+' could not be autogenerated')
# code could not be auto-generated
result += '\n // AUTO-GENERATED CONTENT'
result += '\n // COULD NOT IMPLEMENT DUE TO: '+string.join(invalid, ', ')
result += '\n #pragma message("Warning: "__FILE__": '+name+' is not implemented")'
result += '\n}\n\n'
return wrap_code(result)
result_len = len(result)
optional = []
# parameter verification
if isinstance(func, obj_function_virtual):
result += '\n DCHECK(self);'\
'\n if (!self)'\
'\n return'+retval_default+';'
for arg in args:
arg_type = arg.get_arg_type()
arg_name = arg.get_type().get_name()
# skip optional params
optional_params = arg.parent.get_attrib_list('optional_param')
if not optional_params is None and arg_name in optional_params:
comment = '\n // Verify param: '+arg_name+'; type: '+arg_type
if arg_type == 'simple_byref' or arg_type == 'simple_byref_const' or \
arg_type == 'simple_byaddr' or arg_type == 'bool_byref' or arg_type == 'bool_byaddr' or \
arg_type == 'struct_byref_const' or arg_type == 'struct_byref' or \
arg_type == 'string_byref_const' or arg_type == 'string_byref' or \
arg_type == 'refptr_same' or arg_type == 'refptr_same_byref' or \
arg_type == 'refptr_diff' or arg_type == 'refptr_diff_byref' or \
arg_type == 'string_vec_byref' or arg_type == 'string_vec_byref_const' or \
arg_type == 'string_map_single_byref' or arg_type == 'string_map_single_byref_const' or \
arg_type == 'string_map_multi_byref' or arg_type == 'string_map_multi_byref_const':
result += comment+\
'\n DCHECK('+arg_name+');'\
'\n if (!'+arg_name+')'\
'\n return'+retval_default+';'
elif arg_type == 'simple_vec_byref' or arg_type == 'bool_vec_byref' or \
arg_type == 'refptr_vec_same_byref' or arg_type == 'refptr_vec_diff_byref':
result += comment+\
'\n DCHECK('+arg_name+'Count && (*'+arg_name+'Count == 0 || '+arg_name+'));'\
'\n if (!'+arg_name+'Count || (*'+arg_name+'Count > 0 && !'+arg_name+'))'\
'\n return'+retval_default+';'
elif arg_type == 'simple_vec_byref_const' or arg_type == 'bool_vec_byref_const' or \
arg_type == 'refptr_vec_same_byref_const' or arg_type == 'refptr_vec_diff_byref_const':
result += comment+\
'\n DCHECK('+arg_name+'Count == 0 || '+arg_name+');'\
'\n if ('+arg_name+'Count > 0 && !'+arg_name+')'\
'\n return'+retval_default+';'
# check index params
index_params = arg.parent.get_attrib_list('index_param')
if not index_params is None and arg_name in index_params:
result += comment+\
'\n DCHECK_GE('+arg_name+', 0);'\
'\n if ('+arg_name+' < 0)'\
'\n return'+retval_default+';'
if len(optional) > 0:
# Wrap the comment at 80 characters.
str = '\n // Unverified params: ' + optional[0]
for name in optional[1:]:
str += ','
if len(str) + len(name) + 1 > 80:
result += str
str = '\n //'
str += ' ' + name
result += str
if len(result) != result_len:
result += '\n'
result_len = len(result)
# parameter translation
params = []
for arg in args:
arg_type = arg.get_arg_type()
arg_name = arg.get_type().get_name()
comment = '\n // Translate param: '+arg_name+'; type: '+arg_type
if arg_type == 'simple_byval' or arg_type == 'simple_byaddr':
elif arg_type == 'simple_byref' or arg_type == 'simple_byref_const':
data_type = arg.get_type().get_type()
default = arg.get_type().get_result_simple_default()
result += comment+\
'\n '+data_type+' '+arg_name+'Val = '+arg_name+'?*'+arg_name+':'+default+';'
elif arg_type == 'bool_byval':
elif arg_type == 'bool_byref' or arg_type == 'bool_byaddr':
result += comment+\
'\n bool '+arg_name+'Bool = ('+arg_name+' && *'+arg_name+')?true:false;'
if arg_type == 'bool_byref':
elif arg_type == 'struct_byref_const':
struct_type = arg.get_type().get_type()
result += comment+\
'\n '+struct_type+' '+arg_name+'Obj;'\
'\n if ('+arg_name+')'\
'\n '+arg_name+'Obj.Set(*'+arg_name+', false);'
elif arg_type == 'struct_byref':
struct_type = arg.get_type().get_type()
result += comment+\
'\n '+struct_type+' '+arg_name+'Obj;'\
'\n if ('+arg_name+')'\
'\n '+arg_name+'Obj.AttachTo(*'+arg_name+');'
elif arg_type == 'string_byref_const':
elif arg_type == 'string_byref':
result += comment+\
'\n CefString '+arg_name+'Str('+arg_name+');'
elif arg_type == 'refptr_same' or arg_type == 'refptr_diff':
refptr_class = arg.get_type().get_refptr_type()
if arg_type == 'refptr_same':
elif arg_type == 'refptr_same_byref' or arg_type == 'refptr_diff_byref':
refptr_class = arg.get_type().get_refptr_type()
if arg_type == 'refptr_same_byref':
assign = refptr_class+'CppToC::Unwrap(*'+arg_name+')'
assign = refptr_class+'CToCpp::Wrap(*'+arg_name+')'
result += comment+\
'\n CefRefPtr<'+refptr_class+'> '+arg_name+'Ptr;'\
'\n if ('+arg_name+' && *'+arg_name+')'\
'\n '+arg_name+'Ptr = '+assign+';'\
'\n '+refptr_class+'* '+arg_name+'Orig = '+arg_name+'Ptr.get();'
elif arg_type == 'string_vec_byref' or arg_type == 'string_vec_byref_const':
result += comment+\
'\n std::vector<CefString> '+arg_name+'List;'\
'\n transfer_string_list_contents('+arg_name+', '+arg_name+'List);'
elif arg_type == 'string_map_single_byref' or arg_type == 'string_map_single_byref_const':
result += comment+\
'\n std::map<CefString, CefString> '+arg_name+'Map;'\
'\n transfer_string_map_contents('+arg_name+', '+arg_name+'Map);'
elif arg_type == 'string_map_multi_byref' or arg_type == 'string_map_multi_byref_const':
result += comment+\
'\n std::multimap<CefString, CefString> '+arg_name+'Multimap;'\
'\n transfer_string_multimap_contents('+arg_name+', '+arg_name+'Multimap);'
elif arg_type == 'simple_vec_byref' or arg_type == 'bool_vec_byref' or \
arg_type == 'refptr_vec_same_byref' or arg_type == 'refptr_vec_diff_byref':
vec_type = arg.get_type().get_vector_type()
if arg_type == 'simple_vec_byref':
assign = arg_name+'[i]'
elif arg_type == 'bool_vec_byref':
assign = arg_name+'[i]?true:false'
elif arg_type == 'refptr_vec_same_byref':
refptr_class = arg.get_type().get_refptr_type()
assign = refptr_class+'CppToC::Unwrap('+arg_name+'[i])'
elif arg_type == 'refptr_vec_diff_byref':
refptr_class = arg.get_type().get_refptr_type()
assign = refptr_class+'CToCpp::Wrap('+arg_name+'[i])'
result += comment+\
'\n std::vector<'+vec_type+' > '+arg_name+'List;'\
'\n if ('+arg_name+'Count && *'+arg_name+'Count > 0 && '+arg_name+') {'\
'\n for (size_t i = 0; i < *'+arg_name+'Count; ++i) {'\
'\n '+arg_name+'List.push_back('+assign+');'\
'\n }'\
'\n }'
elif arg_type == 'simple_vec_byref_const' or arg_type == 'bool_vec_byref_const' or \
arg_type == 'refptr_vec_same_byref_const' or arg_type == 'refptr_vec_diff_byref_const':
vec_type = arg.get_type().get_vector_type()
if arg_type == 'simple_vec_byref_const':
assign = arg_name+'[i]'
elif arg_type == 'bool_vec_byref_const':
assign = arg_name+'[i]?true:false'
elif arg_type == 'refptr_vec_same_byref_const':
refptr_class = arg.get_type().get_refptr_type()
assign = refptr_class+'CppToC::Unwrap('+arg_name+'[i])'
elif arg_type == 'refptr_vec_diff_byref_const':
refptr_class = arg.get_type().get_refptr_type()
assign = refptr_class+'CToCpp::Wrap('+arg_name+'[i])'
result += comment+\
'\n std::vector<'+vec_type+' > '+arg_name+'List;'\
'\n if ('+arg_name+'Count > 0) {'\
'\n for (size_t i = 0; i < '+arg_name+'Count; ++i) {'\
'\n '+vec_type+' '+arg_name+'Val = '+assign+';'\
'\n '+arg_name+'List.push_back('+arg_name+'Val);'\
'\n }'\
'\n }'
if len(result) != result_len:
result += '\n'
result_len = len(result)
# execution
result += '\n // Execute\n '
if retval_type != 'none':
# has a return value
if retval_type == 'simple':
result += retval.get_type().get_result_simple_type()
result += retval.get_type().get_type()
result += ' _retval = '
if isinstance(func.parent, obj_class):
# virtual and static class methods
if isinstance(func, obj_function_virtual):
if cls.get_name() == func.parent.get_name():
# virtual method for the current class
result += func.parent.get_name()+'CppToC::Get(self)->'
# virtual method for a parent class
result += cls.get_name()+'CppToC::Get(reinterpret_cast<'+cls.get_capi_name()+'*>(self))->'
result += func.parent.get_name()+'::'
result += func.get_name()+'('
if len(params) > 0:
result += '\n '+string.join(params,',\n ')
result += ');\n'
result_len = len(result)
# parameter restoration
for arg in args:
arg_type = arg.get_arg_type()
arg_name = arg.get_type().get_name()
comment = '\n // Restore param: '+arg_name+'; type: '+arg_type
if arg_type == 'simple_byref':
result += comment+\
'\n if ('+arg_name+')'\
'\n *'+arg_name+' = '+arg_name+'Val;'
elif arg_type == 'bool_byref' or arg_type == 'bool_byaddr':
result += comment+\
'\n if ('+arg_name+')'\
'\n *'+arg_name+' = '+arg_name+'Bool?true:false;'
elif arg_type == 'struct_byref':
result += comment+\
'\n if ('+arg_name+')'\
'\n '+arg_name+'Obj.DetachTo(*'+arg_name+');'
elif arg_type == 'refptr_same_byref' or arg_type == 'refptr_diff_byref':
refptr_class = arg.get_type().get_refptr_type()
if arg_type == 'refptr_same_byref':
assign = refptr_class+'CppToC::Wrap('+arg_name+'Ptr)'
assign = refptr_class+'CToCpp::Unwrap('+arg_name+'Ptr)'
result += comment+\
'\n if ('+arg_name+') {'\
'\n if ('+arg_name+'Ptr.get()) {'\
'\n if ('+arg_name+'Ptr.get() != '+arg_name+'Orig) {'\
'\n *'+arg_name+' = '+assign+';'\
'\n }'\
'\n } else {'\
'\n *'+arg_name+' = NULL;'\
'\n }'\
'\n }'
elif arg_type == 'string_vec_byref':
result += comment+\
'\n cef_string_list_clear('+arg_name+');'\
'\n transfer_string_list_contents('+arg_name+'List, '+arg_name+');'
elif arg_type == 'string_map_single_byref':
result += comment+\
'\n cef_string_map_clear('+arg_name+');'\
'\n transfer_string_map_contents('+arg_name+'Map, '+arg_name+');'
elif arg_type == 'string_map_multi_byref':
result += comment+\
'\n cef_string_multimap_clear('+arg_name+');'\
'\n transfer_string_multimap_contents('+arg_name+'Multimap, '+arg_name+');'
elif arg_type == 'simple_vec_byref' or arg_type == 'bool_vec_byref' or \
arg_type == 'refptr_vec_same_byref' or arg_type == 'refptr_vec_diff_byref':
if arg_type == 'simple_vec_byref' or arg_type == 'bool_vec_byref':
assign = arg_name+'List[i]'
elif arg_type == 'refptr_vec_same_byref':
refptr_class = arg.get_type().get_refptr_type()
assign = refptr_class+'CppToC::Wrap('+arg_name+'List[i])'
elif arg_type == 'refptr_vec_diff_byref':
refptr_class = arg.get_type().get_refptr_type()
assign = refptr_class+'CToCpp::Unwrap('+arg_name+'List[i])'
result += comment+\
'\n if ('+arg_name+'Count && '+arg_name+') {'\
'\n *'+arg_name+'Count = std::min('+arg_name+'List.size(), *'+arg_name+'Count);'\
'\n if (*'+arg_name+'Count > 0) {'\
'\n for (size_t i = 0; i < *'+arg_name+'Count; ++i) {'\
'\n '+arg_name+'[i] = '+assign+';'\
'\n }'\
'\n }'\
'\n }'
if len(result) != result_len:
result += '\n'
result_len = len(result)
# special handling for the global cef_shutdown function
if name == 'cef_shutdown' and isinstance(func.parent, obj_header):
classes = func.parent.get_classes()
names = []
for tmpcls in classes:
if tmpcls.has_attrib('no_debugct_check'):
if tmpcls.is_library_side():
if len(names) > 0:
names = sorted(names)
result += '\n#ifndef NDEBUG'\
'\n // Check that all wrapper objects have been destroyed'
for name in names:
Introduce the use of Chromium types (issue #1336). Changes to the CEF public API: - Add base::Bind, base::Callback, base::Lock, base::WeakPtr, scoped_refptr, scoped_ptr and supporting types. - Add include/wrapper/cef_closure_task.h helpers for converting a base::Closure to a CefTask. - Change CefRefPtr to extend scoped_refptr. -- Change CefBase method signatures to match RefCountedThreadSafeBase. - Change IMPLEMENT_REFCOUNTING to use base::AtomicRefCount*. -- Remove the CefAtomic* functions. -- IMPLEMENT_REFCOUNTING now enforces via a compile-time error that the correct class name was passed to the macro. - Change IMPLEMENT_LOCKING to use base::Lock. -- Remove the CefCriticalSection class. -- Deprecate the IMPLEMENT_LOCKING macro. -- base::Lock will DCHECK() in Debug builds if lock usage is reentrant. - Move include/internal/cef_tuple.h to include/base/cef_tuple.h. - Allow an empty |callback| parameter passed to CefBeginTracing. Changes to the CEF implementation: - Fix incorrect names passed to the IMPLEMENT_REFCOUNTING macro. - Fix instances of reentrant locking in the CefXmlObject and CefRequest implementations. - Remove use of the IMPLEMENT_LOCKING macro. Changes to cef_unittests: - Add tests/unittests/chromium_includes.h and always include it first from unit test .cc files to avoid name conflicts with Chromium types. - Fix wrong header include ordering. - Remove use of the IMPLEMENT_LOCKING macro. Changes to cefclient and cefsimple: - Use base::Bind and cef_closure_task.h instead of NewCefRunnable*. - Remove use of the IMPEMENT_LOCKING macro. - Fix incorrect/unnecessary locking. - Add additional runtime thread checks. - Windows: Perform actions on the UI thread instead of the main thread when running in multi-threaded-message-loop mode to avoid excessive locking. git-svn-id: https://chromiumembedded.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1769 5089003a-bbd8-11dd-ad1f-f1f9622dbc98
2014-07-15 00:18:51 +02:00
result += '\n DCHECK(base::AtomicRefCountIsZero(&'+name+'::DebugObjCt));';
result += '\n#endif // !NDEBUG'
if len(result) != result_len:
result += '\n'
result_len = len(result)
# return translation
if retval_type != 'none':
# has a return value
result += '\n // Return type: '+retval_type
if retval_type == 'simple' or retval_type == 'bool':
result += '\n return _retval;'
elif retval_type == 'string':
result += '\n return _retval.DetachToUserFree();'
elif retval_type == 'refptr_same':
refptr_class = retval.get_type().get_refptr_type()
result += '\n return '+refptr_class+'CppToC::Wrap(_retval);'
elif retval_type == 'refptr_diff':
refptr_class = retval.get_type().get_refptr_type()
result += '\n return '+refptr_class+'CToCpp::Unwrap(_retval);'
if len(result) != result_len:
result += '\n'
result += '}\n'
return wrap_code(result)
def make_cpptoc_function_impl(cls, funcs, existing, prefixname, defined_names):
impl = ''
for func in funcs:
if not prefixname is None:
name = prefixname+'_'+func.get_capi_name()
name = func.get_capi_name()
value = get_next_function_impl(existing, name)
if not value is None \
and value['body'].find('// AUTO-GENERATED CONTENT') < 0:
# an implementation exists that was not auto-generated
impl += make_cpptoc_function_impl_existing(cls, name, func, value, defined_names)
impl += make_cpptoc_function_impl_new(cls, name, func, defined_names)
return impl
def make_cpptoc_virtual_function_impl(header, cls, existing, prefixname, defined_names):
funcs = []
cur_cls = cls
while True:
parent_name = cur_cls.get_parent_name()
if parent_name == 'CefBase':
parent_cls = header.get_class(parent_name, defined_names)
if parent_cls is None:
raise Exception('Class does not exist: '+parent_name)
cur_cls = header.get_class(parent_name, defined_names)
return make_cpptoc_function_impl(cls, funcs, existing, prefixname, defined_names)
def make_cpptoc_virtual_function_assignment_block(funcs, offset, prefixname):
impl = ''
for func in funcs:
name = func.get_capi_name()
impl += ' GetStruct()->'+offset+name+' = '+prefixname+'_'+name+';\n'
return impl
def make_cpptoc_virtual_function_assignment(header, cls, prefixname, defined_names):
impl = make_cpptoc_virtual_function_assignment_block(cls.get_virtual_funcs(), '', prefixname)
cur_cls = cls
offset = ''
while True:
parent_name = cur_cls.get_parent_name()
offset += 'base.'
if parent_name == 'CefBase':
parent_cls = header.get_class(parent_name, defined_names)
if parent_cls is None:
raise Exception('Class does not exist: '+parent_name)
impl += make_cpptoc_virtual_function_assignment_block(parent_cls.get_virtual_funcs(), offset, prefixname)
cur_cls = header.get_class(parent_name, defined_names)
return impl
def make_cpptoc_unwrap_derived(header, cls):
# identify all classes that derive from cls
derived_classes = []
clsname = cls.get_name()
allclasses = header.get_classes()
for cur_cls in allclasses:
if cur_cls.get_name() == clsname:
if cur_cls.has_parent(clsname):
derived_classes = sorted(derived_classes)
impl = ''
for clsname in derived_classes:
impl += ' if (type == '+get_wrapper_type_enum(clsname)+') {\n'+\
' return '+clsname+'CppToC::Unwrap(reinterpret_cast<'+\
get_capi_name(clsname, True)+'*>(s));\n'+\
' }\n'
return impl
def make_cpptoc_class_impl(header, clsname, impl):
# structure names that have already been defined
defined_names = header.get_defined_structs()
# retrieve the class and populate the defined names
cls = header.get_class(clsname, defined_names)
if cls is None:
raise Exception('Class does not exist: '+clsname)
capiname = cls.get_capi_name()
prefixname = get_capi_name(clsname[3:], False)
# retrieve the existing virtual function implementations
existing = get_function_impls(impl, 'CEF_CALLBACK')
# generate virtual functions
virtualimpl = make_cpptoc_virtual_function_impl(header, cls, existing, prefixname, defined_names)
if len(virtualimpl) > 0:
virtualimpl = '\nnamespace {\n\n// MEMBER FUNCTIONS - Body may be edited by hand.\n\n'+virtualimpl+'} // namespace'
# the current class is already defined for static functions
# retrieve the existing static function implementations
existing = get_function_impls(impl, 'CEF_EXPORT')
# generate static functions
staticimpl = make_cpptoc_function_impl(cls, cls.get_static_funcs(), existing, None, defined_names)
if len(staticimpl) > 0:
staticimpl = '\n// GLOBAL FUNCTIONS - Body may be edited by hand.\n\n'+staticimpl
resultingimpl = staticimpl + virtualimpl
# any derived classes can be unwrapped
unwrapderived = make_cpptoc_unwrap_derived(header, cls)
# determine what includes are required by identifying what translation
# classes are being used
includes = format_translation_includes(header, resultingimpl + unwrapderived)
# build the final output
result = get_copyright()
result += includes+'\n'+resultingimpl+'\n'
parent_sig = 'CefCppToC<'+clsname+'CppToC, '+clsname+', '+capiname+'>'
const = '// CONSTRUCTOR - Do not edit by hand.\n\n'+ \
clsname+'CppToC::'+clsname+'CppToC() {\n'
const += make_cpptoc_virtual_function_assignment(header, cls, prefixname, defined_names)
const += '}\n\n'+ \
'template<> CefRefPtr<'+clsname+'> '+parent_sig+'::UnwrapDerived(CefWrapperType type, '+capiname+'* s) {\n' + \
unwrapderived + \
' NOTREACHED() << "Unexpected class type: " << type;\n'+ \
' return NULL;\n'+ \
'}\n\n'+ \
'#ifndef NDEBUG\n'+ \
'template<> base::AtomicRefCount '+parent_sig+'::DebugObjCt = 0;\n'+ \
'#endif\n\n'+ \
'template<> CefWrapperType '+parent_sig+'::kWrapperType = '+get_wrapper_type_enum(clsname)+';'
result += '\n\n'+wrap_code(const)
return result
def make_cpptoc_global_impl(header, impl):
# structure names that have already been defined
defined_names = header.get_defined_structs()
# retrieve the existing global function implementations
existing = get_function_impls(impl, 'CEF_EXPORT')
# generate global functions
impl = make_cpptoc_function_impl(None, header.get_funcs(), existing, None, defined_names)
if len(impl) > 0:
impl = '\n// GLOBAL FUNCTIONS - Body may be edited by hand.\n\n'+impl
includes = ''
# include required headers for global functions
filenames = []
for func in header.get_funcs():
filename = func.get_file_name()
if not filename in filenames:
includes += '#include "include/'+func.get_file_name()+'"\n' \
'#include "include/capi/'+func.get_capi_file_name()+'"\n'
# determine what includes are required by identifying what translation
# classes are being used
includes += format_translation_includes(header, impl)
# build the final output
result = get_copyright()
result += includes+'\n'+impl
return result
def write_cpptoc_impl(header, clsname, dir, backup):
if clsname is None:
# global file
file = dir
# class file
# give the output file the same directory offset as the input file
cls = header.get_class(clsname)
dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(dir, cls.get_file_name()))
file = os.path.join(dir, get_capi_name(clsname[3:], False)+'_cpptoc.cc')
if path_exists(file):
oldcontents = read_file(file)
oldcontents = ''
if clsname is None:
newcontents = make_cpptoc_global_impl(header, oldcontents)
newcontents = make_cpptoc_class_impl(header, clsname, oldcontents)
if newcontents != oldcontents:
if backup and oldcontents != '':
Implement Views framework on Windows and Linux (issue #1749). - Add Views header files in a new include/views directory. - Add initial top-level window (CefWindow), control (CefBrowserView, CefLabelButton, CefMenuButton, CefPanel, CefScrollView, CefTextfield) and layout (CefBoxLayout, CefFlowLayout) support. See libcef/browser/views/view_impl.h comments for implementation details. - Add Views example usage in cefclient and cefsimple and Views unit tests in cef_unittests. Pass the `--use-views` command-line flag to cefclient, cefsimple and cef_unittests to run using the Views framework instead of platform APIs. For cefclient and cefsimple this will create the browser window and all related functionality using the Views framework. For cef_unittests this will run all tests (except OSR tests) in a Views-based browser window. Views- specific unit tests (`--gtest_filter=Views*`) will be run even if the the `--use-views` flag is not specified. - Pass the `--hide-frame` command-line flag to cefclient to demo a frameless Views-based browser window. - Pass the `--hide-controls` command-line flag to cefclient to demo a browser window without top controls. This also works in non-Views mode. - Pass the `--enable-high-dpi-support` command-line flag to cef_unittests on Windows to test high-DPI support on a display that supports it. - Add CefImage for reading/writing image file formats. - Add CefBrowser::DownloadImage() for downloading image URLs as a CefImage representation. This is primarily for loading favicons. - Add CefMenuModel::CreateMenuModel() and CefMenuModelDelegate for creating custom menus. This is primarily for use with CefMenuButton. - Add CefBrowser::TryCloseBrowser() helper for closing a browser. Also improve related documentation in cef_life_span_handler.h. - Rename cef_page_range_t to cef_range_t. It is now also used by CefTextfield. - Remove CefLifeSpanHandler::RunModal() which is never called. - Add draggable regions example to cefclient.
2016-01-19 21:09:01 +01:00
file_dir = os.path.split(file)[0]
if not os.path.isdir(file_dir):
write_file(file, newcontents)
return True
return False
# test the module
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
# verify that the correct number of command-line arguments are provided
if len(sys.argv) < 4:
sys.stderr.write('Usage: '+sys.argv[0]+' <infile> <classname> <existing_impl>')
# create the header object
header = obj_header()
# read the existing implementation file into memory
f = open(sys.argv[3], 'r')
data = f.read()
except IOError, (errno, strerror):
raise Exception('Failed to read file '+sys.argv[3]+': '+strerror)
# dump the result to stdout
sys.stdout.write(make_cpptoc_class_impl(header, sys.argv[2], data))